Chapter 539 A Lawsuit

Jiang Yuzhen belonged to the kind of person who had a smooth journey from childhood to adulthood.

The family background is not bad, whether it is when she was in school or when she entered the acting industry, everything went smoothly. She may not have been very popular, but it did not affect the beauty of her life.

Unlike many ambitious people, Jiang Yuzhen has never had great ambitions.She also wanted to be popular for a while, and she tried hard for a while, but gave up without any results.It doesn't matter if she isn't popular, anyway, there are always movies to be made, as long as she is not obsessed with the heroine, with so many movies every year, she can also pick many supporting actress roles that she likes.

Among the many rumors, the entertainment industry is very supportive and depressing.

In fact, the so-called holding high and stepping down is often not so apparent on the surface.

For an actor like Jiang Yuzhen, she has basically never faced the situation of being ridiculed or ridiculed.Whether it is the producer or the actors in the same group, they all think that Jiang Yuzhen is a professional and well-cooperative actor. She won't provoke you into anything, and she won't make any excessive demands. That's all, that's enough. She can stay safely in any crew.

Those who are easy to be afraid of others will not be afraid of her.

And Jiang Yuzhen has come all the way to today, and won a gold-rich Best Supporting Actress for "Ask the Heart", which has entered the field of vision of many people.

Song Chi worked with her and admired her acting skills and character, so when he saw a suitable role for her in "The Inaction", he recommended her to act in this movie.

The producer is naturally indispensable.

Jiang Yuzhen is not expensive, has just won an award, was recommended by Song Chi, and is not a particularly important role, so she fits perfectly.

But Jiang Yuzhen remembered that it was Song Chi who recommended her, and she was able to act in this big-budget movie.

In the past, Jiang Yuzhen basically would not participate in such a big-budget movie.The supporting roles of big-budget movies, either give some popular traffic stars, gild them, or give some golden supporting actors in the industry, especially the film industry.Jiang Yuzhen is in the TV drama circle, which is a different circle from the movie circle.

Jiang Yuzhen was worried about Song Chi's kindness to her, so she reciprocated and said these words to Zhou Yun.

This is her perception and insight from working in this industry for many years, so she told Zhou Yun to avoid Zhou Yun regretting it in the future.

She has seen many people regret it.

Actors, how many people can become famous and become artists?
Most people, in the end, still can only regard it as their life's work, to satisfy themselves, not to amaze all beings.

Coupled with the fact that Song Chi and Zhou Yun had reached the point of nowhere, in Jiang Yuzhen's view, there was really no need to work so hard on their careers.

Zhou Yun and Jiang Yuzhen walked for half an hour and returned to the hotel.

Jiang Yuzhen suddenly remembered something and said, "Xiaoyun, there is one thing I want to remind you."

"You say."

Jiang Yuzhen said: "Generally, excellent people are always surrounded by many people. Especially in our business, it is too easy to be disturbed and influenced by external factors. If something happens, you must communicate more and don't communicate with each other. Misunderstand."

"Well, thank you sister Yuzhen for reminding me." Zhou Yun smiled at her, "I understand."

"Let's chat more if we have time." Jiang Yuzhen blinked at her, "Then I'll go to rest first, and I have to film a movie early tomorrow morning."

"Miss Yuzhen, go to bed early, and we will make an appointment when you are free later."

When Zhou Yun returned to the room, Zhou Lan suddenly sent a message: Zhang Mo signed a contract with Chengqian Entertainment.

Zhou Yun called Zhou Lan in surprise.

"He Yong really signed him here."

Before Zhou Yun and Zhang Mo filmed "Words of Fallen Leaves", Zhang Mo played her boyfriend in "Words of Fallen Leaves". Zhou Yun admired him very much and recommended him to Song Chi, but in the end he was still rejected. He Yong took it.

Among the currently contracted male artists of Chengqian Entertainment, only Li Ci is in the head position.However, Li Ci's development in the past two years has not been satisfactory, especially his reputation has become worse and worse, and he has made a lot of troubles. He Yong is probably very big.Zhang Mo is young and has acting skills. If He Yong works well for him, there is a high possibility of entering the front line.

Zhou Lan said: "Yes, I heard that because of this incident, Li Ci even got angry with He Yong."

"Li Ci is angry? Why is he angry?" Zhou Yun couldn't understand.

Zhou Lan: "What else could be the reason? Some people came to him with a lot of talk, saying that He Yong gave up on him, and specially signed a newcomer to train him, and he will not pay attention to him in the future. Li Ci's temper, you are not do not know."

"He Yong is the boss of the brokerage company. Why can't he understand the training of newcomers?" Zhou Yun curled his lips, "It's because he feels too much crisis now."

"Of course, his public opinion during this period is very bad, and his reputation is getting worse and worse."

"If I were He Yong, I would also think about recruiting later. I can't wait until Li Ci is completely dead before nurturing new people." Zhou Yun said.

"If it weren't for He Yong, Li Ci wouldn't be so popular. Li Ci was completely managed by He Yong." Zhou Lan said, "In the end, if Li Ci is strong, he doesn't have to worry so much about being replaced."

"Zhang Mo is a very good person, and his acting skills are also good. As long as He Yong is willing to spend resources on him, he will definitely become famous." Zhou Yun said.

Zhou Lan held a different opinion, "In this industry, whether you are popular or not is really metaphysics."

After chatting with Zhou Lan, Zhou Yun naturally contacted Zhang Mo immediately.

"I heard that we have become colleagues." Zhou Yun said with a smile.

Zhang Mo also smiled and said, "Hi, Senior Sister."

Zhou Yun laughed.

"Are you in Shanghai now?"

"Yes." Zhang Mo said, "I just signed the contract today."

"Congratulations, I'm not in Shanghai now, when I go back, let's make an appointment for dinner."

"Okay, it's time for me to treat you to dinner, bye to the pier." Zhang Mo said with a smile.

"That's the time to worship." Zhou Yun said, "Has the company arranged a broker for you?"

If there is no arrangement, Zhou Yun thinks that Zhou Lan can fight for it.

"It's arranged, Yu Jiangxing, I heard that he is a relative of Mr. He."

"Oh." As soon as Zhou Yun heard Yu Jiangxing, he understood in his heart. It seems that He Yong really wanted to support Zhang Mo, otherwise he would not let Yu Jiangxing take him, "It's good, he is quite capable, Although they are relatives, they also have a lot of resources in their hands, so they will definitely not treat you badly."

"But I heard that he brought Xu Siyao with him? I heard that Xu Siyao has a lot of things?"

"It's okay, just keep your distance from her."

Zhang Mo smiled.


Zhou Yun also didn't know what impact Zhang Mo's signing into Qianqianlai would have on the situation of Qianqian.

But if Zhang Mo comes over, it should affect Lu Zhongting and Huang Zicheng.

There is no way, as the ages are similar, there will be competition for resources, which is inevitable.

That night, Zhou Yun had already fallen into a drowsy sleep, and at some point, Song Chi came back.

Without even opening her eyes, she approached him familiarly and continued to sleep.

The next day, after the two of them had lunch, Zhou Yun left and was going back to Shanghai.

She has work tomorrow.

Song Chi sent her to the high-speed rail station.

Zhou Yun and Song Chi kissed goodbye in the car.


Back in Shanghai, Cao Jun went to the high-speed rail station to pick up Zhou Yun and go home.

Zhou Yun made a simple dinner by himself, ate it, read at night, and went to bed early.


The second day of work was a magazine shoot.

It's not a big issue, but because Jin Ling Jewelry has a cooperation with the other party, it needs to shoot the cover and a set of inside pages.

Zhou Yun arrived at the set ten minutes early.

Jin Ling Jewelry invited a makeup artist and a stylist to specially design a few looks for her that highlighted the main models.

While putting on makeup, the person in charge of Jin Ling Jewelry came over and greeted her.

Zhou Yun exchanged pleasantries with the person.

People asked Zhou Yun what plans he had in the future, and Zhou Yun told him about the two plays.

The other party asked with some doubts, didn't you pick up the movie?
Zhou Yun replied that he did not find a suitable notebook.

"That is, if you don't have a suitable script, you still can't make it." The other party smiled and said, "However, it's better not to make too many TV dramas."

Zhou Yun asked why.

The other party faltered and said that the production quality of some TV series is still not as good as that of movies, or that the spread of movies should be more international, and so on.

Zhou Yun listened to it for a long time before he understood. It turns out that people think that if they act in more TV dramas, their status in the eyes of the public will become lower.

Jin Ling jewelry is a luxury industry, and it attaches great importance to the public image of the spokesperson itself.

You must know that some luxury brand new spokespersons have directly withdrawn their status as spokespersons because of complaints and dislikes from target customers.

Zhou Yun couldn't help feeling helpless.

But it is realistic.

Zhou Yun had nothing to say about this.

"I have my own standards for acting and acting." That's all she said.

"That's right, Xiaoyun, you are famous for your provocative vision."


The shooting process went very smoothly, and everyone praised her for her good camera sense, beautiful shots, and she is very goddess.

I don't know when, Zhou Yun never heard anything other than praise at work.

Everyone seemed to be sincerely praising her and admiring her.

But is it true?

Zhou Yun said goodbye to everyone with a smile, and got into the car.

Suddenly someone caught up.

"Xiaoyun, Xiaoyun!"

Zhou Yun almost closed the car door, poked his head out, and saw that it was the photographer who just took the picture.

He smiled at her and said, "Xiaoyun, can I interrupt you for ten minutes? I have something to tell you. "

This photographer is called Zuo Mo, and he is a very famous photographer.

Zhou Yun nodded and asked, "Why don't you come to my car? Let's talk in the car?"

Zuo Mo nodded and said yes.

Zheng Xiaoju and Cao Jun got out of the car first to make room for them.

The car door was not closed, Zuo Mo got into the car, and said to Zhou Yun: "I won't be polite to you anymore, that's it, I opened a photography studio, if you need to shoot, whether it's a promotional photo or a video , you can find me.”

Zhou Yun suddenly realized that he had come to advertise to her.

"Teacher Zuo, do you still need me as a client because of your reputation? The supply has already exceeded the demand?" Zhou Yun smiled.

Zuo Mo said: "Well, I used to sign a contract with a company, and there was a company to help me connect with them. Now that I have come out on my own, I can only find a way to attract more customers. If you have friends around you who need them, you can also recommend them to me. , my technology is still top-notch in China.”

"Of course, that's why I was surprised. With your reputation, as long as you let the wind out, not many people will come to you."

"I don't take every job." Zuo Mo blinked at Zhou Yun, "Just this one, please."

Zhou Yun nodded with a smile, and said, "No problem, if I need it, or if my friends around me need it, I will come to you."

Zuo Mo smiled and said, "Thank you very much, I will give you a friendship price for the first three times."

"Then I have to take advantage of this bargain." Zhou Yun said.

Zhou Yun turned around and told Zhou Lan about this matter, Zhou Lan explained to Zhou Yun: "Oh, do you know why he came to you so proactively? It was because he broke up with his company. Not only did he break up, but he also made trouble. It is very unpleasant, his company is almost the largest photography company in China, and there are many collaborators, I heard that his company has let the word out, and they will try their best to block his future work."

"Huh? It's so serious? What kind of conflict happened between them?" Zhou Yun asked in surprise.

Zhou Lan: "It is said that Zuo Mo is dissatisfied with the share, and has been in conflict with his company for a long time."

"Is this contradiction worth such an extreme?" Zhou Yun felt that it was not worth Zuo Mo's company to kill him.

Zhou Lan: "Who knows, this is the news that came out, there may be some other contradictions that haven't been made out yet."

But Zhou Lan's news made Zhou Yun understand why Zuo Mo wanted to talk to him about it.

She suddenly thought again: "Then Zuo Mo took over the shooting of Jin Ling Jewelry himself, or did his company help him?"

"I don't know. The photographer is negotiated between the magazine and Jinling Jewelry. I only know that the photographer's labor fee is settled by Jinling Jewelry."


But no one thought that Zhou Yun would face an unwarranted disaster because of Zuo Mo's incident.

Zuo Mo's company suddenly issued a statement three days later, accusing Zuo Mo of violating the contract, accepting work without permission, and filming Zhou Yun's endorsement advertisement.

Zuo Mo's reputation on the Internet is not very good, but with Zhou Yun's name on it, it became news.

Many people paid attention to this matter and talked about it.

Zhou Yun was involved in the discussion, but it didn't have any negative impact on her, and the matter itself had nothing to do with her.But there is one thing related to her. Zuo Mo's agency sent a lawyer's letter to Jin Ling Jewelry, which means that Zuo Mo violated the contract without authorization and accepted the filming work. Please Jin Ling Jewelry not to use the filming of this cooperation. Otherwise, they will be prosecuted together.

The impact of this incident on Zhou Yun is that if the film shot this time is really unusable, then she will have to re-shoot it.

Zuo Mo also spoke on Weibo at this time, saying that the company violated the contract first, and that the contract has already been invalidated, and legal proceedings are underway.

Regardless of which side is telling the truth and which side is lying, Jin Ling Jewelry has been cheated this time.

This shooting was originally for the promotion of the next season's flagship product. I don't know how long it will take for the two sides to file a lawsuit. Even if Zuo Mo wins the lawsuit later, this shooting will be outdated and unusable. .

(End of this chapter)

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