Chapter 536
However, Zhou Yun did not expect that Guan Siya's incident would cause some subsequent disturbances.

Speaking of it, no one would have thought of it.

The play that Guan Siya ran out to accept was called "Promise You Half City Misty Rain", which happened to be the one starring Xu Siyao.

Who is Xu Siyao?As we all know, the woman who had conflicts with Zhou Yun countless times.

Guan Siya was suddenly brought back to "Under Dress" from "Half a City of Misty Rain" by Zhou Lan. What Xu Siyao thought was nothing else at all, but Zhou Yun must be obstructing it!
Xu Siyao could only think that Zhou Yun did it on purpose!

Absolutely on purpose!

In fact, from an onlooker's point of view, Xu Siyao was no longer Zhou Yun's opponent—or in other words, Xu Siyao was no longer able to pose any real threat to Zhou Yun.

But Xu Siyao herself can't understand this truth, of course, it's also possible that she doesn't want to understand it.She has always regarded Xu Siyao as a thorn in her side and her number one enemy, and she always wants to surpass her.

Xu Siyao thought that since she saw Zhou Yun in this way, Zhou Yun must also see her in the same way.

It is always difficult for people to escape the limitation of judging others by themselves.

Although the producer quickly recruited another actor from Yue Hai to replace Guan Siya, the more Xu Siyao thought about it, the angrier she became. The crew of "Under Dress" went mad at Zhou Yun.

"Zhou Yun, I know you don't like me, but it's unreasonable for you to pry them back when everyone is on my set?" Xu Siyao said angrily, "Everyone has been filming on my set. Do you know how much trouble this has caused us to have to reshoot now?"

Seeing Xu Siyao's angry posture, Zhou Yun might think that he did something wrong if he didn't know it.

She looked at Xu Siyao speechlessly, and said: "You also know that if you need to reshoot the scenes you have filmed, it will cause a lot of trouble, so you should consider passing Guan Siya and running to your crew. I haven't finished filming the scenes here. What should I do?"

Xu Siyao's eyes widened in shock.

She said angrily: "What do you mean you didn't finish the filming of the scene here? She obviously took over the scene on my side after it was finished with you. If it wasn't for your side to suddenly add another scene to her, call her back to make up for it." Shoot, where are there so many troubles!"

Zhou Yun laughed angrily.

"Who told you that she finished with me?"

Xu Siyao said confidently, "Where's Guan Siya? Tell her to come over and confront her, and her manager!"

It was only when Zhou Yun heard this that he realized that Xu Siyao had been kept in the dark for a long time, by Guan Siya and her team.

Also, it is estimated that none of the crew would dare to blatantly use an actor who makes a scene, and this cannot be justified anywhere.

Zhou Yun said to the people next to him: "Go and invite Ms. Guan over here. If her manager is here, please come over as well."

This time Xu Siyao was not as confident and arrogant as when he just rushed over. Seeing Zhou Yun's behavior, Xu Siyao vaguely realized that she might have been deceived by Guan Siya.

This fact made her even more angry, but this anger could not be directed at Zhou Yun, but she felt a little ashamed.

I don't know if Guan Siya heard some rumors. After a while, someone came over and said, "Guan Siya hasn't come yet."

People are not on set.

Zhou Yun looked at Xu Siyao with a half-smile, and said, "Then you want to wait here for her to come?"

Xu Siyao didn't want to be slapped in the face, she said viciously: "I don't have time to wait for her here, I will remember this."

She said harsh words and left.

Zhou Yun smiled speechlessly.

Zheng Xiaoju rolled her eyes directly and said, "Why is she still so reckless? It seems she has no brains."

Zhou Yun: "Being used to it by the people around me."

Aside from Zhou Yun, everything that Xu Siyao has experienced since his debut has actually been smooth, whether it is the speed of becoming popular or the degree of topicality, they have always remained high.

Said she is black and red, and she also turned black into white by relying on "Setting the Storm", attracting a group of loyal fans, and I like her attitude.

To say that she has no works, to put it bluntly, among the young actresses in the past two years, besides Zhou Yun, whose works have a good reputation?Aren't all the ones that can be popular count as one?

In any case, the plays she acted did not lose money, and she always got good broadcast results, satisfying both the capital side and the broadcast platform.

With such a smooth process, apart from Zhou Yun making things difficult for her, what other worries does she have?

It is precisely because of her commercial value that even He Yong seldom speaks harshly to her, and more often just persuades her with earnest words to make her take a long-term view.

Xu Siyao tried her best by herself, no one could convince her, but no one would really suppress her.

Nonsense, Chengqian Entertainment is a company, not to mention that there are few female artists who can carry the top, even if there are many, an artist like Xu Siyao who can earn tens of millions a year for the company is not too many.

What's more, apart from other things, Xu Siyao's cooperation in business is much higher than Zhou Yun's.

Zhou Yun would never take on a web drama like "Promise You Half the City with Misty Rain", but Xu Siyao is fine, as long as you pay more for the film, you can still accept it.

The same is true for live broadcasting of goods, as well as commercial travel. As long as the money is enough, everything can be discussed.

For a big boss like He Yong who has too many interests around him to balance and satisfy, a top star like Zhou Yun is naturally the top priority, but a big star like Xu Siyao who can help him solve a lot of human relationship work is also indispensable .

Xu Siyao came and went, but there was quite a commotion in "Under Dress".

Everyone talked a lot, and the eyes and gazes they looked at Guan Siya also had some other meanings.

Before, everyone thought that "Promise You Half a City of Misty Rain" was an insider, but looking at it now, Guan Siya is a double-deceit.

How courageous.

There is no impenetrable wall in this circle, and the story about Guan Siya slowly spread.Guan Siya was hit with the filming incident. Later, when many producers saw Guan Siya's name, they subconsciously crossed her off the list of candidate actors.

As for now, Guan Siya regretted her bowels.

She also heard a message.

It is said that the producer and supervisor of "Under Dress" have reached an agreement. When the film was finally edited, the scenes about her should be cut if they could be cut. Or give the camera to someone else and leave only her voice.

The purpose of this approach is to prevent Guan Siya from enjoying the dividends of the show as much as possible.

An actor earns his living by his face. If her face was masked as much as possible during editing, the scene could have been broadcast for five hours. With this operation, only two hours of the scene are left. It is simply a deliberate revenge and teach her a lesson.

Guan Siya was so angry that she locked herself in the lounge, crying and getting angry.

Someone passed by the door of her lounge and heard her complaining and cursing inside, but just pretended not to hear.

When the news reached Zhou Yun's ears, Zhou Yun just laughed it off.

As long as it doesn't affect the overall quality of the show, it's fine if you can teach Guan Siya a lesson.

She hated Guan Siya's approach.

Since his debut, Zhou Yun has acted in several dramas. In fact, he has never encountered such a blatant and unprofessional phenomenon as Guan Siya who blatantly interfered with the drama. Before that, when he was filming "Words of Fallen Leaves", he met someone who came across her. Start to release pigeons.

Why do you talk about professionalism so much?

Because the film and television drama industry is a collective work, a drama is not only the actors in front of the stage, but also many staff behind the scenes. Everyone devotes several months or even a whole year to this In the project, everyone points to this project to eat. If the project is postponed or directly yellowed because of you alone, you will not only affect you alone, but also hundreds of people in this project. rice bowl and livelihood.

If it wasn't for the fact that resigning during the filming would cause heavy losses to the crew, how could Zeng Lili give priority to finishing her own filming in the crew before leaving when her husband had cancer?

It's not her business alone, nor is it her job alone.


At this time, the first issue of the "Under Dress" column of "Victor" was finally launched.

This cooperation column was not only published in the magazine, but also posted on the official media of "Victor".

The people who wrote the first column involved eight types of work in the crew of "Under Dress", actors Zhou Yun and Zeng Lili, director Ning Yufeng, as well as assistant directors, photographers, lighting engineers, scene writers, etc.

Fashion is an attitude to life.

This is the theme of this issue.

At the same time, the first company to obtain an exclusive interview opportunity for "Under Dress" was also published.

The front and rear feet on both sides have attracted many people's attention to the drama "Under Dress".

Originally, this drama has attracted much attention because of Zhou Yun's starring role.

It's just that there is a lot of information every day now. If "Under Dress" doesn't appear for a long time, everyone will forget it.

The target audience of this show is working women and people who are interested in fashion.

Everyone does not have the ambition to make this drama a TV series suitable for all ages.

Therefore, how to promote this drama is actually simpler than dramas like "Questing the Heart".

Zheng Xiaowen even spent a lot of money buying magazine covers for Zhou Yun and Zeng Lili to promote "Under Dress" and VX.

The filming has been completed, but which issue has not been set yet.

What Zhou Yun is worried about now is that Zeng Lili may not be able to participate in the promotion of this drama in the future, which will affect many of the previous promotional plans.

When the filming of the show was almost finished, everyone sat together and held a meeting.

Zhou Lan said: "I communicated with Teacher Zeng Lili's team. It's really not convenient for Teacher Zeng Lili to participate in the follow-up publicity. Some publicity plans and plans we made before may have to be replaced. "

"Well, let's discuss today who is more suitable." The producer said, "Actually, it would be better to replace Wan Fangli. She is the third female lead in our show, so she should take the top role logically." Teacher Zeng Lili’s position, but I have communicated with her, and it’s a pity that she has accepted an American drama and is about to go to the United States to film a drama. She will not come back until next year. Our drama hopes to be released by the end of this year or It will be aired at the beginning of next year, and the time is inappropriate."

Zhou Yun said: "Since Wan Fangli's time is not right, can anyone's time be right?"

"Actually, as long as we are in China, the time can be coordinated no matter what." The producer said, "The key is who to find to take the position of Teacher Zeng Lili."

In fact, everyone knows that except for Zeng Lili and Wan Fangli, the rest of the actresses are basically not well-known at present.

Let them participate in the early publicity plan. On the one hand, many cooperations have been decided long ago. There are two or three people's pits. Now that Zeng Lili is missing, one person has to fill in, otherwise the cooperation framework will be difficult. This will also cause a lot of trouble for the other party. On the other hand, although the focus of the publicity must be on Zhou Yun, it is impossible to put all the focus on Zhou Yun. To give a simple example, a program Even if superstars like Andy Lau or Faye Wong are invited, it is impossible for this show to focus on the two of them. If there are flowers, there must be green leaves. If there are memes, there must be fans. The star effect is of course important. , it is more important to give full play to the star effect by [-]%.

Why is Yang Ying's performance in Running Bar so eye-catching, but not so eye-catching in other variety shows?If you think about it carefully, maybe you will come to your own answer.

This matter did not discuss a result today, but the wind spread.

That's okay, the rest of the crew rushed over like a shark smelling blood.

For the crew, it needs a person to fill in the hole.

For them, this is a free and justifiable opportunity to increase their popularity and expand their exposure.

Not to mention, a lot of publicity resources are something they can't get even if they want to, such as the cover of fashion magazines, the opportunity to be interviewed by official media, and so on.

Zhou Yun didn't expect that in just a few hours, he would receive calls and messages from various people, talking with her about this matter in a circumstantial way, or straight to the point.

Zhou Yun had a headache and said directly that he was not responsible for this matter.

These people's ears are too good.

It's just that Zhou Yun can hide from these people, but he can't hide from the actors in the crew.

Lin Luyao and Luo Zi were the most active, knocking on the door to find her, expressing their thoughts to her, and expressing their desire to join the propaganda team.

The two even actively told Zhou Yun that they don't need any remuneration, and they will cooperate [-]% with the actions of the crew.

The words of these two people are similar, so Zhou Yun can't help but wonder if the two people have got their lines right before they came.

So surprised.

Zheng Xiaoju was laughing and said, "Sister Xiaoyun, you just threw a lot of fish food into the fish pond."

(End of this chapter)

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