Chapter 518
"The producer of "Deep Sea" is Xu Jinbo. He has worked on "Fake Love, True Marriage" and "Comedy on the Cloud" before, and the broadcast results are very good. He is a very capable producer."

During the filming of "Behind the Scenes", Zhou Lan communicated with Zhou Yun about Yue Hai's suspenseful drama.

"The original novel of "Deep Sea" has a very high score. After being won by Xu Jinbo, he has been promoting this project, but because the original work is very short, if it is adapted into a script, if there is no water injection, more original plots will be added. The drama can only be developed into a length of 12 to 15 episodes at most. This length, coupled with the fact that it is a drama with two female protagonists, has resulted in this project not being approved by Yue Hai. It's been a year." Zhou Lan said, "Before, Yue Hai always wanted to repair the relationship with us, so they sent all the projects they had in stock and had no fixed starring roles for us to choose. Everyone agreed that "Deep Sea" "This script is good."

"The script is really well written." Zhou Yun said, "I have never acted in this kind of life suspense drama. You know, I am very interested in this kind of suspenseful stories."

"Yes, the people at Yue Hai knew that we were interested in this script, and immediately said that this script belongs to you. If you don't act, no one can act this script." Zhou Lan smiled.

"Obviously it was sent along with many other notebooks, but now I have to be the one to do it." Zhou Yun complained.

"Isn't that what the platform said? Believe in one-third. They even sent the script of the suspense drama before. They said that they knew you were a fan of reasoning and tailored the script for you. Do you remember?" Zhou Lan smiled, "The point is, I went to inquire about this book. Although the platform gave it a high rating, Yue Hai has been reluctant to develop this drama because of the reasons I just mentioned. The number of episodes is too short. , it’s hard to pay back.”

"Can I get my money back if I act?" Zhou Yun asked in surprise.

Zhou Lan nodded and said, "You can get back your money if you act. If you act, such a short number of episodes means that we will pay us a lot less. A normal drama is currently about [-] episodes. It’s like this kind of drama, they only need to pay half of the salary, but the advertising investment of a drama is not completely determined according to the number of episodes. If you act, advertisers will flock to advertise. Everyone knows There must be a lot of viewers for this show.”

"Speaking of which, I seem to be at a disadvantage?" Zhou Yun laughed.

Zhou Lan: "It doesn't matter if you suffer a loss. All in all, you are now a TOP-level artist in the market. As long as there are projects you participate in, there will be absolutely no shortage of sponsors. Everyone still wants to make money, and In the eyes of these businessmen, you are now a walking cash cow."

"It makes me so pitiful."

"The drama "Deep Sea" is very suitable for you. The key is that it is a two-female lead drama. For Yu Chu, this is a very important opportunity." Actors will open up a bigger market on this road."

"Has the director been chosen?"

"Xu Jinbo is looking for a director." Zhou Lan said, "He also asked for our opinions. Do you have any ideas?"

"I don't know many directors, and they all have their own projects." Zhou Yun said, "Please find him yourself."

Zhou Lan nodded.

"By the way, because this is Yue Hai's self-produced play, the two heroines have been selected by us. The main supporting roles Yue Hai wants to use his own actors, is this okay?"

"No problem, as long as the acting skills don't fail, don't find someone who can't memorize the lyrics." Zhou Yun said.


""deep sea"?"

Guan Siya looked at her agent in surprise, and became a little excited, "You mean that Zhou Yun has another play that is about to start filming?"

"Yes, and it's Yue Hai's self-produced drama." The agent said, "I've already gone to find out the news, the third female lead, the company is going to choose someone between you and Cheng Shenlu to act, I We are here to help you promote this role, you must not make Zhou Yun angry on the set these days, or when Zhou Yun sees the list of actors, he will directly cross out your name, and the bamboo basket will be empty."

"How could I be so stupid." Guan Siya looked at her agent excitedly, "Ah, that's great! So it means that I'm going to make a second movie with Zhou Yun soon, right?"

"It hasn't been decided yet. If Chengshenlu is finally decided, then you won't have a share. I will try my best to give you this opportunity."

"Cheng Shenlu..." Guan Siya frowned slightly.

"No way, now everyone knows that as long as the play is starring Zhou Yun, it will definitely be popular, and the evaluation result of this script is very high within the company. After it is broadcast, there is a high probability that it will be popular. If you can play the third female lead , her reputation will definitely increase." The agent said, "I heard that Cheng Shenli has already been spotted by another crew because of her role as the fourth female lead in "Under Dress", and she is talking to the company about her future schedule."

Guan Siya's expression suddenly became a little ugly.

In terms of signing Yue Hai, she was actually earlier than Cheng Shenlu, but Cheng Shenlu's treatment in Yue Hai was obviously better than her.

Obviously she only played a supporting role in a drama before, but in the eyes of the company's executives, she has more prospects for development and is highly valued. Even the clothes lent to her for the event are big brands.

This time "Under Dress" is also the same. In the end, Cheng Shenlu became the female number four, and she had to stay behind.Although the agent said that Zhou Yun and the others had decided on this role and had nothing to do with the company, Guan Siya did not believe that there was no company activity behind it.Any play, any role, and which actor plays it, all have intricate interpersonal relationships and even games behind it.Guan Siya didn't believe that the company had no activities in the roles of the two of them.

Now someone has heard the news and asked Cheng Shenlu to act in another play, but there is no movement from her here. The key is that she is only playing a more ordinary role, not the female number four.

When Guan Siya thought of the third female lead in "Deep Sea", an idea that she must win came to her mind.

Can't let Cheng Shenlu take this role away!The thought came to her mind.


In the afternoon, Zheng Xiaowen came to the crew to inspect the final costume of the characters.

Not to mention that VX is the co-production company of this drama, Zheng Xiaowen herself is the costume consultant of this drama.

The costumes of each character in the whole play are contracted by her with her own team.

Zheng Xiaowen participated in a workshop dedicated to placing actors' costumes, and told them that they must be kept properly.And some high-end clothes, such as the dresses that the characters in the play will wear to participate in fashion events or dinner parties, are not stored here. At that time, according to the shooting needs of the crew, the staff of VX company will send them over directly. After the play, take it away and send it back.

After the inspection, Zheng Xiaowen went to see Zhou Yun.

"This is my first time participating in film and television production, and I'm a little excited." Zheng Xiaowen took Zhou Yun's hand, shrugged with a smile, "It's really not easy, and finally it's going to start soon."

Zhou Yun said: "Sister Xiaowen, after this drama is broadcast, the sales of VX are estimated to increase a lot."

"Yes, the revenue in the Chinese market is now the largest among all markets, with the largest share." Zheng Xiaowen said, "My partners have never understood why I brought VX back to China for development, and now they no longer I won’t say such things anymore, and I want to arrange for their people to come to China, but I directly refused, and I firmly don’t allow others to interfere in my territory.”

Zhou Yun smiled and gave her a thumbs up.


Zheng Xiaowen: "I just wanted to be a designer, but I found that if I only be a designer, I can't protect my designs at all, and I can't protect the brand I built by myself."

Zheng Xiaowen's sentiment made Zhou Yun deeply impressed.

"However, it's difficult to manage so many actors in a crew, isn't it?" Zheng Xiaowen suddenly asked, "When there are more people, there are more things to do. I heard that an actor in your crew wanted to add a play, but was rejected?"

"Oh, you should be talking about Cheng Shenlu, yes." Zhou Yun nodded, "This script has been polished for a long time, as you know, I don't really like to destroy the script and add some personal roles under such circumstances .”

"I heard that she is very dissatisfied." Zheng Xiaowen said with a smile, "Complain to others that you are afraid that she will steal your limelight, so you refuse to agree."

"Huh?" Zhou Yun looked at Zheng Xiaowen in surprise, "Where did you hear that?"

"When I went to see the clothes just now, I heard the staff chatting over there." Zheng Xiaowen shrugged, "You don't know yet?"

"I didn't hear that she complained later. The point is that it's not that I disagree with this matter. She complained and complained to the wrong person." Zhou Yun complained.


"I can understand that an actor wants to add to the scene, but she said these things to me." Zhou Yun said a little annoyed, "I usually think she is a very lively and lovely girl, but I didn't expect..."

Zheng Xiaowen: "Who knows? I have dealt with all kinds of artists and their teams. To be honest, artists really have too many things. The artist actually came to the opening of the event and asked for extra money, otherwise he would not be present, I was so angry that I lost my temper on the spot."

Zhou Yun: "Then this kind of person has gone too far."

"Yeah, how should I put it, your industry itself tends to attract a lot of people who love vanity." Zheng Xiaowen said, "These brokerage companies don't care what they really look like, anyway, as long as they have a good image, package them and send them out, give them Just make money."

Zhou Yun: "...that's cruel."

The two chatted for a while, and Zhou Yun sent Zheng Xiaowen away.She personally sent Zheng Xiaowen to the car before returning to the lounge.On the way, she met Cheng Shenlv again.

When Cheng Shenlu saw her, he still greeted her obediently as usual.

Zhou Yun remembered what Zheng Xiaowen told her just now, glanced at her, nodded his chin lightly, and left.

Cheng Shenlu couldn't help being a little surprised, but also a little uneasy.

Zhou Yun's attitude made her panic and nervous.

Cheng Shenlu asked his assistant: "Did you feel that Xiaoyun's attitude towards me was a bit strange just now? It seemed that she was dissatisfied with me?"

The assistant whispered, "It seems to be a little bit."

"Why is this?" Cheng Shenlu asked suspiciously.

The assistant stopped talking.

Cheng Shenlu walked towards his lounge, and met many people on the way.

The crew is like this, there are people in every corner.

What disturbed Cheng Shenlu was that the way these people looked at her made her feel a strange meaning.The way they looked at her was not just as simple as seeing her, it seemed that when they saw her, they also remembered something.

Thinking of Zhou Yun's attitude before, she realized that something must have happened.


"Did you want to add drama to yourself before, but you didn't succeed, and you complained about Zhou Yun?" Zhou Jianfeng asked when Cheng Shenlu went to ask Zhou Jianfeng.

Cheng Shenlu was taken aback.

She looked at Zhou Jianfeng in surprise, and subconsciously wanted to deny it, but people had already said that, and she realized that it was pointless to deny it.

"How did you know?"

Zhou Jianfeng said: "It's not just me who knows, the whole production team knows, so you said that Zhou Yun's attitude towards you is a bit strange, I guess she may have heard of it too."

Cheng Shenlu's face turned pale in an instant.

"Why, how did this happen? I just drank some wine and complained a few words in private. Why did everyone know?"

Cheng Shenlu realized that he had made a very important mistake.

She also realized that she might have offended the person who had the most say in the crew.

Cheng Shenlu's heart suddenly panicked.

"What, what should I do? I really didn't mean it, I..." Cheng Shenlu bit his lips anxiously, unable to continue.

Seeing Cheng Shenlu's self-reproach and anxiety, Zhou Jianfeng thought that Cheng Shenlu had stood up to help him relieve the pressure when he was embarrassed at the reading meeting, he hesitated and said, "Why don't you go Apologize to Zhou Yun."

"Huh?" Cheng Shenlu looked at him in surprise.

Zhou Jianfeng said: "Actually, you just said that Zhou Lan came to warn you because Zhou Yun meant it. I think you may have made a mistake."


"Zhou Yun wouldn't do that. She's not as small-minded as you think." Zhou Jianfeng said, "I've heard a lot about her on the set. An actress, she is never afraid of being robbed of her demeanor. Even when the film "Four Killers" was filmed, the producer offered to replace her with another one, but she refused, saying that since the contract was signed at the beginning, since this There is no need to change it. To be honest, although I am very nervous in front of her, I also respect her. She really respects the script, the performance, and the co-actors. Therefore, when something like this happened, I I think it would be better for you to apologize, and I think she will forgive you."

Cheng Shenlu was a little afraid, "I complained about her talking so much, will she forgive me?"

"As long as you don't violate her principles, I think she will forgive you. I heard from people in the company that she and Zhou Lan had a lot of conflicts, but in the end she also forgave Zhou Lan. Now The relationship between the two is very good." Zhou Jianfeng said.

(End of this chapter)

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