Chapter 537
Zhou Yun realized that this matter should actually be discussed after the drama is finished.

At this time, the news leaked out, everyone's thoughts were floating, and they couldn't fully devote themselves to filming.

On the set, their eyes moved towards her from time to time, and they understood what the eyes meant, needless to say.

Zhou Yun was very helpless, but he didn't know what to say.

She can understand their feelings, but on the one hand, she doesn't want to become her own monologue, on the other hand, whoever this person chooses is unfair to others.

And of course, a drama is made to make money, not to be fair, and the final distribution and balance of interests must also be considered, which is not that simple.

According to the number of roles of the actors, it should be Cheng Shenlu's turn, but Cheng Shenlu is a new young man, and he is also Yue Hai's contract actor, who is not half as good as the producer of "Under Dress". The dime relationship, this kind of thing that is clearly beneficial to actors, why doesn't the fat and water go to outsiders?

He Yong wanted to win this opportunity for Lin Luyao and Jian Man, because Lin Luyao and Jian Man were thousands of signed actors, and if they benefited, thousands would get benefits.

But Zhou Yun and Zhou Jianfeng, as the male and female protagonists, are already signed by thousands of actors, and all the benefits cannot be called thousands of actors.

Chengqian is only the producer of this drama, and there are other capital forces, why are they willing to let Chengqian get all the benefits?

All in all, the forces behind all parties are turbulent, and there is a chaotic battle.

And everyone knew that if Zhou Yun was dealt with, this matter would be settled.

In this play, no one will disobey Zhou Yun's intentions.

This is the first time since Zhou Yun debuted in acting.She also really felt in this drama why some actors lose themselves after becoming popular.In this environment, it is difficult not to lose yourself!

Basically, no one will come out to contradict what she says.


Of course, Zhou Yun knew that this was because several important producers and producers of this show, Zheng Xiaowen, He Yong, and Zhou Lan, were all inextricably related to her, and they were all inseparable unless it was a matter of principle. Otherwise, she is absolutely willing to have a relationship according to her wishes.

Everyone hoped that she could make a decision, but she hoped that this matter would not be left to her to solve.

After several days of stalemate, the filming of "Under Dress" has come to an end.

During the whole shooting process, Zhou Yun also felt very comfortable and carefree.

Ning Yufeng is really a good director.

Zhou Yun said to Ning Yufeng: "Director Ning, you have a movie and a suitable role in the future. If you think I am suitable, don't forget to send me a letter. I really want to make more movies with you. It's so comfortable, I like your style and rhythm."

Such a straightforward confession startled Ning Yufeng.

Ning Yufeng's previous dramas were all with newcomers, and it was the first time he worked with a star like Zhou Yun. At first, he was worried that it might not be easy to deal with, but Zhou Yun completely washed away his suspicion of the star. Stereotype.

Ning Yufeng said with a smile: "Is the supporting role also willing to play?"

Zhou Yun said: "If you think that supporting role is worth letting me play, I trust your judgment."

On the contrary, Ning Yufeng felt embarrassed to continue joking.

Zhou Yun was serious.

She also knows that not all characters are the most outstanding, but the protagonist is the best. In many plays, the supporting roles are not good enough.For example, the prostitute played by Jiang Wenli in "Farewell My Concubine" only played for a few minutes. Zhou Yun thought to herself, if it was such a play, such a role, and such a director, she would be willing to play it.Of course, many people may say that the role is actually very common, mainly because the actors are good at playing the role and playing the role is a classic.But just in that sense, Zhou Yun didn't think he should be obsessed with acting as the heroine.

The key is whether the director is trustworthy or not, and whether the character is good or not.

On the day of finalization, there is no conclusion as to who will replace Zeng Lili and take over the promotional resources.

Zhou Yun saw some resentment on the faces of many people.

She was very helpless.

But after the last scene was filmed, everyone was still inseparable.

With such a large crew, except for a very few annoying people like Guan Siya, most of the people, most of the time, although they have different personalities and ideas, they have fought side by side for such a long time, meeting and talking every day , Cooperating in filming, I have long had feelings.

Zhou Yun took photos with many people and said a lot of things, the most he said was that he would have the opportunity to cooperate again in the future.

After waving goodbye to everyone, Zhou Yun gave Ning Yufeng a final hug.

She whispered in his ear: "Director, I hope you will film this movie with me, so that you can dispel your resistance to working with celebrities and big-name actors. Although there are few big-name actors like me, you With such a nice person, he will definitely be able to attract many good actors."

What Zhou Yun said made Ning Yufeng have mixed feelings.

So many people have said that he likes to use newcomers in filming, but only Zhou Yun can see that it's not that he doesn't like to use mature actors, but he is resistant.

Ning Yufeng said: "I won't be able to get funds for filming in the future, please help me."

"Go find Song Chi." Zhou Yun said, "He will definitely help you."

Ning Yufeng smiled and nodded.

"Do you have any plans for the next play?" Zhou Yun asked.

Ning Yufeng said: "I'm still watching, don't worry."

"Well, don't worry, after "Under Dress" airs, you will definitely become the hottest director in the industry." Zhou Yun said.

"I'm afraid that everyone will come to me to shoot fashion dramas." Ning Yufeng smiled.

Zhou Yun said: "It's okay, I saw a script I like, please read it too, if you are willing to be a director, that's the best."

"Okay." Ning Yufeng nodded.

In the end, Zhou Yun pulled Zhou Jianfeng aside.

"The filming of the movie is finally over. There are some things I've always wanted to say to you, and now I can finally say them to you." Zhou Yun smiled at Zhou Jianfeng.

Zhou Jianfeng pursed his lips, obediently listening to the instructions.

"I know, at the beginning of this drama, I wanted to find Yu Zhiyang to play your role. This incident has always made you worry about it, and you even worried that you would be replaced. But, Jianfeng, I hope you can understand , any actor is not the only choice for any play. The so-called only choice is only promoted by the audience and fans. Insecurity is the fate that the actor industry must face, and being selected is also the actor industry must face. In your eyes, I am picking you. In fact, I am also being picked by others. Like you, there will be times when I am not considered the first choice by others. For example, you know "Days", As well as another work "Words of Fallen Leaves" by the director of the movie "Behind the Scenes", I am not their first choice, but I have never been discouraged in my heart. I will tell myself that if they don't choose me, it is theirs. Regrettably, I hope you can also slowly find your confidence, your value will not be lost because others do not choose you, and once the opportunity falls into your hands, you will use your own light to tell everyone ,you're worth it."

Listening to Zhou Yun's words, Zhou Jianfeng had mixed feelings in his heart.

"Miss Xiaoyun..."

"I told you not to call me Miss Xiaoyun." Zhou Yun patted Zhou Jianfeng on the shoulder, "I'm very happy that you are my leading actor in this play. You performed well, and I am very satisfied."

Zhou Jianfeng laughed.


"Look, you still ask whether it's true or not. You have to be confident." Zhou Yun finally said, "If you don't have self-confidence, how can you bear the inherent sensitivity and fragility of an actor? Be confident, never From now on, you will usher in a new career stage, don't lose yourself, take Guan Siya and Xu Siyao as warnings, act well, learn from Sister Lily, good acting is your greatest strength."

Zhou Jianfeng nodded and said, "I know, I will."

"Let's have a drink together when we have time."

Zhou Yun finally waved to everyone and left.

As usual, after filming, the two assistants, Zheng Xiaoju and Liu Yun, take turns to rest for a period of time.

Zhou Yun himself didn't have too much work on his side, so the arrangements were relatively proper.

Zhou Lan has gotten used to her personality, it's best to arrange all the work for a period of time together, and give her the rest of the time to rest.

After listening to Zhou Lan's follow-up work arrangement, Zhou Yun knew that he could rest tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, so he cheered and went home happily.

Song Chi had already joined the group, and no one was waiting for her in the room.

As soon as Zhou Yun opened the door, looking at the deserted and silent room, he felt a little lost for a while.

The joy and joy of going home disappeared in an instant.

Zhou Yun took a bath, and the emotion was relieved.

She called Song Chi, but Song Chi didn't answer. Song Chi didn't come back until [-]:[-] in the evening, saying that he was filming just now and just finished work.

Song Chi's "Do Nothing" is a spy film with many night scenes.

Zhou Yun asked: "Are you busy with your filming recently?"

Song Chi said: "It's okay, I can finish work normally every day."

Zhou Yun said, "Then shall I visit you tomorrow?"

"Huh?" Song Chi was a little surprised, and asked, "Is the filming of "Under Dress" finished?"

"The filming is over." Zhou Yun pretended to be lighthearted, "I want to see you."

Song Chi: "However, I may not be able to accompany you in my play tomorrow."

"It's okay, I'll just watch you filming from the sidelines." Zhou Yun said, "Anyway, I have nothing to do when I'm alone at home."

If Zhou Lan heard this, Zhou Lan would immediately arrange a job for her.

Song Chi: "Then I'll send someone to pick you up."

"No, I'll just come here by myself." Zhou Yun said, "I have also passed the driver's license test now, so I can drive by myself."

After talking about this matter, Zhou Yun happily lay down on the bed, wanting to go to bed early and get up early tomorrow to find Song Chi.

As a result, the person lay on the bed, tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep.

Zhou Yun thought about it, if he could go now, the journey would only be a few hours anyway, and it would only be a few hours in the morning when he got there, so he could still surprise Song Chi early tomorrow morning.

Zhou Yun did what he said, got up immediately, packed his things, and went downstairs to the garage to get the car.

Riding the night wind all the way, Zhou Yun was in a good mood. It was already two o'clock in the morning when he arrived at the hotel where Song Chi and his crew stayed.

Zhou Yun checked in.

The staff at the front desk recognized her and showed a surprised expression.

Zhou Yun immediately made a hissing gesture to her and said, "Don't tell anyone that I'm here before tomorrow morning."

The staff immediately nodded.

"If you can help me do this, I will send you a red envelope at noon tomorrow." Zhou Yun said again.

The staff member shook his head and said, "It's okay, no need, I'll definitely keep it a secret for you."

"You still have to give the red envelope, so it's settled." Zhou Yun happily checked into the hotel, set the alarm clock for himself, and fell asleep.

Early the next morning, just after dawn, Zhou Yun woke up listening to the alarm clock.

six in the morning.

At this time, Song Chi was either going to go for a morning run, or was going to go to the set.

Zhou Yun called Song Chi's assistant.

The assistant was still shocked and puzzled when he received Zhou Yun's call, but when he heard Zhou Yun's question, the assistant was confused.

"Brother Chi, he sent me a message half an hour ago, saying that he would go back, and there is no scene for him during the day."

Zhou Yun was taken aback.

Zhou Yun suddenly thought of something, quickly hung up Song Chi's assistant, and called Song Chi.

"Hello?" Song Chi answered the phone, "Why do you wake up so early?"

Zhou Yun asked suspiciously, "Where are you?"

"Where am I? Where else can I be? I'm getting ready to go to the set to film." Song Chi said.

Zhou Yun: "Don't fool me, I know that there is no scene with you today, don't tell me, you are going back to Shanghai, and you are going to surprise me?"

Song Chi: "..."

There was silence for a few seconds.

"How did you guess it? No surprises at all." Song Chi complained.

Zhou Yun: "Guess where I am now?"

Song Chi: "..."

He suddenly asked: "Don't you tell me that you are staying at the hotel where my crew is staying?"

Zhou Yun: "Congratulations, you got the answer right."

There was a sound of braking from Song Chi's side.

Zhou Yun took a deep breath: "Let's not play the trick of surprising each other in the future."

"Eat a pit and gain a wisdom." Song Chi said, "I'll be right back."

"I'll wait for you at the hotel restaurant." Zhou Yun hung up the phone and let out a long breath.

Who would have thought of this?

Zhou Yun went to wash up, and then applied a mask for herself. After the mask was applied, she smeared herself. It was almost time, and Song Chi was probably coming back, so she went downstairs to the restaurant.

As a result, Zhang Hongyu ran into him in the elevator.

"Sister Hongyu!" Zhou Yun took the initiative to say hello.

Zhang Hongyu thought she had read it wrong, but when she confirmed it was Zhou Yun, she asked pleasantly, "Why are you here?"

"My play is finished, let's come and see Song Chi."

"I said, you two young people should get along more, you are so busy with work, you should seize every opportunity to fall in love." Zhang Hongyu said with a smile.

Zhou Yun was amused by Zhang Hongyu's words.

Zhang Hongyu also went to the restaurant, so Zhou Yun went with her. Once in, Zhou Yun immediately attracted the attention of many people.

There was a lot of discussion.

Zhou Yun made breakfast for himself, and found a seat with Zhang Hongyu to sit down.

As soon as he sat down, Song Chi came in in a hurry. He was still dressed very handsomely, with sunglasses hanging on his neckline, and he didn't look like he just woke up.

(End of this chapter)

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