I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 511 Box Office Miracle

Chapter 511 Box Office Miracle
Yu Zhiyang is not doing well recently.

The way the nurses who looked after him in the hospital looked at him changed.

He also saw the rumors on the Internet, he just thought it was nonsense, and was annoyed by such completely unfounded rumors, so he also sent a message to Zhou Yun, Zhou Yun replied that he was just a sunspot causing trouble, so don't take it to heart.

Yu Zhiyang originally thought that this incident would pass soon, just like those public opinion crises that Zhou Yun had encountered before, but this incident became more and more serious, so that many people followed the clues to find the hospital where he was.

And the paparazzi came in and wanted to interview him.

For this reason, a photo of him lying on the bed showing a panic expression also appeared on the Internet.

After that incident, Xu Guiying specially arranged two bodyguards at the door of his ward to check the people entering and leaving.

But the turmoil of this incident still affected his life in the hospital.

The nurses are looking at him now with the same eyes as they are looking at the little white face. If they are better concealed, they will not hang on their faces, and they will not be able to conceal them very well. The disdain is directly revealed from the words.

Even in this day and age, the little boy is still despised by many people.

Xu Guiying didn't take these rumors on the Internet seriously.This actually surprised Yu Zhiyang a bit.He knew how possessive Xu Guiying was to him.For more than a year, whenever there was a girl who said a few words by his side, Xu Guiying would come and ask her what was the relationship between this girl and him. If he didn't say enough, she would arrange someone to investigate.

This pressing attitude once caused him to fall into a mood of self-loathing. Later, he himself stopped contacting and talking with girls, and his attitude was cold.

Even the nurse in charge of taking care of him, he has always been indifferent and never gave a smile.Privately, the nurses commented that although he had a handsome skin, he had a very bad personality.Yu Zhiyang knew what they thought of him in private, but he felt a sense of relief about it—he didn't feel wronged, but sincerely felt that he should just maintain an attitude of disgust towards him, so, There will be no other incidents in vain.

He's almost ready to leave the hospital.

It's just that he doesn't know when he can resume work. "Under the Dress" has no part for him, and the next job is nowhere in sight, Yu Zhiyang feels gloomy about the future.If it wasn't for Zhou Yun sending messages to him every now and then, asking him about his condition, and keeping in touch, Yu Zhiyang wondered if he couldn't hold on long ago.

In fact, deep down in his heart, he was always apologetic, feeling that he had dragged Zhou Yun down.Because of his existence, those people caught a loophole and attacked Zhou Yun.He knew best in his heart that from the beginning to the end, Zhou Yun had never coveted him in any way, and had never seduced or threatened him when he was chosen as the leading actor in "Under Dress".Without his promise to make several films for her in the future, and without him paying any price, Yu Zhiyang himself couldn't believe that he could meet such a person.

For more than a year, he never dreamed that he would meet such a person again.

That night, he was about to go to bed. Before falling asleep, he habitually looked at his phone for a while, when suddenly an unfamiliar number sent him a message: Yu Zhiyang, hello, is it convenient to chat?

Yu Zhiyang was instantly wary.

During the recent period, many people have obtained his contact information from various channels, added him as friends, called him, and tried to get a few words from him. As long as one sentence, you can make news and push , Taking advantage of the popularity, one article worth 10+ will make a lot of money in advertising fees.

Yu Zhiyang did not reply.

A minute later, this strange number sent a second message: Don't worry, I'm not a reporter, nor a paparazzi, just a person who has the ability to help you after learning about your situation, you should hope to get rid of Xu Guiying ,Right?
Yu Zhiyang was stunned for a moment.

This person already knew about Xu Guiying.

Who is this guy?

In the first week of the premiere, Zhou Yun ran road shows non-stop, with a frequency of about three cities a day. Every time he went to a place, it was a piece of news.

Roadshows used to be a means to win over movie schedules and first-week box office from theater managers, and now they also have the value of promoting hotspots on the Internet.

For example, when a singer was the director of a movie, during the road show, the audience suddenly sang the singer's famous song together, and the video was posted on the Internet, causing thousands of people to repost it. Effect.

You Jiang, Zeng Lili and Wang Jing have also been in the road show team.

After the box office reached 1900 million on Monday, it stabilized at around 1500 million on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, and officially announced on Thursday that the box office exceeded [-] million.

People who used to call Zhou Yun a box office poison because of the first weekend box office box office, now they are silent.

An art film can have a box office of more than [-] million. No one dares to say "the box office is only over [-] million" with a face, unless it is Xiaobai who doesn't understand the film industry and likes to show his presence.

Zhou Yun posted a promotional picture on Weibo to celebrate the box office exceeding [-] million.


On Friday, it is the critical time for "Behind the Scenes". Whether the box office can go further depends on whether it can withstand the impact of several new films released on this day.

Generally speaking, the stamina of art films like "Behind the Scenes" is still quite strong, and they are taking a long and steady path, but the popularity of "Behind the Scenes" has been burning for a long time in the previous week, and no one knows about this movie. There is no potential to tap more audiences.

But this movie did cause a lot of discussion on the Internet.

Each character has attracted many people's analysis.

What can cause topics often involves things at the level of values.

The topics raised by "Behind the Scenes" include clichéd and more practical topics such as celebrities playing big names and male protagonists, as well as somewhat illusory topics such as self-seeking and self-persistence.

This movie resonated with many people in the workplace.

A Weibo post by a person became a very popular joke: After watching "Behind the Scenes", my movie-watching experience can be summed up in one sentence.

Who hasn't met the director played by Zhou Yun in his work so subdued just to keep the project going?Who hasn't encountered colleagues played by You Jiang and Zeng Lili in their work who constantly act as monsters by relying on their identities?Who hasn't imagined the scene of Zhou Yun spitting at them in the dead of night?
"Behind the Scenes" resonates with the public here.

Of course, that's not what it wants to express.

But any expresser must accept one thing. The moment your expression takes shape, it does not belong to you. It belongs to everyone who can interpret it at will.

On Friday, Zhou Yun posted on Weibo at five o'clock in the evening: If you don't have a date tonight, why don't you give yourself a movie ticket for "Behind the Scenes"? After wearing a mask for a week, let us sit in the dark screening hall, Take it off with me in the movie to take a breath.

Zhou Yun has tens of millions of fans on Weibo. In order to attract traffic, all major platforms processed Zhou Yun's post and pushed it to everyone's mobile phones as news.

The click-through rate is impressive.

The major social platforms that have been closely tracking network data know that now, as long as Zhou Yun's name is included, the click-through rate will be very high.

Maybe many people are not her fans, but under the popularity of this period, many people have paid attention to Zhou Yun driven by curiosity, wanting to know the latest developments of Zhou Yun-this kind of psychology itself is the same as human beings. The inherent curiosity falls on a certain person, and this person becomes a so-called idol and star.Their every move has attracted people's attention and concern, even if they just drink a glass of water, everyone wants to know what kind of water they are drinking.

On Friday night, Zhou Yun airborne three social platforms to interact with netizens on the platforms.

The three social platforms push open screens and pop-up windows to promote and drain traffic.

Zhou Yun answered questions from netizens on three social platforms at the same time.

This move shocked many artists in the circle.

Everyone knows that if you cooperate with A, you cannot cooperate with competing B.Zhou Yun is cooperating with A, B, and C at the same time, and the three also recommended top resources at the same time.

The attention and discussions on this matter in the industry are far more lively than those in the outside world.

There was even a brand manager who commented on this matter, bluntly: "Zhou Yun's move is completely breaking our current business rules. As we all know, the default rule is that a person can only cooperate with one brand or company in the same field. Cooperation and competing brands have to be avoided, but Zhou Yun relied on her fame and traffic to let three platforms cooperate with her at the same time. If this kind of atmosphere continues, the market will become star-oriented in the future! This is very Not healthy!"

Of course, it is the artists who talk more about this matter.

They have to deal with partners, and they are very clear that these partners will spare no effort in preventing competing brands in order to ensure their own interests are maximized.

If you appeared in "Marie Claire" in September, other fashion magazines in the same month will definitely not have your share, unless it is a fashion magazine with a lower rank.

If you go to "Happy Camp" to promote a movie, then don't think about going to "Everyday Upward" to promote it, unless you are Zhou Xun and can handle both sides at the same time.

This is an unspoken rule in the industry, and it is also a rule that everyone acquiesces and abides by.

Zhou Yun can cooperate with three platforms, but not at the same time. It must be guaranteed that only one of them is available at the same time, which is exclusive.

Just like a platform that bought the right to broadcast a TV series online, most of the time it has to wait for the TV station to finish broadcasting before going online.

Zhou Yun's time period seemed like nothing, but it was actually a very unconventional operation.

It's just that Zhou Yun's thoughts are not on what other people are talking about. She interacted with netizens on three platforms and attracted hundreds of millions of people to participate. Dare to summarize the activities, afraid that the numbers are too scary and you will be targeted.

However, even if Zhou Lan does not plan to release this data, the impact of tonight's actions on "Behind the Scene" can be seen from the surge in box office.

"Behind the Scenes" had a box office of just over 4000 million until [-]:[-] p.m., but from [-]:[-] p.m., the box office growth rate suddenly picked up. The highest peak of the daily box office.

It's not over yet, Saturday, 7100 million, Sunday, 6900 million.

The cumulative figures of the three days brought the total box office of "Behind the Scenes" to almost 3 million.

This box office shocked everyone in the industry.

For three consecutive days, the box office of "Behind the Scenes" has been firmly in second place, only slightly worse than a new film just released on Friday.

However, the industry does not focus on the number one, but on "Behind the Scenes".

When everyone was talking on the phone about the movie box office and the current market, they would all mention Zhou Yun's promotional activity on Friday night.

A publicity campaign achieved nearly 2 million box office results. Such a publicity case is enough to be used as a model for major publicity and distribution companies to study and study.

Yao Yuanfeng called Zhou Yun and said six words: "You are awesome!"

Zhou Yun smiled, calmly, and said, "Routine operation."

Zhou Yun signed a box office sharing contract with "Behind the Scenes". The higher the box office, the higher her return.

With this box office trend, even Shi Luoqi called Zhou Yun to thank him.In fact, everyone now knows that "Behind the Scenes" has achieved such a high box office, and Zhou Yun has led the way.

According to the current trend, "Behind the Scene" is likely to exceed 5 million yuan--for its cost, it is basically a free box office.

Let's not forget that this movie was almost costless.

It was just an additional work for the filming of "Words of Fallen Leaves". Xue Qin didn't take the money, and Zhou Yun signed the share. The combined remuneration of Zeng Lili, You Jiang and Wang Jing did not exceed one million - the cost of filming "Behind the Scenes" at that time It was really stretched, and even the setting of the scene was completely used for the shooting scene of "Words of Fallen Leaves".

Zhou Yun once again made a comeback in the film market. After the box office miracle of "Days" in November last year, he staged the box office miracle of "Behind the Scenes" in June this year.

A movie self-media said in its program: "Everyone must not forget one thing. So far, Zhou Yun only has two movies to meet you, one "Days" and one "Behind the Scenes". Please remember , the directors of these two films are out-and-out newcomers, and these two films are out-and-out debut works. The difference between Zhou Yun and other famous actresses is that she did not rely on famous directors, As a director, she did not rely on big productions or big series. She relied on her unique vision and precise judgment to pick these two directors and these two plays. This unfamiliar film industry has established its own territory!"

When Zhou Lan saw this program, he immediately asked the team to promote it.

Nothing else, if you say something to the point, you have to let more people hear it.

(End of this chapter)

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