Chapter 519 Top Actors
Are you going to apologize?
Cheng Shenlu hesitated.

It's just that everyone is looking at her more or less with the meaning of looking at her and watching a show, which puts her under a lot of pressure.

She fell into trouble and depression, and she didn't even dare to go out of the lounge.

But there are reading sessions every day, and it is impossible for her to lock herself in the lounge and not go out.

The assistants could see her uneasiness and nervousness.

After her manager learned of this, he couldn't hold back his temper and scolded her.

"If you complain, just complain. What do you think about complaining with Guan Siya? Don't you know that you are in competition with her?" The manager was a little annoyed. Before that, Cheng Shenlu's situation was optimistic, "You Do you know why Guan Siya leaked what you said? Because our Yue Hai will soon cooperate with Zhou Yun in another play, and the company originally planned to choose one of you and Guan Siya to play the third female role , I have been helping you fight for this role for the past few days. It’s good for you. You offended Zhou Yun by doing something like this on the set. Let you act!"

Cheng Shenlu's mood at this moment seemed to have sunk to the bottom.

She was distressed and regretful, but to no avail.

"what should I do?"

"Apologize, apologize sincerely." The agent said, "You don't need to think about that drama, I just hope she can forgive you, and don't target you because of this incident."

Cheng Shenlu burst into tears.

"I'm sorry." She apologized.

"What's the use of crying now?" The manager gave her a look of resentment, "You just developed so smoothly that even Guan Siya dared to trust you."

At this moment, Cheng Shenlu hated Guan Siya very much.

She also hated herself who trusted Guan Siya before.

After the reading session this afternoon, even Zhou Jianfeng could feel Cheng Shenlu's depression.

He whispered to Cheng Shenlu: "You are acting too obviously now. If you have been so depressed, the director will definitely come to talk to you. I think the director is already a little dissatisfied this afternoon."

"Shen Lv." At this time, Guan Siya suddenly walked over from the side, with a concerned expression on Cheng Shen Lv's face, and asked with concern, "Are you feeling unwell? I think you were not in a good state just now. "

When Cheng Shenlu saw Guan Siya, his heart burst into anger.

She is so thick-skinned that she can pretend to be ignorant to express her concern after doing such a thing.

She glanced at her indifferently, and said coldly, "You don't need to care about it."

Guan Siya was taken aback.

She showed an expression hurt by Cheng Shenlu's indifference, and asked, "Shenlv, what made you unhappy about me? Why are you suddenly so indifferent to me?"

Cheng Shenlu sneered, "You know it in your heart."

Guan Siya said: "I really don't know, Shen Lu, can you make it clear? I'm really at a loss now."

Cheng Shenlu still wanted to talk, but Zhou Jianfeng suddenly said, "Why don't you talk first? My assistant is still waiting for me to go over, so I have to go back to the hotel."

Cheng Shenlu: "There's nothing to talk about, so I'm leaving too."

She put all her dissatisfaction with Guan Siya on her face, and left without looking back.

Guan Siya looked at Cheng Shenlu's back with an innocent and hurt face, and then asked Zhou Jianfeng: "What's wrong with her?"

Zhou Jianfeng didn't intend to get involved in the dispute between them. He smiled slightly and said, "I don't know either. I'll go first, bye."

Yue Hai's actors are very introverted, which is known to the entire show business circle.

Zhou Jianfeng kept in mind what his agent taught him, never get involved in any interpersonal conflicts.

In this business, there are too many intertwined relationships, and no one knows who will be touched by your move.


On the car back to the hotel, Zheng Xiaoju said: "Sister Xiaoyun, I think Shenlu dare not look at you this afternoon, probably because you know what I said."

Zheng Xiaoju's tone was a little gloating.In her opinion, this is what she deserves.Among so many competitors, Zhou Yun finally chose Cheng Shenlu to play the female No. [-]. Zheng Xiaoju felt that Cheng Shenlu should be grateful for this. The play, the addition of the play was unsuccessful, and she still slandered Miss Xiaoyun behind her back.She even hoped that Cheng Shenlu could be replaced altogether.

But this was the idea of ​​one of her assistants, without any real meaning.

Zhou Yun asked: "Xiaoju, does the crew know about this now?"

"Well, it's spread all over the place, even the aunt who cooks has heard about it." Zheng Xiaoju said, "Everyone wants to know how you will deal with her."

"Deal with it?" Zhou Yun chuckled, "It's as if I'm a female devil."

Zheng Xiaoju smirked and stopped talking.

Zhou Yun pondered for a moment, and asked, "Do you know who the first words Cheng Shenlu said came from?"

"It should be Guan Siya. The two of them belong to the same company. Cheng Shenlu complained to Guan Sya when he was drinking with Guan Sya in private. Maybe Guan Siya told someone, and then that People spread these words again, alas, there are no secrets in the crew." Zheng Xiaoju concluded.

Guan Siya's appearance appeared in Zhou Yun's mind.

"Sister Xiaowen is really right. Where there are many people, there are many right and wrong."

Zheng Xiaoju: "Sister Xiaoyun, are you really not going to do anything? Cheng Shenlu has said so many bad things about you behind your back, if you remain indifferent, everyone will be surprised."

"What do you think is strange?"

" are easy to bully?"

"Could it be that they are going to take turns to bully me?" Zhou Yun sneered, "You think too far, if I go to deal with Cheng Shenlu because she said these things behind her back, then I'm too small-minded , just some gossip."

"Sister Xiaoyun, you are too generous." Zheng Xiaoju said.

"Really? In your opinion, what should I do so that I don't look so... magnanimous?" Zhou Yun asked.

Zheng Xiaoju thought for a while and said, "At least I have to give a gesture of dissatisfaction with her."

"I thought I'd made it obvious."

"Can...can you be more obvious?"

Zhou Yun thought for a long time, nodded, and said, "Then remember to remind me later, if I didn't show it clearly enough."

Zheng Xiaoju immediately nodded and said yes.

When they arrived at the hotel, Zhou Yun received a call from Song Chi.

"Where are you now?" Song Chi asked.

"The hotel, just after finishing the reading session, did you receive a tip-off from someone again? The timing of the call is so coincidental." Zhou Yun said.

Song Chi laughed, instead of answering Zhou Yun's question, he asked, "Will today's reading go well?"

"Overall, it's pretty smooth. If you choose the right actor in the early stage, you'll save a lot of trouble later on." Zhou Yun asked, "What about you? I heard from Sister Lan that you signed an actor, even an actress."

"Don't think too much, I signed an actress, but she is my senior, who supported me before, just now I am looking for an actress, I thought of her, her name is Chen Xi, do you know her?"

"I seem to have a memory, but I can't remember it."

"I have filmed several films before, but because of the ugly divorce, no crew dared to use her at that time. After the public opinion passed, she couldn't get any good scenes, and she gradually retired. Actually She is only twenty-nine years old." Song Chi said, "So I communicated with her several times a while ago and persuaded her to sign with my company. I also hope to help her. She is now raising a child by herself. , needs work."

Twenty-nine years old... Zhou Yun felt a little relieved, this age was still a few years behind Song Chi.

Zhou Yun said: "Okay, next time I will find a chance to introduce you to me."

"I will, and I hope you have a suitable role to introduce to her." Song Chi said with a smile, "I've been helping her choose some suitable projects recently, picking and choosing, whether it's a supporting role or a leading role. Basically, they are unwilling to use her because they think she is outdated, and this industry is also very strange, willing to give newcomers a chance, but unwilling to give a capable actor a chance."

"Then what are you going to do?" Zhou Yun asked.

Song Chi said: "Let's try our best to fight for it. There is currently a movie that is very suitable for her, "Love Under the Moon". I hope to help her negotiate it, but it is very difficult at present. The film crew feels that she can no longer afford the heroine." , using her as the heroine will not generate any attention or topic."

"Then is it true that no one is paying attention to Chen Xi?"

"No, it's just that the previous divorce really hurt her vitality." Song Chi sighed, "The impact of divorce on an actress is still too great."

"Then you should work harder and find a way to help her." Zhou Yun said, "I will only give her a supporting role when I help her."

Song Chi: "Of course, if it's your film, the supporting roles are of course very good."

Zhou Yun: "What about you? When will you join the filming team?"

"Wait for my legs to recover. It is expected that a drama will be launched in September. I will join the group at that time. I just don't know how my legs will recover by then. If it doesn't work, I can only put all the literary dramas first." Move to the front to shoot."

"Yeah." Zhou Yun lay down on the sofa, "Has "The Balcony" finished?"

"Yeah." Song Chi said, "Chen Jing's acting is not bad."

"It's definitely not as good as yours. If you acted, maybe you can beat the top three." Zhou Yun laughed.

"Probably not, the three majors don't really like this kind of warm and complete book." Song Chi said, "They still prefer themes such as humanities, speculation, and self-criticism."

"Like "Words of Fallen Leaves" and "Behind the Scenes"?"

"Yes, these two films are completely made for the Big Three." Song Chi said with a smile, "I heard from my friends in the United States that the distributor of "Behind the Scenes" in the United States seems to be planning to use Cannes's limelight to compete for the Oscars. "

"Huh? Really?"

"It's possible, if it wins some heavyweight awards in the outpost." Song Chi said, "But it still depends on the evaluation of film critics. The United States is very influenced by film critics."

"I haven't heard anything."

"It hasn't been released in the United States yet. No one knows what kind of evaluation it will get. You also know that not all good movies can get good feedback in the United States."

"This is real."

"One more thing. I heard that Disney intends to develop a hero-themed movie with a Chinese warrior as the main character, with an all-Chinese lineup." Song Chi said, "See if you are interested. If you are interested, you can let Go to Zhou Lan to find out in advance."

Zhou Yun hesitated for a moment and said, "Let me discuss it with Sister Lan, how about you? Are you going to act?"

"If they look for me, I'll think about it. If they don't look for me, I still won't take the initiative to come." Song Chi said.

Zhou Yun: "Why? Isn't this kind of opportunity very good?"

"Okay, what I'm going to say may be a bit narcissistic, you bear with me, I'm the best actor of my age, and I don't want them to feel like I can't wait to play their movies."

Song Chi paused for a moment, as if hesitating whether to say the next thing, but finally said it.

"I have also made Hollywood films before, and I have contacted many of their producers and casting directors, and even many Hollywood blockbusters you have heard of come to me every year, but the roles they give me are very low-level, It’s just a symbol. The reason they came to me was not because I was a good actor, nor was it because of the needs of the script. They just valued the Chinese market, and at the same time, they also wanted to highlight the current theme of diversity, so they needed such an Asian character. It is played by an Asian actor. Anyone can play such a role. You only need to say a few lines and pose a few poses, and the task is completed, but I can't, because the best actors in China are not what they can take. It's a low-level role that anyone can play to fool you."

Zhou Yun was surprised.

"But didn't you say that this is a movie featuring Chinese warriors?" she said, "This is actually a good opportunity, right?"

"Yes, so I can't take the initiative to fight for it." Song Chi said, "Can you understand? Unless they mainly come to invite me."

Zhou Yun thought for a while, then hummed, "I see."


"Actually, I'm the actress they most want to choose at the moment, right?" Zhou Yun said, "In their opinion, now I'm the actor with the most box office appeal in China."

"of course."

"I see, I will advance and retreat with you."

"You don't need to do this. Speaking of which, you are still a newcomer, and you have only debuted for a few years."

"Don't think that you are the only one who represents the best actors in China, okay?" Zhou Yun said, "To put it bluntly, my international reputation in the past two years is not lower than yours."

Song Chi laughed.

"Of course, I know."

"I really hope that one day, we can produce Chinese-language movies that sell well all over the world by ourselves."

"Come on."

"come on! Come on."

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Yun thought for a long time, and decided not to tell Zhou Lan the news.

"Dong dong!"

Suddenly someone knocked on the door.

Zhou Yun looked towards the door in surprise, wondering who would come to her at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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