Chapter 529
In fact, the movie "The Female Killer" has not yet been formally registered. From the filing to the official shooting of a movie, I don't know how many procedures it will go through, and it is prone to various twists and turns. Zhou Yun shouldn't be so straightforward Just leave the schedule out.

She did this, on the one hand, to express her support for Wen Bing, and on the other hand, she believed in Yao Yuanfeng's ability.

Of course, the most important thing is that she is now the most attractive actor in the entire market, and any film and television company is willing to give the green light to the project she is willing to star in.

Zhou Yun didn't expect that this drama would encounter a hurdle inside Xindun.

New Shield's internal doubts about this movie are that there is no movie on the market that has a female killer as the first protagonist and sells well at the box office, but the investment in this movie is not small, and the risk is very high.

At present, Zhou Yun's film remuneration has reached the top position in the industry. At the same time, according to Zhou Lan's requirements, Zhou Yun still needs to get a bonus for acting in a movie. Xindun has a lot of opinions on this matter.

"Although Zhou Yun is indeed very popular now, there are only a few actors who can get box office dividends. Is Zhou Yun qualified now?"

"That's right, how old is Zhou Yun now? If this is the first of its kind now, wouldn't it mean that she will be paid dividends for every movie she collaborates with in the future?"


There are many people who have opinions.For a movie, a film and television company can basically get about 40% of the total box office revenue in terms of theater box office revenue. If Zhou Yun wants to take another 5% of the box office dividend, it is equal to the investor's profit. There are only 35% left. For the investors, this is simply cutting their flesh, and of course they are not willing.

But Zhou Lan's request was very firm, saying: "Xiao Yun, this is what we deserve. You have already reached this level. There is no reason why other actors can get this dividend, but you can't. A movie, if you are With the existence of that core, why can't you get a dividend?"

Zhou Yun thought about it seriously, and said to Zhou Lan, "Sister Lan, or should we change the way?"


"What do you think the box office of the movie "Female Killer" can achieve?"

Zhou Lan thought about it seriously.

"I estimate that the space is about one billion, of course not overseas." Zhou Lan said, "To put it bluntly, if you don't need to rely on you to sell the movie, then there is nothing to say, how much money you do, but what do you want? Thinking about it, the box office of "Behind the Scenes" could exceed 5 million, plus the copyrights of other countries and regions, and other copyright development income, a literary film like this can help you earn nearly [-] million, it doesn't make sense. We only get a fixed salary for Female Assassin. It’s not a big group show. It’s a film developed entirely with you as the core. I think it’s reasonable for us to get more rewards. We don’t earn this money, but Xindun earns it. , Between us and Xindun, why should we give up our interests to them?"

"Well, I also agree with your idea, but Sister Lan, what do you think if we change the box office dividend to another form? For example, if the theater box office of "Female Killer" can get one billion, then the new shield will I have to pay me an additional bonus." Zhou Yun said, "Including other copyright development benefits, they are worried about risks, and I can take a step back and mitigate the risks for them. If the movie box office does not meet their profit expectations, I will I don’t want to increase their additional payment costs, but if a certain expectation is met, I must give me a bonus in the form of dividends.”

Zhou Lan pondered for a moment.

"It's not impossible."

Zhou Yun said: "This is Wen Bing's movie. I don't want to burden him with these problems. Sister Lan, you know that he is a director with his own ideas. If the pressure of making profits is too great, it will affect his."

Zhou Lan: "I understand, don't worry, I won't let this drama become obsolete. However, did Wen Bing and Xin Dun sign contracts for several films? Or did they sign for several years in one go?"

Zhou Yun shook his head: "I don't know about this."

"Xiao Yun, I want to sign Wen Bing's management contract." Zhou Lan said suddenly.

Zhou Yun was startled, his eyes widened, and he looked at him in surprise.

Zhou Lan looked at her seriously, and said, "I've thought about it for a long time, I shouldn't just set my sights on artists."

After Zhou Yun heard Zhou Lan say this, he suddenly felt enlightened.

She vaguely caught something, but couldn't remember what it was.

She looked at Zhou Pan.

Zhou Lan also looked at her.

The two stared wide-eyed.

Zhou Lan said: "Now is the era of big entertainment. Elites from all walks of life are more or less beginning to appear in front of the camera. I think this is a big opportunity. I don't know if you have noticed, but now There are more and more people from all walks of life appearing on various programs and various activities."

"Well, that's true." Zhou Yun nodded.

Zhou Lan: "And if we can sign Wen Bing, we can deepen our cooperation with him. After all, it is not reliable to rely solely on the favors we have cooperated with in the past."

"Xin Dun may not be willing to let people go."

"I don't intend to compete with Xindun, I just hope to win his brokerage business, a director, not just making movies, right?" Zhou Lan said, "Whether it's a business endorsement, or a program recording, I Trying to explore a new paradigm."

Zhou Yun: "I didn't see Wen Bing recording any programs."

"That's it. In fact, with Wen Bing's current reputation, there must be many other cooperations suitable for him." Zhou Lan said, "Isn't the manager just to do this bridge?"

Hearing what Zhou Lan said, Zhou Yun said, "I don't know what he thinks about this, and I don't know if he is willing or not. You should try to communicate with him."


Zhou Lan communicated well with Zhou Yun, so he went to continue communicating with Xindun.

The bonus distribution model proposed by Zhou Yun made the opinions of Xindun people a little less, but there are still many opinions.

Any film and television company definitely hopes that actors will only get a fixed salary, and all those who participate in dividends are cutting future yields. If the project risk is not too high, no company wants to share this risk.

The back-and-forth communication process of "The Female Killer" is tedious and complicated.

During this period, Yao Yuanfeng and Zhou Yun had no contact with each other.

He would never talk to her about these things, this was the default rule.

Just like when Yu Chu signed in to Zhou Lan, she only chatted with Yu Chu once at the very beginning, and after that, the two of them never talked about related matters.

For some things, it is best not to let it interfere with personal emotional relationships.

But for some unknown reason, news of the drama "Female Killer" spread in circles.

There is a new movie directed by Wen Bing, with Zhou Yun as the heroine, and it is a blockbuster commercial action movie.

This film has attracted the attention of many people in the industry.

After all, the combination of Zhou Yun and Wen Bing created the miracle of "Life".

Zhou Yun's status as an actor was also determined from the movie "Days".

On the filming set of "Under the Dress", the atmosphere among everyone was somewhat undercurrent.

At present, three follow-up dramas of Zhou Yun have been officially exposed, two TV series and one movie. Most of them want to cooperate with Zhou Yun again.

On the one hand, it is because everyone knows that participating in a play starring Zhou Yun can greatly increase their popularity, and on the other hand, it is because they gradually became fans of Zhou Yun when they were filming the play "Under Dress".

Sometimes, this circle is very complicated, with many interests and many calculations.

Sometimes, this circle is a little strange and innocent. Whoever is good at acting and who is not. rare.

Sometimes, people who are very concerned about salary and position are just for a chance to cooperate with someone they like and appreciate, so they don't need to pay or talk about position.


"Dong dong!"

Suddenly someone knocked on the door of the living room.

Zhou Yun raised his eyes and took a look, then heard Zheng Xiaoju sighed softly.

"How many is this?" Zheng Xiaoju asked helplessly.

Zhou Yun: "Stop complaining, go open the door and see who it is."

In the past two days, people have come to Zhou Yun one after another, asking if they can have the opportunity to participate in her next play.

Zhou Yun was a little surprised at first, but he got used to it later.

Zhou Yun had a very good temper for those who came here on his own initiative, and he would never show his face or hang people around.She could understand why they came to find her. In the entertainment industry, there were only so many famous actors. Who didn't want to become famous as soon as possible, and who didn't want to become famous overnight?Zhou Yun himself also went through this stage.

This time it was Guan Siya who came to her.

When seeing Guan Siya, Zhou Yun was three points on guard.

If there is an actor in "Under Dress", who Zhou Yun definitely doesn't want to cooperate with, Guan Siya is that one.

Guan Siya's acting skills are considered good, but not so good.

She came to Zhou Yun this time, and she really wanted to take part in Zhou Yun's later drama on her own initiative.

"I really hope to cooperate with you, Miss Xiaoyun, and learn a lot." Guan Siya's expression was very sincere.

"These plays are different from "Under Dress". My company is not leading the production, and I am just an actor." Zhou Yun smiled slightly and said, "If you want to act, I can send your resume Give it to the producer, it's just that they decide who to choose in the end, and I don't have the final say."

When Guan Siya heard this, she knew that Zhou Yun was trying to shirk.

At the same time, she sneered in her heart.

Who are you talking about?
Didn't she or Cheng Shenlu play the third female role in the movie "Deep Sea" at the beginning?
As a result, both of them were eliminated because of her attitude.

Guan Siya was dissatisfied, but she didn't dare to say anything in front of Zhou Yun.

Guan Siya hesitated for a moment, gritted her teeth lightly, and said, "Sister Xiaoyun, I know that I did something wrong and said something wrong before, can you give me a chance to correct my mistakes?"

She looked at Zhou Yun with piercing eyes, waiting for Zhou Yun's reply.

Zhou Yun was taken aback.

At this moment, Zheng Xiaoju, who had been sitting by the side without speaking, suddenly spoke up and said, "You are really interesting, what did you do wrong, what did you say wrong, what does it have to do with Miss Xiaoyun? You just want to correct your mistakes , and it’s not about correcting mistakes with our sister Xiaoyun, I really don’t understand what you are saying.”

Guan Siya looked at Zheng Xiaoju in surprise.She didn't expect that Zhou Yun's assistant would suddenly open up to run on her.

At this time, Liu Yun, another assistant who hadn't heard much from her, suddenly said, "Shouldn't it be time to film?"

As soon as her words fell, someone knocked on the door.

Liu Yun got up to open the door, and the director's assistant came to invite Zhou Yun to film.

Zhou Yun smiled slightly at Guan Siya and said, "I'm going to film first."

Guan Siya tightened her hand.


Seeing Guan Siya come out of Zhou Yun's lounge with a gloomy expression, Cheng Shenlu smiled lightly, removed the sarcasm from the corner of his mouth, and walked in front of her.

Cheng Shenlu also originally wanted Zhou Yun, but when she talked about it with Zhou Jianfeng, Zhou Jianfeng dissuaded her, saying: "If Miss Xiaoyun admires you, you don't need to speak up. I will recommend you, if Miss Xiaoyun doesn’t appreciate you, even if you open your mouth ten thousand times, she won’t help you.”

When Cheng Shenlu thought about how he usually got along with Zhou Yun, he felt that what Zhou Jianfeng said was quite right, and he took it for granted.

She had also heard about how Yu Zhiyang was secured by Zhou Yun as the leading actor.

She also heard that even though Yu Zhiyang got into a car accident later and couldn't act in the play, Zhou Yun still visited Yu Zhiyang many times.

Cheng Shenlu thought to himself, it's better not to annoy Zhou Yun anymore.Especially when she offended Zhou Yun at the beginning.

But now Cheng Shenlu was not so worried. At first, she was worried that Zhou Yun would take revenge on her for that incident, but later she realized that she underestimated Zhou Yun by thinking so.

Zhou Yun is a very generous person, as long as her principles are not touched, she will not take it seriously.

However, Cheng Shenlu also wanted to continue to cooperate with Zhou Yun.

She asked her agent to submit resumes for those plays to see if she could get an audition.


When Zhou Yun came to the set, he saw Ning Yufeng was communicating with the photographer about the effect he wanted to shoot later.

Ning Yufeng's style is very meticulous, and he respects every staff member very much, and he also understands the characteristics of their work very well.

It can be said that the smooth filming of this drama is inseparable from Ning Yufeng's work style.

With so many actors and so many scenes with dense lines, it is easy to make the atmosphere impetuous. He is like a lubricant, sliding everyone along the pipeline he set in advance.

Zhou Yun was about to communicate with Ning Yufeng about the scene to be filmed later, when suddenly Zheng Xiaoju came over and said to her, "Sister Xiaoyun, Brother Chi is here."

Zhou Yun was taken aback, and asked in surprise, "Song Chi?"

"Yes." Zheng Xiaoju said, "Just entered the door."

Zhou Yun was a little surprised and pleasantly surprised, and said, "Why did he come here suddenly? He's still limping."

She immediately walked out of the studio to pick up Song Chi.

(End of this chapter)

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