I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 526: Another Conflict

Chapter 526: Another Conflict
Zhou Yun called Gu Huaichun and Yu Chu.

Fortunately, this scene was filmed in Shanghai, and everyone lives in Shanghai, so it was easier to make an appointment.

Zhou Yun seldom goes to bars, this time it is to clear Zhou Jianfeng's heart.

Song Chi was going to come too, but he couldn't come due to urgent business.

After the filming was over and work was over, Zhou Yun took Zhou Jianfeng into the car and went to the bar together.

Others on the set were surprised to see the two of them getting into the same car, because usually the two of them seldom have private contact.

On the way there, Zhou Yun curiously asked about Zhou Jianfeng.

"Do you have a girlfriend?"

This made Zhou Yun very satisfied with Chengqian Entertainment, because Chengqian Entertainment never interfered with the private lives of its artists.Of course, they would also want to control the artist's Weibo and prevent the artist from talking nonsense on Weibo, but there has never been a situation where an artist was not allowed to fall in love like Yue Hai.

Therefore, it is not taboo to ask Zhou Jianfeng such a question.

Zhou Jianfeng was reserved when he was sitting in the car, but he became even more cautious when he heard Zhou Yun's question.

"Yes." he said.

Zhou Yun asked pleasantly: "Is she also in the circle? Or?"

"No, she is my high school classmate." Zhou Jianfeng said.

Zhou Yun was even more surprised when he heard that, and asked, "Have you been together since high school?"

Zhou Jianfeng smiled embarrassedly, and said, "Yes, we got together earlier."

"I really haven't heard anything about it. Does the company know about it?" Zhou Yun asked curiously.

Zhou Jianfeng nodded and said, "I know."

"Then who is she now?"

"She is still studying." Zhou Jianfeng said, "She can read better than me."

Zhou Yun didn't even know that Zhou Jianfeng had a girlfriend before, which really surprised Zhou Yun.

Zhou Jianfeng is an actor that He Yong personally saw and signed to the company. He is still in school. He is a student of an acting academy.Zhou Yun didn't know much about Zhou Jianfeng, only some basic information about him.

"Is she studying in Shanghai? Do you want to ask her to play with me?" Zhou Yun asked.

Zhou Jianfeng shook his head and said, "She's not in Shanghai."

"Then I must see her next time I have a chance." Zhou Yun said with a smile.

As for how to get rid of Zhou Jianfeng's mental barrier so that he could play with her normally on the set, Zhou Yun didn't think of any good way, thinking that no matter what, it would be best for the two of them to get acquainted.

The two got acquainted, and Zhou Jianfeng knew what kind of person she was, which made him realize that she was just a very ordinary person at ordinary times. Maybe this could dispel some of Zhou Jianfeng's worries.

Zhou Yun thought so.

When they arrived at the bar, Zhou Yun took Zhou Jianfeng directly into the box.

Although the bar was not full at this time, there were still a lot of people.

Zhou Jianfeng asked in surprise: "Sister Xiaoyun, do you often come to the bar?"

He has almost never seen the news of Zhou Yun going in and out of bars.

"I told you not to call me Miss Xiaoyun, I'm only a few years older than you." Zhou Yun rolled his eyes at him, "Call me Zhou Yun."

"Okay, Zhou, Zhou Yun." Zhou Jianfeng scratched his head uncomfortably.

Zhou Yun said: "I usually come to bars less often, but I still come occasionally. I like lively places."

Zhou Jianfeng suddenly realized.

Zhou Yun asked: "Where do you usually go to have fun? People like you who are studying in school should go to bars a lot, right?"

"Well, if I'm with my classmates, I go to bars more, but I still go to KTV and board game bars more often. Bars are still too noisy." Zhou Jianfeng said.

"Do you know where the escape room is more fun? I've always wanted to try the escape room," Zhou Yun said.

Zhou Jianfeng nodded and said, "I have been to many real-life escape rooms with my classmates. I will sort out the address and send it to you later."

"Don't tidy up, it just so happens that we will be filming for so long. When you don't have to film at night, you can take all of us to escape the room together." Zhou Yun said.

Zhou Jianfeng froze for a moment, his eyes widened in surprise.

Zhou Yun: "I leave it to you."

Zhou Jianfeng responded in a panic.

He was a little confused, didn't he say that Zhou Yun never went out to play during filming?Wouldn't it be said that Zhou Yun read the script and recited his lines in the hotel every day during filming?

Zhou Yun's attitude made Zhou Jianfeng puzzled.These few days of filming with Zhou Yun gave Zhou Jianfeng a very clear understanding of Zhou Yun. Zhou Yun's talent for acting, responsibility, his true personality and dealing with people, etc., are not fabricated fakes. The appearance is really the same.Since there were such rumors about Zhou Yun's filming in the past, it means that Zhou Yun's filming used to be like that, but now there is a sudden change...

Zhou Jianfeng guessed that it was probably because of him.

Obviously his performance on the set is not satisfactory now, but she drags him out to play like a normal person.

Is it to relieve his nervousness?
Zhou Jianfeng didn't know if his guess was correct, but thinking about it, apart from this explanation, there was no other reason.

Before this, Zhou Yun had never asked him out to play together.

When the two of them arrived at the box, there were already people inside.

It's Yu Chu.

"You are here!" Seeing them, Yu Chu stood up happily to say hello, "You all don't know what a strange thing happened to me just now."

"Ah? What happened to you?" Zhou Yun immediately asked in surprise after hearing the words.

Yu Chu said: "I saw Xu Siyao and He Xuran at the bar just now."

"Huh?" Zhou Yun didn't expect to hear these two names, and she didn't expect to meet Xu Siyao and He Xuran when she came to the bar once in a while.

"They are also a group of people, and they are in the box next to us." Yu Chu showed an incredible expression, "I almost thought they were the ones you called, but luckily I saw Xu Siyao in time, and I knew it was not when I saw her gone."

Zhou Yun shook his head and shrugged, and said, "If one day I call Xu Siyao to my team's game, then I'm definitely out of my mind."

"I know, but you just finished filming with He Xuran, so I made a mistake at the beginning, it's a coincidence." After Yu Chu finished speaking with a smile, he noticed Zhou Jianfeng who came in behind Zhou Yun.

"Let me introduce you, Zhou Jianfeng, who is filming "Under Dress" with me." Zhou Yun introduced Zhou Jianfeng to Yu Chu, "He is also an actor of Chengqian Entertainment."

"This is Yu Chu, who is coming to our entertainment soon."

After Zhou Yun finished his introduction to both parties, Zhou Jianfeng and Yu Chu shook hands commercially and said hello.

"He's so handsome." Yu Chu's eyes lit up, and he said, "I saw it when I was watching the news before, but today I finally saw a real person."

Zhou Jianfeng was a little cautious when facing Yu Chu, especially after being praised for his handsome looks, he was a little embarrassed and shy.

"Don't think about him, he already has a girlfriend." Zhou Yun joked.

Yu Chu immediately showed a frustrated expression in cooperation, and said, "That's too unfortunate."

Zhou Jianfeng blushed when the two of them sang together.

After a while, Gu Huaichun also came with Yin Zhou.

Several people were drinking, playing board games, and chatting in the bar.

After drinking some wine, a few people played a kind of card called Israeli mahjong, which is similar to mahjong but different. The rule is that whoever plays all the cards in his hand first wins, and whoever plays the last card Whoever ends up loses.

The loser has to drink half a glass of wine. Zhou Jianfeng was very reserved at first, but after all, everyone is the same age. After the game, everyone is excited and muster their energy to win. When drinking alone, everyone else Booing, the five of them also had a great time.

Zhou Jianfeng's tension when facing Zhou Yun also gradually relaxed.

Suddenly, at this time, someone knocked on the door.

The bar was already noisy, no one heard the knock on the door, until someone opened the door and came in, Gu Huaichun looked up vigilantly.

It turned out to be He Xuran who came in.

With a pleasant smile on his face, he said, "It turns out that you are really here too. I didn't believe it when they told me."

Zhou Yun and He Xuran had just finished filming "Four Killers", so they knew each other well, smiled at him, and said, "Coincidentally, you're here too."

He Xuran nodded and said: "A few friends are drinking next to you, next door to you, I heard you are here, so I came to see you."

Zhou Yun smiled.

He Xuran, Gu Huaichun and Yin Zhou obviously knew each other before. After meeting each other, he smiled at Zhou Jianfeng and said, "Zhou Jianfeng?"

He even knew his name.

Zhou Jianfeng took the road of Xiaosheng, and there was He Xuran in front of the road.

As one of the most promising young actors at the moment, He Xuran is even more optimistic about the prospects than Gu Huaichun. After all, He Xuran is already a so-called movie star, while Gu Huaichun is just a popular online drama star.

Zhou Jianfeng didn't expect to meet so many big stars tonight, and he still talked to them seriously.

He Xuran said: "I really don't know how many people are envious of being able to be the leading actor for Zhou Yun."

Zhou Jianfeng was not as nervous and cautious when facing He Xuran as he was when facing Zhou Yun. Although he was just a newcomer, he was neither humble nor overbearing. .”

Before He Xuran found someone to secretly film Liu Zhikun on the set of "Four Killers", Zhou Yun was always wary of He Xuran, and he was not very willing to deal with him, let alone talk to him in depth, so, Seeing that He Xuran still wanted to continue talking, Zhou Yun was about to interrupt him.

Who knows, at this time, someone pushed the door and came in.

The person who pushed the door was Xu Siyao.

Zhou Yun: "..."

This really caught her by surprise.She originally thought that Xu Siyao would never take the initiative to come to her again.Is Xu Siyao's face made of a city wall?
Why is it so thick?
Xu Siyao walked in with a bright smile on her face, and called out "Sister Xiaoyun" coquettishly, as if she had returned to the time when she first came to the company.

If it is said that although Zhou Yun is not happy with He Xuran, he still maintains a polite face towards him, for Xu Siyao, Zhou Yun is not pretending at all.

Zhou Yun really couldn't understand Xu Siyao, the discord between the two of them was spread all over the circle, why did she always like to play that set of sisterhood tricks in front of others?

"What are you doing here?" What Zhou Yun didn't expect was that Yu Chu spoke before her, directly expressing his dissatisfaction with her uninvited.

Xu Siyao sneered, "I didn't come to look for you."

Yu Chu didn't give up, and retorted: "Do you think anyone here welcomes you?"

Xu Siyao blinked, looked at Zhou Jianfeng, and said, "Little brother, don't you welcome me?"

Yu Chu was taken aback.She really didn't realize it just now. Both Zhou Jianfeng and Xu Siyao were contracted artists of Chengqian Entertainment, so it was only natural that they knew each other.

She was suddenly embarrassed.

Zhou Jianfeng was also embarrassed.

In fact, what Yu Chu didn't know was that Zhou Jianfeng and Xu Siyao had another relationship. Their managers were the same, and both were He Yong's cousin Yu Jiangxing.

Under the broker-centered system currently implemented by Chengqian Entertainment, it is not too much for Zhou Jianfeng to call Xu Siyao a senior sister.

Zhou Jianfeng knew about the quarrel between Xu Siyao and Zhou Yun, but he never expected that he would face the conflict between the two so soon.

Zhou Yun didn't want to embarrass Zhou Jianfeng, so he stood up and said, "Of course Zhou Jianfeng welcomes you, but I don't welcome you. This is my team's game. Why do you ask Zhou Jianfeng whether you are welcome or not?"

Zhou Yun's words of not giving Xu Siyao any face at all made Xu Siyao's face turn red and then pale with anger.

Xu Siyao was furious: "Even though Miss Xiaoyun is the actress, she doesn't need to mock me, does she?"

"It doesn't matter if I'm a movie queen or not if I sneer at you. Could it be that I was kind to you when I wasn't a movie queen?" Zhou Yun retorted, and at the same time gave He Xuran a dissatisfied look. Brought it here, don't you know I hate her?"

He Xuran stared wide-eyed, raised his hands, "I am innocent, I did not bring her here!"

Xu Siyao immediately glared at him.

Zhou Yun looked at Xu Siyao and sneered, "Why do you still have such a habit? Do you like coming uninvited so much? You were not invited to the premiere last time, so you still have to come uninvited. Why, I will make arrangements when I come out to play in the future." Bodyguards, did they block you out of the door when they saw you?"

Xu Siyao was so angry that the corners of his mouth twitched, he said "You can do it!", and rushed away angrily.

He Xuran emphasized "I really didn't bring it here" before leaving.

As soon as they left, Gu Huaichun didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement, clapped his hands, and said, "Sister Xiaoyun is mighty! Sister Xiaoyun's mouth is always good!"

Zhou Yunfei rolled his eyes.

Zhou Jianfeng said to Zhou Yun, "I'm sorry."

"Sorry, it has nothing to do with you, I just find her annoying." Zhou Yun patted Zhou Jianfeng on the shoulder, "Keep playing!"

Several people played until ten o'clock in the evening before leaving.

On the way back to the hotel, Zhou Yun saw that Zhou Jianfeng's face was still a little apprehensive, and knew that he was still feeling uneasy about Xu Siyao's incident. After thinking about it, this matter had nothing to do with "Under Dress", so he said directly, "Zhou Jianfeng, The matter between me and Xu Siyao is our business, you don't need to take sides, it has nothing to do with you, so, if you encounter this kind of thing in the future, you can just pretend to be stupid, don't be provoked by her words, you are with her With the same agent, I can understand many things, so don’t take it to heart.”

(End of this chapter)

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