I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 507 Between Friends

Chapter 507 Between Friends
On the plane, Zhou Yun and Song Chi watched another drama, a domestic drama called "Latent".

Both Zhou Yun and Song Chi had watched it for the second time, but they still wanted to watch it.This spy war drama is the pinnacle of the spy war drama in the minds of the two of them, whether it is the lines of the script, the performance of the actors, or the art of directing.

Zhou Yun said in a low voice: "If this TV series is remade, I will definitely recommend myself and hope to act with you."

Song Chi smiled when he heard this, and said, "Remakes are more difficult, but if there is a suitable spy drama script, we can act together."

"A movie like "The Wind" would do."

"I've heard that "The Wind" is going to be remade, but there has been no real news." Song Chi said, "I have always wanted to make a spy movie, but I have never encountered a good script."

Zhou Yun: "Yes, there are too few good spy drama scripts. The ones that are sent to me have been screened many times by my team, but they are still a bit ordinary, with similar plots."

""Latent" is too classic."

Zhou Lan sat behind the two of them. He was reading a book, and he was a little emotional when he heard the two of them whispering to each other.

The fact that these two people can be together is not only because they agree with each other, there are so many common topics that the two can talk about.

But hearing the conversation between the two, Zhou Lan was indeed thinking about the possibility of the two people's next cooperation.

Previously, Zhou Lan didn't want the two of them to get together frequently, and the bondage was too severe, but judging from Zhou Yun and Song Chi's situation in the past year, the two of them usually didn't like to show their affection in public, and they rarely shared the same frame. , There is very little interaction, and almost every time they are in the same frame, it will arouse everyone's heated discussion-"Ask the Heart" has been broadcast, and the plan for the two people's next cooperation has not yet been put on the agenda, so it is time to find a suitable project.

Zhou Lan thought to himself, it’s either a movie or a TV series. Of course, the former is better. On the one hand, the shooting time is shorter, and the two people’s tight schedule is easier to coordinate, and the difficulty is less. On the other hand, both of them have achieved success in the film field With outstanding achievements, it may be able to create the effect of "1+1>2".

When they arrived in Shanghai, it was early morning.

At this point, quite a few media rushed to hear the news.

Everyone carried long guns and short cannons, took first-hand videos and photos of their return to China, sent tweets, and reported news.

Zhou Yun and Song Chi greeted them and waved their hands.

Come the media and give them a thumbs up.

"Proud!" someone said such a word.

Zhou Yun shook his head with a smile, and said, "I dare not do it."

The staff who came to pick them up picked them up and sent them home.

Zhou Yun and Song Chi were actually a little sleepy, but they were jet-lagged, so they didn't let themselves sleep, and continued watching "Latent".

After seeing half of it, the two of them still couldn't help but fell asleep.

If Zhou Yun's cell phone hadn't rang suddenly, the two of them might have slept until night.

The call was from Gu Huaichun.

Zhou Yun opened his eyes, connected the phone, and asked in a bad tone, "What are you doing?"

"Hey, how about going to bed at noon?"

"Brother, can I land early in the morning?" Zhou Yun said.

"Okay, it seems that I disturbed you."

"Hurry up and talk about something." She didn't want to listen to Gu Huaichun's nonsense.

Gu Huaichun: "Do me a favor."


"I have a good friend who used to be a choreographer and director. This time he finally has the opportunity to make a show. He found me and asked you to record this show." Gu Huaichun asked, "How is it? Can you record a show?" Expect?"

Zhou Yun said: "What program? If we don't talk about it later, I will be dizzy."

Gu Huaichun: "Then why don't we go out for dinner together at night? I'll call him over and let's talk together."

Zhou Yun said: "Tonight? Tonight, let me think about it, okay, you can send me the address later, and I'll squint for a while."

Gu Huaichun said yes.

But being interrupted by this, Zhou Yun regained consciousness, and her rationality told her that she couldn't sleep any more, if she did, she probably wouldn't be able to sleep at night.

Zhou Yun called out "Song Chi".

Song Chi hummed, as if in answer.

"Don't sleep."

Song Chi sighed and opened his eyes.

"How about we go out for a stroll." Zhou Yun said, "Stay at home, it's easy to sleep."

Song Chi said, "Do you want to walk with you on crutches?"

"Ah, yes, your legs and feet are inconvenient. I was so sleepy that I forgot about it." Zhou Yun yawned and said, "Then what should we do tonight? Gu Huaichun called me and said Want to have a meal together, will you come with me?"

"Let's go together." Song Chi said, "It's not impossible to walk anyway."

It was noon.

"Are you hungry?" Zhou Yun asked.

Song Chi shook his head.

Zhou Yun: "I'm not hungry either."

"But let's eat something." Song Chi said.

"it is good."

Zhou Yun went to check the refrigerator, but there was nothing in the refrigerator.

"What's the matter? There seems to be nothing." Zhou Yun said, "I can only order takeaway."

"There are dumplings in the freezer. Auntie made them before." Song Chi said, "Why don't you just cook some dumplings and eat them?"

"Alright." Zhou Yun nodded, got up and went to the kitchen.

Cooked a plate of dumplings, the two of them ate together, and then watched "Latent".

"The acting is really good." Zhou Yun couldn't help but sigh in the middle.

Song Chi nodded, "Actually, even if there is such a script for us to act in, we are not suitable, the age gap is too big."

"It's possible to make a "Pretender"." Zhou Yun said with a smile, ""Sparrow" is also good."

"Yeah." Song Chi nodded, "However, these two dramas are still more idol-oriented. "Latent" is particularly good because it is clearly a rigorous spy drama script, but it seems to be filmed like a documentary, with that kind of nuance. You can see the true sense of the times everywhere.”

"The actor is also good." Zhou Yun said, "The acting is great."

Until three o'clock in the afternoon, someone suddenly sent a message to Zhou Yun.

It was Wen Lanlan, the editor of "Victor", who sent the message: Xiaoyun, congratulations on winning the award for "Behind the Scenes". I have a personal request. I wonder if it's convenient for you?I am working on an official account. I usually record some of my work status and feelings, and I have more than [-] followers. I would like to do a short interview about your trip to Cannes. Is it convenient for you to read it in text format?

After Zhou Yun finished reading, he said: Sister Lan Lan, I will go out later, if it doesn't take a long time, it's fine.

Wen Lanlan sent a hugging emoji: I will sort out the questions I want to interview, and you can answer them and send them to me when you have time.

Zhou Yun made an OK gesture and went over.

Wen Lanlan didn't ask many questions, only ten.Three of them were about her filming "Behind the Scenes", three about her time at Cannes, and four about her next work plan.

According to her questions, Zhou Yun wrote the answers one by one and sent them to others.

Wen Lanlan: Very fast, thank you!After I edit the content here, should I send the push to your agent for confirmation?
Zhou Yun said: Okay, thank you Lanlan sister.

Wen Lanlan: Yes, I should thank you.

Zhou Yun smiled.

Wen Lanlan wanted to make an official account by herself, and Zhou Yun could understand it very well.She is the editor of a fashion magazine. If one day she wants to leave this fashion magazine, does she have anything else to rely on?Nowadays, many editors will open a public account or account on other social platforms to record some interesting things in life or work and share them, because they usually have to deal with many celebrities in their daily life, and these celebrities will also appear in their In the record, this allows their sharing to attract the attention of many people.

To put it simply, in fact, traditional media editors want to do self-media, and they start with much more resources than other newcomers.

After Zhou Yun answered Wen Lanlan, he was about to go out.

She went to take a bath, and went out with Song Chi to meet Gu Huaichun.

The place is naturally decided by Gu Huaichun, a place that pays great attention to privacy.

Gu Huaichun's friend is Zhong Qiu, who used to be the editor-director of Shenyuan TV. Because Lizi Video is vigorously developing the content production department, Zhong Qiu seized this opportunity and jumped to Lizi Video.In the past two years, due to the escort of large capital, Chestnut Video has developed rapidly. One of Zhong Qiu's ideas was given the green light and is ready to be produced.

After Zhong Qiu invited Gu Huaichun, he also asked Gu Huaichun to introduce Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun is too popular now, so popular that any variety show wants to invite Zhou Yun.

But Zhou Yun has been filming, and it is difficult to have free time to record programs. Basically, it takes two to three months to appear in a program, which has always been a difficult category to invite.

After Zhou Yun and Song Chi appeared together, Zhong Qiu was particularly shocked.On the one hand, when Zhou Yun came this time, he didn't even bring an agent with him - when Gu Huaichun promised him before, he hoped that Gu Huaichun would not tell Zhou Yun what was going on, he was afraid that if Gu Huaichun told the truth, Zhou Yun would Yun didn't want to come, but Gu Huaichun resolutely refused to do such a thing, and Zhou Yun actually agreed directly.During this period of time, Zhong Qiu has been in contact with various artists, thinking of various ways to get more artists' schedules, but whoever has done this will know that the current star market is basically in a situation where supply exceeds demand. state.

Some famous and popular stars are all in a state of being scrambled for.

Spending money is not enough, everyone is doing it, the key depends on whether your show is popular or not.

His show is neither the second or third season of any show, nor is it a remake of a popular show, so naturally it doesn't attract everyone's attention.

And Zhou Yun not only came today, but also brought Song Chi with him, knowing that he was going to talk about work, without bringing his agent or assistant.

Of course, Zhong Qiu would not be so foolish as to think that Zhou Yun was giving him face. He knew that it must be because Zhou Yun and Gu Huaichun were very close. Zhou Yun believed in Gu Huaichun, so he would not bring his agent and The assistant is here.After Zhong Qiu realized this, he also understood why Gu Huaichun had to explain the matter clearly to Zhou Yun on the phone.

If people were blinded, they thought it was a meal between friends, but someone else had a plan, which would definitely make Zhou Yun unhappy.

Gu Huaichun said: "Let me introduce, this, Zhong Qiu, my friend, is currently working as a variety show director in Chestnut Video."

"Hello." Zhou Yun greeted politely.

Song Chi also nodded at him.

Facing the two big stars, Zhong Qiu was still a little apprehensive, with a very low posture, and said, "Mr. Song, Mr. Zhou, hello."

"Oh, what kind of teacher are we, don't call us teacher, I'm sorry." Zhou Yun smiled, "Gu Huaichun said you have a show you want to ask me to record?"

"Yes, yes, yes." Zhong Qiu was really a little nervous and stuttered.

Zhou Yun said: "Then can you tell me about the general situation of this program?"

Zhong Qiu said: "It's like this. I used to be a director and mainly participated in the recording of cultural programs. This time I want to do a situational reasoning program. In recent years, crime-solving programs have been very popular and have always been very interesting. market, I just want to combine our country’s classics with reasoning elements. So far, I have made twelve scripts, all of which are carefully crafted, because everyone knows that you love to read mystery novels, and you are also a fan of reasoning. , you are very suitable for this program, I hope to invite you to record this program."

Zhou Yun nodded when he heard the words, and said, "I understand, so you found a lot of ancient detective stories in our country as scripts?"

"Ah, no, we took "Journey to the West", "Water Margin" and "Scholars" as the world view, and used the characters and stories in them to create a second creation on these basis and create suspenseful and criminal stories. In the script of the story, the characters in it are played by guests, and the truth is found in the scenario."

Zhou Yun said with some surprise: "This sounds very good and creative."

"Thank you." Zhong Qiu was relieved to see that Zhou Yun was interesting.

"However—" Zhou Yun said the two words that Zhong Qiu didn't want to hear the next second, "That's right, I've already taken on many scenes, and there are still many scenes to be filmed, so I think I Maybe there is no way to record from the beginning to the end. I have finished recording the entire [-] episodes. I don’t have the time, because you are the friend introduced by Gu Huaichun. I must support you. See if this is good. I will talk to my agent later. For a moment, you go to communicate with my agent about the schedule to see if the time is suitable, as long as the time is suitable, I will be a flying guest and participate in the recording of several episodes."

When Zhong Qiu heard this, he seemed to feel that "another village is brighter than the willows".

At first I thought Zhou Yun was going to refuse, but Zhou Yun promised to help record a few episodes again.

Zhong Qiu nodded and said, "Okay, great, thank you!"

After the meal, Song Chi and Zhong Qiu chatted in front, and Gu Huaichun explained to Zhou Yun in a low voice: "He is a really good friend of mine, but because I am in Yuehai, it is impossible to record chestnut videos. program, so he asked me to contact you for help, so I made this call."

"It's ok, if you call in person, I can still refuse." Zhou Yun said, "But if the schedule is completely missed, I can only apologize."

"Of course." Gu Huaichun smiled, "I haven't congratulated you yet, you won another prize."

(End of this chapter)

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