Chapter 517
After lunch, Zhou Yun was going to go to his lounge to take a rest.

"Under Dress" is not bad for investment, and the lounge environment prepared by the producer is very good.

Almost every main character has an exclusive lounge, not to mention, each lounge has a small bed for them to rest between filming.

In addition to a small bed, there is also a small refrigerator, which can store some food and drinks. Of course, the most important thing is that some actors like to drink and like to have a drink by themselves. The refrigerator can provide them with ice cubes .

Along the way, everyone was doing what they were doing.

The filming of the play is about to start, and the main scenes of the editing room have been completed, but there are still some secondary and post-shooting scenes that are still in the process of preparation.

The rent in this place is not cheap, but it can fully meet their needs.

Eighty percent of the scenes in "Under Dress" are shot in the studio, and there are very few exterior scenes.

Among them, the editing room, the homes of several leading actors, the bar they often go to, and the studio and other workplaces are all set up in the studio.

This is also good, it can guarantee that all the people who come in and out are the staff, and will not be harassed by the paparazzi and fans of the actors.

Zhou Yun met Cheng Shenlu head-on in the corridor.

Cheng Shenlu has a cheerful and outgoing personality. When he saw her, he greeted her enthusiastically, "Sister Xiaoyun!"

Zhou Yun: "Don't you take a break at noon?"

Cheng Shenlu smiled and said, "Take a break, I'll go find my agent first."

"Yeah." Zhou Yun nodded, "See you later."

Cheng Shenlu responded energetically, and the smile on his face waited until Zhou Yun walked away before slowly putting it away.

Thinking of what she was going to tell her agent later, she took a serious and deep breath.

"Do you want the director to add scenes to you?" After hearing Cheng Shenlu's thoughts, the agent looked at her in surprise, "Shenlu, why do you suddenly think so?"

Cheng Shenlu said: "I read the script carefully, and I think the editor I want to play still has a lot of room to explore. Moreover, there are too many actors and roles in this play. I will appear on the scene more. You Don't you want me to be able to stand out in this drama?"

"Of course I hope you will stand out, but, Shen Lu, this is not Yue Hai's own play. How could the director agree to you rashly asking for an addition? Not to mention, it's not the director who really talks about this play, but Zhou Yun , do you think Zhou Yun will agree with you if you do this?" The manager persuaded with some helplessness.

Cheng Shenli is a very smart and active actress, which is her advantage, but from another perspective, Cheng Shenli is sometimes too naive, thinking of something that is beneficial to her, she will immediately want to go Do it without seriously thinking about the pros and cons.

The manager said, "Your acting roles are not too small now. Apart from Zhou Yun, Zeng Lili and Wan Fangli, you have the most acting roles. You proposed to add more roles. Do you think they will have any objections?"

Chengshen law can't listen to these things.She is still very young now, she has only acted in one movie, she was spotted by Yue Hai, she offered an olive branch, and signed to Yue Hai. "Under Dress" is her second play.She doesn't yet know much about relationships and the twists and turns between the cast and crew.

"But if the idea I put forward is reasonable, why would the director disagree?" Cheng Shenlu said, "Look at the newcomer editor I played, he is a rookie but positive character in the script, and he has a lot of responsibility. Regarding the function of popularizing the basic knowledge of the fashion industry, is that right? Because many audiences don’t know much about the fashion industry, a role is needed to answer professional information that is unfamiliar to the audience, but I think a rookie can only I like to ask questions, and I definitely want to be aggressive and improve my abilities as soon as possible, right? There are only a few scenes in the script where I am aggressive. In fact, I think the role I played I should take on more value. Through my role, I can convey to young audiences a value that can only be gained through hard work, instead of blindly making mistakes. Ask the seniors, if you don’t organize yourself, don’t work hard, what you have learned Knowledge is not yours anyway, right?"

Cheng Shenlu's analysis is clear and logical.

The manager was very helpless, and said: "Shen Lu, have you thought about what she would think if you added more scenes in the end, if you ended up with more roles than Wan Fangli? Originally she was the third female lead, but because of you Once you add a play, it becomes the female number four."

Cheng Shenlu said: "If that's the case, then there's nothing I can do. Besides, I won't add so much. I just need to add a few scenes that show my hard work."

"If there is one, there will be two. Based on my current understanding of the crew, they will not casually agree to you adding a play. They pay more attention to the script than the crew I have been in contact with before. You don't remember the script reading meeting this morning, Wan Fang Li proposed to modify a line, but did the director not agree in the end? He said that every line in this script has its own meaning, and every word order has the screenwriter's ideas in it. It requires the actors to deeply understand the screenwriter's investment in the lines. Thoughts. I don’t even agree to modify a line, let alone add a scene to you suddenly. Don’t bother with it. Play your role well. There is a high probability that this drama will explode. It will be of great benefit to you in the future."

"Just tell the director for me! If the director really refuses to agree, let it be. What if he thinks I'm right and agrees?" Cheng Shenlu still refused to give up.

The manager had no choice but to appease him: "Okay, I'll help you communicate with the director, okay?"

Cheng Shenlu's manager found an opportunity to mention this matter to Ning Yufeng.Just as she thought, Ning Yufeng immediately rejected it.

Ning Yufeng said: "At present, the script we have finalized has been revised for more than a dozen versions. Each episode has its own arrangement for the appearance of a character. Sudden addition of scenes will affect the rhythm of the current script itself."

Cheng Shenlu's manager didn't force it either. He smiled and said, "Then please ask the director to take care of Shenlu. She is young and immature in many ways. Please take care of her."

Ning Yufeng smiled and said of course.

In the afternoon, continue reading this session.

After everyone's running-in in the morning, it will be much smoother in the afternoon.

Line skills are a very important skill for an actor.Generally speaking, actors with good lines skills are not said to have bad acting skills.

Zhou Yun actually realized long ago that her lines skills are not good.She is not from a major and has not received professional training. When speaking of words, she relies entirely on her own understanding of life and characters, which is easy to be homogenized.Zeng Lili is very good in this aspect, whether she pauses or hesitates between words, it gives people a feeling of precision and ease.Zhou Yun learned a lot from Zeng Lili.

While holding the reading session in the afternoon, Zhou Lan checked the scenes to be used in another studio.

The assistant director followed by her side.

The two talked and laughed while looking at the scenery.

"There are too many actors in this movie, and in many scenes, five or six actors are in the same frame, so we must pay attention to these arrangements to avoid bugs." Zhou Lan said, "After the shooting is done every day, we have to take pictures of the scene, and the next day we will have to take pictures of the scene. Before shooting, check the photos to see if there is anything missing or extra. There are so many things, large and small, in the editing room, so it’s easy not to notice them, but you know how sharp the eyes of the audience are now. of."

The assistant director nodded and said with a smile: "Of course, don't worry, we specially arranged two people to do this."

"Hey, there are too many actors, so it's hard to manage?" Zhou Lan asked with a smile.

"It's really hard work. The key is that everyone has their own ideas. It's okay now. Everyone has just arrived and can't see anything. I'm afraid that after the filming, everyone will make some requests. By the way, Cheng Shenlu today My agent once came to the director, hoping to add some drama to Cheng Shenlu's role, but the director refused." The assistant director sighed, "When there are more people, there are more things to do."

Zhou Lan frowned upon hearing this.

She thought about it, and after the afternoon reading session was over, she stopped Cheng Shenlu.

"Shen Lu, are you free now? Let's chat?"

Cheng Shenlu looked at Zhou Lan in surprise, and said, "I'm free, Miss Lan."

Zhou Lan brought Cheng Shenlu to an empty corner.

Cheng Shenlu was a little nervous and asked, "Sister Lan, what do you want from me?"

Zhou Lan said: "I heard that your agent went to the director and wanted to add a little drama to you?"

Cheng Shenlu was taken aback.

She didn't expect Zhou Lan to receive the news so soon.

She scratched her nose in embarrassment, and said, "I have a little idea, because I think there is still a lot of room to explore in this role I played."

"I understand your desire to add a play, but, as you have seen, there are more than a dozen actors in this play, if everyone wants to add a play as much as you do, then this scene should not be filmed, you are right ?"

Zhou Lan stared at Cheng Shenlu, and said in a tone that was not serious, but with a hint of warning.

Cheng Shenlu's face turned pale in an instant.

She pursed her lips tightly and said nothing.

"You are a promising girl, work hard, step by step, and you will definitely be a heroine one day in the future." Zhou Lan gently patted Cheng Shenlu on the shoulder and said.

Cheng Shenlu forced a smile.

After talking to Zhou Lan, she went back to her lounge alone.

The evening was a rest time, and she did not arrange work. She stayed in the lounge for a while, contacted her agent, and prepared to go back to the hotel to rest.

The agent said: "I see that the crew arranged a car to take you back to the hotel, so I asked the driver to go back first. You can go back in the crew's car."

Cheng Shenlu let out an oh.

The agent heard that she was not in a good mood, and asked, "What's wrong? Are you unhappy?"

Cheng Shenlu didn't want to tell his manager what Zhou Lan taught him just now, so he kept it a secret, "No, it's fine, I'll hang up first."

She hung up the phone, went out with her things, and happened to meet Guan Siya, who was next to her in the lounge.

Both she and Guan Siya are contracted actors of Yue Hai, they have known each other before, and they have a good relationship.

"Shen Lu, are you going back to the hotel too?" Guan Siya asked in surprise when she saw her.

Cheng Shenlu nodded and said, "Yes."

"Then let's go together." Guan Siya took Cheng Shenlu's arm and said intimately, "I'm really tired today. I have never filmed a movie. There have been so many reading sessions, and I am not allowed to ask for leave. So strict."

Cheng Shenlu said: "After all, it's a drama starring Zhou Yun."

Guan Siya: "I don't know when we will be as popular as Zhou Yun."

Cheng Shenlu smiled and said, "I don't even dare to think that way."

"Think about it, let's have a dream." Guan Siya said again, "But it's amazing that you can play the female number four this time. Maybe after the show is broadcast, you will be an instant hit."

Cheng Shenlu pursed his lips and said, "Don't talk about it, I'm not in the mood to think about things that are going to be popular right now."

"Why? But you really don't seem to be in a good mood, what happened?" Guan Siya asked with concern.

Cheng Shenlu shook his head and said, "No, it's a little thing, let's go back."

"Oh, you have to speak out if you are unhappy, or you will keep it in your heart, and you will always be unhappy." Guan Siya said, "How about this, let's go eat something together later? Let's have a drink together Alright, let's talk again."

Cheng Shenlu hesitated for a while, because he was upset, he was not willing to refuse in the end.

After dinner and a glass of wine, Cheng Shenlu finally couldn't hold back, and told Guan Siya what happened to him.

"It must be that Zhou Yun refused, that's why Zhou Lan came to me and said those things." Cheng Shenlu was a little dissatisfied, and said, "Don't you think it's strange? It's not that I want to add more scenes, or anything else. I just want to make the character I play more complete and richer, but she actually asked her agent to come over and warn me directly, why is she so stingy?"

Guan Siya glanced at her in surprise.

"Aren't you too courageous? How dare you take the initiative to add drama."

"Who knew that Zhou Yun was so narrow-minded?" Cheng Shenlu said, "The play I acted in before also had many great actors, but when I put forward my idea, I suggested that some things could be added to make the characters more When it was complete, everyone praised me for thinking well and encouraged me to put forward more ideas.”

She sighed.

"Really a bit disappointed."

Guan Siya patted Cheng Shenlu on the back, and said: "Don't say that, after all, this is Zhou Yun's heroine, and it's normal for her not to see someone robbing her of her demeanor, we are all just supporting actresses .”

"What happened to the supporting actress? Does the supporting actress have no right to fight for the richness of her role?" Cheng Shenlu said angrily.

Guan Siya didn't speak any more.

The two drank until nine o'clock before returning to the hotel.

"It's time to go back and rest, and I will continue to read the script tomorrow." Guan Siya said.

Only then did Cheng Shenlu leave with Guan Siya.

(End of this chapter)

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