Chapter 520

Zhou Yun glanced at the person coming through the cat's eyes first, and found that the person who knocked on the door was Cheng Shenlu.

She opened the door in surprise and looked at her suspiciously.

"You have something to do with me?"

Cheng Shenlu suddenly bowed ninety degrees to her.

"Sister Xiaoyun, I'm sorry, I was wrong."

Zhou Yun was taken aback by her sudden movement, "You, what are you doing?"

Cheng Shenlu clasped his hands tightly, his eyes were slightly red, and hesitantly said: "I said something that should not be said before, and I come to apologize to you."

Zhou Yun suddenly felt a little complicated.

She looked at Cheng Shenlu's face. At this moment, the apology on Cheng Shenlu's face seemed to be sincere, but it was too late for Zhou Yun at this moment.

Zhou Yun was silent for a while, and said, "Come in."

Cheng Shenlu and Zhou Yun entered the room.

"Sit down." Zhou Yun said to Cheng Shenlu.

Cheng Shenlu sat down nervously.

"To be honest with you, what you said really made me a little angry." Zhou Yun went straight to the point without saying anything hypocritical, "But why you said such things and what kind of psychology came from them, I can more or less guess One point, I guess when you were filming before, you also proposed to add scenes to your own characters. Of course, you may think that you are not asking for extra scenes unreasonably, but from the perspective of the script and characters, even The director you worked with before also praised you for having an idea, so stick to it."

Cheng Shenlu looked at Zhou Yun in surprise.

Because what Zhou Yun said was exactly her past experience.

She was surprised that Zhou Yun guessed so accurately.

"I'll also tell you why I'm angry."

Zhou Yun's serious expression made Cheng Shenlu a little nervous.

Cheng Shenlu's palms were sweating.

"First, if you want to add a play, your agent should not go to the director to negotiate. From the moment you choose to ask the agent to negotiate, this is not out of creative discussion, but another kind of Negotiation. You are an actor. You have thoughts and ideas about your role. If you want to communicate with the director, no one will say anything, but you ask your agent to talk about it. Have you thought about what this means in the eyes of others? What? If the director finally agreed to add a scene to you, did your agent promise him something? Or is it for some other reason? I don't know if your agent did this, but I, and know Everyone in this matter will be so skeptical."

Zhou Yun's words hit Cheng Shenlu's heart directly.

This was something she hadn't thought about at all.

"Second, different crews have different rules, and different scripts have different characteristics. If you have studied this script carefully, you should know that this is not an artistic book. To put it bluntly, it is a book that caters to the needs and preferences of the market. Created stories. In this kind of story, each episode has its own story rhythm, and the number of appearances of each character has its own commercial considerations. Why did you organize so many script meetings before? Confusion about the characters, logical loopholes, and your thoughts on your characters and how many roles you have, all will be clarified at this meeting. If you bring it up at the script meeting, there is nothing wrong with it. If it helps to shape your role , but without compromising the original excellence of the script, it may not be impossible to agree, but you chose to go to the director in private."

Zhou Yun spread his hands.

"Thirdly, the director didn't agree to your request. This is his job as a director, because the director knows very well what our film is going to look like, and Sister Lan went to you to talk about this because of my previous job." I said two points, so I came to you in private, hoping to let you understand that the script is not the reason why an actor can change it at will. However, not only did you not understand what Sister Lan meant, but you regarded Sister Lan's move to find you as a My instruction, I think you may not really think it is my instruction deep down in your heart, you also know that this matter does not need me to take care of it at all, but you need to find a level for your self-esteem and vanity, Therefore, you don’t reflect on what you did wrong in this matter at all, but understand the whole thing as my suppression of you.”

Cheng Shenlu's face turned pale.


Every word Zhou Yun said seemed to be dissected as if she had dug out her heart.

Cheng Shenlu herself has never analyzed herself in this way, but every word Zhou Yun said, she knew that what Zhou Yun said was right.

"Also, fourth, in fact, as long as we don't let us know about the above, I don't care what you think, but the last thing you should do is to tell your thoughts so stupidly. Another person, this person is still in the same company as you. Of course, you have just debuted, so it is understandable to make such low-level mistakes. I just want to tell you that you came to apologize today, after so many wrong actions of yours, I finally did the right thing once, but being right may not bring about a result that clears up the past, and I will not forgive you just because you came to apologize. Miss Cheng, you are an actor. When you auditioned, you relied on your Your acting skills and ability have won our appreciation for you, so we entrust you with such an important role. In any case, there is still a long period of filming to come. I hope you can pass this lesson and figure out What are you really supposed to do?"

Cheng Shenlu's tears fell from his eyes.

She lowered her head and nodded, "I see."

"That's what I want to say, you can leave." Zhou Yun said calmly.

Cheng Shenlu raised his arm, wiped his eyes, nodded, stood up, bowed again, and said, "I'm sorry, Miss Xiaoyun, I will work hard."

She left.

Zhou Yun sat on the sofa and sighed heavily.

It's really exhausting to say such things in a serious manner.

After Cheng Shenlu left Zhou Yun's room, he returned to his own room.Her assistant was waiting for her at the door of her room.

Seeing that Cheng Shenlu's eyes were red, the assistant asked in surprise, "Shenlu, what are you..."

Cheng Shenlu shook his head and didn't want to say anything, "I want to be alone for a while, I won't have dinner today."

The assistant snorted.

She looked at Cheng Shenli with some concern.

But Cheng Shenlu didn't say anything else, and went back to the room alone, and didn't come out again that night.


Later, Zheng Xiaoju came to Zhou Yun with the information he obtained.

""Deep Sea"?" Zhou Yun was a little surprised.

"Yes, this is what Guan Siya's assistant said. "Deep Sea" is a play with two female protagonists. You and Yu Chu will act together. Among them, the third female lead, Yue Hai intends to choose between Guan Siya and Cheng Shenlu Guan Siya probably felt that doing so would make you dissatisfied with Cheng Shenlu, so she passed on what Cheng Shenlu said in private."

Zhou Yun didn't expect that this matter could involve a movie to be filmed later.

"Sister Xiaoyun, what are you going to do? Do you want to forgive Cheng Shenlu and let Cheng Shenlu act, or let Guan Siya get her wish?"

Zhou Yun thought for a while and asked, "Xiaoyu, what do you think?"

"Although I also hate Cheng Shenlu, but I don't like people like Guan Siya who pass on what others have said to her in private." Zheng Xiaoju said, "In any case, Cheng Shenlu will tell her these things If you say that, it means you trust her, but she betrayed Cheng Shenlu's trust."

Zhou Yun nodded.

"I agree with you."

"Ah? Sister Xiaoyun, you have already made a decision to let Cheng Shenlu act?" Zheng Xiaoju asked in surprise.

"No, why do you have to choose one of them? It's not like Yue Hai doesn't have other actresses." Zhou Yun said.

She contacted Zhou Lan and asked Zhou Lan to negotiate with Yue Hai and tell Yue Hai her opinion and what happened in the crew.

Xu Jinbo's response was quick, and he told Zhou Lan that night that they would choose other actresses to act in this play.

Guan Siya never thought that she would be eliminated by "Deep Sea" in the end.

"Didn't it mean that the company was going to choose between me and Cheng Shenlu? Why did Cheng Shenlu get out in the end, and I have nothing to do?"

The agent sighed and said, "Why else, you are hated by Zhou Yun."

"What? I didn't offend her!" Guan Siya said in surprise.

"I don't know the specific reason. Anyway, Xu Jinbo's opinion is very firm. I went to someone, but they all said that this matter should be given up, and there is no room for discussion." The manager said.

Guan Siya yelled angrily.

But no matter how angry she was, it was useless.

Guan Siya couldn't figure out why she was suddenly out of the game.

If this matter is resolved, it is like losing my wife and losing my army.Not only did she set up a strong enemy like Cheng Shenlv, but she didn't even get the female number three of "Deep Sea".How could this be?
If he could win the drama "Deep Sea", he would not hesitate to become an opponent with Cheng Shenlu, but now he has not gained any benefits!

Seeing Cheng Shenlu again, Guan Siya tried to ease the relationship with her, but Cheng Shenlu didn't give her a chance to speak, and ignored her at all.

The rest of the crew could see the smoke between the two, and kept their distance, unwilling to be affected.

On the other hand, Cheng Shenlu's private complaint about Zhou Yun also made everyone wary of Guan Siya.

A person who spreads the words of others in private will not be trusted wherever he goes.

Guan Siya didn't think about this before, but slowly, she will understand this truth.

A not-so-big and not-so-small extra drama came to an end.

Cheng Shenlu was not as cheerful and escaped in the crew as when he first came, and became much quieter.

On the day of the official launch, the first scene was a group play with everyone in the editing room.

Zhou Yun walked into the editing room with his own coffee and high heels.

"Good morning, Sister Ying!" The editor played by Lin Luyao greeted her vigorously.

"Morning, I saw your tweet last night, the more you write, the better." Zhou Yun poured coffee into his cup and smiled at Lin Luyao.

"That's what Sister Ying taught you. If you write badly, it will ruin your reputation." Lin Luyao stood up, walked over, bent down, and whispered in Zhou Yun's ear: "Sister Ying, I heard that We want a new editor-in-chief, do you know who it is?"

"I heard that they were dug up from other companies. I don't know the specific news. You'll know when you meet the real person." Zhou Yun shook his head helplessly at Lin Luyao, "It's true that no gossip can escape your ears."

"What are you guys talking about? It's so mysterious." The editor played by Jian Man also walked in, holding a cup of coffee in his hand, then stopped suddenly, squinted his eyes and sniffed the air, looking at Luo Zi's Worker, "Luo Zi, next time you bring meat buns into the office, I'll send your meat buns to the trash can in the editor's office, and I'll ask you to explain what it smells like."

Luo Zi rolled her eyes, ate the last bite of the meat bun, opened the drawer, took out the toiletry bag, stood up, and walked gracefully to the bathroom.

"You eat wind and drink dew like a god, I am a mortal, if you are willing to take meat buns to the editor's office, you can send them, anyway, I didn't send them."

Jian Man rolled her eyes in anger.

Lin Luyao sighed lightly, and whispered, "It's started again."

Zhou Yun smiled slightly and gave her a quiet look.

At this time, a clear voice sounded at the door: "Good morning, I am the new editor Lin Yimei!"

Everyone in the editing room looked back, and the new editor played by Cheng Shenli was standing at the door full of vigor, looking at everyone with a bright smile.

The scene froze for about two seconds, and no one actively responded to Cheng Shenlv.

Cheng Shenlu touched the back of his head in embarrassment, and was about to speak again, when suddenly he was pushed aside by a fiery figure, a woman with short hair, a white shirt on the upper half, and shorts on the lower half ran in, her pupils were shocked, and announced: "I I ran into a very scary woman downstairs just now!"

This is actor Liu Lingqi.

"Can't you make such a big fuss every day?" Jian Man glanced at her contemptuously, and said, "It literally turned our editing room into a comedy studio."

Liu Lingqi exaggerated his expression and said, "It's true! They said he was our new editor-in-chief! When did we change the editor-in-chief?"

The editing room fell silent for a moment.

Everyone looked at each other.

At this time, the regular, crisp sound of high heels suddenly sounded outside.

The sound is approaching.

Zeng Lili walked into the editorial room elegantly and domineeringly, wearing high heels and big sunglasses.

"Morning, I'm your new editor-in-chief."

There was a faint but elegant smile on her face, her eyes were not fierce, but she gave off a powerful aura.

Everyone stood up from their seats.


Ning Yufeng clapped his hands excitedly.

He did not expect that in the first scene, every actor performed so well.

Ning Yufeng said: "It seems that the previous reading will be really useful, and the scene has gone smoothly, you guys are amazing!"

Zhou Yun took the lead in applauding, and said with a smile, "Although it's the first scene, it's as if I've worked with you for a long time!"

The actors on the set smiled and enjoyed themselves.

Seeing this, Guan Siya, who was waiting for the second scene to start, was very surprised.

(End of this chapter)

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