I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 532 Words from the Heart

Chapter 532 Words from the Heart
Zhou Yun once had a relationship with director Zhang Yiwei at the Venice International Film Festival. At that time, she was just a popular star and "Days" hadn't been released yet, let alone the state of having works and awards like this now, but Zhang Yiwei didn't have any He was airy, and he didn't mean to belittle her in any way. His eyes were very warm, and what he said to her was also very encouraging.

She has watched almost all of Zhang Yiwei's movies.

If many auteur-type directors are the kind of talent visible to the naked eye, then director Zhang Yiwei is definitely another type.His works are very plain, almost without any escaping or unique features, but his works give people a sense of film in every aspect, from foreshadowing to climax, ups and downs, It belongs to the kind of work that sees the truth invisibly.

Zhou Yun heard from many people that Zhang Yiwei is very good at training actors.His movies are very good actor and actress.

However, Zhang Yiwei has never sent her an invitation to cooperate.

So, when Zhou Lan said that Su Yan had been in frequent contact with Zhang Yiwei's producer recently, she was a little jealous.

Although she doesn't want to admit it.

Zhou Lan also knew what Zhou Yun was thinking.

Zhou Yun wanted to cooperate with Zhang Yiwei.

Zhou Lan asked, "How about I go get in touch with Zhang Yiwei's producer?"

Zhou Yun: "But we don't know what director Zhang Yiwei's next work will be. We just get in touch with it. What can we say?"

"Let's chat nonsense, we chatted and came up with something, and told him openly that we want to act in his play, it's okay, which actor doesn't want to act in Director Zhang's play." Zhou Read said.

Zhou Yun: "But if Director Zhang really wanted me to act in a play, why didn't he send us an invitation?"

"He is a great director, why is there a shortage of actors who want to act in his play." Zhou Lan said, "Let's take the initiative and throw an olive branch, it's fine."

"Then sister Lan, can you throw it away for me? I really want to contact him again, but I'm embarrassed. I'm afraid Director Zhang will mistakenly think that I'm the kind of person who doesn't know what to do." Zhou Yun sighed, "Oh, I have never been so timid before, the big deal is being rejected."

"Then how can you compare now with the past? You were just a newcomer before, and you were rejected when you were rejected. Now you are also a person with dignity. I am sorry to be rejected. This is also human nature." Zhou Lan said, "It's okay , leave this kind of matter to me to negotiate, even if you are really rejected by then, you won't lose face."

Zhou Yun felt very embarrassed.

In fact, if you want to cooperate with any director, you just need to express your own ideas directly. Why are you so timid?

Why are you afraid of losing face?
Zhou Yun didn't want himself to be such a person.

She said: "I have to take the initiative to contact Director Zhang to see when he is free and ask him to have a meal together."

Zhou Lan asked in surprise, "Are you going to ask him directly?"

"Mao Sui recommends himself, not necessarily this movie, but let him know that I want to make his movie." Zhou Yun nodded, self-assured, "I have to say it myself."

Zhou Lan nodded, respecting Zhou Yun's decision.

"Then I'd better communicate with his producer and see what director Zhang has planned for the next film."

Generally, top directors like Zhang Yiwei and Jiang Xin usually have several projects in progress and preparations at the same time, and decide which one to start first based on the balance of all aspects.

Among them, there may not be any roles in any of the plays that are suitable for Zhou Yunlai to play.

It's just that after Zhou Lan went to communicate with Zhang Yiwei's producer, Zhou Lan brought back a message.

"Director Zhang really wanted to invite you to act in a play in his hand, but because it was only a supporting role, Director Zhang was worried that you might not be willing, so he didn't send it over." After Zhou Lan finished speaking, he said, "And this movie requires It took a long time to shoot that character. Director Zhang hopes that the actor can provide four months of shooting time. To be honest, I am a little hesitant. As far as you are concerned, this time cannot be given at all, and Director Zhang probably thought that the possibility of you agreeing to play the role is very low, so he didn't send the book."

Zhou Yun heard the words and asked, "Is it the same character that Su Yan came into contact with?"

Zhou Lan shook his head: "What Su Yan came into contact with was a Hollywood commercial blockbuster directed by Director Zhang, in which she played the role of a princess."

"Huh?" Zhou Yun was taken aback.

Zhou Lan: "A film and television company in Hollywood asked Director Zhang to make a blockbuster film about ancient Chinese mythology. Director Zhang is currently casting roles, but the main cast of this film is basically a lineup of newcomers, and only some well-known actors are used for the main supporting roles. .”

"Oh, so that's the case." Zhou Yun nodded.

Zhou Lan: "Do you want to show your face in this movie? If you are interested, I will negotiate for you."

"Forget it, it's not necessary." Zhou Yun shook his head, "Oh, I want to cooperate with Director Zhang, but there is no suitable project."

Zhou Lan: "Don't worry, the future is long. Even if Director Zhang wants to find you to make a movie now, it will be difficult to coordinate your schedule. You still have a lot of movies to make. The movie "Female Killer" is initially scheduled for March next year." The filming will start this month, but it is estimated that there will be adjustments. Except for this movie, "Deep Sea" is going to be launched in mid-October this year, and it is expected to be filmed until late November. The suspenseful drama directed by Jiang Xin is waiting for our schedule. I was afraid that "Deep Sea" would be postponed, so I planned to communicate with director Jiang Xin to start filming in mid-to-late December, so that there would be more than two months between "The Female Killer" and I had to make a preview for the Berlin Film Festival. Save time, both VX and Jin Ling Jewelry have advertised for the Berlin Film Festival, and you, as the spokesperson, will attend the red carpet of the opening ceremony, and you will also attend two events."

Zhou Yun lowered his head and smiled when he heard the dense itinerary behind him.

"That's the calculation, it's really busy."

Zhou Lan said: "There is also a movie "You in the Moonlight" on Xindun, which is scheduled to start in the second half of next year, so your time is really tight."

"I see." Zhou Yun nodded and said, "Let's forget about the play directed by Zhang Yiwei."

Zhou Lan told her that with so many arrangements in the future, she was actually trying to dispel her idea of ​​acting in the movie that required a four-month schedule.

Zhou Lan knew her well and knew that she was thinking.

"Xiaoyun, these two years are a particularly critical period for you. Although you have won two very important awards and have been popular for two years, your debut time is too short. There are a lot of things. It just depends on time to help you reach a certain position." Zhou Lan said, "It is not suitable for us to disappear from the audience's sight for a long time now. This is not the era when one play a year can be popular for a year. , you are still so young, and you have so many choices, you will have many opportunities to cooperate with director Zhang Yiwei in the future, not only in supporting roles, but also in movies with you as the core."

"Sister Lan, you don't need to tell me these things, I understand." Zhou Yun nodded, "There are gains and gains, I am too greedy."

Objectively speaking, shooting a movie directed by Zhang Yiwei is not the best choice for Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun doesn't need a famous director to give her gold, and she doesn't need to rely on the blessing of a famous director to win the trophy. For her, she only needs to make good works one after another to stabilize her reputation and give herself Accumulate qualifications and reputation.

Just like Song Chi has been doing for several years.

Zhou Lan asked: "After Xiao Jing was nominated for the Best Supporting Actress and Best Newcomer of the Lingjun Award, several movies were found, and the company also tailored a TV series for her, all of which are heroines. Choose a book for her, do you want to show her the script?"

Zhou Yun nodded: "Okay, but you can't tell much about the script of a movie, unless it's a genre movie or a suspense movie script, the movie still needs to pick a team, especially the director, really, look at "Four Killers" I really like the writing of the script, but the more I shoot it, the less I feel.”

Zhou Lan said: "I have read the scripts of these films, and they are basically genre films. To be honest, it is still difficult to hope that Wang Jing can receive films from major directors. I also think that she is not one of the major directors. The type of actor I like, to be honest, Wang Jing is just like you, with high spirits, it is not very realistic for you to completely listen to the director's words."

Zhou Yun understood what Zhou Lan meant.

In fact, whether you look back at the XX girls or the actresses who made their debut in the movies of great directors, they are basically the "white moonlight" type.

Whether it is the mainland or Hong Kong and Taiwan, whether it is the mother in "My Father and Mother", or Jing Qiu in "The Love of the Hawthorn Tree", whether it is the dumb girl in "Kung Fu" or the girl in "Yangtze River No. 7", The teacher, including "One Second", or the actresses in "Youth", all have a certain "clean" and "pure" character image.

The rare outlier is Jiang Wen. He doesn't seem to like this kind of women very much. He prefers those who are sexy, sassy, ​​and have a bit of a tough temperament, such as the girl in "Sunny Day". Tranquility, such as Zhou Yun in "The Sun Also Rises".

In any case, in the current environment of Chinese-language films, if an actor has a little idea and wants to express himself artistically, he will basically conflict with the old-school directors.

Especially the older generation of directors are very unwilling to be violated their authority.

"Xiaojing can actually make more dramas. She is more suitable for the open and closed emotions than me." Zhou Yun said, "Her acting style is more realistic than mine."

Real means that it is closer to life.

Zhou Lan nodded and said, "I think so too, but I'm not very willing to let Xiao Jing act in life dramas. She is now acting in life dramas, and basically she can't play the lead actress. The mainstream audience of life dramas don't like her age. The actors in the section, at most, they will play supporting roles for the heroine, playing their enemies or relatives, and they can appear as an embellishment, just like "Xiao Min's Family" or "Life School". This kind of life drama is basically Without the living space of Xiaojing, I am more inclined to help her accept some comedy or suspense-themed movies, and some TV dramas about youth love or costume themes."

"That's pretty good." Zhou Yun nodded and said, "These types are more in line with her current age."

"But you know, she was able to be nominated for the Lingjun Award with "Behind the Scenes". I don't want her to waste this starting point. If she can use this starting point to gain a firm foothold in the film industry, of course she must stand, even if she plays more female characters. Supporting roles should also help her gain a firm foothold in the movie industry." Zhou Lan said, "It is easy to come out of the movie industry to act in TV dramas, but it is much more difficult to come out of the TV industry to act in movies."

"Grab it with both hands." Zhou Yun said, "The key is to see what type of movie you want Xiaojing to act in. If you plan to keep him acting in mainstream and commercial-themed movies, in fact, it is to increase popularity and accumulate box office. If you You want Xiaojing to win more awards, then you have to ask Xiaojing to participate in more movies of great directors. Directors are still valued in our country, but if this is the case, Xiaojing will not have so much time to shoot TV dramas. "

Zhou Lan: "To be honest, I still hope that Xiao Jing can stabilize the current situation. She has risen up and gained popularity. If she is allowed to devote herself to the film industry at this time, if she does not have a few roles Splash, she will basically lose her chance, I still hope that she can focus on filming TV dramas, if she can meet good movie scripts and characters, let her act in movies, what do you think?"

"I... I have nothing to say about this matter, you can ask her what she thinks." Zhou Yun said, "No matter how you choose, you still have to respect her own ideas."

Zhou Lan sighed and said with emotion: "Worry."

"Don't worry, this is the trouble of happiness." Zhou Yun said with a smile, "I suggest that when you don't know which route to take, don't worry about the route, just read the book, see the project, which one will help Xiaojing The biggest, whichever book is the best, whichever project has the highest probability of success, just choose whichever one, no matter how much you plan in advance, it will not be as effective as a really good show for the actors."

This is what Zhou Yun said from the bottom of his heart.

It doesn’t matter if she has the capital to be self-willed now, even director Jiang Xin’s new drama is waiting for her schedule, all because of her solid achievements, people are willing to let her be self-willed, willing to wait for her schedule, everyone believes that she is worth the wait , worthy of tolerance.

As long as Wang Jing can produce a few good plays, the circle will really remember her, not just remember that she is Zhou Yun's younger sister, she followed Zhou Yun to film "Behind the Scenes", and was lucky to get Lingjun award nominations.

Zhou Lan nodded and said, "I know."

"How about Zeng Lili?" Zhou Lan asked again.

"She will be finished in about a week." Zhou Yun sighed, "Sister Lily is very dedicated and will not be affected when she is filming, but I often see her crying secretly by herself. feeling bad."

"Oh." Zhou Lan said, "I hope her husband's operation goes well."

All orders are 300+, bow, thank you everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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