I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 540 Goodbye Ning Yao

Chapter 540 Goodbye Ning Yao
Jin Ling Jewelry made a decision very quickly. No matter what the problem was between Zuo Mo and his company, in order to catch up with the promotion of the next quarter, the promotion of this magazine must not be delayed. Therefore, they decided to contact Another photographer, reshoot.

Thanks to Zhou Yun's absence from the group recently, there was plenty of time, so we coordinated and gave them another day to complete the second shoot.

The brand had originally agreed to give Zhou Yun a sum of compensation, but Zhou Yun discussed it with Zhou Lan and said that there was no need for it.

This time the reshoot was not a problem of the brand side, although they did not investigate clearly before hiring the photographer, resulting in negligence of the problem between Zuomo and the company, but it was not their subjective problem.

Re-shooting would have added extra expenses, and Zhou Yun didn't want to add fuel to their fire at this time.

Of course, what Zhou Lan said was that Jin Ling Jewelry does not lack this kind of money.

However, Zhou Yun felt that it was one thing to be short or not, but another matter was his own code of conduct.

After all, she is no longer short of money, and the money she earns is enough to spend her whole life, so there is no need to worry about it at this time.

The person in charge of Jinling Jewelry naturally expressed his gratitude to them.

Speaking of which, Zhou Yun's side is so generous and cooperative, and the senior management of Jinling Jewelry is not dissatisfied.

They were already satisfied with Zhou Yun as the spokesperson, and they were even more satisfied.

But Zuo Mo was not very happy.

He actually sent a message directly to Zhou Yun and the person who was connected with Jin Ling Jewelry, asking: Why don't you believe me?
Zhou Yun was a little surprised when he received the news.

After all, there is no way to tell whether you believe this matter or not. Zuo Momo went up.

However, after thinking about it, Zhou Yun understood again.

From Zuo Mo's point of view, if they believe him, they should wait until the lawsuit between him and his company is over before deciding whether to reshoot.

After Zhou Yun wanted to understand Zuo Mo's logic, he felt helpless and didn't know how to explain it.

Jin Ling Jewelry chose to find someone to shoot again, and was so anxious because it didn't want the lawsuit to affect the launch of the new product.

For the brand, the loss of publicity is small, but the loss is big if the sales are affected.

Should she explain it directly to someone?
It seemed that it was not her turn to explain this matter to Zuo Mo.

She reported this situation to Zhou Lan, asked Zhou Lan to communicate with the people from Jinling Jewelry, and asked them to explain to Zuo Mo.

As a result, the person in charge of Jinling Jewelry called her directly, apologizing for the trouble and distress this matter caused her, and then said that they had done both the explanation work and the communication work, but Zuo Mo seemed to recognize this matter The thing is that Jin Ling Jewelry and the others don't believe him, and they are quite resentful about it.

The people from Jin Ling Jewelry were also very annoyed.

If it weren't for the dispute between you and your company, how could this troublesome situation be caused?
If it wasn't for Zuo Mo being a famous photographer, Jin Ling Jewelry would have ignored him a long time ago.

Zhou Yun thought to himself, no matter what, it's better not to be dragged into this mess.


At a charity event, Zhou Yun and Ning Yao met.

In the past two years, Zhou Yun has also dealt with Ning Yao many times. Zhou Yun has always liked Ning Yao, and she can also feel that Ning Yao should appreciate her.

Good actors cherish each other.

Zhou Yun and Ning Yao chatted as soon as they met.

We are talking about drama.

"I just watched "Warm Little Pony" a while ago, wow, I really didn't expect that you would act so differently in it." Ning Yao praised when they met, "It's amazing, I like it so much , I also specially asked my colleague to download your clip and watched it twice."

Zhou Yun was flattered and said: "Sister Ning Yao, don't say that, I'm so terrified."

"Don't say that." Ning Yao laughed.

Zhou Yun asked: "Sister Ning Yao, I heard that you have accepted director Kim Byeong-deok's new play, when will it start filming?"

Ning Yao said: "It's next year, and the director is still working with the screenwriter to revise the script."

Zhou Yun thought the filming would start soon, but it turned out that he had to wait so long.

"I'm looking forward to it," she said.

Ning Yao smiled and said, "I am also looking forward to your new film, called "Words of Fallen Leaves", right? I heard that "Behind the Scenes" was shot when you were filming "Words of Fallen Leaves"?"

"Yeah." Zhou Yun nodded, "At that time, "Words of Fallen Leaves" had to stop filming for a while because of some accident."

"At that time, many people didn't support you to make "Behind the Scenes", right?" Ning Yao asked with a smile.

Zhou Yun nodded.

"It's all like this. When you are a newcomer, everyone thinks it's okay for you to take risks. Anyway, you have nothing to lose, but when you are not a newcomer, the cost of taking risks seems to become higher." Ning Yao said, "I admire you very much. Such courage, I thought about it, if it were me, I might not dare to do it."

Zhou Yun: "Actually, I was hesitant at the time."

"By the way, have you heard that Hollywood is planning to make a movie featuring Chinese warriors?" Ning Yao asked suddenly.

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "I've heard of it."

"Did they find you?" Ning Yao asked.

Zhou Yun shook his head and said, "Not yet, what's the matter?"

"They contacted me and wanted me to play the villain in it." Ning Yao said with a smile, "I refused because the schedule didn't match."

Zhou Yun asked in surprise: "I'm looking for sister Ning Yao to play the villain? This is too strange, what do they think?"

"I think there is a contrast for Chinese audiences, because I have never played a villain before." Ning Yao explained, "I thought they were looking for you, and they also revealed to me before that they are very interested in you. "

Zhou Yun said: "I may not have a schedule either, there are still many scenes to be filmed."

Ning Yao: "I was surprised when I saw the news, why did you take on so many dramas?"

Zhou Yun said: "Some are because they like the script very much, and some are because they like the director very much. In fact, I have also thought about whether I have accepted too many, but sometimes I feel that if I don't accept, I may regret it in the future, and I am afraid of regretting it. I'd rather be a little tired."

Ning Yao nodded and laughed, "I've been through this stage of yours too, and I understand it, and I'm struggling to rise."

The two chatted for a long time.

Ning Yao suddenly remembered, and said, "By the way, I'm celebrating my birthday next month, and I'm going to have a party, do you want to come and have fun?"

Zhou Yun asked pleasantly, "Can I go?"

"Of course I welcome you."

"Then I'll do it." Zhou Yun agreed without hesitation.

After the event was over, Zhou Yun was about to leave, but was stopped by someone.

The other party is a producer and wants to add a friend to her.

Zhou Yun had never heard of his name, but he still added friends.

After getting in the car, I searched the Internet, only to find out that this person mainly made animation films in the past, and he has a rich resume.

Zhou Yun was a little dumbfounded.

She thought she was being approached for acting, but it turned out to be an animated filmmaker.

Just thinking about it, the director named Wei Lai sent a message: Hello, Ms. Zhou Yun, I am Wei Lai, an animation film producer, and I am making an original domestic animation here, which is an ancient Chinese mythology. I wonder if I would be honored to invite you to voice the heroine in the animation?

Zhou Yun was taken aback.


So after working for a long time, you finally came to find her to cooperate?
She was happy early.

However, animation dubbing?
Zhou Yun couldn't deny that he was still a little interested.

I have watched a lot of animation since I was a child, and I am an animation fan myself.

It's just that domestic animation seems to have been tepid, and no special phenomenon-level movies have appeared.

This is the first time an animated film has been found.

Zhou Yun thought for a while and asked: Can I first know what animation movie it is?

Wei Lai replied immediately: Of course there is no problem!If you have time these days, I invite you to visit our studio and I will introduce our projects to you.

Zhou Yun didn't think this person was a liar.

After all, they have produced many animated films, and their resumes are all on the Internet, and they have been screened in cinemas.

Zhou Yun took a screenshot and sent it to Zhou Lan, saying: Sister Lan, let's find a free day and go visit together.

After Zhou Lan saw the news, he immediately called Zhou Yun.

"Do you know this producer named Wei Lai?" Zhou Lan asked.

"I'm not familiar with him. I just met him when I participated in the event. I just added him as a WeChat friend." Zhou Yun said, "I searched for his information on the Internet."

"I asked someone to inquire, Xiaoyun, there is something I have to tell you in advance, I heard that there is something wrong with the animation he is currently producing, and the funding chain is broken. He is here to invite you at this time To dub the heroine, it is very likely that you want to use your joining to re-raise funds."

Zhou Lan's reminder made Zhou Yun realize that this matter might not be as simple as she imagined.

Zhou Yun thought for a while, and said: "Anyway, let's go and have a look. If it's just that the funding chain is broken, it's not a problem to continue the production due to lack of funds. I'm very interested in animation production. I have a chance to go and have a look. , I don't want to miss it."

In the evening, Zhou Yun talked to Song Chi about it on the phone.

Song Chi was more perceptive than Zhou Lan. He asked, "Do you want to make up for the funding gap if their project is really good?"

Zhou Yun didn't expect Song Chi to be so keen.

"How did you guess that?"

"Zhou Lan has reminded you, and if you still decide to go, then you must be interested." Song Chi smiled and asked, "However, animation films are basically difficult to make a profit now. If you want to do In terms of investment, it’s not very worthwhile to invest in animated films.”

Zhou Yun said: "It's not entirely for investment, I'm just curious about how animated films are made, and one more thing, I have indeed made a fortune in the past two years, and I haven't touched it in my hands. If Wei Lai's that Animated films are really well done, and it’s not impossible for me to support them to continue to finish.”

"Then don't rush to make a decision. If you really plan to invest in them, I will ask Wu Chengbao to take a look later. Otherwise, the issuance will be a big problem at that time."


After chatting with Song Chi, Zhou Yun went to find out an animation film that Wei Lai had made before and watch it.

To be honest, it is not badly done, but there are not many surprises, and it is a very flat story.Zhou Yun didn't know if he had grown up and couldn't be moved by this kind of story.But it can be seen that this animated film was made with great care.

Wei Lai is still making this movie seriously.

Zhou Yun made an appointment with Wei Lai to visit their studio.

On this day, Zhou Yun and Zhou Lan went to the place where their studio was located.

Wei Lai and a few people greeted them downstairs.

When we met each other, the attitude of the other party was very enthusiastic.

Zhou Yun and Zhou Lan didn't mention that they already knew that their capital chain was broken. They exchanged pleasantries with them, went to visit their studio, and watched the clips they had already produced, and then listened to Wei talk about the whole animation. Ideation and creative process.

"This animation was created by our Director Xiaobai." Wei Lai introduced a fat man wearing black-rimmed glasses to them. He is Director Xiaobai. "I met him at an event and saw his drawings The whole sketch, I just want to make this animation."

"There are many colorful myths and stories in China, which are actually very suitable for reinterpretation in the form of animation, but our domestic animation has been suspended for a long time, and the current industrial base and market are not very large. Animation films It’s hard to do.” Wei said, “As you have seen just now, more than half of our animation has been completed, and it is expected to be completed by the end of next year, so we also want to invite Miss Zhou Yun to be our heroine. Dubbing, I believe that with your joining, more audiences can be attracted to the cinema to watch this animation."

Zhou Yun and Zhou Lan looked at each other and smiled.

Zhou Lan opened his mouth and said, "Mr. Wei, I won't play tricks with you anymore. That's it. I heard that your animation is currently a bit difficult to finance?"

Wei Lai was taken aback.

He didn't seem to think that Zhou Yun and Zhou Lan knew about it.

In his mind, if Zhou Yun and Zhou Lan knew about this, why did they come here?

Wei Lai was indeed planning to use the banner of Zhou Yun to join in to attract funds. However, this is not a scam to deceive Zhou Yun. As long as the funds can be obtained, the animation can be successfully produced. At that time, Zhou Yunlai will be invited to dub. If it is a film, there is no need to worry about buyers.

The previous investors felt that the project had not been finished in half a day, and they were not optimistic about its box office, so they withdrew their funds in order to stop losses in time.

Wei Lai has been working on this matter for a while, trying to attract new investment.

It is really difficult to pull.

When he met Zhou Yun before, he had a flash of inspiration and thought of this idea.

Now that Zhou Yun is popular, if she is willing to dub, it means that she is optimistic about this project. Who doesn't know that Zhou Yun is now the queen of the box office, and her vision can also give confidence to investors.

Who knew that Zhou Lan knew about their distress and anxiety.

Wei Lai smiled dryly, touched his nose in embarrassment, and told the truth: "Since you know everything, I won't hide it."

(End of this chapter)

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