Chapter 508
Zhou Yun said: "Come on, too. Back then, you were the one who had the most demands on acting, and you still looked down on me."

A bitter smile crossed Gu Huaichun's face, and said, "Thinking about it now, I was so naive back then."

"Don't give up." Zhou Yun said, "What we are fighting for is a long stream."

Gu Huaichun smiled, nodded, and said: "I will act seriously and will not let up."

"Of course I know that you will not relax your demands on yourself. Come on, you will definitely meet a book you have dreamed of in the future."

Gu Huaichun shook his head, "At least for the past few years, it's useless to wait until Yue Hai won't let me act."

Zhou Yun said, "Don't always be so pessimistic."

"You're not in Yuehai, you don't know how it behaves."

Zhou Yun was indeed surprised.After all, the current industry environment still attaches great importance to the value of celebrities. No matter how strict Yue Hai is with celebrities, he should still respect actors like Gu Huaichun who are already popular.But chatting with Gu Huaichun several times, judging from the information Gu Huaichun revealed, Yue Hai didn't respect him much.

After dinner, Zhou Yun and Song Chi went home.

In the early morning of the next day, Zhou Yun had to go back to the filming crew to continue filming "Four Killers".

Back to the crew, to Zhou Yun's surprise, the crew actually customized a banner for her, which said congratulations to Zhou Yun for returning from Cannes with honors.

To be honest, Zhou Yun felt a little embarrassed when he saw this banner.

She was really afraid of this banner welcome.

Moreover, the key point is that she is not that familiar with the crew of "Four Killers". They congratulated her, and she couldn't share her joy with them.

Let's hurry up and finish filming the show.This is Zhou Yun's truest thought, she really wants to end the filming of this drama quickly.

Although she asked for leave and left the group for many days, it didn't affect Zhou Yun's filming, and she quickly entered the state.

It should be hit or hit, no discount at all.

The whole crew was a little surprised and unbelievable.

For most people, if they win an award, even if they have to be humble in words and gestures, the complacency and pride are more or less there and cannot be concealed.

But Zhou Yun didn't seem to care about the Cannes award at all.

What to do or what to do, nothing changed from before leaving the crew.

In fact, Zhou Yun herself knew that she was proud and happy, but she was used to not revealing her emotions.

She is not used to expressing this kind of emotion, although it is not ostentatious, but it may cause a ostentatious effect.

During filming, He Xuran suddenly came to look for her.

"Do you have time? I want to chat with you." He Xuran said with a smile.

Zhou Yun looked at him with some surprise, and asked, "What's the matter?"

He Xuran said: "It's not convenient to talk here, why don't we find a place with fewer people?"

The two of them are standing on the edge of the set right now, and there are people coming and going around them. It is indeed a bit crowded and not suitable for talking.

But Zhou Yun didn't want to go with him to a place with few people. This kind of behavior seemed to have some intimate relationship between her and him.

Zhou Yun knew what He Xuran had done, and she was even more unwilling to have such an unclear relationship with He Xuran.

"Is there anything you can't say here?" Zhou Yun asked directly.

He Xuran pondered for a moment, nodded, and said, "It's okay to say it here, that's right, I'm getting in touch with a movie, and this movie is a top-notch big production. I wonder if you're interested?"

Zhou Yun looked at him in surprise.

"A top-notch big production? That depends on how top-notch it is." She said bluntly.

He Xuran said: "Let's put it this way, the investment of this film exceeds [-] million, and the box office goal is to go up to [-] billion."

After He Xuran finished speaking, he looked at Zhou Yun with piercing eyes, as if he had made up his mind that if Zhou Yun heard about this project, he would definitely want to participate.

Zhou Yun shook his head and said, "Although I am interested in this kind of big production, the filming cycle must be very long. I have already taken on many plays in the next two years. I guess I don't have time to act in this movie."

She showed helplessness and regret.

He Xuran gave her a surprised look, as if he hadn't expected that Zhou Yun would reject her directly.

He asked, "Don't you want to act? Are you not interested?"

He seemed to be really stimulated, and the tone of his speech changed a little.

Zhou Yun said: "It's not that I don't want to act, it's just that it's hard to make up the time, and I've done a lot of plays before."

"That's right, after all, you are the actress." He Xuran said.

Zhou Yun looked at him suspiciously, and said, "I'm just saying I'm not interested in this movie because the schedule is almost up. Why are you mocking me so much?"

He Xuran realized his tone just now, quickly shook his head and said, "No, no, don't get me wrong, I didn't mean that."

Zhou Yun asked: "Then what do you mean? What does this have to do with me being a movie queen? If I'm not a movie queen, then I can make a show?"

He Xuran smiled awkwardly, "Of course not, everyone has seen how dedicated you are."

"It's good that you don't mean it." Zhou Yun shrugged and said, "Thank you for your kindness."

When He Xuran came to find Zhou Yun, he made up his mind that Zhou Yun would definitely be interested in this big production. How many actors are really not interested in big production movies?impossible.Who would have thought that Zhou Yun was really not interested and rejected him directly.

He Xuran was a little bit annoyed, but it was useless for him to be annoyed, he had nothing to do with Zhou Yun.

After He Xuran left, Zheng Xiaoju whispered to Zhou Yun: "Sister Xiaoyun, I think this He Xuran looks like a villain."

"Huh? Isn't he pretty handsome?" Zhou Yun asked in surprise.

"He's pretty handsome, but he just looks uneasy and kind." Zheng Xiaoju said directly.

"Oh, your eyes are quite sharp." Zhou Yun smiled and said, "But don't gossip behind other people's backs. Go and buy me a cup of coffee. I want to drink it."

"Okay." Zheng Xiaoju nodded.

When "Four Killers" was finished, Zhou Yun let out a long breath.

She didn't feel any reluctance at all, she felt a sense of relief that she was finally done and could finally leave.

Yao Yuanfeng came to the set in person to wrap her up.

After Zhou Yun said goodbye to everyone, Yao Yuanfeng took him to a restaurant in person.

"Miss Zhou, please sit down." Yao Yuanfeng asked Zhou Yun to sit down, "I know you are very tired and want to go back to rest, but I have something very important to tell you, so please come again Give me a moment, let's have a meal together by the way."

Zhou Yun is already used to Yao Yuanfeng's tune, and he is almost immune to it.

She said: "Tell me, Mr. Yao, I was kidnapped by you to the restaurant, so I won't leave without eating."

Yao Yuanfeng laughed, looking very happy, and said: "I knew you didn't mind, that's right, "Four Killers", although it hasn't been completely finished yet, this movie has already been bought and distributed by other countries Right, everyone is very interested when they hear that you are the leading role, and it is an action movie. I know you are not interested in the second part of "Four Killers". You are very unhappy with this movie, but believe it Me, "Four Killers" will definitely help your film career to the next level."

Zhou Yun asked: "Huh? Mr. Yao, why are you so sure? Now you know that this movie can help my career to a higher level? Not only has this movie not been released, but it hasn't even finished shooting yet. Today is just my own role." It's just finished."

"I've already watched the rough cut. It's really good-looking, fast-paced, and very attractive." Yao Yuanfeng said, "I mean, any actor needs more than just awards. Look at Maggie Cheung, she How many people have actually watched the two films that were the queen of the three major European film festivals? One "Ruan Lingyu" and one "Clean", many people talk about it, but few people watch it. In fact, everyone knows her and knows her. I like her because of high-grossing movies like "Sweet Honey", you are very popular now, you are also very popular, and your achievements in movies are also very good, but in fact, you must also know that your short film The reason is that your film experience is too short, and everyone says that "Days" has done well, as a literary film, its box office has exceeded [-] million, but in fact, the box office of over [-] million does not mean that many people have watched this movie."

"If you look at the current movies, they cost tens of billions. If you have a series of movies with a high box office, you will definitely increase your fans, which will grow by tens or hundreds of times." Yao Yuanfeng said, "You Think about it, how many people will believe that a movie is made well because of your name, and then go to see this movie? In fact, there are not so many actors who can really attract a large number of audiences to the movie theater with a name , very few."

Zhou Yun fell into deep thought.

Yao Yuanfeng said: "You are a very promising actor, so at this time, as your elder and the producer of your first film, I would like to sincerely advise you that "Four Killers" will be Another masterpiece of yours, I mean, becomes the most-viewed work of yours."

Zhou Yun shook his head and said, "Mr. Yao, you actually want me to make a sequel, right?"

Yao Yuanfeng nodded with a smile and said, "That's right, that's what I mean."

Zhou Yun: "However, I really didn't enjoy shooting this movie. I didn't get along very well with the director, and I didn't feel comfortable with the actors."

Yao Yuanfeng said: "But for this movie, they are the most suitable people."

"is it?"

"You still don't believe my judgment on movies?" Yao Yuanfeng said, "In terms of artistic vision, I convince you, but in terms of judging a movie's box office, I think you have to listen to me, it should be right? "

As Yao Yuanfeng, who made commercial films in China, started from scratch and gained a foothold in the industry, he is indeed qualified to say this.

Yao Yuanfeng added: "Don't tell me that the box office is not important. Any actor who has left his name in film history is a superstar at the box office."

Zhou Yun does not deny this, nor can he deny it.

"So, don't directly reject the second part of "Four Killers". After it is released, don't say in an interview that you will not participate in the second part." Yao Yuanfeng said, "Give it a chance, its box office Will prove its worth to you."

Zhou Yun was silent.

Yao Yuanfeng was so good at speaking, she was shaken by a few words he said.

She clearly made up her mind at the beginning, no matter what Yao Yuanfeng said, she would never make the second part of "Four Killers".


Zhou Yun said: "You are really good at talking."

Yao Yuanfeng laughed, "So it seems that you listened to my words?"

"I'm just annoyed. I know what I'm thinking in my heart, but what you say can shake me." Zhou Yun shook his head, "My mind is not firm enough."

"A person with a firm mind cannot be an actor." Yao Yuanfeng said, "An actor should be an emotional animal."

Zhou Yun rolled his eyes.

Because Yao Yuanfeng said something she couldn't refute.

After "Four Killers" was finished, Zhou Yun returned home and stayed with Song Chi to rest for a few days.

"What should we do now? You are on crutches. We agreed to go out for a few days in July, but we can't do it." Zhou Yun said with a sigh.

Song Chi: "Yes."

"Sigh." Zhou Yun clicked his tongue, "I can only accept the reality."

Can't rest yet, "Under Dress" has entered a critical stage of filming, and Zhou Yun has to participate in the decision-making of many things.

Of course, the most important thing for Zhou Yun is the reading session.

In addition to this matter, Zhou Yun also has some work such as program recording, magazine shooting, and commercial shooting.

During the period, "Behind the Scenes" was finalized and released in June.

"Behind the Scenes" is scheduled for June, and I want to catch up with the Cannes Film Festival. While everyone still remembers the award-winning "Behind the Scenes" film in Cannes, it can get a good box office.

Zhou Yun couldn't help but sigh with emotion, look, even an art film like "Behind the Scenes" still wants to fight for a good box office for itself.

And because of the sudden finalization of the movie "Behind the Scenes", Zhou Yun's work suddenly increased a lot.

Among them, two more magazine covers were added because of it, and they were both bought for her by the publisher and Zhou Yun's endorsement brand.

Yes, many times, the covers of fashion magazines need to be bought by the patrons.

The gold master's father bought the cover, and then decided which star to shoot for their brand's cover.

Most of the time, Zhou Yun is invited by the magazine and recommended by the brand. Most of the time, it is her endorsement brand who buys the cover, asks her to shoot, or likes her and appreciates her high-end After the brand bought the cover, she was invited to shoot the cover.

In addition, Zhou Yun also cooperated with the arrangement and appeared on many talk shows. The movie "Behind the Scenes" itself has many topics that can be discussed, and the talk show is more in line with the promotional temperament of this movie. The audience of the talk show and the target market audience of "Behind the Scenes" are more overlapping.

(End of this chapter)

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