I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 514 The new film is coming

Chapter 514 The new film is coming
"A new drama directed by Jiang Xin?"

Zhou Lan glanced at Zhou Yun in surprise.


Zhou Yun nodded.

Zhou Lan said: "Director Jiang's news is so well hidden. No one knows that he has a TV series that is about to start. Everyone only knows that he has several dramas in development."

"That's right." Zhou Yun said, "Now you don't have to worry about not being able to fill my schedule. The filming will start at the end of the year, which will almost coincide with "Under the Dress."

Zhou Lan said: "Then Yue Hai's double heroine play, do you still plan to act?"

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "Acting, I read the script, and the script is very well written, with a strong sense of suspense."

"Did the schedule hit?" Zhou Lan asked.

Zhou Yun said: "It can be coordinated. Director Jiang said it will be the end of the year, but the specific start-up time has not been determined. Didn't Yue Hai also say to follow my time?"

"Okay, as long as you are willing to act, I can indeed coordinate the schedule." Zhou Lan nodded, "But in this way, you actually made seven movies in a row this year."

"Wow." Zhou Yun was shocked by this number.

Zhou Lan spread his hands, nodded, and said, "Are you scared?"

Zhou Yun said, "Am I such a model worker this year?"

"Yes." Zhou Lan said, "It may take more than half a year for others to make a movie. When Wei Ruxue made "Cold Spring", she devoted more than half a year to that movie."

"The volume of one "Cold Spring" is equal to five new films directed by Jiang, and one film directed by Jiang only has [-] episodes." Zhou Yun said, "The volume is relatively small."

Zhou Lan nodded and said, "Speaking of which, if the shooting of the three TV dramas starts as scheduled this year, the volume of the three TV dramas added together will not be as good as "Cold Cold", which perfectly fits the route we set before. TV dramas only shoot short episodes."

Zhou Yun shrugged his shoulders and said, "It's not realistic for me to act in a long novel like "Cold in Spring" now, the schedule can't be moved out, right?"

"Yes, Xindun is already booking next year's schedule with me. I heard that Wen Bing is already writing the script and wants to develop a derivative film of the female killer you played in "One Mountain Two Tigers." Zhou Lan Say, "You're almost becoming his muse."

"Is he still with Windsor?" Zhou Yun asked.

"Well, the two are inseparably in love." Zhou Lan understood Zhou Yun's mind, "There is no sign of breaking up at present."

"Oh, all right."

"I heard that Windsor is ready to resign." Zhou Lan said again, "She plans to go to Wen Bing's crew and help him."

"What?" Zhou Yun looked at Zhou Lan in surprise, "Sister Lan, don't scare me, is it true? Tell me that this plan has been rejected by Wen Bing."

"Unfortunately, Wen Bing did not reject Windsor. He felt that Windsor's work in a law firm was not a core job like a lawyer. It was just a clerical job, which could be easily replaced and there was no room for self-improvement. It was he himself who suggested that Windsor should change. You can keep improving your work.”

"That is to say, if you get your own crew, what is the difference between love and work?"

Zhou Yun gasped. Does this mean that in the future when he and Wen Bing work together on filming, they will have to deal with Windsor at the same time?

This made Zhou Yun feel conflicted.

But she has no one to share this feeling with.

At the end of June, the box office of "Behind the Scenes" broke through 5 million, ushering in a new achievement.

"Film Report" announced the relevant background of the film's production, and reported that the film almost achieved an unimaginable box office result at an extremely low cost.

Zhou Yun's fans were very happy and spread the word everywhere.

The media also assigned the title of "Box Office Queen" to Zhou Yun.

So far, no matter whether it is a TV series or a movie, Zhou Yun has not missed a single play, which shocked the industry.

Next, "Warm Little Pony" and "One Mountain, Two Tigers" will be released within this year.

Although these two films are supporting actresses, they are still highly anticipated under Zhou Yun's current aura.

In particular, the box office of these two films does not seem to be bad.

Many people are curious about how long it will take for Zhou Yun to rank among the top ten Chinese-language film actresses at the box office.

After raising this question, not many people are optimistic about it.

Someone pointed out very clearly that from the perspective of Zhou Yun's film style, she doesn't like that kind of pure popcorn movies. The next few commercial films, whether it is "Warm Little Pony" or "One The directors of "Two Tigers on the Mountain" and "Four Killers" are well-known author-type directors. That is to say, even if Zhou Yun has acted in several commercial films, these films may not be able to become the kind of big box office films that kill the world.According to industry estimates for these films, only "Warm Little Pony" is expected to hit more than 2 billion yuan. This is because of Shen Yao's starring role and comedy theme.The two films "Days" and "Behind the Scenes" that have been released are out-and-out literary films. For literary films, although the box office results of these two films are already very high, the volume is still only 6 million after all. To the range of [-] million, the help to Zhou Yun's accumulated box office performance is not as great as it seems.

At present, the cumulative box office performance of actresses is in the top ten, and the cumulative box office of the tenth place has reached nearly 70 billion. If Zhou Yun continues to focus on the current shooting method, it may take five to ten years to enter the top ten, but This time is too long, who knows if other people will overtake in a curve, who knows how much box office the actresses in front will accumulate.

Zhou Lan directly forwarded this person's analysis to Zhou Yun, and commented: "It's right to the point."

Zhou Yun replied: Only a fool pursues a number.

Zhou Lan: Hahahaha, okay.

But after Zhou Yun finished reading it, another thought occurred to him, and he thought of Song Chi.

In the past two years, Zhou Yun has a very strong sense of existence because she almost seemed to be born out of nowhere. Before she became popular, Song Chi was already a top-tier fighter in the film circle, but the two In the past few years, Song Chi has broadcast several dramas, but in fact, only one drama "Questioning the Heart" was a hit, and the other dramas were not lukewarm, without much splash.Of course, for Song Chi, this was enough.In fact, for any actor, if he can produce a blockbuster drama of the level of "Questing the Heart" in an average of two to three years, his career will always be maintained at a peak state.Zhou Yun is a different kind, that's why she rushed to the front without anyone being able to shake her.

When she was attacked by the whole network back then, she was only influenced by celebrities in the commercial endorsement part. In the film and television part, she still had a stable golden position, and there were still many people who sent her scripts. The high salary paid her to act, but she didn't let go.

How is Song Chi's film performance?

Zhou Yun thought, Song Chi didn't seem to have a single movie in the past two years?
She checked Zha Songchi's records and found something.Song Chi really hasn't been in a movie in the past two years.He didn't even have any movies in stock, and the only movie "The Balcony" was broken due to a car accident, and Chen Jing was replaced as the starring role.

Zhou Yun suddenly remembered that Song Chi had told her once before.In the film industry, at his current age, he has reached the top and reached the end.He has won all the best actor awards in China, but before Zuo Jing, he could hardly make art films, he was restricted, and there were very few movie scripts that could impress him. On the contrary, TV dramas were more exciting He had the idea of ​​filming. After leaving Zuo Jing, he wanted to establish a firm foothold in order to start a company. It was even more impossible for him to shoot art films willfully. He wanted to support the company, so the situation before him was created.

For the world film industry, there are two paths, either take the route of winning awards at film festivals and get into the eyes of the main British media, or take the route of Hollywood commercial productions, with the help of Hollywood's global channels and publicity and distribution capabilities, to make a big hit. popularity around the world.

It is impossible for Song Chi to abandon everything in China and go to Hollywood to work hard.His main position must be in China, so he wants to go further, either by cooperating with world-class directors, or by relying on excellent domestic art films to participate in major film festivals, of course, like Mr. The Hollywood commercial films produced are also okay, but in fact, it does not promote his career development much.

At present, Song Chi is already one of the most well-known faces in Chinese-language movies in the world.

Zhou Yun thought, if there is a good movie script, he should find a way to get more for Song Chi.She never considered Song Chi, not because she didn't care about Song Chi, but because she had always subconsciously believed that Song Chi had access to a lot of resources and opportunities, and she didn't need her introduction at all.In fact, Zhou Yun has always had a mentality at the beginning, she is the one who has relied on the strength of many people to get to where she is today, and she has always felt that she is not qualified to help Song Chi.

That may be a little too much, a little too self-deprecating, but it is what it is.Zhou Yun has always felt that if he wants to help another person's career, he needs qualifications.

There is no problem for Zhou Yun to help Wang Jing, but it is actually a bit burdensome for her to help Song Chi.

She would feel that the help she provided might not be what Song Chi wanted.She could provide this help, if Song Chi wanted it, wouldn't he be able to get it by himself?
Zhou Yun had such an idea preconceived.

Just as Zhou Yun was thinking about it, Shen Yao suddenly contacted her and called her.

"Xiao Yun."

"Brother Yao, hi!" Zhou Yun said, "Brother Yao, why are you free to call me today?"

"'Warm Little Pony' is going to be released next month, I want to ask you, do you have time to do a promotion with us?" Shen Yao said.

Zhou Yun let out a wow, and said: ""Warm Little Pony" is about to be released, that's great, next month, I'll think about it, when exactly? I have a movie that is going to be launched at the end of July, and I will enter the production team at the end of the month. It will be more difficult to coordinate the time in the future.”

"It won't be until the end of the month, and we are planning to set a date for July 7."

"Okay, I'll tell my agent and ask her to spare as much time as possible."

"It was so refreshing to chat with you, thank you very much."

"Why are you so polite to me? When I thanked you for giving me the opportunity to play "Warm Little Pony", didn't you tell me that you are not polite."

Shen Yao groaned, and smiled very gratified.

Deep down in Zhou Yun's heart, he really thanked Shen Yao. At the beginning, she had no background in the film industry, and she had no achievements. When she was competing for the "Warm Little Pony", it was Shen Yao who said she could, and she got this award. Opportunity to perform.Of course, looking at it now, it must be that "Warm Little Pony" took advantage of it and invited Zhou Yun, who is now in full swing, with a relatively low salary at that time.But at that time, Shen Yao didn't know that she would have such a high box office appeal at this time.

Moreover, the whole process of cooperation was very pleasant, Shen Yao didn't give her any uncomfortable feeling.

After that, under Zhou Lan's help, Shen Yao gave Wang Jing a supporting actress in another new film, which was also a favor that needed to be remembered.

So Shen Yao took the initiative to make this call, Zhou Yun must cooperate as much as possible.

As soon as the news of the finalization of "Warm Little Pony" came out, the trailer also came out.

Zhou Yun appeared in a lot of scenes in the trailer, and it shocked everyone's attention.

In the movie, Zhou Yun used the most literary tone, said the most disgusting and nasty words, and made the most ostentatious movements, which completely blended with the style of this comedy movie and gave people a great impact.

After watching the trailer, many people felt emotional. They originally thought that Zhou Yun was just a beautiful vase in this comedy movie. Who would have thought that this movie in which she played a supporting actress turned out to be her most subversive performance? .

At least judging from the current trailer, Zhou Yun has completely subverted the previous image.

The publisher bought Zhou Yun an entry of "Zhou Yun's most subversive performance", which became a hot search.

This entry rushed to the top of the hot search list, higher than Shen Yao's entry.In terms of topicality on the Internet, Shen Yao is indeed not as good as Zhou Yun, which is why Shen Yao personally called Zhou Yun and asked her to participate in the promotion together.It was just a month ago that Zhou Yun pushed the box office of "Behind the Scene" from tens of millions to [-] million by himself. The industry was shocked and amazed. No one would ignore her appeal.

Later, when Shen Yao was interviewed, he was asked about Zhou Yun's performance in the movie this time, and mentioned: "I don't need to say much about Zhou Yun's acting skills. Everyone knows how good she is. What I want to say is , her devotion and love for acting, even I feel that there is a lot to learn, she is such a beautiful actress, she never considers whether her image is not good-looking when she plays a character, and adjusts the lines of the script We never considered whether this would have a tendency to uglify. Of course, we adjusted the script not deliberately to uglify Zhou Yun’s character, but out of the needs of the entire movie. Zhou Yun saw that this adjustment is good for the entire movie. Even if she has to make a little sacrifice, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it. To be honest, as an actor, I always have doubts in my heart, but she doesn’t. So after working with her, I respect her very much. She can achieve the current achievements. Totally worth it."

(End of this chapter)

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