I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 506 Goddess Zhang Family

Chapter 506 The Goddess Comes Home
When the best director award was presented, Zhou Yun turned to look at Xue Qin.

Xue Qin clasped her hands together and held them in front of her chest. Although she tried her best to control her expression, she could still see her nervousness.

But in the next second, the name that the presenter read was not Xue Qin.

In the applause of the audience, Zhou Yun couldn't help but feel a little regret for Xue Qin.

But at the same time, she looked forward to it even more, because even the best actor and best actress had nothing to do with "Behind the Scenes".

is not it……

When Zhou Yun thought of this, he couldn't help turning his head and looking at everyone.

is it possible?

Cannes will never call them back, but will not award them any awards?
At this time, the next group of award presenters came to the stage.



Su Yan sat in the RV and waited for the show.

She is always checking the news on the Internet and keeping an eye on it.

Although He Ting kept telling her not to read the news all the time, she couldn't help it. Even the director of the film she was filming found that she was very absent-minded today and was not in the mood for filming.

The director also felt strange and asked her if she was not feeling well.

Su Yan didn't explain.It is impossible for her to explain that she is not in good shape because she is worried that Zhou Yun will win the award.

Finally, after an unknown number of refreshes, some media announced the candidates for this year's Best Actress at the Cannes Film Festival.

It's the French actress Garbo!

Su Yan let out a long breath.

Not Zhou Yun.It would be nice if it wasn't Zhou Yun.

As long as it's not Zhou Yun, whoever wins the Best Actress will do.

If Zhou Yun really won this award, Su Yan's mood would collapse immediately, and she would never have the idea of ​​surpassing Zhou Yun again.

Fortunately, Zhou Yun has not left her far behind.

Su Yan felt grateful that she was saved from drowning.

She got out of her RV and decided to talk to the director about the character she was playing.

The director team was chatting and laughing together, not knowing what they were talking about.

As soon as Su Yan approached, he suddenly saw a person pick up his mobile phone, glanced at it, and said with surprise, "Wow, Zhou Yun's "Behind the Scenes" won the Jury Prize at Cannes."

Su Yan's footsteps stopped.

The director said in surprise: "So awesome? Did you really win an award?"

"The news has been sent out, and the photos of the award recipients have been released. It's amazing. The debut novel will win the award."

"Don't you think that? Zhou Yun's luck in winning awards is amazing." Someone said, "Almost all of her works win awards."

The director nodded and said, "Zhou Yun's luck in winning the award is really amazing. I think I will cooperate with her if I have the opportunity in the future. Maybe I will win the award."

"Do you think that if you want to cooperate with someone, they will cooperate with you? Do they like you?"

"I heard that she is not an arrogant person. If you look at the directors she has worked with, several of them are new directors, even new directors who are filming for the first time."

"This shows that people have good eyesight, can read people, and can also choose scripts."


The few of them were chatting and laughing. Hearing these words in Su Yan's ears, Su Yan felt as if he had been poured cold water on Su Yan's mood just now.

Su Yan pressed her fingernails into her palm.

Did "Behind the Scenes" actually win an award?Or the Jury Prize?The Jury Prize after the Palme d'Or!

A surge of anger and jealousy rose in Su Yan's heart.But fortunately, Zhou Yun did not win the Best Actress award.Su Yan comforted herself in her heart. At this moment, someone saw her and called Miss Su.Only the unfamiliar people in the crew would call her Miss Su, and this shout attracted everyone's attention.

The topic was interrupted.

In front of Su Yan, they didn't have the nerve to continue talking.

He didn't want to embarrass Su Yan—everyone knew that the relationship between Su Yan and Zhou Yun was too smokey.

Su Yan originally wanted to come to the director to discuss the role, but now she is no longer in the mood for discussion. She has to spend a lot of effort to suppress the jealousy, anger and other emotions that are constantly bubbling in her heart.Su Yan forced a smile, pretending to be indifferent, and asked, "Director, when are we going to shoot the next scene? I'm bored of waiting."

The scene is still being re-set.

The director said: "It will take a while."

"Okay then, when is it ready to shoot, you call someone to call me." Su Yan turned and left.

After she got into the RV and disappeared, everyone resumed the discussion just now.

"An actress like Zhou Yun is rare in ten years, and she is very talented."

"Yeah, it's really a pity that the actresses who are in the same period as her are really a pity. Think about how many people Su Yan and Liu Qingqing competed with before, and finally kept the two of them. Now they are not only left far behind by Ning Yao, Even Zhou Yun has left them behind."

"Wei Ruxue just won the Huayu Award for Best Actress, but Su Yan and Liu Qingqing haven't won any important awards until now."

"You can't say that, "Question Heart" is popular, but Su Yan is still very popular."

"Red is very popular, but who makes her acting skills inferior to others?"


Discussions like this are happening in many corners of this circle.

For Zhou Yun, there is too much envy, jealousy and hatred.

"Days" has made Zhou Yun himself, and "Behind the Scenes" has made Chinese movies in the past few years.

Zhou Yun seemed to be under the blessing of the god of film, and he walked smoothly along the way.

"Behind the Scenes" won the award, who in the Chinese film circle doesn't pay attention?

"Behind the Scene" won the award, and all the main creators of the crew were very excited.

After Xue Qin came to the stage to receive the award and delivered a speech, everyone went to take pictures to preserve the beauty of this moment.

Naturally, many media and reporters want to interview them.

But at this moment, they were equally excited and willing to accept interviews and share their feelings.

The moment of glory, the award of a movie is the glory of all the main creators.

When Xue Qin was interviewed, she said: "Although in this movie, the director and the actors are in opposition, but this movie cannot be completed without Zhou Yun, Teacher Zeng Lili, Teacher You Jiang, Wang Jing and everyone else. The support of the participating actors, this is a very risky shooting. When I proposed this idea, I was actually ready to not be accepted, but I got the support of my producer Shi Luoqi, sister Luo Qi It is really the biggest behind-the-scenes project of this movie. Without her, this movie would absolutely, absolutely not be made. Similarly, I am also shocked that the filming of this movie has also got the support of Zhou Yun and the others. You know, They are all very well-known and popular actors in China. They are taking great risks to accompany me on the adventure. If the film is not made well and is not satisfactory, it will be very bad for them. However, they still came to help without hesitation. For me, maybe I will shoot more movies and cooperate with more filmmakers in the future, but this movie will occupy a very special place in my life. "

When Xue Qin accepted this interview, Zhou Yun was sitting beside her.

Hearing what Xue Qin said, Zhou Yun knew that Xue Qin was really moved.

Zhou Yun is also very proud of Xue Qin.

A Chinese reporter asked: "Zhou Yun, when you were cooperating with Director Xue Qin, Director Xue Qin was still a director who had never filmed a single film. Why did you choose to take the risk of working with a newcomer when the momentum of development was the best? cooperation with the director."

Zhou Yun laughed.

She said: "Actually, you should ask Teacher You Jiang and Teacher Zeng Lili this question. They are two good actors who have accumulated decades of reputation. They are willing to take this risk, let alone me. I am a As a young actor, I have never made a movie just to make a successful movie. Whether I make a movie or not depends on whether there is a relationship between me and the director, whether the movie is attractive to me, or not. Is this movie suitable? As for taking risks, what kind of film is not taking risks? There is a risk of failure in everything. Even the best directors, if you judge by the success or failure of the market, they will not be [-]% successful. successful."

"Didn't other more mature directors ask you to make movies at that time?" The reporter asked again.

Zhou Yun said: "At that time, there was no script that attracted me more than this - I mean "Words of Fallen Leaves". There are still doubts, I am very grateful to Xue Qin for being willing to give such a movie with a lot of self-expression to an actress who had not yet succeeded in movies at that time to star."

After accepting the reporter's interview, Zhou Yun and the others set off to a party.

Song Chi arrived before them. As soon as they arrived, Song Chi came to her and said with a smile, "Congratulations."

Zhou Yun smiled and said, "Thank you."

Song Chi took Zhou Yun's hand and held it in the palm of his hand, "It's a good time to come out this time."

Zhou Yun asked: "What about you? Is the work of the judges going well?"

"After a few quarrels with people, I finally won an award for my favorite movie." Song Chi smiled, "It's hard to be a judge, of course you have to be valuable."

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "Of course, if you are a peacemaker, what kind of judge should you be?"

Everyone drank a lot of wine.


Zhou Yun and Song Chi went back to the hotel drunk and slept until almost noon the next day.

If they didn't get up again, the two of them would miss the flight back to China, so Zhou Lan had no choice but to wake them up.

Zhou Yun covered his head and yawned.

"Get up soon, pack your things, and go back!" Zhou Lan even urged her with joy, without asking, she must have made and answered a lot of calls from yesterday to today.

Zhou Yun muttered, "My head hurts a bit."

"Who told you to drink so much last night, of course it hurts." Zhou Lan said, "Get sober up on the plane."

"..." Zhou Yun rolled his eyes.

Zhou Lan: "Hurry up, don't dawdle, after you get back, you still have to film, don't miss the flight."

"That's not right, how long will it be?" she asked.

At this moment, Song Chi had already changed and came over, "Don't worry about how long, hurry up."

Song Chi came to remind him, so Zhou Yun stopped dawdling, yawned, and got up.

The sun is so good.

Leaving Cannes is a return of joy.

Zhou Yun came to the airport plainly dressed in sunglasses and a fisherman hat.

It was the peak time for the stars who came to participate in the film festival to leave, and there were many media and ordinary people at the airport who came to take pictures.

Zhou Yun received a warmer welcome than when he came.

She also met Christina at the airport.

"Honey, contact me if you come to Spain." Christina said enthusiastically, "Congratulations again."

Zhou Yun chatted with her for a while, and took a photo together at the airport to bid farewell.

"You are Zhou Yun?" Suddenly, a somewhat arrogant voice sounded behind her.

Zhou Yun turned around in surprise, and saw a somewhat familiar face, but he couldn't remember where he saw it.

It's just that this person looks like an Asian, but he speaks English.

"May I ask who you are?" Zhou Yun asked in English.

Now the man switched back to Chinese, he laughed and said, "My name is Qiao Anshan."

Zhou Yun remembered the name, and quickly remembered who this person was.

Isn't this the Chinese-American actor Song Chi told her about?
"What do you want from me?" The smile on Zhou Yun's face decreased by three points.

Joan Anshan said: "It's nothing, seeing you, everyone is an actor, so I want to get to know you."

"You're filming in the United States, and I'm filming in China. It doesn't make much sense to know each other." Zhou Yun said bluntly.

Qiao Anshan didn't expect to get a nail directly.

He was surprised for a while before asking: "Do you have any objections to me?"

"No." Zhou Yun shook his head, "Don't get me wrong, I am a straightforward person."

"..." Qiao Anshan was speechless.

"You will definitely come to the United States to film in the future if you have the opportunity. Your acting skills are so good and you are very beautiful. You will definitely come to Hollywood to film. I will definitely go to China to film in the future. In fact, I am working with a Chinese company. Talk about a movie, if everything goes well, I will go to China to film in the second half of the year." He said, "Maybe we will cooperate in the future."

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "Then I wish you all the best in filming in China, I have to go back to China first."

She smiled at Qiao Anshan, didn't mention the so-called cooperation, turned around and walked towards Zhou Lan and Song Chi.

Song Chi had already seen her and Qiao Anshan, and was about to stand up and come over.

It's just that he is on crutches, which is not very convenient.

Zhou Yun walked up to him and said, "Sit down, you're still moving around when you're limping."

Song Chi asked, "Did he look for you?"

"You're looking for me to greet you." Zhou Yun said, "I didn't greet him, so I left after a few words."

Song Chi sneered.

Zhou Yun said: "You are right, this person is not very good, and I don't like him either."

"Normal." Song Chi used the word brilliantly.

The two smiled at each other.

Zhou Lan was on the phone with someone, talking and laughing, and didn't care about them at all.

Zheng Xiaoju is taking a selfie, constantly changing his expression, looking for a good angle.

Song Chi's assistant was playing with his mobile phone.

Zhou Yun and Song Chi sat together, waiting to board the plane.

Zhou Yun took a selfie with Song Chi and posted it on Weibo, saying: Ready to go home.

On Weibo, her fans swiped the screen in the comment area: Welcome the goddess home!
(End of this chapter)

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