Chapter 509
Many people may think that the job of being a celebrity will be very happy, going in and out under the lights every day, attracting attention and earning a lot of money.

But Zhou Yun really wanted to say that frequent interviews are really painful.

This pain stems from the fact that everyone asked the same questions, and Zhou Yun had to repeat his answers over and over again.

This repetition is a great drain.

Any repetition is a drain on humanity.

People like fresh food.

Zhou Yun is no exception.

But after dealing with different media more, Zhou Yun also found that different media have different styles.

For example, "Victor", as a fashion magazine, mainly interviews her with Wen Lanlan. Wen Lanlan talks with her mostly about fashion, clothing and some daily life. Of course, these topics will still be closely related. "Behind the scenes".

"Where are you on the set? What kind of clothes will you mainly wear?" Wen Lanlan's question was very technical, and her angle did not deviate from the main purpose of promoting "Behind the Scenes", and she threw the question in line with the preferences of "Victor" readers.

Zhou Yun replied: "I still mainly wear comfortable clothes on the set, but because of acting, I acted as the director in "Behind the Scenes". The director’s work on the set is very tiring, so he usually wears comfortable clothes, sneakers, loose and soft clothes, and he must tie up his hair, and he doesn’t use much makeup, so he really doesn’t have the energy.”

"Wouldn't that mean you don't clean up yourself at all?" Wen Lanlan asked in surprise, "I can't imagine that a popular female star like you doesn't care about your own image at all."

"Of course it's not that you don't tidy yourself up at all, but it's not as refined as usual. For example, when you are at home, Miss Lan Lan." Zhou Yun said, "You are at home, but your husband is also at home, so you will dress up Comfortable without being too messy, I mean."

Wen Lanlan laughed, "Ah, I understand what that means."

This is the interview style with Wen Lanlan.

And if it is "Filmmaker" magazine, it needs to be much more professional.

"Filmmaker" will ask her more specifically about her understanding of this movie, her understanding of this character, her opinion of director Xue Qin, her evaluation of rival actors, her opinion of choosing a script, and her opinion of the current film and television environment and market. view.

Zhou Yun pondered a lot on his own, and also pondered a lot.

June is not a peak season for the film market.

Generally, movies that are more competitive at the box office will be scheduled for the summer vacation in July and August.

"Behind the Scenes" knew that it was not a competitor of those big commercial productions, so it never thought of taking part in the summer film.

The file is scheduled for June. On the one hand, the enthusiasm for the Cannes Film Festival has not completely dissipated by then. With the wind of winning awards, it can attract audiences. On the other hand, there are no other blockbuster movies to compete at this time. Relying on the box office appeal of "Days", Zhou Yun can get more film schedules from the cinema manager.

Shi Luoqi asked Zhou Yun to do more roadshows.

Zhou Yun just finished filming "Four Killers", and the time in between was relatively free and easy to coordinate. After the coordination between the two parties, part of the itinerary was finalized.

After Zhou Lan communicated with Zhou Yun, he asked Zhou Yun to take Wang Jing to shoot the covers of two fashion magazines—for Wang Jing, this was a very important resource and an important opportunity.

Even Gu Huaichun jokingly said: "You are too kind to Wang Jing, you are not afraid that after holding her up, you will turn against you, and how much money she makes can't be earned into your pocket."

Zhou Yun smiled and waved his hands, expressing his indifference.

She is willing to help Wang Jing because Wang Jing is a junior worthy of help.

To be reasonable, if Xu Siyao had done half as well as Wang Jing, Zhou Yun would not have refused to help at all.

Bear the brunt of it, Wang Jing is a very knowledgeable person, she will never "jump away" in front of Zhou Yun, she will not be like Xu Siyao, one mouthful of "Sister Xiaoyun", and without Zhou Yun's knowledge, she will repeat it over and over again He took the initiative to leave messages and interact with her on social media, creating an illusion of a close relationship between the two.What annoys Zhou Yun the most is this kind of "enthusiasm" who actively sticks to him.

Secondly, Wang Jing is a very down-to-earth and hardworking person.Under the supply and care of Zhou Yun, Zhou Lan, and thousands of resources, Wang Jing actually possesses dream-level resources that most newcomers dare not even imagine.This kind of feeding-style resources is often easy to make people feel ecstatic.But after Xu Siyao became popular in "The Eighth Heartbeat", she not only offended Zhou Yun because of many things, but also offended many other people on other occasions and because of other things.Zhou Yun has never heard of the news of Wang Jing playing big names and temper. Wang Jing and Gu Huaichun filmed together. Gu Huaichun praised her for her hard work. Wang Jing filmed "Behind the Scene" with them. There are many praises for her, especially Zeng Lili, who emphasized her love for Wang Jing when she was in Cannes.

Helping people also depends on whether this person is worth helping.

If you help someone, but after receiving your help, this person makes trouble outside, makes all kinds of troubles, and causes you a lot of trouble, you will feel that this person's help is not worth it, and you will regret it too much.

Zhou Yun hopes that after helping Wang Jing, will Wang Jing repay her in the future?

To be honest, there must be such an idea.However, Zhou Yun never felt that "Wang Jing must repay her".

Don't beat her up, don't accept the favor and refuse to accept it, don't do these things that stab her, she is already very satisfied.

On this day, she and Wang Jing are going to H City to run a road show at the theater together.

Director Xue Qin also went with them.

Zhou Yun watched "Behind the Scenes" again. The second time I watched it, I still thought it was good-this is a very good-looking story with strong dramatic conflicts.

This time, she watched her performance carefully, and after watching it, she couldn't help feeling that she acted really well.

When filming these scenes at that time, they were often performed on the spot, and the sense of presence was particularly strong.At that time, the scripts were all written on the spot, and there was no time to ponder, study, and analyze the characters' hearts into onion petals. They could only hang them up with intuition, and then listen to Xue Qin's opinions and make some adjustments.But acting like this is actually very enjoyable.A performance without a sense of design is another feeling of performance.

It's just that in this road show, when the main creators took the stage to accept questions from the audience, Zhou Yun encountered a somewhat embarrassing situation.

An audience member asked: "I want to know, will Zhou Yun be disappointed if he didn't win the Best Actress award at the Cannes Film Festival this time?"

Holding the microphone, Zhou Yun reminded himself not to smile awkwardly.

In the eyes of everyone, she performed a graceful gesture and said: "It doesn't affect my mood whether I win the best actress or not, because the movie I acted in won an award, and it was received by many people." Love, which is what I value most as an actor."

Someone took a video of this episode and posted it on the Internet, where it spread widely.

This time, everyone's attitude towards Zhou Yun has changed.

Some people say she is too fake.

In fact, Zhou Yun often encounters such scolding on the Internet, and Zhou Yun is already used to it.In this era, as long as you are a little better and pursue perfection, some people will say you are fake.Whether you insist on your ideals, whether you have your own requirements, or whether you say something on the occasion because of some special occasions, you will be attacked as "fake" by those unscrupulous people who use the banner of "pursuing self".

Their theory is also simple: How could anyone actually be like this?How could anyone really think so?

"Zhou Yun didn't win the Best Actress, is it really as indifferent as she said? How is it possible!" That's the argument.

"Can't she just admit once again that she is disappointed that she didn't win the Best Actress award?" There are also such arguments.

"I also said that as long as the movie is good, she will be happy as an actress. If it were me, no matter how good the movie is, it would not be my personal award, and I would not be really happy." There are such arguments.

This time, attacks like this suddenly increased and came overwhelming.

The comment section of Zhou Yun's Weibo is almost falling.

This time, the attack was fierce. Zhou Lan called Zhou Yun and said, "There should be a lot of people joining forces. You have threatened them too much. They can't sit still and started to suppress you."

Because Zhou Yun's rising momentum was too strong, threatening other people's cakes, he had been attacked several times before, but this time the attack was menacing, but it threatened Zhou Yun more than every time before.

In the past, they fabricated black material and smeared Zhou Yun. This can be resolved as long as the truth of the matter is found out and the evidence is presented.This time, Heizi didn't fabricate any actual black material, but attacked her hypocrisy from Zhou Yun - the more nihilistic and spiritual things are, the harder it is to prove whether they are true or not.

Zhou Yun could not say on Weibo: I am not such a person.Doing so will only lead to more ridicule and ridicule.Zhou Yun also couldn't ask her friends to speak for her, because it might put them in a situation of being attacked.

There are more and more voices attacking Zhou Yun on the Internet.

For a moment, it seemed to form a huge sound wave.

People with a discerning eye can see the reason behind all this, but at the moment, this kind of remarks has convinced many people and joined the army of condemnation.

They used Zhou Yun's incident as a starting point to create a topic of "people should express themselves truthfully".

This topic has won the support of many young people.This is also the truth, which young people would not support the topic of "people should express themselves truthfully".

But the bad thing about this place is that many people support this topic, and this spirit, once guided by some people, becomes an attitude of condemning and rejecting Zhou Yun.

You know, as long as you are a public figure, the most important thing is your public image.Unless you break the jar, take the black and red road, or the Fang Zhouzi road.

Under such noise, even if "Behind the Scene" starring Zhou Yun has just won an award, even if Zhou Yun has actual achievements, she has to keep a low profile for the time being.

During this period of time, whether it is the brand or the cooperation with her, the attitude has become hesitant, and even used the issue to lower the price.

Zhou Kan didn't agree to even one of the lower prices.

"Anyone with a discerning eye will know what's going on at a glance. If you don't have the sincerity to cooperate, you won't come to us in the future." Zhou Lan's attitude was very tough, "What kind of person is Zhou Yun? Is she real? Fake, don’t the people who have worked with you know? A group of people are using video clips taken out of context to make a fuss here, and you still want to take advantage of it, right? There’s no way!”

Zhou Lan's tough attitude is not for those who want to pick up a bargain, but for Zhou Yun's cooperative brands.

——Don't worry, it's all temporary black material.

At the same time, Zhou Lan is also trying his best to reduce the popularity of Zhou Yun on the Internet.Unless there is a magical turning point for this kind of thing, the main thing is to reduce the heat, so that Zhou Yun can be freed from the quagmire of public opinion as much as possible.

As for how to improve Zhou Yun's image - for this kind of baseless smear, after a long time, they don't need to do anything, and everyone forgets about it.

Unless this matter continues to ferment, and continues to ferment, it will become an impression among most people. When everyone sees Zhou Yun, "fake" thoughts will automatically appear in their minds.

This is a situation that Zhou Lan is determined not to allow now.

Therefore, cooling down the temperature as soon as possible is Zhou Lan's top priority.

To this end, Zhou Lan made several moves.

The first action was to announce some black information she had obtained before, such as Su Yan's.Among the people who ended up this time, Su Yan was the only one.Zhou Lan released Su Yan's black material without mercy at all, and released it to disturb everyone's attention, and then released the news that Wei Ruxue suppressed Zhou Yun in the company back then.It is true that Wei Ruxue suppressed Zhou Yun in the company back then, but under Zhou Lan's arrangement, the reason why Zhou Yun was able to cover everything in various situations was because she had to struggle to survive under Wei Ruxue's suppression at the beginning, so she developed a such a habit.If he didn't do everything in this way, Zhou Yun wouldn't be able to survive the day when he became popular.

Zhou Lan's two actions, one is to release Su Yan's news to distract attention, and the other is to release Wei Ruxue's news, so that everyone will turn their attention to Wei Ruxue, and at the same time find a reasonable, Reasons that would arouse public sympathy.

To put it bluntly, it's all public relations.

Zhou Lan's movements were quick and well done.

But this time the people who attacked Zhou Yun seemed to be very resilient, and continued to smear Zhou Yun. On the basis of calling her "fake", they attacked many blue-faced confidants around her.

One Gu Huaichun, one He Yong, one Yu Zhiyang who was recuperating in the hospital...

They even found Yu Zhiyang.

I don't know when such rumors started to come out.

"Do you know? Zhou Jianfeng was not the leading actor in "Under Dress". At the beginning, Zhou Yun took a fancy to another young boy named Yu Zhiyang. It is said that Zhou Yun wanted Yu Zhiyang to act as a male The protagonist has already quarreled with He Yong, who favored her as the leader."

(End of this chapter)

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