Chapter 513 New plan
Liu Qingqing is about to give birth. During this time, apart from doing regular live broadcasts, she hardly ever goes out to show her face.

The belly is too big, and she is unwilling to show others in such an image.

Speaking of which, she is a single mother, and she does not want to reinforce this image to the outside world.

After the news of her upcoming collaboration with director Zhong Heping on a new film came out, her mobile phone vibrated non-stop, and people came to congratulate her and ask about the situation.

Before thinking about it, there were few cars and horses in front of the door.

Liu Qingqing felt it was ironic, but also felt a kind of exhilaration.

She replied to the messages one by one, expressing her gratitude, and at the same time feeling grateful for the decision she made.

Because of the nude scenes in this new film directed by Zhong Heping, when she first approached her, she also hesitated for a long time.

But Liu Qingqing finally decided to act, because she deeply realized that she had reached the moment when she had to break the boat.Her career has been declining at a speed visible to the naked eye in the past two years. Not to mention Zhou Yun's strong rise, Ning Yao is firmly on the movie line, Wei Ruxue's "Cold Spring" has smashed the world, and Su Yan also returned with "Questioning the Heart" At the peak of vision, several major competitors have been very strong in the past two years, and a few people who were slightly weaker than them in the past have also produced works in the past two years to stabilize their positions.

And she seemed to be cursed. The previous filming was blocked for review and could not be broadcasted for a long time. There was a problem with the cast members of "Luo Yan", and all of them were re-shooted. Now it is still in the later stage. No one knows that this film will be able to To what extent was she rescued? The low-cost suspense web drama "Panic" just finished filming was not favored by the industry, and she herself didn't know what kind of results this drama could achieve. Renew the contract and leave her.

Liu Qingqing was pregnant herself, and the pregnancy reaction made her very uncomfortable. She also encountered a career crisis, and she was very anxious.

If she doesn't burn the boat, she may really die soon.

Who wants to be mad?

It was in this situation that Liu Qingqing decided to make a sacrifice and take over Zhong Heping's new film.

You don't even have to wait for the movie to be released. As soon as the news came out, it immediately attracted the attention and discussion of so many people.

When the child is born, he will enter the group.

Liu Qingqing stroked her already protruding belly, thinking, no matter what, she must seize this opportunity.


"Do you regret it?"

After seeing Wang Jing, Zhou Lan asked her.

Wang Jing's expression was a little complicated, and he didn't speak for a long time.

Recently, she can be said to be very proud of the spring breeze. Invitations will be sent to her for events large and small. Not only that, but also a lot of film appointments.

But the matter of Zhong Heping's new film did bother her a little.

Zhou Lan's question hit the nail on the head. She really felt a little regretful, even a little shaken. She thought to herself, did she miss a good opportunity?

Wang Jing shook his head and said, "I don't know."

Zhou Lan smiled slightly, took her hand, and said earnestly: "As long as you make a decision, don't regret it. You will face more choices in the future. You have to make judgments. Sometimes your choice is right. , sometimes your choice is wrong, but you have to know that no one makes the right choice in this lifetime, and there will be times when it is wrong. The key lies in how many times you can make the right choice. , It is often the most critical correct choices that determine the height it can reach."

Wang Jing pursed her lips, lowered her head, and said, "Sister Lan, I'm a little confused now, I don't know if I made the wrong choice."

"It doesn't matter if you make a wrong choice, because you will have more opportunities to make choices in the future, but you have to think clearly, don't just make a reckless decision to do it next time because of regret this time, I didn't advise you to do it at the time. Making this movie is also because "Behind the Scenes" gives you greater choice, and you don't necessarily need to make such sacrifices in exchange for such opportunities."

Zhou Lan's voice was so gentle and powerful that Wang Jing couldn't help but listen in and nodded.

Zhou Lan said: "Now I need to remind you that if a reporter asks about this matter, ask about the previous news about your participation in this movie, don't be jealous of others, don't insinuate, and don't be sarcastic, avoid and don't answer Better not to get yourself caught up in this kind of public opinion."

"Okay, I understand, Miss Lan." Wang Jing said.

Zhou Lan smiled slightly, "Then I'll stop here, and you don't want to listen to too much."

"No, Sister Lan, what you said is very reasonable, and it helped me clarify my thinking." Wang Jing said, "During this time, I was really at a loss, at a loss, and my life has changed a lot."

"This is something you have to adapt and get used to. From now on, you are already a mature actor, and you are no longer the unknown newcomer." Zhou Lan said, "Go adjust your mentality, and ask your little one Sister Yun is studying, her mentality is the best I have ever seen. No matter whether she is in the peak or the trough, whether she is surrounded by applause or attacked by public opinion, she can try her best to keep herself in a stable emotional state. Say, very important."

"Okay." Wang Jing nodded.


As for Zhou Yun, she had made an appointment with director Jiang Xin before, so when she finally got free, she immediately made an appointment with director Jiang Xin.

Director Jiang Xin has been preparing for his own play since he finished filming "Ask the Heart".

His company has several films in progress at the same time, and no one knows which one Jiang Xin will start filming first.

But the drama "Ask the Heart" made director Jiang Xin return to the embrace of the film and television market. He was once again being scrambled by major platforms. Almost every platform is trying to win his next TV series, and the price is getting higher and higher. higher.But Jiang Xin has not made any moves. His habit is not to make decisions on these matters before the filming of a film officially starts. Otherwise, if unexpected factors happen, it will have more power to affect his judgment.

Zhou Yun and Song Chi came together.

Director Jiang Xin saw Song Chi and asked, "Is your leg still not healed?"

Song Chi shook his head and said, "I still have to rest for a while."

"Oh, isn't that delayed for a long time?" Jiang Xin said, "When will it be better?"

Song Chi said: "I don't know, I have to listen to the doctor, but the plaster cast can be removed soon." Song Chi smiled and asked, "Director Jiang, I heard that you are going to make a film about the Princess of the Warring States soon. play?"

"No, the script is not well written, and it is being revised." Jiang Xin shook his hand, "We have to wait until the script is finished before talking about starting the machine."

Song Chi snorted, "I thought you were looking for Xiaoyun to talk about this play, and asked Xiaoyun to play the princess of the Warring States Period."

"I have this idea, but the script has not been finalized yet, we will talk about it later." Jiang Xin said to Zhou Yun, "It is very popular recently."

Zhou Yun nodded with a smile and said, "Yes, it's very popular recently."

Jiang Xin said: "It's really amazing, Niu, it's so popular so fast, and it's so popular."

"Thank you for complimenting me." Zhou Yun came without makeup today, she asked Jiang Xin, "Are you busy recently?"

Jiang Xin said: "I can't take it easy, I'm pushing forward with my several films every day, there are too many things I want to shoot, so I won't meet with you, just say, I want to make a crime-themed film I want to invite you to act in a TV series, can you watch it?"

Zhou Yun didn't have to think about it at all, and said with a smile: "Of course it will work, can it still work?"

Jiang Xin said: "If you don't want to act, just say so, there is no burden."

"I don't want to act. Who doesn't want to act in your play?" Zhou Yun said, "I'm still worried that you won't find me for your new play."

"You are so popular now, everyone wants to cooperate with you." Jiang Xin said, "There should be many people looking for you, right?"

"There are a lot of people looking for me, but there are only a handful of directors like you." Zhou Yun asked, "When will you shoot this movie? I'm worried about the schedule, because I'm going to shoot a fashion movie soon, you know Yes, it's "Under Dress."

Jiang Xin nodded and said, "I'm going to shoot at the end of the year. Because of the small size, I only shoot [-] episodes, and the filming can be finished in about two months."

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "Okay, I'll talk to my company later and save the schedule for you."

Jiang Xin: "It's so straightforward, I didn't even know what the script was or what to do, so I agreed."

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "I fully trust you, and I know that you can definitely take good pictures of me."

Different directors have different levels.The reason why Zhou Yun is so obsessed with "Ask the Heart" and put it in a very special place in his heart is because during the filming of "Ask the Heart", Jiang Xin established a set of the most basic performance concepts for her.

What a good actor should look like, and what a good acting skill should look like.

These are all set up by Jiang Xin for her.

Zhou Yun trusted Jiang Xin.

Jiang Xin smiled and said, "If I had known it was so easy to find you, I wouldn't have gone to so much trouble to make an appointment with you. I thought it would take a lot of effort to convince you."

"Oh, you don't believe me so much." Zhou Yun covered his chest with one hand, exaggerating, "I'm hurt."

"Then if you're willing to act, I'll have no problem. I'll get someone to send the script to you later, and let me know if you have any ideas." Jiang Xin said, "I think you'll enjoy acting in this play."

"Okay." Zhou Yun nodded.

After chatting with Jiang Xin, Zhou Yun and Song Chi went home together.

Song Chi said: "I agreed to Director Jiang to make this movie so quickly, aren't you afraid that the script will not be satisfactory?"

Zhou Yun pondered for a moment, and said: "To be honest, I really believe in director Jiang Xin. No matter what he asks me to act in, I am willing to act. The key is to film with him. It is comfortable. You know that I filmed "Four Killers" ", the filming was so depressing, Hou Mengjie has his talent, I watched some of the clips, and they were very good-looking, but for me, there was no progress in the filming, I was like a puppet, in his Take the line and act according to his instructions. It’s different from director Jiang Xin’s filming, he really treats you as a thoughtful person and communicates with me, he respects me very much.”

Song Chi nodded, "A good director can give actors such a sense of security."

"That's right." Zhou Yun said, "But Yao Yuanfeng has been persuading me that if "Four Killers" does well at the box office, we should make a second film."

"If the box office is really good, why not make a second film?" Song Chi said, "Although the filming process is not pleasant, it can give you very positive feedback. Box office results are very important to actors."

"Of course I know that."

"Look, "Behind the Scenes" now has a box office of more than [-] million, which is already a small miracle, but for a movie with a commercial theme, this box office can only be said to be qualified." Song Chi said, "I'm not saying that an actor should pursue Box office, but box office is very important, really, don't be an actor who is popular but not popular, you will fall into the embarrassing situation of self-admiration."

Zhou Yun hummed.

Song Chi took Zhou Yun's hand and said, "Okay, did what I said made you a little unhappy?"

"Well." Zhou Yun nodded, "Actually, I understand what you said, but it's okay for Sister Lan to tell me these things, it's okay for Yao Yuanfeng to tell me, it's also okay for He Yong to tell me, but I don't want you to tell me .”


"You have to support me, no matter what kind of decision you make, you have to support me." Zhou Yun said a little waywardly.

Song Chi laughed quickly and said, "Of course I support you. No matter what decision you make, I will support you."


Zhou Yun leaned his head on Song Chi's shoulder, "Recently, I feel very tired and empty in my heart. I feel that I have obtained everything, but nothing belongs to me. I feel that I am obsessed with an art. value, but this is not good, and I know it myself."

"You are very lucky, you became popular so fast, all the best things were put in front of you all at once, and you were put in this position, everyone put higher demands on you, you want to be a real movie Art, you have to dedicate more wonderful performances, etc." Song Chi said, "I have also experienced such a stage before."

"and after?"

"It's nothing after that, and I slowly adjusted myself." Song Chi said, "We can only do what we can, and we are not born for any added value."

Zhou Yun smiled.

"But you are also working hard to do something for the industry, aren't you? Without you, no one would be willing to produce a TV series like "Mother" for a long time." Zhou Yun said.

Song Chi: "That's something I can do."


"It's impossible for me to devote myself to a field that is destined to lose money." Song Chi said, "I just take a risk within a limited scope."

"You demean yourself."

"This is my second realization after becoming famous. Never elevate yourself too high." Song Chi said with a smile, "Really, once you elevate yourself too high, it will be even worse when you fall."

Zhou Yun: "Yes."

"After filming Director Jiang's play, I have another play waiting for you to act in here."

"Huh?" Zhou Yun was a little surprised.

Song Chi said: "I'm going to find Yu Zhiyang to play the male lead of this play, and I've fulfilled your wish."

Zhou Yun looked at Song Chi in surprise, seeing the smile in Song Chi's eyes, with complicated emotions, gradually moved.

(End of this chapter)

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