Chapter 530 Sudden Leave
Song Chi really came.

He is not in a wheelchair, but on crutches.

The plaster cast on his feet has been removed, but he still can't walk very well, so he needs to use crutches.

Zhou Yun ran over in surprise.

Seeing this, Song Chi quickly said, "Take it easy, I can't stand still right now."

Zhou Yun didn't care, and hugged Song Chi on his own, eyes full of surprise.

Song Chi also laughed and said, "How did you know I'm here?"

"You have come to my place, how can I not know that you have entered?" Zhou Yun asked, "Why are you here today? You didn't tell me in advance."

"You're filming, I don't want to affect you, I just want to see you." Song Chi said, "I'm going to film in September, and I'll be in the group by then, so the time will be even tighter."

Zhou Yun held Song Chi in his arms, not caring that there were many people gathered around the two of them, and he didn't feel too tired to panic.

"How's your leg? Doesn't filming affect it?" Zhou Yun asked worriedly.

Song Chi shook his head with a smile, and said, "Don't worry about me, I still know what's in my heart, and the crew also helped me coordinate, first shoot the scene where I'm sitting or standing still, the doctor also said, my leg recovered The situation is good, almost September and October will be fine."

"I'm afraid that you are trying to be brave. You really can't rest for a while. If you hurt your muscles and bones for a hundred days, you are still broken. Don't leave any sequelae." Zhou Yun said.

Song Chi shook his head and said, "Don't worry, I'm fine."

Zhou Yun took Song Chi's hand and walked inside.

"Would you like to say hello to everyone?"

Song Chi said yes.

"Did you enjoy the shoot?" he asked.

"I'm very happy, it completely saved me from the predicament of "Four Killers"." Zhou Yun said, "Ning Yufeng is really a good director. I heard that he didn't sign a long-term contract with any company. You can See if you can sign him."

Song Chi asked in surprise, "Is he still free?"

In fact, although Ning Yufeng is not well-known outside, in the industry, especially in the eyes of Song Chi's film and television producers, Ning Yufeng is already a mature director.

He has directed two TV series, both of which have a good reputation, which is very rare.

Song Chi thought that Ning Yufeng had already been signed by the big platform.

Zhou Yun said: "Ning Yufeng doesn't want to be restricted in his freedom, and he is also very ambitious. He is not very interested in the subjects that major companies want to shoot, but I think you should be very interested in him." interest, and you shouldn’t limit what he shoots like the platform does.”

Song Chi nodded.

"I'm a little surprised by your news. I'll see if I have a chance to chat with him later." Song Chi said, "If he is willing to cooperate with me, I'm too happy."

Now the domestic film and television drama market is huge, and the supply of good directors and actors is always in short supply.

Especially someone like Ning Yufeng who can independently direct a project is the target of all film and television production companies.

What Song Chi's company lacks most now is experienced producers and directors.

Song Chi's appearance made everyone in "Under Dress" jubilant.

One must know that Song Chi became more popular and became famous earlier than Zhou Yun.

He is the object that almost all actresses want to cooperate with, and even the object that many actresses covet.

There are many young actors in "Under Dress", it is difficult for them to see Song Chi, but this time they are very excited to see him, take photos, exchange WeChat friends, etc., everyone is very happy.

Of course, Song's late arrival can't affect their filming.

After a short exchange of pleasantries, Song Chi went to the side first and sat behind the monitor with Ning Yufeng.

Song Chi also happened to be able to see Ning Yufeng with his own eyes.

The scene filmed today is a scene in which Zhou Yun and Zhou Jianfeng were chatting during a meeting, and other people saw that the two of them were a bit tricky and insinuating.

Another scene with a lot of dialogue.

A lot of dialogue, in fact, it is easy to make people bored and lose the desire to continue reading.

Many people even think that for a good show, there should not be too much dialogue.

But "Under Dress" is precisely a play with a lot of dialogue.

This puts forward two requirements for this play. First, the actors must have good line skills, and second, the director must be able to grasp the rhythm well.

For such a scene, Ning Yufeng explained to Zeng Lili and Zhou Yun from the very beginning that he would try not to take long shots.

Of course, long shots can highlight the actors themselves, but it is easy to interrupt the rhythm of a play itself.

Both Zhou Yun and Zeng Lili are people who understand drama, so they naturally nodded and remained silent.

After watching from the sidelines, Song Chi realized that Ning Yufeng is not the kind of director who likes to study carefully. He is happy to see the individuality of the actors, but the premise is that their individuality can be integrated into the rhythm of the whole play.

Including Zeng Lili and Zhou Yun, if their tempo is fast or slow, Ning Yufeng is blunt and reshoots.

The scene in the afternoon was really well filmed.

After finishing work at night, Zhou Yundai and Song Chi asked Ning Yufeng to have dinner together.

Song Chi took the initiative to chat about whether he was interested in filming in his company.

When Ning Yufeng heard the words, he directly declined Song Chi, expressing his intentions: "I am not used to restraint, and I don't like to shoot those customized scenes. I either write it myself, or find someone who is interested and tie it to a company. You will miss a lot."

Hearing what he said, Song Chi pondered for a moment and asked, "Then shall we discuss a cooperative relationship?"

Ning Yufeng looked at Song Chi puzzled.

"I don't ask you to only shoot the movies we make, and I don't ask you to ask us to do all the movies you want to make, but if you have a good idea or a good project, you can come to me and I will help You find funds for filming and help you connect with buyers." Song Chi said, "Of course, if I have a suitable project here, I will recommend it to you first. If you are interested and want to be a director, we can develop this aspect cooperation, I know that there must be many places that want to cooperate with you, but I believe they can't give such loose conditions as me. My goal is to produce more and better works, and I also know deeply, How important a director is to a play."

Ning Yufeng said, "I'll go back and think about it."

Song Chi said: "Let's add a friend, we will continue to chat later, even if you don't plan to cooperate with us in the end, don't forget, I am also an actor, and I hope to have the opportunity to cooperate with you."

Ning Yufeng looked at Song Chi in surprise.

Song Chi smiled brightly.

After dinner, Zhou Yun asked Song Chi if he would like to go to the hotel with her to rest at night.

Song Chi agreed.

At first, he said he was just here for a meeting.

"This time you have nominated three Lingjun Awards, and many people are talking about it. Did someone hear it?" Song Chi asked.

Zhou Yun shook his head and said, "It's just that many people called and sent messages to congratulate me."

"I don't know what happened this time, but three nominations were given." Song Chi took a deep breath, "Actually, this is not a good thing."

"being targeted?"

"Now it's not just a big tree attracting the wind, all companies that have signed actresses must be afraid. There are only three awards every year. The number of best actress nominations is at least [-]. The repetition rate of nominees for the three film awards is still very high. Ling Jun There are five nominations for the award, and you have two of them. I am worried that other companies will join forces to suppress them. What's more, people of the older generation hope that these awards are used to encourage all actors. Some people will worry that if you nominate Too much, affecting the enthusiasm of others."

Zhou Yun shrugged and said, "I know this too, but when I signed up, I didn't expect to get so many nominations."

"It's also because this year is indeed a small year." Song Chi sighed, "It's better to keep a low profile these days."

"What's the matter, did someone tell you about this?" Zhou Yun asked sharply.

"It doesn't matter what other people say. I'm worried that you are going up too fast and you will be suppressed like me," Song Chi said.

Song Chi won the Best Actor award in China at a young age, and his popularity was frighteningly high, overwhelming all the other actors.

So that for several years later, Song Chi encountered unspoken rules in all award selections, and had stricter standards than others.

It's like "Questioning the Heart". With the reputation and fame of this drama, Song Chi is the leading actor, but until now, he has never won a best actor.

And the most important thing is that Song Chi didn't win the Best Actor award. Almost no one in the industry or on the Internet felt that this should not be done.

Everyone came to a consensus that Song Chi had already won many awards, unless it was a huge breakthrough, she should not be awarded an award.

This caused Song Chi to lose a lot of opportunities.

In fact, many film and television production companies that are cultivating their own actors basically do not invite Song Chi, and many directors are also afraid to cooperate with Song Chi due to the reputation he already has.

Because of these reasons, Song Chi has basically had no splashes in movies in the past few years. He has made a few movies and released a few movies. The word of mouth is not bad but not particularly good, and the box office has hundreds of millions or even tens of millions. [-] million, but in the selection of awards, Song Chi basically had nothing to do, and he couldn't even get a nomination.

Regarding this point, Song Chi himself understood it later.

If an industry wants to develop healthily, it is impossible to give him all the awards, and it is impossible to let the general trend concentrate on him alone.

No film and television company would be willing to see the existence of an actor with a "monopoly" advantage.

Of course, Song Chi is still an actor that all film and television production companies want to cooperate with, but the cooperation dramas are basically commercial films.

This time, Zhou Yun's voice for winning the Lingjun Award is still very high.

"Days" and "Behind the Scenes" are double insurance. In this young year of best actress in the movie category, almost no one can compete with her.

Perhaps the only suspense is whether Zhou Yun won the award for "Days" or "Behind the Scenes".

Song Chi left early the next morning.

He has a meeting in the morning.

Zhou Yun looked at the red mark on his skin in the mirror, and helplessly put on a collared dress for himself.

In such a hot weather, there is really no silver three hundred taels here.

Song Chi was too careless.

Zhou Yun sent him a voice message and scolded him a few words.

After washing up, she got in the car and went to the set.Filming today.

When he arrived at the scene, Zhou Yun was about to communicate with Ning Yufeng when he suddenly saw the assistant director rushing to Ning Yufeng and saying something to him.

Ning Yufeng's face suddenly changed.

Zhou Yun didn't know what the assistant director said to Ning Yufeng, he was a little puzzled, but Ning Yufeng stood there hesitating for a while, said something to the person next to him, and that person hurried away.

Zhou Yun walked over and asked, "What's wrong?"

Ning Yufeng said: "Sister Lili just heard the news that she has urgent matters and needs to ask for leave from the crew."

Zhou Yun was taken aback.

Zeng Lili wants to ask for leave temporarily?

It's not that you can't ask for leave, but generally if you want to ask for leave from the crew, you will call in advance so that the coordinator can make a good plan.

"What's wrong with Miss Lily? Are you feeling unwell?"

Ning Yufeng glanced around, lowered his voice, and whispered, "It seems that something happened to her husband."

Zeng Lili asked for leave, this scene couldn't be filmed, so she had to switch to other scenes.

During the break, Zhou Yun contacted Zeng Lili's manager to find out what happened.

Zeng Lili's husband was diagnosed with cancer, stomach cancer.

When Zhou Yun heard the news, he was completely stunned and at a loss.She has never been exposed to cancer in her life before, but since she was a child, she has experienced film and television dramas and various news, and she also knows how much it will deal a blow to a family.

Sister Lily received the news suddenly, she should be in a state of disorientation, right?

Zeng Lili's manager sighed and said, "Xiao Yun, I'm sorry to cause you trouble."

Zeng Lili has already gone back.At this time, she must rush back as soon as possible.

Zhou Yun felt very uncomfortable, and said, "Don't say that, no one wants to see such a thing happen, and I don't even know how to comfort Sister Lily."

Zeng Lili's manager: "Lily and her husband have always had a very good relationship, so Lili couldn't accept such a sudden incident. I'm on my way there."

"En." Zhou Yun understood the situation and hung up the phone.

Because Zeng Lili asked for leave and left, all subsequent shooting arrangements were disrupted and had to be rescheduled.

The point is, now no one knows when Zeng Lili will be able to return to the crew.

In this situation, no one can ask Zeng Lili about it.

Zhou Yun was too embarrassed to ask.

Such a big event happened to someone's family, and he just asked for leave to go back. It's too unreasonable to ask when he will be back at such a time.

Fortunately, the filming has just entered the middle stage, and basically all the actors are still in the group, so there will be no gaps.

On the third day of leave, Zeng Lili came back.

The first thing she did when she came back was to look for Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun looked at Zeng Lili who suddenly knocked on the door and appeared in surprise, and called Sister Lili in some surprise.

Zeng Lili's condition didn't look very good, and she looked a little listless.

She nodded to Zhou Yun, smiled a little forcedly, and said, "I'm sorry for causing you trouble these few days."

Zhou Yun shook his head, "Sister Lily, don't say that, your is he now?"

She invited Zeng Lili into her room.

(End of this chapter)

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