Chapter 515 New Progress
Shen Yao's high evaluation of Zhou Yun made everyone feel surprised and unbelievable.

It even makes people doubt, is Shen Yao exaggerating?

Zhou Yun is still so young, the two of them have cooperated only once, and the time of cooperation has not been long yet, Shen Yao praised Zhou Yun to the sky, is this from the bottom of his heart?
Many people have such doubts in their hearts.

Sometimes, praise is not necessarily a good thing.Because, sometimes, some compliments will give people a feeling of "not worthy of virtue".

In fact, Shen Yao would say such a passage. On the one hand, he really appreciates Zhou Yun in his heart. As an actor, he recognizes Zhou Yun. On the other hand, Zhou Yun now has her status and voice in the film industry. Shen Yao wants to Holding her in the arms, who would have thought that it would cause her some troubles.

A lot of people ridiculed Shen Yao on the Internet that in order to sell box office, he can't talk more than his brain.Shen Yao didn't care about these things, he had a huge influence on passers-by, his face appeared on movie posters, and everyone would buy tickets to watch his movies for fun.The taunts online had little effect on him.

But Zhou Yun, who has just experienced a personal image crisis, has now been found a place to attack, and she is ridiculed by those voices who are making a comeback.

Zhou Lan sighed with emotion: "It's really an innocent disaster."

Zhou Yun said with a smile: "It's okay, don't take it to heart, I've already seen it, as long as it doesn't really hurt me, I won't take it to heart."

Zhou Lan gave Zhou Yun a thumbs up.

"With your mentality, I want to invite you to hold a training class for other artists in the company."

"Don't, when the time comes, everyone will just say, ah, Zhou Yun really doesn't hurt her back while standing up and talking. If I am as popular as her, I don't care how others scold me." Zhou Yun imitated the tone of others and smiled. Said, "It's definitely going to happen, they just don't say it to my face."

Zhou Lan hummed.

"But, no matter what, Shen Yao's evaluation of you in the reporter's interview shows that he really appreciates you."

Zhou Yun: "I personally feel that I am not as good as he said."


"Warm Little Pony" is the blockbuster film in July, and it is also a blockbuster that theater managers place high hopes on.

Despite the ups and downs outside, Zhou Yunlei participated in the "Warm Little Pony" promotional activity unmoved.

She met Yu Sitian at one of the promotional activities.

This Song Chi's admirer, seeing Zhou Yun now, not only has a complicated mood, but also has some psychology of not wanting to see Zhou Yun.

The person she once looked down upon has now become something she can't look up to.

They are all supporting roles, but when attending the same event, everyone treats her as the heroine, even Shen Yao treats her with courtesy.

In the background, Yu Sitian stayed in her lounge and didn't go out to say hello to others, just because she didn't want to meet Zhou Yun, and she didn't want to meet her face to face, that would be too embarrassing.

When they were on the same stage, they wouldn't stand next to each other, and they didn't even make eye contact with each other.

After one activity, Yu Sitian felt more tired than after a day of filming.

She spoke less and began to hide her emotions.

After the event, on the way back to the car, the manager asked her: "Have you made a decision? "Dragon Teng" is urging you."

Recently, two dramas came to Yu Sitian at the same time. One is a TV drama about urban love, and she was given a salary of [-] million per episode. Too much, the film studio can only give a salary of [-] for one episode.

It is difficult to judge the two TV series.The advantage of the former is that she is the absolute protagonist, the salary is high, and the theme itself has a stable audience market. The disadvantage is that the production team is average, there are too many homogeneous themes in the market, and the script is only qualified. After the filming, It may be a bit of a splash when it airs, but it will be quickly forgotten.The advantage of the latter is that the script is solidly written and the production team is good. The disadvantage is that the subject matter is not popular in the current market. It is not known whether it will be popular when it is broadcast, and the salary is low. .

Yu Sitian never acted in TV dramas before, but later she broke the convention and after accepting "The Road to Great Qin" directed by Hong Chengzhi, many TV dramas came to her.

Although she is not as good as Su Yan, Zhou Yun and the others, among the young Xiaohua, she has outstanding acting skills and popularity, and the TV series producers are very willing to invite her.

Thinking of Zhou Yun, Yu Sitian hesitated for a moment and said, "I want to take on "Dragon Teng"."

The manager nodded and said, "That's it."


Zhou Yun didn't know, because her strong rise brought anxiety to actresses like Su Yan, Liu Qingqing, Wei Ruxue and Yu Sitian.

When Su Yan and Liu Qingqing competed before, no matter how fiercely they competed, they didn't use their brains to win prizes, because both of them were in the same boat, and they followed the traffic route. I can afford TV dramas, but in terms of winning awards, I can only wait for the right time, place and people.

Yu Sitian didn't make TV dramas before, but only made movies. Even if the movie performance is not very good, it doesn't matter. Among the actresses of the same age, she is already the best, and she has a steady stream of movie resources, which is envied by others , never lost gear.As a moviegoer, she was looked up upon invisibly. In any event, even if she was not as popular as Su Yan and Liu Qingqing, the organizers would definitely treat them on the same level.

Not to mention Wei Ruxue.Without Zhou Yun, she would have become last year's hottest actress by virtue of "Cold Spring", not one of them. The actress she won this year will also allow her to stand out from the crowd for a long time.

But the existence of Zhou Yun affected their situation.

There is someone who is better than them in all aspects, and they are no longer the first choice of partners.

This forced them to make some changes.


Zhou Yun followed Shen Yao to promote "Warm Little Pony". Shen Yao talked about a new film he was preparing, of course, it was a comedy.

Shen Yao said: "A group of people were exiled on a deserted island due to a sudden accident, and they happened to witness a small spaceship crashing into the sea. There was a series of battles over control, and a lot of ironic things happened along the way."

After listening to Shen Yao's speech, Zhou Yun was very pleasantly surprised and said, "It sounds like a very interesting subject."

"I would like to invite you to play one of the roles." Shen Yao said, "But this drama is still a group portrait, there will be seven leading roles."

"Okay, it sounds very interesting, has the script been written yet?" Zhou Yun asked curiously.

"The first draft of the script has just come out, and the second draft is being revised. This movie will involve a lot of special effects in the part of aliens, so the pre-production time will be longer, and the earliest filming will start at the end of next year." Shen Yao smiled. Said, "I have always wanted to make a comedy about aliens. When I was a child, I always dreamed that aliens came to my house to find me."

Zhou Yun said, "This is actually a sci-fi comedy, right?"

"It kind of means that it's lighter in science fiction." Shen Yao said with a sigh, "Nowadays, there is not much market for hard science fiction in China."

Zhou Yun: "I have read very interesting science fiction novels."

"I've seen the news that you like reading novels very much."

"Well, reading novels will give me a feeling of temporarily leaving the world I am in now." Zhou Yun said, "I am also very interested in other people's stories."

Shen Yao said: "If you read a novel you are interested in, you can actually consider finding a production company to adapt it into a film and television drama. Now that you have very strong capabilities and resources, you can definitely do this."

"I'm worried that I've taken too many steps. As an actor, I already have a good number, but if I try something new now, I'm afraid I won't have enough energy, and it will be self-defeating."

"You don't have to do everything yourself to find the right person, you're still only in charge of acting." Shen Yao said, "I have a very reliable producer, and she actually handles everything for me. Yes, what kind of director do I want to make this film, what kind of cast I want, what kind of film I want to make, which production company to cooperate with, how much investment budget is needed, etc. These things are actually I don't know that much, but with a professional helping you, you can make more movies that you want to make, in fact, if you don't do this, we actors will always be in a position of being picked."

Zhou Yun nodded in understanding.

"Brother Shen, I understand what you mean, and I will think about it carefully."


The day before "Warm Little Pony" was released, the pre-sale box office on the first day exceeded [-] million.

On the day of the premiere, the box office directly exceeded [-] million, and then broke [-] million on Saturday and Sunday. After three days of the first weekend, the total box office reached [-] million.

This is the influence of a big commercial production.

Don't look at the fact that Zhou Yun contributed the most topics to this movie during the whole road of publicity. In fact, according to the survey results of professional organizations, [-]% of the audience of this movie still went for Shen Yao, and only Ten percent of the audience bought tickets for Zhou Yun.

Of course, being able to play such a role in a movie completely dominated by Shen Yao is already Zhou Yun's ability.

Zhou Yun's topicality can drive this movie to let more people know, which can mainly drive passers-by.

For a movie's box office, the passerby is always the biggest component of the box office.

Zhou Yun's performance in "Warm Little Pony" gave everyone a huge surprise.

Not only the industry and professional film critics gave super high evaluations, but even the audience who watched it praised Zhou Yun greatly on social platforms.

This is mainly due to the fact that the character played by Zhou Yun is so different from her usual image.

"Proud and low self-esteem, obviously glamorous and moving, but also gives people a sense of wandering life experience, but also uses his own unique rhythm to blend into the rhythm of this comedy, making people never stop smiling, and then laughing and laughing I feel sad for her." A film critic commented on his social platform, "After seeing this movie, I understand why Shen Yao has such a high evaluation of Zhou Yun. The artistic level of the movie, that's right, the chapter where Zhou Yun appeared was the most cinematic moment in the movie, and it was also the moment when Shen Yao's performance was most tenable. Zhou Yun's performance made the character played by Shen Yao The warmth of this character has a support, but unfortunately, in the other chapters, Shen Yao's warmth and kindness are a little mediocre in comparison."

A big V with hundreds of thousands of fans said: "Seeing the scene where the hair-washing girl played by Zhou Yun brought Shen Yao to her home and wanted to have sex with Shen Yao in an exaggerated and uglified way, I really cried while laughing, Zhou Yun's acting is too advanced, the more active she is, the more funny it makes me feel sad, she acted the desolation of a small person."

Others said: "However, this is still a mediocre comedy."

The hot discussion on the Internet has made "Warm Little Pony" a work that everyone is eager to discuss.

It's not just intellectuals and white-collar elites who are discussing, comedy-themed movies are themselves the most popular movies in the sinking market.

The box office of "Warm Little Pony" continued to rise. A week later, it directly exceeded [-] billion yuan, fulfilling the market's expectations for it, and at the same time, it has not yet seen a decline.

During the Cannes Film Festival in May, "Behind the Scenes" in June, and "Warm Little Pony" in July, Zhou Yun continued to be active in front of the public as if he had no holiday at all.

In July, Zhou Yun was invited to participate in seven important events, including a gala on a certain social platform, three luxury business events, one fashion event, and two charity events.

Those three luxury business activities and one fashion event earned her a very generous appearance fee, and Zhou Yun turned around and donated the money to public welfare activities.

This caused another surprise.

Amidst the voices of surprise, Zhou Yun's publicity tour has come to an end temporarily, and she has to go all out to prepare for the launch of "Under Dress".

"Under Dressed" is set to launch on August [-]th, which is an auspicious day according to the calculation, and it is suitable to launch.

Chengqian Film and Television is responsible for the specific production work, and the director has been setting up studios with them for a long time.

Zhou Yun had held meetings with them every now and then, just to look at the pictures of the scene and make various judgments.

Obviously these things have nothing to do with her, but everyone agreed that Zhou Yun should take a look at everything first, and she nodded before moving forward.

The four most important characters in "Under Dress", the first is the fashion editor Zou Ying, played by Zhou Yun, the second is the editor-in-chief, played by Zeng Lili, the third is Zou Ying's best friend Yin Feifeng, played by Wan Fangli, and the second is the editor-in-chief, played by Zeng Lili. The four are Zou Ying's lovers, played by Zhou Jianfeng.

In addition to these four characters, there are many characters.There are nine regular characters in the editorial department who show their faces in each episode, not including people from other departments.

At present, all the actors have been settled, and the script reading meeting has been organized several times, and we are just waiting for the filming to start.

(End of this chapter)

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