Chapter 525
The filming scene of "Under Dress" has attracted much attention, and many media have sent requests for interviews and filming.

After discussing with He Yong and Zheng Xiaowen, Zhou Lan felt that it would be good for the film to keep some topics hot during the filming process.

Therefore, they selected carefully, agreed to the request of a well-known traditional media, and held a separate media visit day for them.

The media didn't expect that they could get the exclusive, and they were very surprised. After all, they didn't spend any money and didn't do any extra public relations work.

Zhou Lan is taking the route of exposure while maintaining a certain degree of mystery.

What does that mean?

Agreeing to one of the media's requests and giving them an exclusive, other media will definitely have opinions. After all, "Under Dress" has received so much attention, which media wouldn't want a piece of it?
They did not get the right to visit the class, which meant that they lost this wave of enthusiasm.

But Zhou Lan does not intend to only open such a media visit day.

"The filming took nearly two months, and I planned to set aside one and a half days every week for a media visit day, so that at least seven or eight media could get the exclusive news of the day. It's not the same to eat a big pot of rice. If dozens of media come in at the same time, there will be competition among them, and maybe they will come up with some weird headlines for attention." Zhou Lan said, "We will give them an exclusive, Only one media at a time is easy to control. Whether it is the content of the final report or the angle they plan to report from, we can arrange special personnel to communicate in detail, and even provide them with some materials that we want them to report. In this way Points conducive to controlling propaganda."

"Another advantage is that we don't tell them exactly how many opportunities for exclusive reports, which creates competition among them. If they want to win exclusive reports, they have to show greater sincerity-don't get me wrong, I mean The point is not to collect money, but in terms of the follow-up publicity of our drama and the publicity during the broadcast. They are all media and have their own resources. The pressure on the release can also be much less, and the investment in publicity and distribution can be reduced correspondingly."

Zhou Lan's analysis was supported by others.

He Yong even thinks that this method can be used in other dramas.

Not only does the play need publicity, but the media also needs hot spots.

If a play itself is a hot spot, then there is room for win-win cooperation for both parties.

After Zhou Lan told Zhou Yun about the proposal, Zhou Yun also thought her idea was good.

No one can deny that now is not an era where "the smell of wine is not afraid of deep alleys".In this era and in this market, it is not enough to just do something well, you have to let more people know that it is good.For a big-budget movie, the production cost only accounts for half of it, and the other half is used for publicity.

The cost of publicity and distribution is rising day by day. If some follow-up publicity cooperation can be finalized in this way, it can indeed save a lot of money for the crew.

On the other hand, Wen Lanlan from "Victor" also called Zhou Lan to communicate with her about a plan for "Victor".

"The drama "Under Dress" itself is a fashion drama, and its audience has a high degree of overlap with our "Victor" readers. I have a plan here to open five columns in "Victor" magazine. Each column revolves around a theme, and the directors, actors and behind-the-scenes staff of "Under Dress" are invited to share their thoughts and opinions." Wen Lanlan said, "Of course, we hope that Zhou Yun and Zeng Lili will share their thoughts and opinions every month. Everyone can participate, without writing a big composition, just like posting a Weibo, a few hundred words of experience is enough."

Wen Lanlan's plan coincided with Zhou Lan's idea.

In particular, the column "Victor" is not only intended to invite actors to participate, but also includes all the staff of the show, which will greatly improve everyone's sense of identity with the show.

"I'm going to discuss it with you. I personally like this plan very much, and it fits the theme of our drama very much." Zhou Lan said with a smile, "I heard that you, Lan Lan, have also created a WeChat official account yourself, and you will be on it Post some tweets, and I'm thinking, maybe we have more room to work together."

Wen Lanlan looked at Zhou Lan in surprise, and asked, "Sister Lan?"

Zhou Lan said: ""Under Dress" itself invited many consultants from the fashion industry and did a lot of design in the play. Maybe we can make a push similar to an analysis post on your WeChat official account? Magazine The publication is still too slow. No matter what kind of broadcast mode our show adopts, it will definitely not update one episode a month, so I was thinking, can you do a series with the show on your WeChat official account, analyze Some fashion concepts and character outfits in each episode."

After listening to Zhou Lan, Wen Lanlan knew that if her WeChat official account could continue this cooperation, maybe after the show was over, her WeChat official account would become a self-media with millions of fans.

She was a little surprised and said: "Of course I am willing to do this serialization, but besides this, what else do I need to do?"

She believes that when the show "Under Dress" airs, there will definitely be a lot of fashion self-media who will do this, but Zhou Lan's proposal undoubtedly means that her serialization with the show is the official main push , when the time comes, the show's official Weibo will definitely focus on promoting her analysis posts.

If there is an official Weibo endorsement, many fans of the show will definitely give priority to reading the push written by her.

She was a little surprised that Zhou Lan suddenly took the initiative to give her this opportunity.

After all her years as a fashion magazine editor, she's past that "I'm talented so I take any opportunity for granted" stage.

Zhou Lan said with a smile: "I just think it's most appropriate to ask you to do this. You have a very professional knowledge background, and you have been working in the front line of this industry to understand the most cutting-edge trends. Moreover, you You are also very familiar with self-media, and have been running your own self-media for a while, so you are the most suitable person.”

These are the digressions behind the making of "Under Dress".

Everyone is trying to figure out how to make this show better.The so-called one star can stand up to a drama, this is nonsense.The crew has always worked as a team, and any link that breaks the chain will affect the overall situation.

In the past two days, Ning Yufeng has been a little worried.

The reason for his worry was Zhou Jianfeng.

Zhou Jianfeng's acting skills are not bad, he is a young man who is very good at acting.But most of Zhou Jianfeng's scenes are against Zhou Yun.

Obviously, Zhou Jianfeng played a young rookie who was somewhat arrogant, fierce, and with a mysterious background. In the script, he was not submissive in front of a senior editor like Zou Ying, but confronted Zou Ying several times. With the later sibling love.

But on the set, Zhou Jianfeng and Zhou Yun were always a little timid when filming.

Ning Yufeng could tell that Zhou Jianfeng had a bit of unrelenting respect for Zhou Yun himself. At the same time, he seemed to be worried about something in his heart, and he couldn't fully enter the role.

A scene where Zhou Jianfeng and Zhou Yun confront each other at a meeting, Ning Yufeng NGed it five times, but it still didn't pass.

This is rare on the set of "Under Dress".

Everyone present could also see that the reason for the delay in this scene was Zhou Jianfeng.

It wasn't that he forgot his words, or that he was in a wrong position, or that Zhou Jianfeng couldn't enter the state himself, and Zhou Yun seemed to be in two worlds.

Ning Yufeng felt that it was not an option to delay the time like this, so he had no choice but to stop filming this scene for the time being and go on to other scenes.

This matter caused everyone to talk about it.

Especially Zhou Jianfeng, he could clearly feel the doubts and strangeness in the eyes of people around him looking at him.

It's not surprising that they have such eyes.

Is he the leading actor, who got this role from so many people, or Zhou Yun's fellow apprentice in Chengqian Entertainment, and ended up acting like this?
How did he get the role?
Firstly, he has no reputation, and secondly, he has no background. If Yu Zhiyang hadn't had a car accident and couldn't act, he wouldn't have been able to play this role.

Zhou Jianfeng felt a little inferior in his heart because he was only a substitute, and he was even more uneasy when his acting skills were overturned several times on the set.

Zhou Yun also noticed Zhou Jianfeng's state.

She said she was not in a hurry to be false.Of course she also knows that if there is no sense of CP between her and Zhou Jianfeng, it will be a devastating blow to the drama "Under Dress".

"Under Dress" is not a workplace drama purely about the fashion magazine industry. In fact, this drama has already determined the concept words before writing the script: love and dreams.

From the beginning, the show was created to please the audience, especially since the show's main audience is women.

The element of love has always been very attractive to women, otherwise sweet pet dramas would not have been popular until now.

For the love in a drama, it is even more important whether there is a sense of CP between the hero and heroine.This is not to say that the audience must believe that the two people are really in love, but a kind of spark and a sense of atmosphere.

Zhou Jianfeng just couldn't get into this kind of atmosphere right now.

To describe it in a very vulgar way, he couldn't express his "tit for tat" with "this woman is different from other coquettish sluts". , I have to keep her at arm’s length” to show a posturing tit-for-tat.

The two states are completely different, which is why Zhou Jianfeng has been NG.

However, Zhou Jianfeng's behavior was due to Zhou Yun on the one hand.

Zhou Yun's status today is a challenge for any actor to act in this kind of play, unless the actor is already strong enough not to be affected by Zhou Yun's current power.It is indeed embarrassing for Zhou Jianfeng, a newcomer who is unknown and has not yet made his mark, to play a reckless and strong "I just like you" towards Zhou Yun in his heart.

On the other hand, Zhou Jianfeng himself has a bit of low self-esteem, and in this situation, it is even more difficult to act in this state.

Ning Yufeng also thought of many ways, chatted with Zhou Jianfeng many times, and told him a lot of plays, but Zhou Jianfeng himself had a demon in his heart, and he couldn't break the obstacle in his heart.

Zhou Jianfeng shouldn't be on the set when there is no film.He locked himself in the lounge, and no one knew what he was doing there.Usually, there are people on the set playing and joking, talking and laughing while waiting for the scene, but Zhou Jianfeng became more silent and didn't join in any joking.

Everyone can see that he is under a lot of pressure.

Zhou Yun hesitated for a long time whether to talk to Zhou Jianfeng, but she was afraid that if she did, Zhou Jianfeng would not only be stressed, but even his self-esteem might be hurt.

Zheng Xiaoju could see Zhou Yun's anxiety.

She complained in a low voice: "This Zhou Jianfeng is too bad, always NG, doesn't it mean that his acting skills are not bad? Why is his acting getting worse?"

Zhou Yun said sternly: "Xiaoju, don't say that about this matter."

Zheng Xiaoju asked suspiciously: "Sister Xiaoyun, am I wrong?"

"Is there any place where he doesn't work hard or dedicate himself?" Zhou Yun asked.

Zheng Xiaoju thought about it carefully, and felt that it really didn't exist.

Zhou Jianfeng didn't work hard in any scene, and he was late for a day.

If it wasn't because Zhou Jianfeng's performance affected Zhou Yun's performance and the filming progress, Zheng Xiaoju felt that with Zhou Jianfeng's attitude, she would definitely not have said those words before.

But... a sentence popped up in Zheng Xiaoju's mind, but he didn't dare to say it: food is the original sin.

Zhou Yun saw what Zheng Xiaoju was thinking at a glance.

She said: "Zhou Jianfeng's acting skills are not bad, he just encountered obstacles that all actors will encounter. He is not in good condition and cannot enter the state. Any actor will encounter it. The more you urge them at this time, the more they will not be able to adjust. , give him some time, by the way, Xiaoju, you can help me find out if there is a bar near here."

Zheng Xiaoju asked in surprise, "Sister Xiaoyun, are you going to the bar?"

Zhou Yun nodded: "That's right."

Zheng Xiaoju thought, this is really strange, Zhou Yun seldom went out to play during filming, let alone go to bars, at most he drank some wine in his room.

Zheng Xiaoju thought again, as expected, she is still a bold and skilled person, now that Sister Xiaoyun's acting skills are so good, she is much more relaxed than before.

The next day, Zhou Yun was filming with Zhou Jianfeng on the set, and a group scene was successfully filmed. Zhou Jianfeng's performance was not a problem, he was handsome, handsome, and sharp.

As long as Zhou Jianfeng doesn't act opposite Zhou Yun, there won't be any major problems with his performance.

After filming, Zhou Yun came to Zhou Jianfeng's side.

"Zhou Jianfeng." She called out to him.

He put down the water glass in panic, glanced at her, and asked, "Sister Xiaoyun, are you looking for me?"

"We are about the same age, so don't call me Miss Xiaoyun. I'm so old, just call me Zhou Yun." Zhou Yun asked, "Do you have time tonight? I made an appointment with Gu Huaichun, Yu Chu and the others for a drink , do you want to come together?"

Zhou Jianfeng looked at Zhou Yun flattered, and nodded for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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