Chapter 523
Not long after Wei Ruxue came to contact Jingjingcheng, Su Yan also called. She didn't directly talk about "The Law of Stepmothers" on the phone, but asked him to have a meal together.

After "Ask the Heart", Su Yan is now also a hot actress in the market.Jing Jingcheng guessed her intention and went to the appointment happily.

If Su Yan is willing to act in this drama, it would be a good choice.

Su Yan's salary is not as high as Wei Ruxue's, within the normal range. At the same time, if Su Yan plays the leading role, he can also bring some advertising cooperation.Although Su Yan's acting skills are still a bit lacking compared to Zhou Yun and Wei Ruxue's, it's not the kind of hot-eyed acting skills, and if he acts well, the play will not be bad.

Jingjingcheng and Su Yan met and exchanged pleasantries.

Su Yan quickly mentioned "The Stepmother's Law", "I heard you are preparing a movie?"

"Yes, the news has actually reached you." Jing Jingcheng said with a smile, "But, are you suddenly interested?"

"Of course I'm interested. I'm interested in all the movies you develop." Su Yan said with a smile, "You know, I just finished filming one movie and I'm looking for the next one."

Jing Jingcheng hesitated for a moment, then laughed, "To be honest, I had thought of asking you to act in this play before, but when I contacted your agent, your agent was not satisfied with the script and wanted to change it. The script, so there is no further text."

Su Yan glanced at him in surprise, "Did you send this script to my agent?"

"Yes, as for your manager, I hope to make adjustments to this script and delete some unflattering things about the heroine in the original book. Your manager didn't tell you?" Jing Jingcheng asked in surprise, "I I thought I'd at least shown you the script."

"I haven't read it, but sister Ting will make such a request. Is there some bad content in the script?" Su Yan said, "You also know that the audience is very picky now, and the characters have a little Bad places will be examined by them with a magnifying glass."

"I know, but this itself is a story about a young girl who suddenly becomes a stepmother and continues to change and grow. After the original book was published, the image of this stepmother has attracted a lot of attention and discussion. This is not a so-called Perfect personality."

Su Yan said: "Then, why not make deletions and revisions on the basis of the original work when writing the script?"

Jing Jingcheng said: "If you change it, it won't be "The Stepmother's Law". If you change it, this character will lose half of its value."

Su Yan was taken aback.

It's not that she didn't hear what Jing Jingcheng said, she didn't expect Jing Jingcheng to be obsessed with the value of a character.

The film and television industry in the past few years is not the same as before. With the advent of the traffic era, almost all directors who shoot major dramas are facing changes. They either stop making movies or follow the changes in the market to shoot more commercial works.She didn't expect that a senior producer like Jingjingcheng would care about the value of a character. It stands to reason that if she is willing to act in this movie, she can change it to whatever she wants. One line felt it.

Jing Jingcheng said: "Perfect character, pleasing character design, I have also produced many dramas with such characters, but when I decided to adapt "The Stepmother's Law", it was for itself and most of the movies on the market. The plays are different, otherwise, why should I adapt this play."

Su Yan suddenly thought of "Ask the Heart".

When she was filming "Questioning the Heart", she also tried to delete two of the scenes in which she was jealous of Liu Rusu played by Zhou Yun, because she felt that if these two scenes were broadcast, they would definitely scolded.But at that time, He Ting directly dissuaded her, telling her that director Jiang Xin would never change the script for such a reason.Facts have proved that after the broadcast, although some people scolded her, more people understood why her character was jealous and understood her inner struggle and anger.

"Brother Jing, I really trust your vision, otherwise I wouldn't have specially invited you out for this meal today." Su Yan put down her chopsticks, her pretty face glowed like enamel under the light of the restaurant, " To tell you the truth, after filming "Ask the Heart", I have a better understanding of me as an actor and acting. I can understand why Sister Ting wanted to ask you to revise the script. She was afraid that I would act. If I cast a morally flawed character, I will be scolded by the audience, but I also know that a real character cannot be without flaws, and no matter how kind a person is, there will be moments of evil thoughts and ruthlessness. Brother Jing, I really want to shoot you like this If you think I can act in a play, then whatever the script is, I will shoot it."

Su Yan's words surprised Jing Jingcheng.

The two had worked together before, and Jingjingcheng had experienced Su Yan's arrogance and ignorance, as well as Su Yan's temper.

Su Yan's star luck was smooth. He Ting was with her after her debut. She became popular early and for a long time. No matter where she went, she was praised by others. Jingjing City did not expect that Su Yan would change so much without seeing each other for a long time.

In this case, in the past, Su Yan would never be able to say it.

I have long heard that Su Yan was taught by Jiang Xin when he was filming "Ask the Heart", and he has grown a lot in the competition with Zhou Yun. Seeing him today, he really has changed a lot.

Jingjingcheng was also a little moved.

If Su Yan is really used, the investment in the movie "The Stepmother's Law" will definitely get more. Besides, there is no need to worry about attracting investment.With the name of Su Yan's starring role released, there will be many advertisers who want to cooperate, especially those brands that Su Yan endorses.In this way, the risk is much smaller.

The meal was a delight for both host and guest.

But Jing Jingcheng didn't expect that he would be targeted by Song Chi in this play.

Song Chi came to his office to visit him in person.

Jing Jingcheng didn't dare to put on airs when facing Song Chi like he did when facing Su Yan. Now Song Chi is not only an actor, but also the owner of a film and television production company. Several plays have been prepared almost. This line is only high but not low.

"Why are you still here?" Jing Jingcheng looked at Song Chi's crutches and said with a smile, "Call me and I'll go see you."

Song Chi smiled and said, "Sitting every day, it's good to have a chance to move."

Jingjingcheng brewed a pot of tea for Song Chi and said, "I just got a piece of good tea, try it."

Song Chi nodded with a smile.

The two sat and chatted for a while, and Song Chi said, "Brother Jing should know how many actors my company has signed?"

Jing Jingcheng nodded and said: "Of course I know, I also heard that you signed Chen Xi, alas, if it wasn't because of the divorce that year, Chen Xi would be worse than Su Yan and the others now, it's a pity, the delay For such a long time, the audience doesn't even remember her."

"Brother Jing also knows about this." Song Chi smiled, "I thought Chen Xi had been forgotten long ago. It seems that my judgment is correct."

"She is good at acting, and she was placed with high hopes back then. I also thought about asking her to act in a play, but at that time, there were a lot of plays looking for her, and I didn't get a schedule here. Later..." Jing Jingcheng shook his head , smiled, "I didn't dare to use her after that."

Song Chi nodded in understanding.

"At that time, everyone was scolding her, so they didn't dare to use her. But now a few years have passed, and the turmoil of divorce has subsided. Should Brother Jing consider using her again? As you said, her acting skills are amazing. very nice."

Jing Jingcheng glanced at him in surprise.

Song Chi said: "Actually, I know Brother Jing that you are currently preparing "The Stepmother's Law", and I also know that you really want to find an actor to act in this movie. I know that you will have a lot of concerns about using Chen Xi. But there is one point, if there is a shortage of funds due to the use of Chen Xi, I can make up for it. Another point, I know that there is a very important role in "The Law of Stepmother", the hero's mother, if you want With Chen Xi, I can invite Zhang Hongyu to play this role in friendship."

This meant that Chen Xi could bring money into the group.

Moreover, can Zhang Hongyu be added? !
Jingjingcheng didn't expect Song Chi to value Chen Xi so much.

To be honest, if Su Yan and Xu Siyao hadn't both taken a fancy to this drama, Jingjing City might have been really tempted.

The play "The Law of the Stepmother" itself is not a popular subject in the market, so he worked hard to find a popular actor to play it.

It can't be that the acting skills are poor, and it will be ridiculed by the crowd when it is broadcast.

Chen Xi's image and acting skills are completely fine. Jing Jingcheng, who has dealt with Chen Xi before, has no doubts about it. Speaking of which, when Chen Xi first entered the industry, he was praised for his talent in acting. In just a few years, she has become an acting school among her peers. She has been nominated for Best Actress several times, and her strength is very strong.

From Jing Jingcheng's point of view, the only shortcoming of Chen Xi is that she doesn't have many fans anymore, and the audience is almost forgetting about her.

Jing Jingcheng hesitated for a moment, considering Song Chi's face, it was still not easy to refuse in person after all.

"Now there are quite a few actresses who are interested in this drama, and I can't give you a letter of approval right away."

Song Chi nodded understandingly, and said, "Understood, Brother Jing, no matter what, if there is a role suitable for Chen Xi in the future, no matter the protagonist or supporting role, as long as it is outstanding and has a good team, please consider Chen Xi first. Like me, I don’t want to see such an actress with good acting skills really leave the film and never act again. This is a loss for our industry.”

Jing Jingcheng smiled, "Naturally, I am also very happy that you can sign Chen Xi to your company. I really thought she would never act again."

Jingjingcheng thought about sending Song Chi away for a long time.

It is not surprising that "The Stepmother's Law" will be favored by so many actresses. Originally, Jingjingcheng was also planning to let go of the news and search for the entire entertainment industry when it did not find a suitable actress.

It's just that he didn't expect that the news of this play would spread in private, which shocked so many people.

Jing Jingcheng thought for a long time, weighing between several candidates.


Xu Siyao felt that he had given up the bargaining chip that he was willing to lower his salary, how could Jingjing City agree to invite Gu Huaichun to act with her in this play.

She has been a little excited for the past two days. She has just finished filming a movie with Su Yan, and now she is about to join a short drama series to fill up the schedule.

This drama is also Yue Hai's self-produced drama, with only twelve episodes, it is a sweet pet drama in ancient costumes, and it is the most popular theme in the market today.

She waited until the filming of this drama was finished so that she could go on to film "The Law of Stepmothers" smoothly.

Her acting skills are not bad, so she felt that if she could meet a good script, it would be a matter of course for her to win an award.

These days, "The Stepmother Rules" is that good script.

As for the current filming of "Promise You Half the City of Misty Rain", it is just because there is such a vacant schedule, if you don't take this drama to fill the schedule, it will be wasted.

After [-] episodes, she can earn eight figures with her current salary.

Of course, Yue Hai is willing to pay her such a high salary because the male lead is Yue Hai's newcomer, and this drama is purely for Yue Hai's newcomer.

She had dinner with the director in the evening, and went back to the car where she was resting. She was bored and scrolled through Weibo, but suddenly saw a message from a film and television news blogger that she followed on her account.

——A lot of actresses are competing to play "The Law of the Stepmother", Wei Ruxue, Su Yan, Xu Siyao, and Chen Xi who has retired for many years and came out again. What is "The Law of the Stepmother" exactly?Can it attract so many contestants?

When Xu Siyao saw the news, he was stunned for a moment.

Before this, she didn't know that there were so many people vying for this drama.

The confidence that was confident before suddenly disappeared again.

Anxiety floats in my heart.

She thought that apart from Chen Xi, whom she had never heard of, she couldn't compete with the other two.

But, how could they also fall in love with this drama?
Xu Siyao fell into trouble.

What if this show is really taken away by one of them...

Xu Siyao suddenly realized that he might have made a mistake in his request to Jingjingcheng to let Gu Huaichun play the leading role.

Will Wei Ruxue and Su Yan make such a request?

No, they are not like her at all. They have no confidence in their ability to carry the drama, so they need a popular actor to support the scene. They may wish that the actor will not be popular, so that the whole drama will focus on on them.

Xu Siyao was a little confused for a while, wondering if he should contact Jingjing City at this time and withdraw his previous request.

But she was also worried that she would be looked down upon for no reason if she was so eager to withdraw her request after the news came out.

A mess.


Zhou Yun saw some revelations about "The Stepmother's Law" on the Internet, and took a closer look. After all, they are some acquaintances, but he didn't expect to see Chen Xi's name in this list.

She only found out not long ago that Chen Xi was an actor signed by Song Chi's company.

What she didn't expect was that Chen Xi was even on the trending list.

Because the starring lineup of "The Stepmother's Law" is too gorgeous, with the strange name Chen Xi interspersed in the middle, many people are curious about who this person is.

After clicking in, some bloggers had already sorted out Chen Xi's background. Only then did everyone know that this was an actress who had once been popular.

(End of this chapter)

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