I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 531 Shooting Adjustments

Chapter 531 Shooting Adjustments
Zeng Lili sighed, and said, "I'm going to have an operation, it depends on the situation of the operation, Xiao Yun, I'm here to see you about the next arrangement."

As soon as Zeng Lili mentioned the next arrangement, Zhou Yun immediately became serious.

"You say."

"I know that doing so may add a lot of trouble to the crew, but I have no choice. Once the situation is not good, the next period of time will be the last period of time I will be with him."

After she finished speaking, her eyes were slightly red.

Zhou Yun's heart skipped a beat.

She couldn't help worrying, did Zeng Lili want to resign from the play?
Anxiety came to mind.

But after all, she still didn't speak to dissuade Zeng Lili, and she didn't know how to do so.

Zeng Lili said: "I hope the crew can move my scene to the front and finish filming as soon as possible. I want to finish filming and leave as soon as possible."

Zhou Yun was taken aback.

Isn't Zeng Lili going to resign?

Zhou Yun breathed a sigh of relief.

Of course, at this time, she shouldn't relax about this matter.

In this case, if Zeng Lili resigns, it means that the previous scenes have to be filmed from scratch. As long as it is not a resignation, the loss can be kept to a minimum.

She felt a little guilty.At this time, not only was she not worried about Zeng Lili's husband, but her priority was still how to make the film.

Zhou Yun held Zeng Lili's hand and said, "Sister Lili, I will fully cooperate on my side, and I will tell them about the crew too."

Zeng Lili smiled at her slightly, her expression a little dazed.

"If there is anything I can do to help, just tell me." Zhou Yun embraced Zeng Lili with a feeling of guilt, and leaned his head gently on her shoulder.

Zeng Lili sighed, "I really want to leave everything behind and take good care of him, but he told me that I have been an actor for so many years, and I finally met a character I like so much. I stopped acting easily, and then, I refused to resign even if I said anything. In fact, I was very conflicted. I would rather compensate the crew for the loss, but he always supported me and said that if I gave up this drama for him , His mood will become very bad, maybe it will make his condition worse, I am so angry, but he refuses to give in to anything, so I have to come back."

Zhou Yun was surprised when he heard this, and didn't know how to respond.

She has never met Zeng Lili's husband, and she doesn't know who he is, but from what Zeng Lili said, she and Zeng Lili should have a good relationship.

"Sister Lily, do you have a good relationship with your husband?" Zhou Yun said, "I rarely see a couple who have been married for so many years and still have such a good relationship."

Zeng Lili said with a smile: "He and I were childhood sweethearts, and we have lived noisyly until now."

Zhou Yun suddenly felt sore in his heart.

The two childhood sweethearts, Zeng Lili must be even more sad at this time.

It can only be more difficult when someone you love is suddenly at risk of leaving this world.

For Zeng Lili, Zhou Yun held a meeting with a group of people including the producer and director, explained the basic situation of Zeng Lili's family to everyone, and then expressed his attitude.

"No matter what, let's try our best to find a way to let Sister Lily finish earlier."

Ning Yufeng nodded and said, "I will try my best to extract the part of Sister Lily's one-man show. If it can be filmed in the evening, I will shoot it in the evening. If it can't be filmed in the evening, I will finish it in the middle of the day."

Previously, the filming of "Under the Dress" was basically done during the day and rested at night. There was no special need, and basically I didn't stay up late to shoot big night scenes.

Ning Yufeng did this because he had to work overtime for himself.

Zhou Yun said to Ning Yufeng: "If there is no need for other actors to participate in the scene between me and Zeng Lili, you can also arrange our scene to be my evening, and I will fully cooperate."

Both of them said so, and of course the others had no opinion.


Cheng Shenlu got the latest announcement and found that the scenes she arranged for the next few days were less, basically only one or two scenes a day, she was a little surprised, she didn't know why such a change happened, so she asked Someone went to ask the coordinator, and the coordinator explained it, only then did Cheng Shenlu know that it turned out that Zeng Lili was pressing to finish the project earlier.

At present, the news that Mr. Zeng Lili was diagnosed with gastric cancer has not yet spread. Everyone only knows that Zeng Lili asked for leave and left.

There are not many people who received new notices like Cheng Shenlu, and everyone was a little surprised.

If they shoot according to the bulletin after the change, they will have very little shooting in the next one to two weeks, basically focusing entirely on shooting Zeng Lili and Zhou Yun.

There was a lot of discussion in the crew about this.

They are not too surprised that they were temporarily adjusted to shoot. They have more or less filmed scenes, and they know that it is almost impossible to shoot a film exactly as planned at the beginning.Every film will encounter various problems during the shooting process, and after encountering these problems, it is inevitable to adjust the shooting plan.

They felt strange, not knowing what had happened to Zeng Lili, so they guessed and exchanged information.

Among them, some people are dissatisfied.

Guan Siya was the one who was dissatisfied.

"Let me shoot one scene a day? Then will I waste the rest of my time?" Guan Siya lost her temper with her manager dissatisfied, and said, "How can we waste our time like this."

The agent said helplessly: "Auntie, you also know that you are playing a supporting role. Our contract clearly stated that we signed a three-month performance time for him to cooperate with the arrangement of the crew. He didn't Overdue, we have nothing to say, even if they overdue, you still have to go to trouble them?"

Guan Siya said angrily: "This is too bullying."

"Is there any way to do this? You're not the only one whose shooting plan has been adjusted, isn't it basically everyone who has been adjusted?"

Guan Siya said: "I thought I could wrap it up a month earlier."

According to the previous filming schedule, Guan Siya's scenes have already been filmed for more than half.

In the past, the crew gave priority to filming scenes involving a large number of actors.

The agent said: "Stop complaining, think about it, how many people want to come to film this movie, and there are those who don't want to be paid. They paid you enough for the film, and they didn't treat you badly in any way. Now it's just adjusted. You have such a big opinion on the shooting plan."

Only then did Guan Siya speak her sincere words: "I don't want to finish filming earlier and enter another group to film earlier."

When the agent heard this, he immediately frowned suspiciously and asked, "Did any crew contact you?"

Guan Siya hesitated for a moment, and said, "The director of Xu Siyao's "Promise You Half City Misty Rain" that Xu Siyao is going to launch in September has come to look for me."

"Guan Siya, your wings are stiff now, and you still dare to take the show outside without permission."

"No, how dare I, it's just that if I can't wrap up "Under Dress" in September, I won't be able to shoot that scene. I originally wanted to wait until this matter is confirmed, and then tell you, otherwise I won't It's useless." Guan Siya said flatteringly, "Now it seems that it can only be done in vain."

"I'm warning you, don't act recklessly. What kind of play is "Let's Make You Half a City in Misty Rain"? Ten "Let You Be in Half a City in Misty Rain" can't be called "Under Dress", so don't lose everything." The manager said. People know that the girl Guan Siya has always been very courageous, so I specially reminded her.

Guan Siya curled her lips disapprovingly, and said, "Got it, I know the seriousness."


However, the fact that Zeng Lili's husband had a physical problem was not hidden from the media.

Because Zeng Lili was also shortlisted for the Best Actress in the Lingjun Award, she has received a lot of attention recently. This news was leaked out from nowhere and was reprinted by many media.

Now, the crew of "Under Dress" also understood why Zeng Lili's role was prioritized for filming.

Those who complained no longer complained.

Because of this incident, everyone dared not talk and laugh when facing Zeng Lili, as if they violated a certain taboo once they said and laughed.

Song Chi came to the crew twice more.

He came to talk to Ning Yufeng about the follow-up cooperation. He has several projects in his hand and has yet to find a suitable director, so after learning that Ning Yufeng is a free agent, he changed his mind.

Zhou Yun was happy to see Ning Yufeng working with Song Chi.

A person's ability and talent can be felt as long as they have cooperated with each other. Zhou Yun feels that Ning Yufeng is still so young and powerful. If he can establish a cooperative relationship with him as soon as possible, it will also benefit Song Chi and his company. benefit.

Zhou Yun fully believed that Song Chi respected these directors.

As long as Ning Yufeng has cooperated with Song Chi once, he will definitely appreciate the benefits.

Zhou Yun believed so.

Because the filming of Zeng Lili's scenes was prioritized, Zhou Yun's time became much freer.Just at this time, there was a show about actors performing competitively that was being prepared. Zhou Lan recommended both Lu Zhongting and Huang Zicheng to participate in the show as newcomers.The director of the show originally didn't want to give them two spots, but Zhou Lan asked for a very low price, and even proposed that Wang Jing and Yu Chu could be guest assistants on the show, or Zhou Yun could be invited to be a flight instructor for the show. The director was moved.

"If Lu Zhongting and Huang Zicheng can appear in this program, it will also help increase their popularity." Zhou Lan said, "Recently, there are a lot of actors' competition programs, and the attention is also very high, whether they are good or not. , the topic is very high, which is the most critical for them now."

Both Lu Zhongting and Huang Zicheng have played supporting roles in several dramas, but none of them have been broadcast yet. To the audience, they are pure newcomers.

At the same time, in fact, many actors have acted in plays for several years, and they are not as famous as participating in a variety show.

No way, some variety shows have a lot of viewers.

Zhou Yun said: "It's very good. It's a good thing for the two of them to go to the show to hone their acting skills and increase their popularity."

Zhou Lan said: "The director of the show proposed that they want to make a label for the two of them. Otherwise, the two of them would be too unfamiliar to the audience, and the audience would not know who they are. I have to discuss this matter with you. Let's see if you agree."


"The director hopes to give them an introduction that includes the words 'Zhou Yun's fellow apprentice'."

Zhou Yun understood.

It turned out to be the case.

She thought for a moment, and said, "Okay, let them introduce it like this."

Zhou Lan didn't expect Zhou Yun to agree so quickly.

"I still have to tell you about the risks of such an introduction. If something goes wrong with the two of them in the future, everyone may use the problem to make use of it and affect you."

Zhou Yun said: "I have met them several times, I know them, and I have dealt with them. I don't think they are the kind of people who will make mistakes in principle. It's okay. If something happens, there is nothing to do. Who can guarantee that they will The people you meet in this life are all fine and good people, but if you introduce them like this now, it will be of great help to their careers, right?"

Zhou Lan nodded and said, "Of course, if they introduce it like this, the audience will look forward to it."

Zhou Yun: "It's just that in this way, their pressure will probably increase."

"If they are not willing to bear this kind of pressure, they don't need to be actors." Zhou Lan said, "Compared with others, their starting point is already much higher."

Zhou Yun smiled and nodded.

"By the way, I heard that Su Yan has gotten very close to director Zhang Yiwei's producer during this time, maybe he's getting in touch with a new play." Zhou Lan said, "But I didn't find out what film Director Zhang Yiwei is preparing recently. "

Director Zhang Yiwei is also a very top director in China. For several years, the director’s works have been nominated for three major film festivals in a row, and he has been nominated for Oscar twice. As a director of Chinese films, he can achieve such achievements in the non-Chinese film circle. Already quite an achievement.

Zhou Yun said: "Hasn't Su Yan always acted in TV dramas? Why did she suddenly go to director Zhang Yiwei?"

"If you want to act in a movie to improve your status, you know that in this circle, movies are still more advanced than TV dramas, and movie queens are more advanced than movie queens." Zhou Lan said, "It's already a deep-rooted concept."

Zhou Yun was silent for a moment, then said: "She went to director Zhang Yiwei's producer, not necessarily because she came into contact with director Zhang Yiwei's new play, and sister Luo Qi didn't just work as a producer for director Zhang Yiwei."

Zhou Lan: "I don't know, I hope so. If Su Yan really cooperates with Zhang Yiwei in a movie, then she will compete with you in movies in the future."

Zhou Yun: "It's okay to have competition."

"It's true that I'm not afraid of her threats, but her methods are too dirty and annoying." Zhou Lan said, "You know how disgusting she is."

Every time Su Yan was mentioned, Zhou Lan's attitude was also very distasteful to see this person.

Zhou Yun: "I hope director Zhang Yiwei can also come to me for filming."

(End of this chapter)

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