I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 516 Script Reading Meeting

Chapter 516 Script Reading Meeting
Zeng Lili was one of the first actors to join the group.

After she became acquainted with Zhou Yun in "Words of Fallen Leaves", within a year, this is already the third play they have collaborated on.

"Sister Lili, thank you for supporting me." Zhou Yun and Zeng Lili embraced warmly.

The role of editor-in-chief played by Zeng Lili was originally planned to invite Fan Zhu to play it.

But after Fan Zhu and Zhou Yun had a conflict, Fan Zhu stopped acting.Zhou Yun asked Zeng Lili to come to the rescue, and Zeng Lili agreed without saying a word, very awesome.

Zeng Lili smiled and waved her hands, and said, "Why are you being polite to me?"

Before the official start, there will be a reading session with all the actors present.

More than a dozen main actors sat down around a U-shaped table and introduced themselves to everyone.

"I'm very happy to be able to create this drama with you." Zhou Yun, as the lead actor and untitled producer, welcomed everyone, "When I first proposed to make the drama "Under Dress", it was It happened more than a year ago, and a lot of changes have taken place in the middle, but in the end we still worked hard to advance this drama to today, and the filming will start soon. It is a great honor to film this drama with you in the next time, everyone together come on."

Everyone applauded.

There are more than a dozen actors, including no fewer than seven well-known actors including Zhou Yun, and each actor has a team.According to the usual practice in this industry, during the entire filming process of a TV series, the producers are actually responsible for the food, clothing, housing and transportation of these teams.

In a huge conference room, the director and actors sat on the table, and there were many chairs behind them, where people from various teams sat.

Director Ning Yufeng said: "In the next period of time, I will fight side by side with everyone, let us make an amazing work together!"

The prologue is over.

Actors introduce themselves in turn, and different actors have different personalities and styles.

These actors were carefully selected by Zhou Yun, Zheng Xiaowen, Zhou Lan, and He Yong. Zhou Yun himself is very familiar with them, but they are not necessarily related to each other.

After the self-introduction, finally, I started to read the script.

The script of the TV series is much longer than that of the movie. I can only read the first four episodes today and continue tomorrow.

As the leading actor, Zhou Jianfeng was a little nervous, the kind of nervousness that everyone could see.

Ning Yufeng smiled and said, "Looks like acting with Zhou Yun and Zeng Lili, even the leading actor is unavoidably nervous, so I don't worry, I thought I was the only one who was nervous."

After Ning Yufeng said this, everyone laughed.

"I'm so nervous too!" Cheng Shenlu raised his hand and said, "I didn't sleep well last night. I watched "Behind the Scenes" before, and when I thought that I would soon be filming with two such amazing actors, my whole body People are not well."

Cheng Shenlu is a very young actress. Before filming "Behind the Scenes", she only filmed one TV series, but this TV series is a major drama by a senior director. Although Cheng Shenlu only played one role in it. The small role in four episodes has received a lot of praise.

She is an actress who is very slack in acting for the first time.

Zhou Jianfeng scratched his head in embarrassment when he heard everyone say that.

"Sorry for making everyone laugh."

Zhou Jianfeng was really nervous and uneasy.He didn't know how to describe his feelings. He was disappointed and uncomfortable when he didn't get the opportunity to perform "Under Dress". Later, he was unexpectedly able to play the leading actor. Even his agent said he was lucky and warned him repeatedly. He shouldn't be dissatisfied because he didn't use him before. It's a kind of luck and ability to pick up the leaks in such an opportunity.But when it came time to actually act in this play, he had made so much preparation before, and he still inevitably felt nervous.

He actually has a worry deep in his heart that even his agent doesn't know.He was very worried that his performance would not be recognized by Zhou Yun and the others, and he would be replaced again.This kind of anxiety and uneasiness has always been with him, entangled him, and made him restless during this period of time.In fact, he also understands the truth that the more nervous you are, the worse your performance will be, but although he understands the truth, he can't do it.

He thanked director Ning Yufeng for saying such words and helping to ease his embarrassment.

But on the other hand, his tension and anxiety have not been relieved.

During the break in the middle, everyone had already communicated with the people sitting around them, chatting and laughing.

Wan Fangli sat next to him, took the initiative to start a conversation, and said, "Actually, apart from being a little nervous, I found that your lines are very good. Have you ever acted in a drama?"

Zhou Jianfeng was flattered and said, "Yes, I have acted in it."

"Let me just say, otherwise why are you so good at speaking at such a young age." Wan Fangli laughed, "You are also handsome, you are really a standard male lead."

Zhou Jianfeng scratched his head in embarrassment.

Wan Fangli said: "Let me tell you, it's normal for you to be nervous, even I am nervous, but on the other hand, I feel pretty good, you know? The drama "Under Dress" is In the past few years, I have encountered scenes that really rely on auditions to select actors. They are not movies, but TV dramas, large and small roles, no matter what actors are, those who can sit here have participated in auditions, oh, of course , Teacher Zeng Lili didn't participate in the audition, that's another matter, I heard that you also participated in the audition, right?"

Zhou Jianfeng nodded, and hummed, "I, I actually didn't choose me at first."

"Then what's the matter? In the film and television industry, there are many accidents. Many actors who were not the first choice at the beginning can play the role to the point where no one can replace it. Look at Zhang Ziyi. Director Ang Lee was not the first choice for "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", nor was Aunt Qiong Yao the first choice for "Han Zhu Ge Ge". What happened later? Facts have proved that acting is not necessarily the first choice. It is the best candidate." Wan Fangli said to Zhou Jianfeng, "Anyway, no matter who they chose at the beginning, the person sitting here who is going to play the leading role is you, isn't it?"

What Wan Fangli said eased Zhou Jianfeng's anxiety.

"Well, thank you."

"Come on, I can tell from your lines that you must be an actor with solid basic skills, and you can definitely do it."

After the break in the middle, I continued to read the book again.

Zhou Jianfeng's performance was much better.

He remembered Wan Fangli's kindness in his heart.

At noon, Zhou Yun had dinner with Zeng Lili and Wan Fangli.

"Thank you for your hard work." Zhou Yun said with a smile to Wan Fangli, "After you finished talking to him, his performance in the future is much better."

Wan Fangli said: "Xiaoyun, why don't you say these words of encouragement yourself?"

"He might not be able to listen to what I'm going to say." Zhou Yun smiled helplessly, "We didn't choose him at the beginning, and he must have been disappointed and disappointed in his heart. In fact, he was very proud when he first auditioned. , but since it was decided that he would act in this play for Yu Zhiyang, I found that he has become a little quiet, as if he was a little afraid of talking."

"I feel it." Wan Fangli said, "He was very afraid that he could not do well."


Zeng Lili pondered for a moment, and said: "Actors are like this. They are actually more sensitive than ordinary people. When they are proud, they are in high spirits. Once they are hit, they will become depressed. I have experienced such times before."

"Really?" Zhou Yun asked in surprise, "I don't think you will have such a time, Sister Lily."

"That's because I have experienced it now, so I have this indifferent attitude. When I first entered the industry, how could I be indifferent? Every night I recite the lines by myself, afraid that I will forget the lines or say the wrong words the next day. As for the lines, if I acted with old actors at that time, if it was NG because of me, I would definitely be scolded by the director."

"It's all like this." Wan Fangli said, "When I first started filming, I was not only scolded by the director, but also by the old actors in the group, saying that I don't know anything."

Zhou Yun: "I don't want to be such a person when I get old."

"Haha, in fact, good directors and good actors know how to protect an actor's pride and self-esteem." Zeng Lili said, "Let me tell you, don't look at some directors who like to swear on the set, but those who are particularly capable Yes, he doesn’t use dirty words when he swears, he can make you feel ashamed, but at the same time it won’t make you lose hope completely, he’s not hitting you, he’s putting higher demands on you and spurs you on.”

"A director with no level is completely destroying an actor's self-esteem." Wan Fangli added.

Zhou Yun said: "Director Ning Yufeng has filmed two films before, both with young actors. He has a good way of getting along with young actors."

"I watched Director Ning's previous drama, and it was very good." Wan Fangli said, "It's a pity that although the reputation was good at that time, it was not very popular."

Zhou Yun said: "I will pass on your compliment to the director to him."

she laughs.

"I've heard it." Ning Yufeng suddenly sat down on the empty seat beside them with a plate.

Wan Fangli's pupils trembled, "Scared me, director, why are you so elusive, you appear as soon as you say you appear, it's too scary."

Ning Yufeng smiled brightly and was very gentle, and said, "I'm not elusive, it's because you guys were so absorbed in the chat that you didn't realize that I've been standing next to you for a long time."

"Ah? Director, you actually listened to our chat openly?" Zhou Yun accused with a smile, "You are too much! Fortunately, we didn't speak ill of the director!"

Zeng Lili nodded in approval.

Ning Yufeng laughed out loud.

Among the young directors, Ning Yufeng is very talented, otherwise it would be impossible for his two previous works to get such high praise.

But coexisting with it, Ning Yufeng was also very proud.A talented director actually hopes to have absolute control over his crew.However, it is obviously impossible for him to control the play "Under Dress". Whether it is from the cast or the script, the decision-making power is not in Ning Yufeng's hands, which made Ning Yufeng somewhat dissatisfied at first.But the final result was similar to the direction Ning Yufeng wanted, so he was relieved a lot.

But Ning Yufeng still hopes that he has the final say on the crew.

He didn't know how to say this, and who to say it to, he felt that it was not good to say it, and he felt very dissatisfied with Zhou Yun.

In fact, he was really excited to work with Zhou Yun.

In particular, "Behind the Scenes" and "Warm Little Pony" were released one after the other, capturing territory at the box office and gaining popularity in terms of word of mouth. Which director would not dream of working with Zhou Yun.

He was actually very excited when he got this opportunity.

He didn't want Zhou Yun to feel that he had a problem with her.

But when he was still hesitating whether to speak, Zhou Yun did something that moved him unexpectedly and deeply.

At the first decision-making meeting after joining the group, Zhou Yun said: "From now on, I will go all out to do my job well as an actor. Whether it is decision-making or judgment in other aspects, everyone Each perform their duties, and if they really need someone to nod, for production matters, go to Wang Kaidi, and for content matters, go to Ning Yufeng."

This is tantamount to direct "decentralization".

Zhou Yun said something later, which moved Ning Yufeng even more.

"All things related to artistic creation, in fact, the most taboo thing is that the public says that the public is right, and the mother-in-law says that the woman is right. Don't let me say that you want blue sky and white clouds. You should find a way to realize the old sky and white clouds. Wang Kaidi said that you want Gothic style. You I also found a way to integrate the gothic style into the blue sky and white clouds. Only one voice is enough on the set, and all production departments follow the same voice." Zhou Yun said, "I think this voice should be the voice of director Ning, of course, if Director Ning wants to build a castle on the set in a whimsical way, so please stop him, Mr. Wang, and take care of the money."

Wang Kaidi smiled and shrugged.

Zhou Yun's words established Ning Yufeng's right to speak at the production level.

And at the meeting of the actors, Zhou Yun took the initiative to support every judgment he made as the first protagonist, which gave the actors another wind direction.

So far, Ning Yufeng has nothing to say.

After dealing so much with Zhou Yun in the early stage, Ning Yufeng also gradually realized what kind of person Zhou Yun is.

She is not weak, not the kind of beautiful vase that is arranged by others, she has her own thoughts, her own persistence, and the kind that has something to say.

But she is not forceful, not aggressive, and does not ask everyone to play by her rules.

She will think twice before making a decision, and after she makes a decision, she will not regret it now and then.

Ning Yufeng likes to cooperate with such people. Such people are "difficult to deal with", but not difficult to cooperate with.He has to go all out to reach a consensus with her, which cannot be done casually.But after reaching a consensus, she will unswervingly support you, cooperate with you, and walk towards the destination together.

Ning Yufeng thought to himself, this might be the actor that all ambitious, talented and ambitious directors dream of working with.

As an actress, she is almost perfect.

(End of this chapter)

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