Chapter 524 This Dispute
"Why did you let Chen Xi get involved in this dispute?"

When Zhou Yun was on the phone with Song Chi, he asked in surprise.

With the resources that Song Chi has now, if he wants to talk to Chen Xi about the next drama and let her come back, there are many choices, why bother to go through this muddy water?
Song Chi said, "I have some plans."

"Oh, well, I just thought it was weird, so just ask, and if you can't say it, that's fine."

"It's nothing inconvenient to say. The drama I wanted Chen Xi to compete in before was "Love Under the Moon", but people were worried that Chen Xi had completely passed away. I just wanted to use this turmoil to let these producers in the industry watch it. See how much attention the news of Chen Xi's comeback can attract, and she is not overwhelmed." Song Chi said with a smile, "Of course, I bought the trending search at the beginning, but many people still remember her. .”

Zhou Yun thought of what he saw when he searched for Chen Xi's name just now. It wasn't all about marketing accounts and trolls. Indeed, many people were posting with emotion: Chen Xi, who had disappeared for a long time, finally came back.

Chen Xi is still remembered by many viewers. After all, she was once a popular actor and was loved by many people for her acting skills.

Zhou Yun soon understood the intention behind Song Chi's move.The current market recognizes celebrities and people, and Chen Xi is labeled as outdated, so there are basically no good plays about her.Regarding Chen Xi's weaknesses, Song Chi only needs to prove that she is not overwhelmed, and that people will pay attention to her after her comeback, so that everyone in the industry can see this and dispel their doubts.

Song Chi may not necessarily win "The Stepmother's Law", but took advantage of this competition to put Chen Xi among the names of a group of first-line actresses, invisibly elevating her status in the hearts of the audience, and invisibly It sent a signal to the industry: Chen Xi is a powerful actor who can compete with popular actresses such as Wei Ruxue, Su Yan and Xu Siyao.

Zhou Yun, as an "old actor" who has been in this industry for many years, is well aware of some sensitive points in the industry.

After Jing Jingcheng saw Chen Xi's hot search, he didn't understand that he was borrowed by Song Chi.But Jingjingcheng was not angry at all, because this group of "Stepmother's Law" also became a wave of hot searches for free, earning a wave of popularity without spending money, attracting so many people's attention.

This is of great benefit to the subsequent funding and the importance of the platform.

Now is an era of traffic, whoever gets the attention is the king.

When Zhou Yun was on the set of "Under Dress", he could hear some news about "The Stepmother's Law" from time to time.

These few people are currently the most popular and eye-catching actresses in the industry. It's rare for them to grab a role at the same time.

It's not that there is no such thing as usual, it's just that they seldom make trouble in front of the stage, but this time they all make trouble in front of the stage. If anyone loses the competition, wouldn't it be embarrassing?

Xu Siyao originally thought about joining forces with Li Ci to win the show. If Li Ci participated in the show, she believed that this lineup would be enough to make Jingjingcheng's heart flutter.Who knew that this idea was not only directly rejected by Li Ci, but also caused her to be scolded by her manager.

Thinking about it again, the "Fixing the Storm" that the two of them had collaborated before gave Li Citan a notoriety of "facial paralysis". How could Li Ci cooperate with Xu Siyao again and "bring shame on himself".

Li Ci had no hope, and Xu Siyao started to play other people's ideas.

If she can find someone to join forces to compete for this drama, her cards will be bigger than Wei Ruxue and Su Yan.

Xu Siyao still didn't know that Wei Ruxue had given up on the show, but was dragged into the battle of public opinion by Song Chi.

Speaking of which, Xu Siyao was never a real fool.When she really started to compete with Wei Ruxue and Su Yan, she immediately began to think about what kind of advantages she had, and what kind of advantages would make Jing Jingcheng excited.Xu Siyao immediately thought of the salary.

Compared with Wei Ruxue and Su Yan, her salary is much less.For the missing part, you can hire another Xu Siyao.

In fact, Xu Siyao's remuneration can be called up, such as the film "Promise You Half a City of Misty Rain" that is currently being filmed, but she cannot be called up in front of large-scale dramas such as "The Law of Stepmothers".Because the main audiences for both are different.Among the audience of the latter, Xu Siyao was an unfamiliar face.On the other hand, actors like Xu Siyao were not favored by the main dramas. The main dramas have always focused on strength and qualifications.Xu Siyao's acting skills are not as good as Zhou Yun's, but she is better than other young actors.

Therefore, if Xu Siyao wants to play "The Law of the Stepmother", it is impossible to ask for a high salary, at least it is lower than the salary for "May You Half the City".

She was thinking about whether to lower the salary a little more?
If you don't do this, it seems that you have no advantage in front of Wei Ruxue and Su Yan.

No matter how conceited she was, she knew that if Wei Ruxue and Su Yan could be chosen, almost no producer would be willing to choose her.

Of course, she probably never expected that Jingjing City eliminated Wei Ruxue immediately because of the salary.


People over there fight over people over there, and Zhou Yun takes pictures of Zhou Yun himself.

The actors of "Under Dressed" are really good at acting, and when they play against each other on the set, they feel like they are matching each other.

When the script was first written, the screenwriter put special effort into each character. Each character has an eye, rather than a purely prop role. As long as the actors think carefully, they will be able to act.

And when everyone doesn't have their own play, they usually wait for the play on the spot.

It was originally a studio shoot, and the rest room was next to it. If you have nothing to do, it would be better to watch everyone act on the spot.

Especially the rivalry between Zhou Yun and Zeng Lili, everyone will never tire of watching it.

Watching actors acting on the screen and watching the scene are completely two kinds of feelings, one is two-dimensional, and the other is being in this three-dimensional space.

Everyone is an actor, to see if an actor can act, the real thing is on the spot, otherwise how could there be a chain of contempt for drama that is higher than film and television.

Zhou Yun and Zeng Lili have worked together before, without the running-in period, they both know each other's habits, and they happen to play two roles that are at odds with each other from time to time.

"I think you should be more angry." After performing a scene, Zeng Lili said bluntly, "I was a little too restrained just now."

"Yes, I missed the moment to explode." Zhou Yun finished the performance by himself, and he knew where the problem was.

Angry, many people can act, many people can act realistically in violent scenes without a teacher, but they have to be stuck at the moment when the atmosphere is about to ignite, burst out at a point, and lead the audience's attention. This requires extremely high savvy, which is the so-called sense of rhythm.

A stop, a setback, one second earlier, one second later, the effect is completely different.

At the beginning, many people didn't know what they were talking about, but after seeing the comparison between the scenes they approved of and the scenes they felt dissatisfied with, they gradually realized what it was.

It is a kind of tension that can be easily stretched and scaled.

Obviously, it was an emotional outburst that was too early and too late, but Zhou Yun performed a sense of proportion that no matter what time it was for her to explode, it was the best time.

The actors were incredible.

Zhou Yun is still so young, usually only the old actors who have acted for many years can see this sense of proportion.

People who used to be jealous of Zhou Yun were completely convinced after watching the scene. When Zhou Yun and Zeng Lili played against each other, the aura of acting together was completely different from everyone else's.

When acting in a group play, Zhou Yun is always relatively calm, in line with the characters in the script, restrained and calm, he is the next editor-in-chief candidate in many people's minds.

While the filming of "Under the Dress" is in full swing, the casting of "Deep Sea" is also in full swing.

Because Xu Jinbo released the news in advance, and Zhou Yun participated in "Deep Sea", the supporting roles in this play were rushed by everyone, especially those unknown actors who had not yet been mixed.

For them, a supporting role in "The Deep Sea" can change their careers as actors.

At this time, it was time for Xu Jinbo himself to pay back and buy a lot of favors.He is a producer, and he is also a well-known producer. He usually has too many relationships, not only in the entertainment industry, but also in other fields.These people may not be actors themselves, but they must have many actors around them.

Among them, the female number three and the most important male number one are given by Yue Hai, and the fat water does not flow to outsiders. Naturally, these roles must be left to their own artists. It is best to hold a second Gu Huaichun. For a role, two seniors who had filmed several films with him recommended their juniors to audition for the role, and he had to take it, as well as other related households.There are more and more resumes in Xu Jinbo's hands, all of which are related accounts introduced by someone. There is no way to fill them in. Xu Jinbo can only do a wave of auditions. If the ones are really bad and the connections are not too strong, choose them first. .

Zhou Yun didn't know that "Deep Sea" still had so many stories, so she was busy taking the time to have a meeting with the director and screenwriter of "Deep Sea" to discuss how to shoot the film later. Of course, Yu Chu was also present at the meeting.

Although Yu Chu hadn't signed the contract yet, he was a sure candidate.She waited until the contract with the current agency company expired and signed to Chengqian Entertainment before signing this acting contract.

On this day, after filming "Under Dress", Zhou Yun went to the rest room to take off his makeup and was going back to the hotel to rest.

Suddenly, there was a noise from outside the corridor.

Zhou Yun didn't know what happened, so he went out to have a look in doubt, and found a group of people gathered together, and he didn't know what happened.

"What happened?" Zhou Yun walked over and asked a person.

Seeing that it was Zhou Yun, the man said, "Someone is stealing something."

Zhou Yun was taken aback.

She never thought that someone would steal something.

Blocked in the middle was a woman with a round face.Her face was flushed red, and she couldn't walk away when people stopped her. She kept saying, "Don't stop me, don't talk nonsense without evidence."

Zhou Yun couldn't help asking with some doubts: "Who is this person?"

She didn't even have an impression of this person's appearance, it wasn't like she had seen it before.

"Today's group performer was sneaked in, sneaked into several rooms to steal things, and was discovered."

At this time, someone came over.

"Everyone, don't surround yourself, we have already called the police, and the police will come right away."

At this time, the round-faced woman who was blocked in the middle turned pale with shock.

"Let me go! I was infatuated for a while, I knew I was wrong, I didn't take anything!" The woman's eyes were red with anxiety, as if tears were about to fall.

Zhou Yun was not very interested in the follow-up progress, so he returned to his lounge and continued to remove his makeup.

After a while, Zheng Xiaoju came in.

"Sister Xiaoyun, do you know what happened outside?" she asked.

"Didn't a thief come?" Zhou Yun said, "Did the police take her away?"

"Well, it's already taken away." Zheng Xiaoju clicked his tongue twice and said, "Someone sneaked in here."

"It's inevitable to be negligent in mixing in as a group performer." Zhou Yun said, "By the way, has anyone's stuff been stolen?"

"Not really." Zheng Xiaoju shook his head, "Everyone has checked."

"That's good."

Zhou Yun thought to himself, fortunately he was discovered today. If he hadn't been discovered, the consequences would be unimaginable.

After removing the makeup, Zhou Yun went back to the hotel.

She and Cheng Shenlu entered the hotel one after another. Cheng Shenlu looked a little uneasy when he saw her, and his eyes dodged for a while.

Zhou Yun also knew why Cheng Shenlu was like this. What happened before probably made Cheng Shenlu a little afraid of her.

Zhou Yun nodded to her and went upstairs without saying much.

Accompanied by her assistant, Cheng Shenlu went back to the room. When the assistant left and the door closed, she waited for a while, and her manager knocked on the door.

Seeing her manager, she finally grabbed her palm nervously, and couldn't help showing a look of panic, saying, "She was taken away by the police, she won't betray us, will she?"

"Don't worry, the final payment hasn't been paid yet. If she wants to get the final payment, she won't tell us." The agent smiled slightly, "Since she dares to do this to you, it won't make her feel better , The things have been placed in her lounge, and then we will wait and see."

"Can you do it?"

"Don't worry, I've made all the arrangements," the manager said.

Cheng Shenlu was actually uneasy in her heart. When her manager made this suggestion, she subconsciously disagreed, but when she thought about what Guan Siya had done to her before, she became ruthless.

It was Guan Siya who was unkind.

What's more, the agent also said that Guan Siya has already broken her face with her now, and will compete more fiercely in the future. If she doesn't want to find a way to widen the gap with her at this time, no one will know what Guan Siya will do later. do not know.

Cheng Shenlu could only suppress the uneasiness in his heart, waiting for the day when the matter would be exposed.

If Zhou Yun knew what she did today, he would look at her more indifferently.

A wry smile overflowed from the corner of Cheng Shenlu's mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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