Chapter 535
In the middle of the night, Cheng Shenlu was about to go to bed when his phone suddenly buzzed and vibrated.

She formed a small group with some good actors from the crew, and everyone would usually talk in the group.

Lin Luyao sent a message in the group, saying: Guan Siya is back, I just met her in the corridor.

Luo Zi immediately spoke in the group: Really?So fast?
Lin Luyao said: That's right, I see that her expression is as uncomfortable as if someone dug out her heart, and I don't know what's going on.

Luo Zi: I heard that Zhou Yun made a phone call.

Cheng Shenlu was a little puzzled, and asked: What did Miss Xiaoyun call?

Luo Zi said: The producer contacted Yue Hai, but Yue Hai didn't buy it at all. I heard that Zhou Yun called an executive from Yue Hai and promised to send Guan Siya back.

At this time, Zhou Jianfeng erupted: it wasn't Miss Xiaoyun who made the call herself, but her manager, Miss Lan.

Luo Zi: One meaning, all in all, Yue Hai bought Zhou Yun's account.

Lin Luyao suddenly appeared in the group @成深律律: Shenlv, aren't you also in Yuehai?Didn't you hear any rumors?
Cheng Shenlu was suddenly named, a little at a loss.

She replied in the group: I didn't hear any rumors. I didn't know she was back until I saw you talking in the group.

Lin Luyao: Okay, I thought you knew something.

This sentence reminded Cheng Shenlu.

Cheng Shenlu decided to make a phone call to her agent.

Sure enough, her agent knew something.

"It was arranged by President Gao. President Gao directly told Guan Siya and her manager that if Guan Siya does not appear on the crew of "Under Dress" tonight, starting tomorrow, Guan Siya will cancel all her work."

Cheng Shenlu was amazed.

"Guan Siya and the others were smart and were misled by their cleverness. They thought they would leave the crew because Zeng Lili was about to finish filming, and the crew couldn't reshoot her rivalry with Zeng Lili, so they acted in another movie without fear. Now it's all right. Not only offended "Under the Dress" all over the place, but also offended Mr. Gao."

Gao is always Yue Hai's executive in charge of film and television content. Guan Siya offended him, and many of Yue Hai's plays after that probably have nothing to do with Siya.

Cheng Shenlu said in surprise, "President Gao...why did you do this?"

"What else could be the reason? Zhou Yun must have said something to him." The manager said, "Anyway, you must be smart and don't offend Zhou Yun. I have been dealing with other people during this time. When people talk about Zhou Yunlai, their tone is different from that of Ning Yao and Wei Ruxue. I think the industry’s reputation for her is a bit different now. I guess it will go up. You’d better behave yourself in front of her. Don't forget, her boyfriend Song Chi now owns a film and television company, which is very strong, and every movie it releases is a big one, attracting much attention. If you are caught by her, you can recommend it to Song Chi It's possible, look at Wang Jing and Yu Chu, one is her little junior sister and the other is her friend, how many plays have they won under her light, even Wang Jing has been nominated for the Lingjun Award!"

Cheng Shenlu said: "I know what you said, but what happened before, I felt embarrassed when I saw her, and I walked away, how dare I get close to her."

"It's also you who talk too much and dare to say that kind of thing." The manager said, "It's not considered tolerant of others to kick you out of the crew because of this."

"I know I was wrong, and I will learn my wisdom from a pitfall. I will not talk like this in the future." Cheng Shenlu regretted it as soon as he mentioned this matter.

"Okay, we don't have to beg her. Now that Guan Siya has so many problems, you have one less opponent in Yue Hai. Yue Hai's play is enough for you to act. Work hard, and in the future There will always be a popular day." The agent said, "I heard from the people in the company that Zhou Yun made a special call with the producer of "Youth Story" before and asked him to take more care of you and Wang Jing. "

"And me?" Cheng Shenlu asked in surprise.

"Yeah, I thought I heard it wrong, but people said that Zhou Yun did say your name, and that you worked hard on the crew of "Under Dress" and you are a newcomer who works very hard." The agent said, " So, as long as you don't take the previous things too seriously, don't really have any bad intentions like Guan Siya, complaining like before, once or twice, Zhou Yun is an actor with such a high status, How can I really care about you."

Cheng Shenlu hung up the phone, shocked.

She really didn't expect that Zhou Yun would say such things for her.

For a moment, emotions of remorse and emotion rose up intertwined.

In fact, Zhou Yun really appreciates Cheng Shenlu.

She said to Zhou Lan: "Cheng Shenlu is beautiful, especially without makeup, she is very beautiful, she is very suitable for the way of Tsing Yi."

Actors' looks have a profound impact on what path they take.

Acting skills are as good as Huang Bo and Zhou Dongyu, but you can't ask Huang Bo to play a beautiful boy, and you can't ask Zhou Dongyu to play a stunning beauty.The two have their own temperament and charm, but they are by no means handsome guys or beautiful women in the traditional and standard sense.

Wang Jing belongs to the kind of looks that can rely on everything. She doesn't have Zhou Yun's facial features that look amazing at a glance, but she is definitely good-looking. Zhou Yun always thinks that Wang Jing's The plasticity is much stronger than her.For example, if there is a script like "A Lawsuit by Qiu Ju" to Zhou Yun, Zhou Yun dare not act it if he wants to, and he can't act ugly, but Wang Jing can.In the same way, Zhou Yun is actually very picky when acting in TV dramas.TV dramas are different from movies. Zhou Yun's image is not suitable for acting in life dramas. No matter how good she is, she can't fit into the trivial atmosphere, but Wang Jing can.

At that time, Zhou Yunhui and Zhou Lan were talking about Cheng Shenlu, and they were talking about the drama "Youth Story" that Wang Jing and Cheng Shenlu were about to star in.

Zhou Lan is thinking about how to design Wang Jing's development route.

She and Zhou Yun have discussed it many times, but every discussion will bring out new things.

Especially now that Wang Jing has been nominated for the Ling Jun Award again, which has attracted a lot of attention from the industry.

"Strictly speaking, in terms of acting talent, I think Cheng Shenlu is more talented than Wang Jing. Cheng Shenlu's camera sense and sense of proportion have a natural sensitivity and intuition." Zhou Yun told Zhou Lan privately Said, "Sometimes, I would be jealous of her sensitivity and intuition. When I followed Ning Yufeng to watch the rough cut, I found that most of her scenes actually passed smoothly, but at a certain moment , or on a certain or two key lines, she will give you a small shock as if she suddenly enlightened you."

Zhou Lan was very curious when he heard Zhou Yun say this, "You describe her so well, I want to see how she acts."

Zhou Yun: "You will know when you look back."

"Then do you think she will be Wang Jing's opponent in the future?"

Zhou Yun smiled and said: "Why do you see a good person and start thinking about whether this person is an opponent?"

Zhou Lan said, "Then what can I do? I'm a manager, and my duty is to escort you."

"Wang Jing and Cheng Shenlu are expected to compete in the future. Xiaojing's advantage is that her appearance is very malleable. She can play any role, but her acting skills are a little lacking. Cheng Shenlu's The temperament is relatively cool, and the facial features are relatively delicate, just like me, they are more restricted."

"Another thing that worries me is that the current film and television market is changing too fast. The first two years were still in the era of traffic. Whether it is movies or TV series, capital, platforms, advertisers, etc., Only look for traffic, so whoever has more fans and better data, just recognize whoever. In the past two years, there were many unknown and powerful actors who had nothing to do. The dramas with themes are all traffic dramas."

Zhou Lan communicated with Zhou Yun about the confusion he faced during this period.

"Later, traffic dramas were no longer popular. They began to talk about quality and acting skills, and some high-reputation dramas came out in earnest, but the bad thing was that, without exception, all hit the street, which caused a great impact on film and television production. A bigger blow, I thought that the spring of a good actor is coming, but no matter how good the acting skills are, no, without the audience, the audience still don’t want to watch it.”

"Later, there were fewer and fewer big dramas that broke the circle. Platforms and TV stations began to produce genre dramas. Different themes have their own fixed audiences. This way of filming will not lose money anyway. As for whether it can be popular, and to what extent , Whether you can get out of the circle or not depends on luck."

Zhou Lan said: "Facing such a market, I think the risk is too high. Of course, if you are the leading role, it is another matter. You are already one of the very few actors in the market who have the ability to carry the box office. Yes, but if you are like me, no matter if you arrange well-known actors like Yu Chu and Wang Jing, or you arrange pure newcomers like Huang Zicheng and Lu Zhongting, I will fall into a kind of contradiction, let them play good-looking figures. For idol dramas, their reputation as actors will be affected, and it will be difficult to transform in the future. They are easy to be characterized by the market. If they are asked to act in more serious dramas, they will not get the main role, and the roles they can get may not be the same. Because of the popularity of the audience, no one knows when it will become popular, the most important thing is that the market is too disordered now, I can't find a regular and optimal path, let them go."

Zhou Yun understood what Zhou Lan was talking about.

"I see."

She pondered for a moment, and said seriously: "Our current market cannot be said to be chaotic, but the market is already very large, with many people involved, famous people, and people with the right to speak, and the production process of different projects can vary greatly. , coupled with the frequent entry and exit of various capital forces, compared with foreign film and television markets, ours is more complicated. At least, there are a large number of people in our market who used to come from the planned economy, and many of their habits , ideas are very different from the current ones, and the goal of film and television works has undergone a fundamental change. In the past, it was to complete the task, but now it is to make money, not just to make money, but also to have some social value and significance. Being able to spread our Chinese culture, there are too many ideas, and everyone has their own ideas."

"But you can also see that although we don't know whether a drama will be popular or not, generally, the popular dramas are very pure in their attention and popularity, and they all hit the current mainstream emotional sensitivity."

"What kind of dramas are easy to explode now? Life dramas are a category, right? Also, suspense dramas are also a category. In addition, there is a fairy tale drama that explodes steadily every year." Zhou Yun said, "Actually, no matter how the subject matter changes , The key is whether this story can arouse everyone's emotional points, such as my yearning for love, my yearning for a fantasy world, or the stories and emotions in real life, a certain topic that everyone pays attention to, and so on. "

Zhou Yun said: "Why do many people say that when they don't know how to make a judgment, they just read the script that moves you the most, and you choose which script to act in? In fact, this is the reason. The story that can move me, to a certain extent, should be Can it also touch other people? Why did I want to play "Behind the Scenes" at that time? So many people said that this project was very risky, writing the script temporarily and filming temporarily, there is a high probability that it will collapse, but Xue Qin's attitude and emotions at that time affected She made me believe in her passion for this story, and at the same time, the outline she told me also resonated with me. A person who desperately wants to succeed has been frustrated and struggled repeatedly in the process, and finally got his own heart. The relief at the level was actually a kind of emotional vent for me at the time. I think the emotional point of this movie can also resonate with many young people, because we all encounter various kinds of emotions on the road to success. Not all of us will succeed in such setbacks, and even many of us will not succeed, but in the end we must obtain our own spiritual relief. Only in this way can we continue our lives. Sister Lan, you are good at learning from the production team. and platform to evaluate the success rate of a project, but on the other hand, I think you have to trust not only me, but also Yu Chu, Wang Jing, Lu Zhongting and Huang Zicheng in their judgment of roles as actors , Only by being able to impress their characters can they really get involved and infect the audience, this is my experience."

Zhou Lan sighed, and said, "It would be great if they could balance rationality and sensibility like you. When they read the script, they often think about whether the audience will like it, whether they will be scolded, or not. Everyone has as good an eye for scripts as you do."

Zhou Yun said: "I know that although some actors are good at acting, they just don't know how to read the script, but I think you can ask them a question, the character they want to play, the story they want to experience in this play, and the Are the characters and their lived experiences what they want to experience?"

Zhou Lan shook his head with a smile, and said, "It's really helpless. People with savvy will understand after a few words. People without savvy, if I ask him this way, he doesn't understand why I am asking this question."

Zhou Yun could only sigh.

In fact, she also understood what Zhou Lan meant by this.

Some actors are not so sensitive to the script.

Aesthetics itself has its own preferences. Zhou Yun read scripts that he thought were bad, and many actors thought they were good.

Not every choice of Zhou Yun will definitely resonate with the audience, she has long been psychologically prepared for this.

Now Zhou Yun's position in the market has reached an unparalleled peak.

On the summit, nature is full of abundance.

But Zhou Yun himself is a person who is prepared for danger in times of peace, and he is even more afraid of burning oil with fire. The more this kind of time happens, the more he wants to keep a low profile.

After Zeng Lili filmed the last scene and left, Zhou Yun personally sent Zeng Lili to the car.

Zeng Lili hugged her, the two of them had nothing to say, what should be said has already been said.

After sending Zeng Lili away, the filming returned to normal, and the progress was even accelerated.

Cheng Shenlu is going to film "Youth Story" in September. Many scenes were delayed because of Zeng Lili. Now Ning Yufeng has to hurry up and shoot Cheng Shenlu's scenes.

And Guan Siya... the producer was worried about what happened before, and wanted to teach her a lesson, so he specially instructed the coordinator that when rehearsing, Guan Siya's shooting should be done either early in the morning or at the latest. Toss her, let her spend on the spot, and don't let her leave.

Guan Siya's eyes were red with anger, but no one said anything for her.

She lied and asked for leave before to go out, but turned around and joined another crew. This was a big taboo. Who would speak for her at this time.

Lin Luyao said in private: "If it's just a lesson for now, then forget it. I'm afraid that when the time comes to edit, all the scenes that she can cut will be cut, and the filming of this period of time will be for nothing."

Luo Zi smiled and said, "Then who can be blamed?"

Lin Luyao suddenly thought of something, and asked, "Luo Zi, have you ever gone to find Zhou Yun in private?"

"Looking for her?" An uncomfortable look flashed across Luo Zi's face, "Why are you asking me this?"

"It's not that I saw a lot of people looking for her, trying to find out if there is a suitable role for her to play in the next play. Alas, after one play, I haven't seen anyone who is familiar with her." " Lin Luyao sighed, "I really can't help it, I always have a hot face and a cold butt."

"Not at all, I think she has never been cold-hearted, and there are so many people looking for her." Luo Zi sighed, "Let's go with fate, it's great to be in her drama, but there's nothing to say if you can't. , I am content to be able to act in "Under Dress".

"What is contentment, contentment, are you stupid? If Zhou Yun didn't choose us to act in this play, would it be our turn to act in a play like "Under Dress"?"

Lin Luyao is a contracted actor of thousands, and Luo Zi is a contracted actor of other companies. Before the drama "Under Dress", the two of them were not valued in the company. Good resources, especially good roles, were basically not available to them. Come on.

Especially Lin Luyao, she is an actress of thousands. After getting the invitation to perform in "Under Dress", thousands of other dramas directly came to ask about her schedule. Before this, it never happened.

Luo Zi said: "Then it's impossible for us to pester Zhou Yun and let her lead us to continue acting."

Lin Luyao sighed.

Indeed, it is impossible for them to pester Zhou Yun to do such a thing.

Luo Zi added: "Besides, I don't think Zhou Yun is the kind of person who would bring others into acting just because of favors. Look at Wang Jing and Yu Chu, it's not like they were brought into a play. This play wouldn't be without them." Two people?"

Lin Luyao shrugged her shoulders and said, "I don't know about it. Anyway, if there is a chance to act with her, other conditions are almost acceptable."

"By the way, has Li Ci stopped acting recently?" Luo Zi asked suddenly.

"It seems so, why do you ask this suddenly?" Lin Luyao asked.

Luo Zi said: "I was at a dinner party before, and I heard someone mention a script to Li Ci. Li Ci refused without even reading it, saying that he has no plans to act in the near future."

"Why?" Lin Luyao asked herself first, and then she reacted, "Before "Ding Feng Bo" he was scolded by the whole network for his poor acting skills, so he dare not act now."

Luo Zi: "Is his acting really bad?"

"It's really ordinary." Lin Luyao nodded.

Luo Zi was thoughtful.

"Actually, there are a few well-known actors who are really good at acting." Lin Luyao said, "Otherwise, Song Chi and Zhou Yun's status wouldn't be as high as this, isn't it just a few of the same class? There are not many young people who can compete with them."


All in all, the scenes that should be filmed will still be filmed as usual.

In the past few days, Guan Siya was obviously full of conflicting emotions. During the filming, she was not in a high mood and frequently NGed. Ning Yufeng called her over to talk about it, but there was no improvement. Ning Yufeng was so angry that he turned blue once.

Guan Siya, this is obviously not a question of ability, but a question of attitude.

She was deliberately showing her face to the crew, and made the crew have no choice. After all, she didn't stop coming to the set, and she didn't cooperate with the acting, but the acting was not good.

Once Ning Yufeng was so angry that he said directly in front of everyone: "Guan Siya, do you want to continue to be an actor in the future? With your acting attitude, or you will leave this industry sooner or later!"

Guan Siya sneered: "Director, I'm only at this level, don't be impatient."

Ning Yufeng gritted his teeth.

Seeing this, Zhou Yun thought for a while, opened his mouth, and said, "Director, how about this? Since Guan Siya can't find her status, let's move her scene back first, and shoot other people's scenes first, and finally If she's wasting time, she's wasting her own time."

Guan Siya glanced at Zhou Yun in shock.

Zhou Yun looked at her and said, "You should adjust your state well these days."

Ning Yufeng thought about it, Zhou Yun was right, why waste everyone's time here.

So, after a discussion, Guan Siya's play was scheduled for the last scene every day, and those who needed the cooperation of other actors came first, and those who did not need the cooperation of other actors came later. If it's not good, don't say anything else, start again, anyway, I won't call it a day, and turn off the phone after shooting.

In this way, Guan Siya no longer dared to show up on purpose.

Otherwise, it is her own time that is wasted every day, and it is herself who is tossing.

Guan Siya hated Zhou Yun very much in her heart. If it wasn't for Zhou Yun, she would not have been scolded by President Gao, and she would not have faced the current situation.

She didn't think about her own problems, she just thought that if she became popular one day, she must make Zhou Yun look good.

(End of this chapter)

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