Chapter 541
Things were similar to what Zhou Lan had heard. The main investor of Wei Lai's animation film suddenly withdrew its capital, and the project was almost unfinished, and it was struggling.

Wei Lai needs to get a wave of new investment quickly, otherwise, more and more people in the studio will leave.

After hearing Wei talk about the situation, Zhou Yun asked, "Why did the previous investor withdraw their capital?"

Wei Lai showed a look of embarrassment, and said: "At first they saw the box office of "The Return of the Great Sage" was very high, so they became interested in investing in animated films. At this time, I was preparing for this project and contacted them. But After the release of the next few animated films, the response was not very good, and they had some doubts about the animated film. At that time, we encountered some troubles in the promotion of this film, and it was over budget, so they withdrew the capital.”

Zhou Yun and Zhou Lan looked at each other.

Zhou Lan said: "Based on your experience, there should be many companies willing to take over the offer, right?"

Just now they watched the clips that have been produced so far. The effect of the picture is amazing, and they are not fooling the investors.

With such clips, Zhou Lan believes that there must be a production company willing to take over.

Wei Lai sighed, and said: "There are indeed several companies who know about our situation and are willing to take over the offer, but they all open their mouths, and the terms can't be negotiated."

"Is it time to negotiate terms? If you don't find new investment, this project will be ruined." Zhou Lan pointed out bluntly.

"Oh." Wei Lai sighed, but did not explain.

Zhou Yun said: "It's okay for me to dub. I'm very interested in your animation, but are you sure that I can attract other investors by dubbing?"

Wei Lai said: "Yes, Miss Zhou, as long as you agree to dub, there is absolutely no problem!"

Zhou Yun and Zhou Lan looked at each other, did not mention what she was willing to invest in, and continued to chat with Wei Lai about dubbing.

This time around, Zhou Yun and Wei Lai were both satisfied with the result.

On the way back, Zhou Lan said, "This is quite strange."

"It's kind of weird."

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "At first I thought it was because no one was willing to take over the deal, so he was anxious to find investment. In fact, there were companies willing to take over the deal, but they still didn't let go under this situation, saying that others opened their mouths too loudly and let others I can’t help but wonder if there’s something wrong behind their project.”

"I'll go and find out." Zhou Lan said, "But I may not be able to find out anything. If I could find out, I would have found out a long time ago."

"Yeah, I can understand that one or two lions opened their mouths. If all the companies that take over the offer mention this, then the root cause of the problem is likely to be them."

Zhou Lan asked: "Why don't I go back and ask Wei Lai for the reason of introducing investors to them?"

"is it okay?"

"There's nothing wrong with that."

Zhou Lan's cell phone rang suddenly.

She answered the phone, said a few words, and suddenly her expression changed.

Zhou Yun couldn't help looking at her suspiciously.

Zhou Lan hung up the phone, and said to Zhou Yun with an ugly face: "Today, the media released a report, which contained the content of an interview with Zuo Mo. During the interview, Zuo Mo insinuated that you were cold-blooded and lacking loyalty."

Cold-blooded, without morality?
Zhou Yun didn't react for a moment.

Zhou Lan found the report on the Internet, intercepted a section involving Zhou Yun, and sent it to Zhou Yun.

Only then did Zhou Yun see what Zuo Mo said.

Zuo Mo said in an interview: "This period was the most difficult time for me, but I thought that the people around me supported me. I am not surprised that they (referring to the company) killed me, but what made me feel the most The person who was hurt was someone who I thought was sincere, kind, and helpful, but finally abandoned me by saying that he abandoned me, which made me feel very uncomfortable and felt betrayed."

Zuo Mo did not name anyone in the interview, but combined with the previous magazine cover shoot, it was soon suggested that the person Zuo Mo was referring to in this interview was Zhou Yun.

Someone found a lot about Zhou Yun's status in Zuo Mo's past Weibo.

Only then did everyone realize that Zuo Mo was really a fan of Zhou Yun.Zuo Mo not only forwarded many pictures of Zhou Yun's activities, but also watched almost every play of Zuo Mo, shouting on Weibo, praising Zhou Yun like there is nothing in the sky and nothing on earth.

Before shooting the cover of Zhou Yun, Zuo Mo even posted a special Weibo, saying: Tomorrow I will meet my muse. I look forward to this cooperation, and I will definitely be able to shoot something different!

After these Weibo contents were excavated, everyone's attention immediately shifted to Zhou Yun.

It happened to be at this time that a fashion blogger exposed Jin Ling Jewelry and the magazine found a new photographer to take a new cover photo for Zhou Yun.

Combining these things together, everyone naturally connected the person Zuo Mo mentioned to Zhou Yun.

Whether you admit it or not, in fact, people often have very high moral requirements for others.

Similarly, whether you admit it or not, in fact, although we say that we are free in love, if one person loves another deeply and pays hard without results, we are always emotionally attached to the person who has paid a lot. Be more sympathetic.

Zuo Mo had expressed his love for Zhou Yun so many times, and he had looked forward to the cooperation with Zhou Yun so much, but what he got in return was Zhou Yun's indifference to Zuo Mo and the company's lawsuit.

Is Zhou Yun wrong?
Zhou Yun is not wrong if we pursue it strictly.

However, nothing wrong does not mean that everyone has no opinion on her.

How can you do this?

How can you be so indifferent to someone who has liked you for so long?
don't you believe him?

Those businessmen directly gave up on him for profit, what about you?

Are you a businessman too?
Why are you so mundane?
Zhou Yun fell into a crisis of negative public opinion.

Zhou Lan didn't take any public relations measures to respond to this, but just controlled the heat as much as possible to prevent these negative discussions about Zhou Yun from spreading on a large scale.

But this matter still had some influence on Zhou Yun.

For example, a live broadcast event that was originally scheduled, because of this public opinion dispute, the organizer called to politely cancel it.

Zhou Kan can also understand.

Zhou Yun's current collaborations are all famous names, and they care and pay special attention to the public image.

Today's Zhou Yun is not suitable to have anything to do with their brand image.

Zhou Lan said to Zhou Yun, "Don't worry, this is only temporary. This matter is not your fault. Except for the live broadcast event, any other work has not been affected. Don't worry, in fact, That brand only canceled the live event, and other cooperations have not been suspended."

Zhou Lan was afraid that Zhou Yun would feel uncomfortable, so he explained a lot to her.

Zhou Yun nodded.

She was actually very uncomfortable.

Because she didn't know if she really did something wrong.

Should she support Zuo Mo?

Zhou Yun asked himself this question.

She didn't consider Zuo Mo at all when she made the decision. She and Zuo Mo were not related, and she never knew that Zuo Mo liked her so much. Benefit.

People are in a hurry to promote the next season's flagship product, and she is a very important part of it. She has invested hundreds of millions in the early stage. If the promotion work does not keep up, the possible losses will be hundreds of millions.

When Zhou Yun was struggling like this, Jin Ling Jewelry suddenly issued a statement that no one expected.


Recently, a joint shooting between our brand and spokesperson Zhou Yun, photographer Zuo Mo and the fashion magazine "G" has attracted everyone's attention, and because of an interview with Mr. Zuo Mo, everyone has a great deal of respect for us and Ms. Zhou Yun Lots of misunderstandings.

In fact, this shoot is to promote the next season's main style of our Jin Ling Jewelry. It is very important, so we spent a lot of money to invite Zuo Mo to take the photo.But something happened that we didn't expect. Mr. Zuo Mo had a tangle with his agency. His agency sent us a letter ordering us not to use the film made by Mr. Zuo Mo, otherwise we will be sued .In fact, we always trust and appreciate the talent of Mr. Zuo Mo. However, this is not only a cooperation between us, but also our Jinling Jewelry hired Mr. Zuo Mo to help us take pictures in order to promote our flagship product. A cooperation, now because of Mr. Zuo Mo’s personal reasons, we need to retake the filming that we have completed. Strictly speaking, we should pursue Mr. Zuo Mo’s legal responsibility, because Mr. Zuo Mo did not communicate with us in advance. The contradictions of the brokerage company did not tell us the potential risks of this cooperation in advance.However, we uphold the friendly and cooperative relationship, and neither recovered the remuneration paid to Mr. Zuo Mo, nor held Mr. Zuo Mo accountable.

On the other hand, an ambiguous interview by Mr. Zuo Mo caused Ms. Zhou Yun to fall into the accusation of being "ruthless and unjust". In the film, actively cooperate, not only is not "ruthless and unjust", on the contrary, it is very affectionate and righteous. In order to cooperate with the cover to be published according to the original plan, not only urgently coordinated the schedule when the schedule was tight, but also helped us complete the second shooting , and also returned the labor fee we paid to us, expressing the hope that it can help reduce the loss of publicity expenses. We are very moved and grateful to have such a spokesperson.

We have no intention of getting involved in the conflict between Mr. Zuo Mo and his brokerage company, and it should be left to the legal judgment. But if Mr. Zuo Mo wants us to stand behind him, trust him, and wait for the legal results before making a decision, how about , Mr. Zuo Mo, the original publicity was delayed because of you, and the sales of new products were not as expected. Can you help us bear the losses caused by this?


A statement from Jinling Jewelry put Zuo Mo and Zhou Yun on the trending searches.

The heat can no longer be suppressed.

Zhou Lan was very surprised when she saw Jin Ling Jewelry's statement. After a while, she sighed: "When Zhou Yun wanted to refund the labor fee, I thought it was unnecessary. Now it seems that good causes bear good results."

But Zhou Lan didn't expect that because of the events of the past few days, something happened to Wei Lai's animation film project.

To be precise, he was cut off.He was cut off by Su Yan.

Wei Lai saw that Zhou Yun was caught in a crisis of public opinion, and worried that if he used Zhou Yun as a voice actor to attract investment, the effect would be compromised.

Those investors are all characters who are moved by the wind, how could they be willing to invest in a dubbing project of an actor who is in crisis of public opinion, even if she is an actress, she has excellent performance in the past.

Wei Lai went to find Su Yan again, under the guise that Zhou Yundu had agreed to be a voice actor, and successfully persuaded Su Yan to let Su Yan replace Zhou Yun to dub the animation.Su Yan didn't have the slightest interest in this kind of project at first, but after hearing that Zhou Yun agreed, Su Yan felt that if this project was favored by Zhou Yun, he should be able to achieve good results.So Su Yan finally agreed.

Wei Lai has not communicated with Zhou Lan and Zhou Yun about this matter.

Anyway, no contract was signed, and it was a verbal promise before.Wei Lai thought to himself that it would be better to wait a while before communicating clearly with Zhou Yun.

How could Zhou Yun understand, he thought?
It's not that he wants to do this, it's really unfortunate.

When Zhou Lan learned of this, his heart exploded.

She told Zhou Yun about this, and Zhou Yun was stunned for a long time before saying: "Since they have found someone else, then we just don't go."

Zhou Lan said: "This Wei Lai, I will definitely make him regret it in the future!"

"It's okay, sister Lan, he must have regretted it now." Zhou Yun said confidently.

Zhou Lan was taken aback.

After thinking about it, Zhou Lan figured it out.

That's right, now that Zhou Yun's public opinion crisis has passed, Wei Lai probably has a headache now.

After all, in terms of movies, Zhou Yun has much more appeal than Su Yan.

But Wei Lai made a deal with Su Yan when Zhou Yun had an accident.

Zhou Yun said: "Maybe Wei Lai will release the pigeons from Su Yan's side and come to us again."

"He came to us again! He thought beautifully!" Zhou Lan rolled his eyes, "If he dares to come to me, I'll spray him to death."

Zuo Mo also said that Zhou Yun was "ruthless and righteous".

Hehe, let him take a look at Wei Lai, this person is truly heartless.

Back then when he needed Zhou Yun's help to hold the stage, did Zhou Yun say anything more?

He didn't mention any request, just nodded and agreed to the dubbing.

As a result, Zhou Yun's public opinion crisis was only a few days old, and he immediately went to find someone else?

Zhou Lan was furious.

Zhou Yun patted Zhou Lan on the shoulder and said, "Sister Lan, do you think I should continue to be a good person?"

Zhou Lan laughed and said, "You should ask, can you not be a good person?"

Zhou Yun thought about it seriously, pondered, and finally sighed.

If our childhood education has shaped us to be kind and to be a good person, how can we break our mental barriers and not be a good person at certain times?
It's hard.

(End of this chapter)

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