I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 527 Comprehensive Forces

Chapter 527 Comprehensive Forces
Zhou Jianfeng was completely stunned by Zhou Yun's words.

Zhou Jianfeng was not sure for a while, was Zhou Yun sincere or false when he said these words?

Yu Jiangxing also told Zhou Jianfeng about the conflict between Zhou Yun and Xu Siyao.

Yu Jiangxing said that Xu Siyao was a man of bad intentions, a lot of cleverness, but no great wisdom, and had a very unpleasant quarrel with Zhou Yun, and almost became enemies, but Xu Siyao was whimsical, thinking that the conflict between the two could be resolved, She even thought that what she had done was nothing.

When Zhou Jianfeng was listening, he thought, Xu Siyao didn't have an objective understanding of what he had done.

The things that Xu Siyao has done, from any normal person's point of view, are absolutely unforgivable things that have broken the principles and bottom line. Why is she so naive?
Yu Jiangxing said: "Don't think about why Xu Siyao doesn't have a clear understanding of himself. People are different. Some people can't correctly and objectively view what they have done all their lives. You try to reverse it. Her idea is just to cause trouble for herself, you just need to pay attention to this point, don't be affected by her, or be affected by her, other things are her own business, what is the cause and what is the result. "

Zhou Jianfeng remembered what Yu Jiangxing said, and never naively felt that Xu Siyao could treat him differently.

He met Xu Siyao several times, and Xu Siyao seldom looked him in the eye, until he became the leading actor in "Under Dress", Xu Siyao suddenly became warm towards him.

Zhou Jianfeng also knew why.Xu Siyao also specifically reminded him that Zhou Yun is very narrow-minded, and he must be careful not to offend her on the set, otherwise he will be hated if he is not careful.At that time, Zhou Jianfeng was dubious about Xu Siyao's statement. He knew that Xu Siyao had a personal enmity with Zhou Yun. Xu Siyao's words were not necessarily out of the sincerity of caring for him, but he also believed that it was not a bad thing to be vigilant and pay attention.Only after getting along with Zhou Yun did Zhou Jianfeng realize that some people are genuinely tolerant, while others are fake caring.

When Zhou Yun said these words again, Zhou Jianfeng realized the gap between Zhou Yun and Xu Siyao.

Zhou Yun frankly admitted that she didn't like Xu Siyao, but she also let it go and said that she didn't mind if he didn't take sides.

In fact, no one wants to be asked to stand in a team. Even if team A is good and team B is bad, there is still too much space in this world outside of A and B. It is not a river, but two banks.

Zhou Jianfeng said: "Thank you, but I'm a little embarrassed, I always feel..."

"Do you always feel that I gave you a good chance to play "Under Dress"? Are you feeling sorry for me?" Zhou Yun asked.

Zhou Jianfeng smiled and nodded, "That's right."

Zhou Yun said with a smile: "I have known you for a while, and I found that you are much more delicate and sensitive than most men. In fact, whether I gave you this opportunity or not, you are grateful to me. Of course I I don’t think it’s a bad thing, but you keep it in your heart. If you have the opportunity to repay me in the future, I’m very happy. If you don’t have the opportunity to repay me, I won’t chase after you and complain about you. I mean, I and The matter between you and the matter between me and Xu Siyao are two different things. If I don't help you, you have to help me unconditionally at all times and in all things. It doesn't make sense, do you understand? I The past few years have been going smoothly, and in fact there are many people who have helped me, but I can’t just because others have helped me, I will always be on their side in everything, this is two different things.”

This night allowed Zhou Jianfeng to see another side of Zhou Yun. Although Zhou Jianfeng knew that Zhou Yun should have let him see it on purpose, it did increase Zhou Jianfeng's understanding of Zhou Yun.

The more you understand, the less tension you have because you don't understand.

Zhou Yun's undisguised disgust when facing Xu Siyao, the excitement and competitive spirit that many ordinary girls show when she plays board games, her boldness and free and easy drinking, and the expression that she reveals when she speaks. Sober and determined, all these are different aspects of Zhou Yun, but it also gave Zhou Jianfeng a more three-dimensional understanding of her.

Back at the hotel, when the two got out of the car, they met Guan Siya at the door.

She was surprised when she saw the two of them get out of the car together.

"Sister Xiaoyun, Jianfeng, you guys came back so late."

Seeing Guan Siya, Zhou Yun nodded and said, "Are you going out so late?"

Guan Siya said, "I'll go for a run."

"good habits."

Zhou Yun nodded and entered the hotel.

Zhou Jianfeng was a step late, but was held back by Guan Siya, and asked in a low voice, "What did Miss Xiaoyun take you to do?"

Zhou Jianfeng didn't know what to say, if he could say it, he explained vaguely: "I have something to do, you run first, I'll take a shower first, it's too hot, I'm sweating all over."

Seeing that Zhou Jianfeng refused to speak, Guan Siya curled her lips, "It's mysterious."

Zhou Jianfeng smiled helplessly and left.

After Guan Siya watched the two go in, she rolled her eyes, took out her mobile phone, and sent a message to her manager: Zhou Yun took Zhou Jianfeng out tonight, and she just returned to the hotel, and she didn't know what she was doing.

The agent replied in seconds: You don't care about Zhou Yun's affairs, don't act recklessly, when the time comes, you will burn yourself, and no one will save you.

Seeing the words from the manager, Guan Siya frowned.

She didn't expect that the manager would say so simply that no one would save her.

It seems that Zhou Yun is really scary.

Guan Siya thought of "Deep Sea" again. She is an artist of Yue Hai. She heard people say that Zhou Yun broke up with her company before. As a result, her company has been sending scripts to Zhou Yun in order to re-establish friendship with Zhou Yun. Go to Zhou Yun's place, let her pick and choose, and it finally became a movie. "Deep Sea" immediately became Yue Hai's most valued project.

Originally, she could also act in this play, but...

Guan Siya hasn't figured out until now why Zhou Yun rejected Cheng Shenlu's performance while disagreeing with her.

This annoyed Guan Siya.Because she knew very well that she missed an opportunity that was very important to her.

What Guan Siya didn't expect was that Zhou Yun and Zhou Jianfeng actually started talking and laughing on the set of the crew the next day.

This is not seen at all in normal times.

Usually Zhou Jianfeng would sit in a corner by himself or go directly to the waiting room except for acting, but today he was able to talk to Zhou Yun calmly.

Although I was still a little nervous when acting with Zhou Yun, basically I was able to find the right state after three or four rounds of NG, and then passed smoothly.

Everyone could tell that Zhou Jianfeng had recovered a lot after just going out with Zhou Yun for one night.

Some people joked in private that Zhou Yun took Zhou Jianfeng out to take some panacea, which made Zhou Jianfeng suddenly open up the two channels of Ren and Du.

The filming of "Under Dress" is back on track.

Maybe it's because Zhou Yun and Zeng Lili brought everyone a sense of oppression in acting, and basically none of the actors had the basic problem of not being able to recite their lines.

At most it's a status issue.

But there is no way for actors. Actors are human beings, and human beings are emotional animals. Emotional animals must have emotional ups and downs.

But Ning Yufeng is a director who is very good at inspiring actors and mobilizing their emotional states.

Some directors will directly say "I want an XXX emotional state" when they are speaking, and the actors will try their best to rely on this emotional state.

But some directors are more clever. He will tell a story to the actors, or say something to arouse the emotions of the actors and lead them into a certain situation.

Even for Zhou Yun, Ning Yufeng would tell her from time to time that a certain place was different from what he imagined.

He will not directly veto Zhou Yun's performance, but discuss with Zhou Yun in a way of discussion, which direction and which state is more suitable.

Generally speaking, Ning Yufeng asked Zhou Yun to play one version according to his own ideas, and then another version according to his ideas. The two sat behind the monitor to watch the replay, compared and communicated, and decided which one to follow. direction play.

Zhou Yun enjoys the director's style of Ning Yufeng very much, and it is also very inspiring to her.

She was really afraid that Ning Yufeng would not make any demands on her because he was a young director.

Because Gu Huaichun told her that when he is filming sometimes, the directors he meets praise every performance of him without any complaints, which makes him very guilty and uneasy.

A director who can give correct opinions is actually a reassuring presence for actors.

When "Under the Dress" was advancing in an orderly manner, Song Chi's film "Inaction" which started filming in September was officially announced. The co-stars Ning Xiner, Jiang Yuzhen, Zhang Hongyu, and Mo Yu had an all-star lineup, which aroused the attention of the industry. many concerns,
At the same time, Yue Hai officially announced that "Promise You Half the City of Misty Rain" will start filming in September, starring Xu Siyao and partnering Yue Hai's new actor Xin Zhike.

Two days later, the much-anticipated "The Stepmother's Law" suddenly announced that Xu Siyao would play the leading role, which meant that Wei Ruxue, Su Yan, and Chen Xi, who had previously competed with her, were all eliminated. Starred in, shocked the industry.

However, the official announcement has not yet come to an end. Chen Xi, who was still discussed by everyone for his unexpected exit, suddenly came back as a strong man, officially announced to star in the big costume IP "Love Under the Moon", sweeping away the failure of "The Law of the Stepmother" .

Ning Yao, who has not heard anything for a long time, announced that he will star in the new film "The World" by the great Korean director Kim Byung-deok.

Several news came out in turn, shocking the circle.

For the entertainment industry, there may never be a shortage of gossip and public opinion news, but news about major dramas like this is rare. Generally, when one comes out, it is a depth bomb that will attract the attention of almost everyone.

Some bloggers joked that next year will be a big year, whether it is a TV series or a movie, it will be a big year.

At this time, Yue Hai and Jiang Xin's company also made an official announcement that they will cooperate with Zhou Yun in a new drama.

One is a new drama with suspenseful life theme, and the other is a new drama with suspenseful crime theme, both of which are themes that Zhou Yun has never acted in before. Once the news was exposed, it immediately caused a sensation.

Especially Zhou Yun's fans asked, why are the next few dramas all TV dramas?Why not pick up the movie?
After Zhou Yun won the Aoki Award for Best Actress with "Days" and was shortlisted for the Cannes Film Festival with "Behind the Scenes", many of Zhou Yun's fans are eager for Zhou Yun to win a best actress trophy at one of the three major film festivals .

Therefore, many of Zhou Yun's fans are also waiting for Zhou Yun's new movie. At present, Zhou Yun's movie inventory is "Autumn of the Fallen Leaves", "Four Killers" and "One Mountain Two Tigers" as a cameo. It is a commercial movie, only "Autumn Leaves" has the hope of winning the award.

From their point of view, they still hope that Zhou Yun can cooperate more with big directors and make it to the three major film festivals.

Of course Zhou Yun would not reply to such a question.

It is even more impossible for Chengqian Entertainment to reply.

In fact, it's a pity that "Behind the Scene" didn't help Zhou Yun win the Best Actress award at the Cannes Film Festival this time. After all, when "Behind the Scene" was in Cannes, there was a lot of demand for the best actress.

Zhou Yun herself is not in a hurry. She is still so young and has a long time to come, especially her agency. Being able to win the Aoki Award for Best Actress at such an age is enough for Zhou Yun to eat for several years up.

As for the actresses of the three major film festivals, it really depends on luck.

It's not that you can take it if you can.

On the contrary, it was Ning Yao who was going to star in Jin Bingde's "The World" and many people were shouting that Ning Yao might become the top three actresses.

Kim Byung-deok is a well-known director in the world, and almost every film will be shortlisted for the three main competition units.

Zhou Yun heard all these voices, but he didn't take them to heart.In fact, she also wants to act in a movie, but she has not received a suitable script so far. Instead, she has received several suitable scripts in TV dramas that she is willing to act in.The only movie that is in preparation is Xindun's "You in the Moonlight". Song Chi originally wanted to develop the previous war movie "Battle of Measures", but the target director refused to direct it, and it was also postponed.

Of course, Wen Bing still has the female killer spin-off of "One Mountain and Two Tigers" ready to ask her to act, but it is also a commercial film, so it probably has no chance for the film festival.

Song Chi also has a TV series that she and Yu Zhiyang are planning to film.

Zhou Yun warned himself, don't be influenced by those messy voices on the Internet, nothing is important, the most important thing is to pick scenes according to your own selection criteria.

On the set of "Under the Dress", Zhou Yun finished filming his own scene every day, and held meetings and communicated with the crew of "Deep Sea".

Unexpectedly, at the end of August, an entertainment media suddenly launched a ranking list. About this year's ranking of actors' comprehensive power, [-] experts from different fields in the industry scored and ranked the actors. Zhou Yun, as a newcomer, rushed When it came to the first place in the actress list, even Ning Yao and Wei Ruxue were behind her, while Song Chi only ranked fifth in the actor list.

(End of this chapter)

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