Chapter 534
Cheng Shenlu was dumbfounded, not knowing what to say.

Jian Man's expression looked too angry, and Cheng Shenlu didn't know whether Jian Man was really angry or exaggerated.

She didn't know what to say for a moment.

At this time, Zhou Yun suddenly appeared.

"Why are you standing here?" Zhou Yun glanced at them curiously, "The director said that we will have a meeting together, haven't you heard the news?"

Cheng Shenlu immediately reacted and said, "Ah, yes, I'm just going to the meeting, Sister Man, let's go there together."

Jian Man didn't look at her phone at all just now, she didn't know the news about the meeting, she was confused for a while, and asked, "What kind of meeting is it?"

Cheng Shenlu said: "It seems that we want to communicate about the follow-up shooting."

Jian Man curled her lips, puzzled, and said, "What are you going to discuss this time?"

Zhou Yun said, "I'll find out later."

Ning Yufeng didn't appear until everyone had arrived.

Zeng Lili didn't come.

He didn't say any lengthy opening remarks, and said directly: "I have invited everyone here because I have something to communicate with you."

"Director, we're only shooting one or two scenes every day. Anyway, we're in a hurry." Lin Yun, an actor who has debuted for more than ten years, said with a smile, "Do you have any instructions?"

Ning Yufeng smiled and said: "I'm sorry, I know that I have kept you waiting a little longer recently, but this situation will improve soon, please wait a little bit patiently. Please understand the special circumstances. .”

"Of course we understand this kind of thing, it's okay." Luo Zi said.

"That's right, support the director." Liu Lingqi choked.

Ning Yufeng nodded to the two of them and said, "Okay, I won't talk nonsense to everyone, I'm wasting everyone's time, that's how it is, a week ago, Guan Siya asked for leave and left the crew. Went to record a show, but she never came back after she asked for leave. We urged her team several times, and her team has been vague. It was not until yesterday that we learned from other channels that she actually took the Another play is being filmed by another crew."

"What?" Jian Man's eyes widened in surprise.

Others also showed surprised expressions.

Only Zhou Yun sat in his seat without changing his face.

"She is so courageous? I remember that our performance agreement clearly stipulates that we cannot accept foreign plays during the performance period?" Luo Zi said in surprise.

"Yes, Guan Siya is really brave. Which crew did she go to?" Jian Man asked.

Ning Yufeng said: "It doesn't matter which crew she goes to. I called everyone here today to make it clear to everyone. I know that due to the adjustment of the shooting schedule recently, everyone may only have one or two scenes to shoot a day, but I also ask for your understanding, the reason why the crew made this arrangement was not to waste everyone here on purpose, but because Sister Lily has a special situation and needs to finish filming her scenes first, so that she can leave early. For this reason, Not only during the day, we also work overtime every night to shoot, just to get the shooting back to normal as soon as possible. It didn't waste everyone's time for a day, and now there is more than enough time for the performance that everyone gave us. Guan Siya dared to do such a thing, we won't let it go easily, and we must investigate it to the end. Big loss."

Jian Man said: "Director, Guan Siya has no professional ethics, so there's no need to call us all together to sound the alarm, right? We're not Guan Siya. To be honest, the first time we saw her At the first glance, I feel that this girl is too thoughtful and unreliable."

"It's too late to say anything now, but don't worry, we all have professional ethics." Luo Zi said, "Not to mention that everything is still within the normal shooting time, even if the shooting needs to be postponed, I will definitely Cooperate, I have been an actor for so long, the drama seems to be more important than anything else."

Everyone talked at once.

Cheng Shenlu's mind was a little confused.She was stunned when she heard Ning Yufeng say that Guan Siya had secretly gone to act in another crew.She knew that Guan Siya was always courageous, but she didn't expect Guan Siya to be so courageous.Cheng Shenlu's heart felt like a drum for a while, and he couldn't figure it out. Why did Guan Siya dare to do such a thing?
Isn't she afraid of being replaced by "Under Dress"?

Ning Yufeng pressed his hand and signaled everyone to stop first.

The voice gradually faded.

Ning Yufeng said: "About Guan Siya's matter, we have formally negotiated with her company. Sister Lily's scene will be finished within a week, and the normal shooting plan will resume at that time."

"Director, since Guan Siya has entered another group, what should I do then? Are you running on both sides?" Jian Man asked.

Almost all crews hate actors who cut scenes, but if they really meet each other, will they really drive them away?
If you don't consider the consequences, it would be the coolest to fire people directly, ask for remuneration and compensation according to the contract, but it is impossible for any crew to operate so willfully.

If people could be called back to finish filming the show, the crew would not make the second choice.

Because, if the actor is fired, the crew will face two choices.

Or, to replace and reshoot, it means that all previous scenes with this actor will be cancelled.

Either, writing this character to death abruptly in the script, or writing this character to leave, will seriously damage the structure of the script.

Ning Yufeng said: "I won't talk about how this matter will be handled here. Thank you for your hard work. That's all I want to say."

The meeting adjourned.

Everyone left one after another.

Ning Yufeng and Zhou Yun didn't leave, they stayed until the end.

Several other important characters in the crew also did not leave.

They waited for everyone else to leave before Ning Yufeng said: "As for Guan Siya's issue, I hope that if I can call her back, I will try my best to call her back, at least finish filming the drama, and now our drama has been filmed." It's more than halfway through. If you change people to shoot at this time, the loss is too great, and everyone's time can't be delayed, especially with Sister Lili. She and Guan Siya also have several scenes that have been filmed. It is impossible for us to invite Sister Lili to follow The new actors re-shoot this scene."

The producer asked: "How many scenes are there that Guan Siya didn't film in the future? Can they be directly moved to the relationship line of other characters?"

This is tantamount to making Guan Siya's character disappear from the script.

Ning Yufeng shook his head and said, "I don't think it's necessary unless you really can't do it, or you should not do this. When you watch the drama halfway through, suddenly a character disappears, which is not appropriate."

The producer said: "Guan Siya's actions are too abominable. I think she dared to act recklessly because we dare not fire her."

Ning Yufeng saw the anger of the producer.

He looked at Zhou Yun, hoping that Zhou Yun could stand up and say something.

Ning Yufeng is purely for the integrity of a drama, no matter how dissatisfied he is with Guan Siya, he still hopes that Guan Siya can come back to film.

Of course, he can also understand the producer's anger.

Zhou Yun said: "First, it is unrealistic to change actors for filming. Many people have other arrangements behind them. If we really want to change actors for such a big movie, we should reshoot the scenes that Guan Siya played. , At least half a month’s delay, right? Do you have time to stay in the crew to shoot this scene, not to mention, the cost that needs to be filled in is at least eight figures? Second, I also support the director’s idea, unless it is absolutely necessary , it is better not to let a character disappear directly, or the connection between the front and the back will not be possible.”

Everyone present looked at Zhou Yun.

The producer asked: "Do you also think that Guan Siya should be invited back to finish filming this movie?"

"She signed a contract with us. She has the obligation to finish the filming of the show. Sister Lily's family has such a big incident. She still restrains her sadness and sadness, and stays on the set to finish filming the filming. Why should she If you say you don’t want to shoot, you won’t shoot?” Zhou Yun asked.

"Also, call her back first and finish the filming of the show. How to settle the score later is a later matter. Let's save the show now." Zhou Yun said.

Ning Yufeng breathed a sigh of relief.

The producer said: "But now Guan Siya's team doesn't accept our faults, pushes left and right refuses, and doesn't respond to us at all, what should we do?"

"What does her agency say?" Zhou Yun asked.

Producer replied: "No contact."

"No contact?" Zhou Yun asked in surprise, "Why?"

"Their contact person said that the artist's specific affairs are not in their control, but the agent is in charge. Let us contact the agent." The producer smiled angrily, "Now you know why I want to kick her out of the crew quickly? With her If you deal with them over there, you can fight."

Zhou Yun frowned.

"Well, I'll go and negotiate with Yue Hai's senior management."

Although Zhou Yun said so, of course she was not the one to negotiate.

This matter still has to be handed over to Zhou Lan, please Zhou Lan to do it.

Zhou Lan knew about this before, but she didn't expect Guan Siya's team to be so bold. They urged her several times, but Guan Siya still didn't come back.

Zhou Lan understood what Zhou Yun meant, and directly contacted a senior Yue Hai who had been in contact with them before.

"Mr. Gao, how have you been recently?"

Mr. Gao said: "Okay, I feel very relieved when I hear your voice. Why, do you have any instructions?"

"Oh, how dare you say instructions, it's just that our Xiaoyun has encountered a problem now." Zhou Lan said, "This problem, really only Mr. Gao can help you solve it, it depends on whether you are willing to help Mr. Gao busy."

"Where is this? Xiaoyun is in any trouble, you just tell me, as long as I can solve it, I will definitely help you."

"Oh, it's related to the movie "Deep Sea"." Zhou Lan sighed, "It's time for "Deep Sea" to start, but I'm afraid Xiaoyun can't participate in the filming now."

"What?" Mr. Gao's eyes widened immediately when he heard this, and he was dumbfounded, "Lanlan, let's not joke like this, we have found all our crew members and actors, just wait Xiaoyun is here, why not come?"

Zhou Lan said: "It's not because of the movie "Under Dress" that is currently being filmed. Look, maybe this movie can't be finished on time, and it has to be postponed. This movie can't be finished. Xiaoyun also has no way to make "Deep Sea"."

"What's wrong with "Under Dress"? What's wrong and I need to coordinate? You just say it." Mr. Gao didn't want Zhou Yun to agree to act in a Yuehai drama after all, and this matter would be a mess again.

Can not be yellow.

Zhou Lan said: "Oh, it's like this. This movie was shot well, but one of your company's actors suddenly cut the movie and went to other crews to film. No, we are struggling with what to do now." , Did you fire her and start filming again with someone else? If you change someone and start filming again, wouldn’t all the scenes that were filmed before have to be filmed again? This would take some time.”

Mr. Gao: "Huh? An actor from our company?"

"Yes, Guan Siya, you know?" Zhou Lan sighed, "Mr. Gao, whether we Xiaoyun can go to shoot "Deep Sea" as usual depends on whether you can handle Guan Siya, little girl Greedy wanting to make one more movie, I can understand it, just don't delay everyone's work, I asked her to come back, but she didn't come back, she pushed back and forth."

Mr. Gao: "Okay, Lanlan, I know about this matter, don't worry, this matter is on my shoulders, I promise to let her appear in your film crew tonight."

Zhou Lan laughed, "I'm relieved to have Mr. Gao's words, you are so awesome!"


The crew of "Promise You Half City Misty Rain".

Guan Siya's assistant was still a little nervous, and asked, "Siya, is it really okay for us to ignore "Under Dress" all the time? They are urging us to go back every day. If we don't go back, what if..."

Guan Siya gave her a blank look, and said, "Whatever the case, don't worry, Zeng Lili will never come back after she finishes her filming. Don't forget, I have filmed a lot of scenes with Zeng Lili. If they want to replace me, then they have to invite Zeng Lili back, why don't you think about it, can Zeng Lili come back?"

The assistant hesitated: "But..."

"But what? But." Guan Siya clicked her tongue, "There are so many actors in "Under Dress", I'm not here alone, I don't know how to open the skylight, wait for me to shoot here for a while, and then go back, there will be a lot of people After filming all of my films, I can naturally concentrate on filming my films. In this way, I can still film one more film. What’s wrong? Anyway, Zhou Yun doesn’t like me now, and he has hated me for a long time. Well, at most she just hates me a little more."

The assistant sighed.

Just as she was talking, Guan Siya suddenly saw her manager walking in front of her.

Guan Siya was about to greet her when her manager said with a stern face, "Pack up your things and follow me right now."

Guan Siya was taken aback for a moment, and asked, "Now? I have another scene waiting."

"Wait? If you don't return me to the crew of "Under the Dress" today, not only will I be fired, but you won't be able to receive the next movie. Just wait to be hidden by the company!" said the agent in a cold voice. .

(End of this chapter)

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