I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 512 Continue to boil

Chapter 512 Continue to boil
"Have you noticed that after your debut, the controversy has almost never stopped, even if you won the best actress, both domestic and foreign ones, even if you have become the best one among your peers."

In a small chat with Zhou Lan, Zhou Lan said this to Zhou Yun.

"Although it is said that the tree attracts the wind, if you go up, you will inevitably step on others, but you have more controversies than ordinary people." Zhou Lan smiled, "I don't know if it's because you became popular too fast. The speed is too fast, causing everyone to panic, or because your opponent is more effective than others."

Zhou Yun shook his head helplessly, "It can't be blamed on me."

"Of course, it's just that in an arena, the person with the strongest strength is the original sin that everyone targets." Zhou Lan spread his hands and smiled, showing a calm posture on his body, "But Conversely, when a person is targeted by everyone, it means that this person has reached the highest position."


"What we have to do now is to increase the distance between us and them." Zhou Lan said, "Let them catch up even if they want to."

Zhou Yun shook his head, "Sister Lan, these are not important to me, whether it is better than others or weaker than others, I don't really care."

"Sailing against the current, if you don't advance, you will retreat." Zhou Lan said, "I know that you have been reluctant to regard everyone else as your competitor in this regard, but the fact is that it is only when your position is stable that you I have the confidence not to care about these competitions."

Zhou Yun sighed.

"We'll never agree on this."

"If we can't reach an agreement now, let's at least seek common ground while reserving differences." Zhou Lan smiled, "In the second half of this year, our filming plan is only one "Under Dress", but the filming time of this drama is not long, it only takes forty days So, should we think about other dramas? Wen Bing's dramas will not start until next year."

Zhou Yun said: "What about the script written by Yao Yuanfeng? Isn't Xindun and Song Chi's company planning to jointly develop it?"

"It is also planned to start the machine next year." Zhou Lan said.

"Speaking of which, I do have more time in the second half of the year." Zhou Yun said, "The first half of the year is too tiring."

"That is, you filmed "Behind the Scenes" in one go, and finished filming "Words of Fallen Leaves", then went to film Wen Bing's "One Mountain and Two Tigers", and finished filming "Four Killers"." Zhou Lan said , "It's really strong. To be honest, you can actually take a good rest now, but I think that if you take too long a vacation, it will be a waste for you. You can't wait until you want to make a movie before looking for a movie. , This is too late. "Under Dress" will start filming in August, and it will be finished in September. Before August, you should rest well. Let's not grab this slot, but after filming "Under It’s a very long gap, if you are willing to be a resident guest on a variety show, I can also take over a variety show for you, but I think you definitely don’t want to be a resident guest.”

Zhou Yun nodded, "I have a lot of exposure now, and I want to minimize some exposure. It's okay to shoot commercials and record one or two episodes of the program. If I am a resident, I will have a high-intensity exposure after the entire season of the program. In the film, the audience will not have a fresh feeling for my image, I think it will appear from time to time, keep a little appearance, but in the end, don't continue to appear for a long time."

"You're right." Zhou Lan nodded and suddenly smiled, "Yue Hai handed me a script, please let me have you read the script before deciding whether to act or not."

"Yue Hai?" Zhou Yun looked at Zhou Lan in surprise, "I said, Sister Lan, you have paved the way for me so much, so the key thing is here. I told you that I don't want to play Yue Hai's play anymore." , I'm not happy with this company."

Zhou Lan shook his head and said, "This is a script with two heroines."

She looked at Zhou Yun seriously.

Zhou Yun was taken aback.

"You want Xiao Jing to act with me?" Zhou Yun asked.

Zhou Lan shook his head and said, "I want Yu Chu to act with you."

Zhou Yun looked at her in surprise, a little unexpectedly.Since Yu Chu was not a signed artist of Chengqian Entertainment, Zhou Yun didn't expect Zhou Fanhui to suggest that.She could understand why Zhou Lan would support Wang Jing, but she couldn't understand why Zhou Lan would take the initiative to help Wang Jing get resources.

Zhou Lan said, "Didn't you think why I would propose Yu Chu?"

"Yes." Zhou Yun also told the truth and nodded, "I thought you would always leave this kind of opportunity to Wang Jing first."

"Because Yu Chu will be signed by me in the second half of the year, I plan to give her this play as a signing gift." Zhou Lan said the news that shocked Zhou Yun even more, and then said, "Of course, this requires Yu Chu finally decided to sign with me."

Zhou Yun looked at her in surprise, and asked, "Does Yu Chu have this idea?"

"Yes." Zhou Lan nodded, "I have communicated with her many times during this time, she is indeed dissatisfied with her current state, and wants to make a further push, I know, you have always wanted to help With you as a friend, plus she already has a well-known reputation, she has a good reputation in the last few dramas and has accumulated a lot of fans, I think she is worth cultivating."

"Won't that little mirror have ideas?" Zhou Yun said.

Zhou Lan smiled and said, "I would rather she have some ideas and a sense of crisis. I didn't ask her to come under me to be Her Royal Highness the Princess."

After hearing Zhou Lan's words, Zhou Yun felt a little strange in his heart, but he just smiled on his face.

Over the past two years, Zhou Lan's attitude has also undergone some changes.

While speaking, there was also a sense of decisiveness.

"Miss Lan."


"Are you planning to get married in the next few years?" Zhou Yun asked suddenly.

This topic has nothing to do with what the two of them talked about before.

Zhou Lan felt weird, "Why are you asking me this all of a sudden?"

Zhou Yun laughed and said, "I'm curious, I want to know when I can participate in your wedding."

Zhou Lan shrugged, "Maybe in the very distant future."

"Ah? Don't you have a photographer friend who you still refuse to introduce to me?" Zhou Yun said.

Zhou Lan smiled, patted Zhou Yun on the shoulder, and said, "Miss, that's already old Huangli."

"Break up?" Zhou Yun looked at Zhou Lan in surprise.

Zhou Lan shrugged, "It's broken, we are not suitable."

"Should I comfort you?" Zhou Yun looked at Zhou Lan and asked, "How long has it been since you broke up?"

"It's been a few months, okay, there's nothing to say about this kind of thing, I'm not that little girl Zheng Xiaoju, breaking up is no big deal to me." Zhou Lan said, "I think I might have been thirty when I got married. It’s been a while, at least for now, I don’t have the conditions to get married, and I can’t spare the time for my family.”

"What if you meet true love?"

"Is it so easy to meet true love?" Zhou Lan smiled, "In this world, it is very difficult to find a man who matches you more than 90% of the time. Most of them are impulsive and reluctant. Only a minority will always be happy."

"Why are you so pessimistic?"

"I'm serious, this is not optimistic or pessimistic, this is reality." Zhou Lan shrugged, "Look at Liu Qingqing, isn't she just a single mother now? There are so many men around her, and she finally chose the one she thought The one with the purest feelings, it turns out that pure feelings cannot be exchanged for the shoulders that can shoulder the responsibility, and the men and women who walk into the wedding hall with the same heart and soul have saved the world in their previous lives."

Zhou Yun looked into Zhou Lan's eyes.

Suddenly, she opened her arms and hugged Zhou Lan.

"Okay, I can tell, you need my hug." Zhou Yun said with a smile.

Zhou Lan: "Get out."

Zhou Yun: "Don't get out, don't get out, you can't get out now."

Zhou Lan laughed angrily.


On the twelfth day of its premiere, the box office of "Behind the Scenes" exceeded [-] million, and the trend is still strong.

The three actors Zeng Lili, You Jiang and Wang Jing all ushered in the explosion of topicality on social media.

For many powerful actors, their popularity may be an opportunity.

For example, Tan Zhuo, before the movie "I'm Not the God of Medicine", she was already the number one female director of many literary and artistic films, but in the commercial mainstream film market, she was not well-known. , I have never heard of it.You have even heard of many movies she has acted in, but you don't know that she has acted in them, such as "Spring Intoxicated Night", such as "Burst Silence", such as "The Murder Chaser".Until the movie "I'm Not the God of Medicine" came out, in fact, the most critical factor that made her famous soar was not this movie, but shortly after the movie was released, she participated in "Story of Yanxi Palace". Well, the imperial concubine she played is another Concubine Hua in "The Legend of Zhen Huan".Many viewers were surprised to find that the two roles were played by the same actor. This contrast even became a topic, which brought the name Tan Zhuo into the attention of many people.

To protect people in a play, it doesn’t mean that if the play is good, you must protect people. It also needs the right time, place and people.Tan Zhuo was recognized in the market because the right time, place and people welcomed her that summer.Then, a year later, "Manslaughter" was released, and a confrontation scene at the police station killed the Quartet. Tan Zhuo's acting skills firmly took root in the hearts of the audience.

The two stars played by You Jiang and Zeng Lili have aroused the analysis and discussion of these two characters by people from all walks of life because of their many thieves, unreasonable demands, and unique ways of acting. It is inevitable that, Mention the acting skills of the two actors.

A typical character image can make an actor enjoy a lifetime bonus. How many people will never leave Bai Bai because of Huang Xiaoxian in "Thirty Three Days of Broken Love"?Has anyone counted how many identical emperors Zhang Tielin, a professional emperor, has played?
You Jiang and Zeng Lili have superb acting skills, but the characters they met before were not so "typical", or in other words, they did not have a "typical image in drama".

And these two stars are exaggerated, weird, and compelling, with inherent drama and eye-catching. The moment they won the role, they just need to wait for the east wind of the movie to rise naturally.

Among the four starring actors, the one who received the least movie bonus is Wang Jing.The disadvantage is that the role of the girlfriend played by her is not as hysterical as the other three characters. The other three characters are completely digging out the subtleties of human nature in them, and the girlfriend played by Wang Jing is more or less a little Symbolic and facial.

But just the bonus she has received so far is enough for her to digest at this stage.

At least three brands have come to cooperate with them, asking Wang Jing to be their spokesperson for a year.Before that, almost all of Wang Jing's brand cooperations were brought back by Zhou Lan's contacts and methods.This shows a sign that Wang Jing has finally entered the selection list of brands.

June is the month of "Behind the Scenes".

Its box office is not the highest. The box office of a comedy and an action movie has steadily surpassed "Behind the Scenes", but they are not the opponents of "Behind the Scenes" in terms of word-of-mouth or discussion.

After all, the entertainment industry is also the entertainment industry. A work that breaks the circle and arouses topical discussions means a remarkable achievement in itself.

In the era of frequent bad movies, I introduced myself as a worker in the film and television industry, and I feel somewhat guilty.

"Behind the Scenes" brought them glory.


Another thing happened in June.

A piece of media broke the news that director Zhong Heping's new film has taken a fancy to Wang Jing, who has just become popular with "Behind the Scenes", and he prefers Wang Jing to be the heroine.

As soon as the news came out, it not only surprised many netizens, but also surprised many actresses in the entertainment industry.

The movie directed by Zhong Heping is not a big deal for the actresses. No one thought that he actually fell in love with Wang Jing.

While there were different opinions, Zhou Yun was a little strange, not knowing who spread the news.

"Did Xiaojing agree to act?"

"No." Zhou Lan said, "Xiao Jing still doesn't want to show her breasts."

Zhou Yun nodded and said: "Since Xiao Jing is not willing, don't force her. Hurry up and suppress the rumors, lest the heroine will not be her, and people will say that she is touching."

Zhou Lan said: "It's already being arranged. I communicated with director Zhong Heping and declined, but he didn't say anything."

"Well, in fact, it would not be a big deal if it was placed abroad, but the national conditions are different, and the filming environment is also different." Zhou Yun said, "Xiaojing has a wider range of choices now, and she can't act if she doesn't want to act." Acting, it's nothing."

"That's what I said. To be honest, in our environment, I'm not too willing to let Xiao Jinglu. It's said that she is dedicated to art. In fact, when the resources come out, someone will definitely scold her."


However, Zhou Yun never expected that the movie directed by Zhong Heping would finally be announced to star Liu Qingqing.

On the day the news was officially announced, the circle exploded.

Everyone was talking on the phone about this matter, and they were all talking about Liu Qingqing making a comeback?

Liu Qingqing, who was obviously going downhill, unexpectedly got another movie directed by Zhong Heping without making any noise!

After hearing the news, Su Yan dropped a mirror on the spot.
The new book "I Became a Popular Entertainment Star after Breaking Up" has [-] words, please support me.

(End of this chapter)

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