I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 510 Take care of them

Chapter 510 Take care of them
After seeing the stories about her and Yu Zhiyang circulating on the Internet, Zhou Yun couldn't help laughing angrily.

How did those people on the Internet make up this story?

Said that she is an old cow eating young grass?It can't be said that although Yu Zhiyang is only eighteen years old, Zhou Yun is not very old either, and the relationship between the two is at best a sister-brother relationship.

Said she cheated?This is quite true, it seems that when she tried her best to let Yu Zhiyang be the leading actor, it was because of her empathy.

There are several versions of the story on the Internet. These story versions have different focuses, but they all show Zhou Yun's unknown dark side.

In version A, Zhou Yun is a pervert who likes boys younger than herself, she is not as pure as she appears on the surface.

In version B, Zhou Yun is a villain who plays with Song Chi's feelings and uses Song Chi, with superb methods, and plays Song Chi around.

In version C, Zhou Yun became famous at a young age, lost the normal judgment a person should have, couldn't tell the truth from the hypocrisy, and didn't know what he wanted. He was confused and decadent. The perfect talented actress is actually a female star puppet who can't live without the team.


These stories were widely circulated on the Internet and spread like a raging fire.

Zhou Yun saw that this was no longer driven by some sunspots, but a kind of "stalk" that everyone "loved to hear and see", and everyone couldn't help but participate.

These stories may not be believed by many people, but with the mentality of eating melons and watching the show to join in the fun, these stories have been widely circulated.

Zhou Yun felt that in the current situation, there was no need for her to defend herself.

This situation will only get darker and darker.

Zhou Yun had a mentality of letting go, and lay down.

Anyway, because of these turmoil, many of the originally scheduled work were suspended by the partner, and she didn't even have to participate in the road show of "Behind the Scenes".

Shi Luoqi also called her personally to explain, saying that in order to avoid people taking the opportunity to make trouble, please don't take it to heart, the whole crew believes in her character.

Zhou Yun naturally had no opinion.

What can I say?Can she still insist on going to the road show regardless?

Zhou Yun stayed at home to rest, and happened to be with the lame Song Chi.

The two of them would watch a movie together every day and communicate with each other. Most of the time they stayed in their own rooms, reading books, and working.

It's not that Zhou Yun is the one who reads, and Song Chi is the one who works.Zhou Yun also has a job, and the filming of "Under Dress" is still progressing in an orderly manner. She has an online meeting with everyone almost every day to discuss the latest progress and matters that need to be decided.

Zhou Yun does not participate in the scheduling meeting, but only participates in the script meeting, clothing meeting and other meetings related to content production.

Even so, there are many things to decide on a daily basis.

From the line adjustment of the script to the details of the characters' clothing and accessories, there are many things that Zhou Yun has to participate in the decision-making.

Because Zhou Yun never showed up or spoke, the turbulence and various storms outside gradually calmed down.

At this time, "Behind the Scenes" is finally about to premiere.

The film did not hold a premiere and was released directly.

The previous screenings have already accumulated a lot of word-of-mouth. If it weren't for Zhou Yun's sudden public opinion, Shi Luoqi would make good use of the word-of-mouth of "Behind the Scenes" and let "Behind the Scenes" follow the word-of-mouth route.

But because Zhou Yun was suddenly besieged, Shi Luoqi had to give up this plan.In any case, "Behind the Scenes" cannot avoid Zhou Yun. Zhou Yun is the only star of this movie. The other actors do not have any box office appeal in the current movie market. Like a movie, one of the leading actors is directly abandoned, and the other leading actor is promoted.

In this case, "Behind the Scenes" was released.

The pre-sale box office on the first day was only in the millions.

Some people sang badly, saying that after Zhou Yun staged the box office miracle of "Days", the name of the panacea at the box office will no longer work.

The magazine "Movie Album" posted a push on its WeChat official account, which read: Is Zhou Yun's journey as a talented actor just started and will come to an abrupt end?
This tweet described in detail the ins and outs of what happened between Zhou Yun and "Behind the Scenes" during this period, followed by a passage:

"Regardless of whether Zhou Yun's real appearance is as bad as those marketing accounts on the Internet describe, in this era where everyone can have a voice, should we do more research and collect more information before making a final judgment on a person? Evidence, instead of relying on a paragraph, some fragments taken out of context, to interpret the intention behind it?

I went to a man's house as a guest and saw the owner coming out with a knife. I thought he was going to kill me. I was scared to death, and then I found out that the man wanted to cut watermelon for me to eat.We should not testify, let alone affect an actress who is working hard because of some unwarranted things.

If Zhou Yun is really pretending to be dedicated, if this pretending makes her overcome all difficulties, she will return to the filming crew, if Zhou Yun is really pretending to be humble, if this pretending can make her fans see the humility Meaning, what's wrong with such an outfit?
Speaking of movies, how many years has it been since our Chinese-language movies won awards at the Cannes Film Festival?Do you still remember the day when "Behind the Scenes" won the award, do you feel the pride and excitement in your hearts?Zhou Yun, an actress who was lucky enough to go abroad and started to gain attention in the world, she could have brought our Chinese-language movies abroad more often to the world stage, but now, for no reason, she has to be given to her. conviction?With all due respect, I don't accept it.

Watching "Behind the Scenes", you will understand how fortunate it is for us to meet an actor like Zhou Yun at this time. "

This push of "Movie Album" ushered in a very violent forwarding in the WeChat circle.

And this forwarding allowed Zhou Yun's name to spread to people that Weibo could not normally reach.Most of the people who play and follow Weibo are mainly young people, and WeChat covers a more comprehensive group of people.

Many people don't know the name Zhou Yun.

This tweet was reposted by many young people. Their family members saw it, clicked in to read it, and after reading it, they probably understood what happened. In addition, the previous disputes on Weibo did not spread to them. Believe the tendency of this manuscript - a young girl who is so good looking, but also wins glory for the country, just won an international award, and was smeared by rumors!angry!
To be precise, this push brought a lot of viewers to "Behind the Scenes".When they saw this report, they actually let them know about the movie "Behind the Scenes" and that the movie had won international honors.In the minds of the older generation, winning international honors means winning glory for the country. They are always full of sincere passion for winning glory for the country. Even if they are not interested in movies, they are willing to support them.

Because of this group of people, the box office of "Behind the Scenes" rose a bit in the next two days, and the box office in the first three days was about [-] million.

At this time, "Behind the Scenes" ushered in the first diving period of the box office-tomorrow is Monday.

Generally speaking, after the end of the first weekend, the box office of the movie will usher in a big dive, which is an additional effect of the weekend effect.

In fact, although the box office broke [-] million on both Saturday and Sunday, this performance is still a bit short for a movie starring a first-line movie actress, let alone the movie's reputation. , according to previous years, even if it is a boring literary film, if it can win a big award, the box office can exceed [-] million.

As for the box office performance of "Behind the Scenes" in the first weekend, from a data point of view, the stamina is too insufficient.

Zhou Yun and Shi Luoqi had an online meeting.

Zhou Yun said: "I have been silent for too long, but my silence did not make the performance of this movie any better. It is still dragged down by me."

During the video conference, Zeng Lili took the initiative to comfort: "Xiaoyun, don't say that, you can't blame this matter, it's those people who slandered you are too shameless."

You Jiang also nodded and said, "Don't take the fault on yourself."

Zhou Yun said: "I have an idea, I am not willing to let this movie be hit like this, it deserves a better box office result, and it deserves to be seen by more audiences."

"What do you want to do?" Shirouqi asked.

Zhou Yun said: "If you don't explode in silence, you die in silence."

This is a sentence written by Mr. Lu Xun.Zhou Yun used it here.


Sunday, late at night.

Zhou Yun, who hadn’t logged in to Weibo for a long time, came up and edited a Weibo: Regarding the people who said I was fake, made rumors about me, and wrote my short essays during this period, I only have one action for these people.

Motion picture: Zhou Yun stood at the window on the second floor, looked downstairs, and spit.

That's the end of the movie "Behind the Scenes", which she uses here.

Zhou Yun's Weibo was like a stone stirring up thousands of waves. The Weibo, whose traffic had already decreased as the night approached, ushered in another surge in an instant.

Immediately following Zhou Yun's Weibo, came the statement from Chengqian Entertainment, announcing the formal prosecution of several marketing accounts that wrote small essays to spread rumors.

The sudden tough attitude made many people feel at a loss for a while.

Zhou Yun disappeared for too long before, so long that everyone thought she would never stand up and respond to this incident.

Even when "Behind the Scenes" was released, she didn't show up, and she didn't post on Weibo to promote it. This gesture gave them the illusion that Zhou Yun was guilty and acquiesced.

Who knows, tonight, Zhou Yun suddenly lost his temper.

What they didn't expect was that on this night, less than three minutes after Zhou Yun posted this Weibo, Zhou Yun posted another Weibo: I didn't respond before because I didn't want my personal turmoil to affect When the movie "Behind the Scenes" was released, who knew that if I took a step back, someone would make an inch of it, and if I endured it for a while, someone would kick their nose in the face. They couldn't bear it anymore, and there was no need to bear it anymore. They said I was pretending, that I was cheating, and that I was a brokerage company The manipulative puppet, the words are unsubstantiated, show the evidence, show the evidence, I will give you a million immediately, everyone will witness, as long as you show the evidence, I can’t refute it, I can’t prove it’s fake, this one hundred Wan is yours!

Zhou Yun's second Weibo was even more shocking than the first.

Her posture of throwing money directly, domineering and sharp, directly forced the knife to the hearts of those rumormongers.

This early in the morning, Zhou Yun made it onto the hot search list with lightning speed.

Zhou Yun followed up with a third Weibo post: The original silence was to make the box office of "Behind the Scene" less affected by me. Since it was useless, let's take advantage of the popularity of this hot search to advertise "Behind the Scene" Come on, don't say that my mother-in-law is selling melons and boasting, "Behind the Scenes", the winner of the Jury Prize in the main competition unit of the Cannes Film Festival!Good-looking, wonderful, worthy of your going into the cinema!

Zhou Yun posted three Weibo posts in a row, blowing up the entire entertainment industry.

The next day, Monday, early in the morning, almost everyone's mobile phone received a push from Zhou Yun's furious response in the early morning.

On the subway, on the car, on the bus, everyone was reviewing Zhou Yun's three Weibo posts last night during this intensive time period.

In the office, before the weekly meeting, everyone got together to gossip, Zhou Yun's matter was the most important topic.

And inevitably, "Behind the Scenes" has also become the center of everyone's topic.

"Behind the Scenes" didn't see a surge in real-time box office sales, but Monday night's pre-sales ushered in a rain.

At noon, Shi Luoqi posted a message in the "Behind the Scenes" creative group: Today's box office and pre-sales of "Behind the Scenes" have exceeded [-] million!
Fifteen million, for a movie, this figure is not a box office figure to be proud of at all.

But for a movie that only had a box office of [-] million on Sunday yesterday, it won [-] million at the box office from Monday to noon. This trend represents another trend.

The most important thing is that today's film schedule has actually been fixed, and there is not much room for temporary additions.

"Behind the Scenes" has also seen limited growth at the box office.

The key to this matter is that theater managers will see the topicality of the film and the possibility of box office explosion due to Zhou Yun's Weibo post last night.

This affects the filming in the next few days.

Especially tomorrow.

This is crucial.

Of course, Zhou Yun's three Weibo posts were the ones everyone talked about the most. With such a tough stance, he even bet a million dollars, just to see if anyone can come up with evidence!

In fact, this gesture has already convinced many people——Zhou Yun dared to say that, which shows that she has renewed self-confidence, and no one can produce this evidence.

She didn't do it.

This is the signal that her three Weibo posts want to convey.

Those smears and rumors are all fake.

In the afternoon, Zhou Yun's evaluation on social media was like spreading pancakes, turning the other side.

Everyone praised her.

Sturdy, true temperament, dare to speak and do.

The labels were put back on her, people were buzzing about her, and she was that amazingly talented actress again.

In the evening, Zhou Yun came to a movie theater in Shanghai to surprise the audience in one of the screenings of "Behind the Scenes".

The road show resumed.

(End of this chapter)

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