Chapter 521
Guan Siya's acting experience is much richer than Cheng Shenlu's. She has played nearly ten roles, big and small.

Working in different crews, she considers herself an actor who is very familiar with the life of the crew.

But after filming so many scenes, she has never encountered a shooting like that just now.

Four cameras are capturing the performances of the actors. The actors are moving and moving in the editing room. The state of each actor is very good, as if they have been partners for a long time and cooperate with each other tacitly.

No one forgets a word, no one says a wrong word, and no one dances.

She, who was present at the scene, could see how smooth the scene was just now.If the final drama presented on the broadcast end is a high-quality edited and adjusted drama, the live drama just now is the most original. Generally speaking, this most original drama has flaws.

Guan Siya suddenly felt a pressure.

a lot of pressure.

These people live in one scene, so when it comes to her scene, can she pass in one breath?

"Everyone is amazing." Zhou Jianfeng, who also didn't appear in the first scene, also watched and studied on the spot, and sighed softly.

"Reading will be very useful." An assistant director who is close to him stood beside him and said with a smile, "Nowadays, many actors don't know the character of the character they want to play before the film starts. The characteristics of a scene have to be taught and adjusted by the director on the spot, but "Under Dress" has held so many reading sessions, and they have to grind each scene. I have a good idea of ​​what effect the play will perform."

Zhou Jianfeng nodded.

"Actually, such a habit is very beneficial to young actors. It's just that the entire market has been eager for quick success in recent years. There is not so much time to concentrate on studying each scene, find a good IP, and adapt it into a reasonable story. Actors come to play, sell, and earn money.” The assistant director said, “But in fact, this kind of approach can easily make everyone feel impatient, so you see, many actors have made a lot of scenes, maybe It is also very popular, but its acting skills have not improved and it has not been recognized."

Zhou Jianfeng pursed his lips and smiled.

"Have you ever filmed a scene like this before? You rushed into the set and finished filming in a hurry. Maybe after the filming, you don't know what kind of scene you acted in."

Zhou Jianfeng nodded and said, "I have met it."

"One thing to say, I have been in this industry for a long time. It is not uncommon for an actor like Zhou Yun to be so successful at such a young age, but a popular actor like her who is willing to use her own strength to make a play the best, Very few."

Zhou Jianfeng said: "Sister Xiaoyun is really good at this, I've heard of it before."

"You will know that this is not only powerful until you deal with more people in the future, but now I tell you, you can't understand what I mean. In short, whether it is for you actors or us For these behind-the-scenes staff, good works are the foundation of standing in this industry. No matter where you go or what situation you face in the future, the good works you have filmed will be your greatest reliance. Years of young stars just don't understand this truth, or even if they understand this truth, they don't take it seriously, so when they suddenly die one day and their fans disappear, they are suddenly abandoned by the market and the company, and they will never be reborn. A chance to come again. And those who have really had masterpieces, they can come back at any time, and these works are their business cards.”

Zhou Jianfeng knew that the assistant director said such things to him because he knew him well.

In the second scene, Guan Siya and Zhou Jianfeng are about to appear.

This is a meeting scene.

"Under Dress" does not intend to adopt a sequential filming method, because too many actors are involved, and the final decision of the coordinating team is to shoot the scenes with more actors first.In this way, some actors who do not have so many roles but appear in many scenes can be killed and left the group as soon as possible.

Anyway, the scenes of "Under Dress" are not that complicated compared to other plays, there are no thrilling scenes, and there are no major arrangements that require the cooperation of multiple departments.

Zhou Yun and some other actors went to the dressing room to change their costumes for the second scene.

Waiting for the second scene to officially start shooting.

Zeng Lili sat on the chair with a straight figure, smiled slightly, and said, "We will carry out a series of cooperation with the VX brand, let me introduce to you..."

Zhou Yun sat in the row representing the magazine, glanced lightly at the person across from him, and paused for a moment at the young employee played by Zhou Jianfeng.

The reason why the eyes will stop on him is because his appearance is outstanding, handsome, sharp, although young but very confident, he doesn't look like a newcomer who just joined the job at all.

The scene of the meeting has a lot of lines.

Zhou Yun took one-third of the lines in it, but in fact the focus of the performance was on Zeng Lili.

This scene is an important scene in which Zeng Lili, as the newly appointed editor-in-chief, has brought a patron father who is willing to invest [-] million publicity fees for the magazine.

To use a line that has not yet been filmed to describe it, it is "If you don't show something real, how can you restrain those women whose hearts are higher than the sky".

The whole scene is done in one go, without any pause in the middle.

Zhou Yun likes the current shooting method very much. In this regard, she and Ning Yufeng have reached a consensus.

Ning Yufeng doesn't like long shots, but he likes to shoot the whole scene directly, and then edit the material, instead of stopping after shooting a shot.

Guan Siya also played in this scene, with a total of three lines.

After all, he is not a new actor, and he has two hard brushes, so he didn't lose the chain at this time.

In fact, this shooting technique puts higher demands on the actors.

Because this requires that after the whole scene, all the actors must be in the state of the characters from the beginning to the end, instead of acting as before when you are photographed.

When Zeng Lili spoke, what reaction should you give, and what reaction should you give?
When it's time to speak, do you sit in your seat like a log, or react to what others say like a normal human being.

Ning Yufeng likes to capture these on-site reactions and edit them together.

This is also the reason why the film he made with a new lineup before gained a high reputation.

Many people commented that Ning Yufeng's works are very concise and fast-paced.

In his works, there are few long shots, the screens are switched very quickly, and there is a lot of information. This style, if the information is particularly accurate and in place, it will give the audience a dizzying pleasure, but if the information is messy and Meaningless, it will make people dizzy.

Several actors sat in their seats without moving, waiting for the next instruction.

It wasn't until Ning Yufeng said that everyone got up.

"It's another one." Zeng Lili said with a smile, "If the filming continues at this speed, I'm afraid we can finish it a month earlier."

Zhou Yun nodded and said with a smile, "The filming went really well."

Liu Lingqi shook his head and said, "The pressure of filming with you is too great, I'm really afraid that the chain will fall on me."

Lin Luyao smiled and said, "Don't say it, it's been a long time since I've completely memorized the lines before the official start of the machine."

The two of them are not new actors, they have debuted for several years, compared to Cheng Shenli and the others, they are more open-minded on the set.

Zhou Yun said: "I didn't expect these two scenes to be the same. I can only say that everyone is too good. I thought that these two scenes would take a whole morning."

"It seems that we can continue to shoot one more time." Zeng Lili said.

Sure enough, ten minutes later, Ning Yufeng decided to shoot an extra scene in the editing room in the morning.

Still a big group show.

These large group plays are often difficult to cooperate among the actors, but to say how difficult the performance is, it mainly depends on the content of the scene.

Ning Yufeng did not arrange the most difficult scenes in the front. Basically, they were cutscenes and the atmosphere was very relaxed. The main purpose was to let the actors get to know each other and at the same time create a smooth atmosphere for everyone to shoot.It's just that he didn't expect that the filming went too smoothly, everyone was in surprisingly good condition, and he couldn't find any faults.

At noon, we all eat together.

The crew specially invited a chef to take care of three meals a day for everyone in the crew.

This is also a treatment that many crews do not have.Most of the crew can at most be satisfied with the main creative staff, and other staff can only eat box lunches.However, "Under the Dress" has sufficient funds, and the producer is also generous. With the concept of letting everyone eat and drink well, they prepared a marketing meal for everyone.There are also coffee machines and snack tables on the set, and the staff can go to get food at any time.But there is a rule that actors are not allowed to go to the snack table to get things, for fear that the actors will not restrain themselves all of a sudden, and they will become fat when they pat.

After all, this is a fashion drama that requires handsome men and beautiful women.

The people in the editorial room sat at a big round table, and Ning Yufeng and Zhou Jianfeng were also added.

Everyone talked and laughed and had lunch together.

This is also Ning Yufeng's request, let everyone sit together and have a meal every day.

He said: "Colleagues in the editorial room don't look up and look down every day, and they don't necessarily appreciate each other, but the sense of familiarity between each other is very important, especially the many instant reactions. Therefore, we must cultivate mutual familiarity and cooperation. tacit agreement."

Ning Yufeng is a person who likes to do work as usual.He believes that acting is not just a release on the set and in front of the camera. If an actor is usually skilled enough, acting on the set is a process of accumulation.He likes the performance of Zhou Yun and Zeng Lili very much, they are very light-hearted.

Ning Yufeng said at the dining table: "Ms. Lili is really awesome, she is too old and hot, just sit there, without saying a word, just with a look, she can tell everyone who she is and what her status is in your group , Tsk tsk, this kind of proficient acting skills are really unique to drama."

"Director, your flattery is very useful to me. You can shoot more." Zeng Lili joked.

Everyone laughed.

Zeng Lili said: "But I have never played such a sassy and powerful woman before. I used to play more miserable roles. Wow, I really don't know if I don't act. It's so enjoyable to act."

Zhou Yun said to her: "I think if you enjoy acting, why don't you ask the screenwriter to write another script with your role and make a spin-off drama."

Zeng Lili shook her hand and said, "Forget it, if I develop a spin-off drama starring me, who will watch it?"

"That's not necessarily the case, Sister Lily, look at how many people became your fans after "Behind the Scenes" aired, and they all shouted 'Sister humiliated me', but I saw the content of your super talk." Zhou Yun laughed .

Zeng Lili shrugged helplessly and said, "I still don't understand what they mean by those words."

Everyone else laughed.

Ning Yufeng said: "Maybe after this show airs, fans will call for a second season."

Zhou Yun said with a smile: "It's okay, as long as there are enough people who like it, but before that, it's better to shoot the current scene first. If the audience doesn't like it, everything we say now is false."

"Believe me, I have a hunch that our drama will be a big hit." Liu Lingqi said confidently, "By the way, Miss Fang Li didn't come today?"

Ning Yufeng said: "Fang Li's play has nothing to do with the editing room's play, so it was arranged to be filmed in the second half, and she is not with the crew now."

Wan Fangli plays Zhou Yun's friend in the play, but she is not an editor in the editing room, so she doesn't need to participate in the early stage of the editing room.

Liu Lingqi understood and nodded.

After lunch, Zhou Yun went to the lounge to rest.

She fell into a light sleep for about twenty minutes, when she was woken up by Zhou Lan's knock on the door.

Zhou Lan came to talk to her about "Deep Sea".

"As for Yu Chu, I have already communicated with her. When she formally signs with me, she will sign the movie "Deep Sea". Now Xu Jinbo has hired Liang Hengjun to be the director."

"Liang Hengjun?" Zhou Yun asked in surprise, "Isn't that Luo Zhiqiu's friend?"

She still remembered that when Song Chi was still in Zuo Jing, Luo Zhiqiu wanted Liang Hengjun to be the director of "Ask the Heart", but in the end he compromised and hired Jiang Xin as the director according to Song Chi's idea.

Zhou Lan said: "In the past two years, the film and television works developed by Zuo Jing have all gone to the street, and they have lost a lot of money. Now they are not opening much, but Liang Hengjun's own strength is still very strong. He has cooperated with Yue Hai in two films. The results are not bad, it is normal for Xu Jinbo to find him, and Liang Hengjun also has experience in female-themed TV dramas like "Deep Sea"."

"Yeah." Zhou Yun nodded.

"Of course, Xu Jinbo asked me to ask your opinion, if you have any opinion on inviting Liang Hengjun." Zhou Lan said.

Zhou Yun: "No objection, it's fine for him to decide."

"Yeah." Zhou Lan nodded, "Another thing, I plan to arrange Lu Zhongting and Huang Zicheng to play two roles in "Deep Sea"."

"Okay." Zhou Yun nodded, "You can make arrangements."

(End of this chapter)

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