Chapter 538 His Crew
Song Chi was somewhat hurried and embarrassed, but he covered it up well, and in the eyes of others, he was still handsome.

Some people were even snickering. Song Chi saw his wife coming, so he groomed himself like a peacock. Usually, he tidied up so neatly. It was basically just big pants and a T-shirt.

Song Chi strode towards Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun raised his head and looked at him with a smile, but there was also a bit of helplessness in the smile.

"When did you come? Why didn't you tell me?" Song Chi sat down and whispered, "I've already driven a long way."

"Thanks to me calling your assistant, otherwise you might have just driven to Shanghai, and I'm still waiting for you." Zhou Yun laughed.

Zhang Hongyu felt a little strange when he heard the words of the two young people, and asked, "What are you talking about?"

Song Chi explained it to Zhang Hongyu.

Zhang Hongyu sighed happily when she heard it, "The two of you wanted to surprise each other at the same time, but you missed it instead. As for O. Henry's short story called "The Gift of the Magi," both of you wanted to buy each other a copy. A gift, but the result was wrong."

Zhou Yun asked, "You haven't had breakfast yet, have you?"

"I ate a piece of bread." Song Chi said, "Eat it first, don't worry, I'll wait for you."

Zhou Yun nodded and continued to eat the breakfast in front of him.

Song Chi stared at Zhou Yun without moving away.

Zhou Yun let him see it calmly, without any embarrassment.

On the contrary, when the people around saw this, one or two, they clicked their tongues and scolded "this is so affectionate".

They are all people who follow the crew everywhere, and they can understand how hard it is for these two young people to get together for a while, and they are inseparable.

No one came up to say hello unknowingly.

Zhang Hongyu also quickly finished her breakfast and said, "Then Song Chi, please accompany Zhou Yun well, I'll go to the set first."

"Yeah." Song Chi nodded, "Sister Hongyu, goodbye."

When Zhang Hongyu left, there were only the two of them left at the table.

After Zhou Yun finished his last bite, he raised his eyes, looked at him, and asked, "You don't have a play today, yet you still tricked me into having a play."

Song Chi said, "It's not that you said you'd come, I just thought I'd give you a surprise."

"I finished filming yesterday, and when I walked in, I found no one at home. I suddenly felt depressed, so I came to you." Zhou Yun said, "Did your filming go well?"

"It's okay. We haven't filmed the main scene yet. At the beginning, everyone is getting into shape." Song Chi said.

"The Inaction" is a spy film. This type of film, whether it is the story or the performance of the actors, is a test of skill.

The good shots are particularly good, and the bad ones are particularly bad.

The two chatted in the restaurant for a while, and Song Chi asked, "Are you going back today?"

Zhou Yun shook his head: "Tomorrow is still a day off, I can go back tomorrow."

"That's just right. I'm going to shoot a big night scene today. I have nothing to do during the day. I can walk around with you." Song Chi said.

Zhou Yun asked curiously, "Where are you filming?"

Song Chi said: "I borrowed a villa from someone else's house from the Republic of China, and transformed it into our studio. Eighty percent of our scenes were shot in that villa."

Zhou Yun understood and nodded.

"Want to go and see the scene?" Song Chi asked.

Zhou Yun shook his head and said, "Forget it, don't delay their filming."

Song Chi took Zhou Yun around.

It's just that the weather is too hot now, and they didn't take long to come back.

How dare they stay outside for too long in this kind of sun-bathing weather.

"It's more comfortable to stay in the hotel with the air conditioner." Song Chi said, "Would you like to go for a massage? There are masseurs in the hotel."

"Okay." Zhou Yun nodded immediately, "It happens that the muscles and bones are a bit stiff recently, so I need to loosen the muscles and bones. Alas, before filming "Under Dress", I kept wearing high heels, and my feet were almost swollen."

The two of them went for a massage and squinted comfortably for a while. It wasn't until noon that Zhou Yun heard Song Chi's cry and woke up slowly.

Song Chi said, "It's time for lunch, what would you like to eat?"

Zhou Yun slept very comfortably just now, and stretched out on the recliner, only feeling that his whole body was stretched out.

"Me? I can do whatever I want."

Song Chi said: "Then why don't you go to a private restaurant nearby? Moyu took me there once before, but you need to make an appointment in advance. I don't know if I can get a seat now."

He thought for a while and said, "I'll call Mo Yu and ask him, just wait for me."

Zhou Yun hummed.

After a while, Song Chi came back and said, "Mo Yu is familiar with that boss, and promised to reserve a seat for us. Let's go now."

Song Chi drove and took Zhou Yun to the location of the private kitchen.

This private kitchen is quite famous in the local area, and many people come here admiringly.

Song Chi and Zhou Yun searched for a while before finding the place.

Two people wearing sunglasses entered and met the boss.

The boss led them to a relatively hidden corner blocked by a bookshelf protruding horizontally, and said, "Please sit here."

"Thank you boss." Zhou Yun thanked.

This arrangement is obviously considerate of their identities, and they arranged a relatively hidden location.

This location, the sun is just right.

The golden sunlight poured down, passed through the glass window, and fell on the two of them.

There were other guests talking in low voices, but after a little distance, it was filtered so that only the smell of fireworks remained, without any sense of noise.

Zhou Yun was a little surprised by this place, and said, "The environment here is really nice."

Song Chi said: "Moyu brought us here once before. There are a few signature dishes here, which are very well prepared. You can try them later."

"Yeah." Zhou Yun nodded.

After a while, the boss came again, holding a pen and a notebook in his hand, and asked, "Are you ready to order?"

Song Chi nodded to him, and reported a list of dishes.

When Zhou Yun heard this, he hurriedly said, "That's enough, it's just the two of us, don't waste it."

Song Chi said: "It's okay, the boss will do according to the two of us, and won't do a lot."

The boss nodded with a smile.

Only then did Zhou Yun feel relieved.

Although she is not short of money now, she still doesn't like extravagance and waste.

Fortunately, Song Chi is the same as her on this point.

"Well, the whole filming process of "Under Dressed" was quite smooth this time, but it was the first time I realized what it means to make a difficult decision. Obviously someone can make a decision, but they all like to push the decision to me. , What I say is what I say, alas, how old I am, I don’t know what to do with many decisions, I can only push them back, I want to understand, I still need to participate in film and television production less in the future, I have all kinds of experiences now. If you are not careful, you will make mistakes.”

"The film "Under Dress" was filmed entirely because of you, so it is conceivable why everyone wants you to make various decisions. No one wants to make you angry, and no one wants to make you angry because of accidentally offending you. Get fired." Song Chi pointed out the reason behind this incident, "Generally speaking, if you don't start a drama with you as the core in the future, this situation will not happen again."

"I'm very afraid that this situation will get worse. I heard that the drama "Promise You Half the City" has basically become Xu Siyao's monologue. She can add dramas as she wants, and she also brings her own screenwriter into the group. Modify the lines." Zhou Yun said.

Song Chi smiled and said, "It's nothing. The reason for this kind of script is that Xu Siyao's performance can improve the rating and get more investment. They are willing to be led by Xu Siyao. That's because they are willing to fight the other." I hope that this phenomenon cannot become a common phenomenon, because the platform and the producer will not always hand over the initiative to the actors. They are willing to compromise at present, just because they can get a bigger reward if they do so now. Benefits, in exchange for something they care more about."

Zhou Yun nodded, agreeing with Song Chi's words.

"Actually, I wanted to participate in the investment and production of "Inaction" at the beginning, but although they were very polite to me, they didn't mean to compromise on this matter."

Zhou Yun asked: "Now that you are acting, you should be able to get a dividend, right?"

"Some plays will win, some won't." Song Chi said, "If you are like this show, they gave me two choices, either a salary of [-] million or [-] million The remuneration plus follow-up box office dividends, I chose the latter."

"Yes." Zhou Yun nodded, "That's fine."

"Generally, if you can get the dividends, you should try to get the dividends as much as possible, which can also reduce the financial pressure on the producers." Song Chi said, "In fact, this is better."

The topic of the two people's chat is completely related to work.

In this kind of public occasion, two people can't say anything particularly personal.

After lunch, in the afternoon, Zhou Yun and Song Chi went back to the hotel to rest and took a nap.

In the evening, the setting sun came out groggy.

Song Chi got up from the bed, washed up briefly, and was about to leave for the set.

He is going to shoot a night scene today.

Zhou Yun had already woken up. She was lying on the bed, looking at Song Chi with dark eyes.

Song Chi said: "Don't wait for me to come back tonight, I will be back very late."

Zhou Yun nodded.

Song Chi was going to the set to film a movie. Zhou Yun originally wanted to go with Song Chi, but after thinking about it, he decided to forget it.If she goes, it will more or less delay their work.

After Song Chi left, Zhou Yun squinted for a while, and when the night fell completely, she stretched her limbs and sat up from the bed.

It's rare to have nothing to do, you can rest.

She felt hungry and hesitated for a while where to have dinner at night, and decided to settle it at the hotel.

After thinking about it, she felt that she was too lazy to bother herself, so she settled it at the hotel.

So, she simply tidied herself up and went downstairs to the hotel restaurant.

Many people think that if a star appears in public, it will cause a sensation among thousands of people. In fact, most of the time, it is just recognized, greeted, and asked for a group photo.

Most of the time, people will not take the initiative to come up to say hello to you, but just take a picture of you with their mobile phone.

This point has passed the peak period of the hotel restaurant, Zhou Yun appeared in the restaurant, and met some acquaintances in the entertainment industry.

There are also many strangers.

Zhou Yun typed something by himself, found a seat and sat down.

It is inevitable that people around will take pictures with their mobile phones.

Zhou Yun ate as if no one was around.

Fortunately, no one came forward to say hello.

Zhou Yun had dinner and was going to go for a walk downstairs to digest food.

Just happened to meet Jiang Yuzhen.

Zhou Yun and Jiang Yuzhen have worked together on "Questioning the Heart", so they already knew each other.

Jiang Yuzhen said pleasantly, "Why are you here? Did you just come here?"

Zhou Yun smiled and called Miss Yuzhen, and said, "I arrived early this morning, don't you need to film tonight?"

"I don't have a show tonight." Jiang Yuzhen took Zhou Yun's hand, "Are you here to find Song Chi? Where are you going now?"

"I just finished dinner and am going to take a walk." Zhou Yun said.

Jiang Yuzhen: "Then let me go with you. I just came back from dinner. Did you eat in the hotel restaurant?"

"Yeah." Zhou Yun nodded, "Song Chi has a scene to shoot tonight, so I'm going to the set, so I'll eat something in the restaurant by myself."

"If I had known, I would have asked you to eat with me." Jiang Yuzhen said with a smile.

The two walked out of the hotel and walked along the green belt next to them.

Evening breeze.

Jiang Yuzhen said: "In the blink of an eye, it has been almost two years since the filming of "Question Heart" was finished."

"So soon? Isn't it?" Zhou Yun thought carefully, and it was indeed more than a year, almost two years.

She couldn't help but feel a little disappointed and said, "Time flies so fast."

"Yeah, time flies." Jiang Yuzhen nodded, "However, you and Song Chi have been together for a long time, right?"

"Well, it's been more than a year." Zhou Yun said, "Time flies so fast."

"Have you two considered when to get married?" Jiang Yuzhen asked.

Zhou Yun shook his head with a smile and said, "We haven't considered this issue yet."

"How old are you this year?" Jiang Yuzhen asked.

Zhou Yun said, "Twenty-five."

Jiang Yuzhen nodded, "That's not urgent, but in a few years, this issue will have to be carefully considered."

"Let's talk about it at that time." Zhou Yun asked, "Sister Yuzhen, how old is your child?"

"It's five years old." Jiang Yuzhen laughed as soon as she mentioned her child, "It's the time to be mischievous, but when it's caring, it's also really caring."

Zhou Yun nodded.

"You must not learn from some actresses. They worry that once they get married and have children, they will lose the market and can no longer act as girls. Many people are in their thirties and refuse to marry and have children. This market image of mine is too bad for me." Jiang Yuzhen said, "If you really don't want to get married and have children, it's fine, obviously you are not, but you are anxious because of these reasons, and you will only regret it in the future."

"I don't have such an idea, I just haven't thought about it yet, I always feel that I am not particularly mature yet." Zhou Yun explained with a smile, "It should be a few years earlier, maybe I will be more mature by then, I'm more confident in myself too."

Jiang Yuzhen: "As long as you understand."

Jiang Yuzhen said such things to Zhou Yun because Jiang Yuzhen's own marriage is actually very happy, and her family life is also very good. At the same time, she has also seen some people in this line of work who are crazy about their careers, and eventually lost many other beautiful and regretful people. .

Zhou Yun understood Jiang Yuzhen's intentions.

(End of this chapter)

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