Chapter 542 Give up
On the day it was announced that Yu Chu had joined Chengqian Entertainment, Zhou Yun reposted the company's Weibo on Weibo, expressing his happiness.

Yu Chu's parents once owed a lot of debts and were pursued by others. This incident was the most well-known incident after Yu Chu's debut.

In order to pay back the money to her parents, she used up all her savings.

But this behavior helped her get the support of many people, and also washed away the label impression of "Lao Lai".

Because of this family incident, Yu Chu no longer believed in Buddhism.At first, she just lost her sense of security because of this incident.In the past, as an artist, there was always a sense of security that she would go home after a big deal. No matter what situation she faced, she never experienced the feeling of gritting her teeth and swallowing bitter water. Now she can only rely on this job to keep herself safe, and can no longer be like before. The same, if you say you don’t do it, you don’t do it.Later, Yu Chu worked hard on filming by herself, worked harder than before, studied roles, and honed her acting skills. Gradually, she was praised by the director and colleagues on the set. After the film was broadcast, many audiences also noticed her performance. , began to like her because of the role she played.In the process, Yu Chu gradually realized the satisfaction of self-reliance.

Of course, in the past six months, Yu Chu's "The Great Love Object" and "The Little Detective" that Yu Chu participated in have become popular, especially the former. It's just that Yu Chu's company didn't take advantage of the opportunity to operate well at the time, and after the show was over, the enthusiasm gathered on Yu Chu quickly dissipated.

But no matter what, now Yu Chu can be regarded as an actor with a famous name and some loyal fans, and he is completely different from his previous state.

Zhou Lan signed Yu Chu, and He Yong naturally agreed.

The key is that Zhou Lan and Zhou Yun have too many resources now, even if they take Lu Zhongting and Huang Zicheng with them, they still can't take it, and a lot of them are still lost.Of course, He Yong hoped that they could introduce these opportunities to thousands of entertainment artists, but Zhou Lan had no intention of being a good person.

For He Yong, Yu Chu's signing under Zhou Lan had a very important meaning.Yu Chu is Zhou Yun's good friend. When Zhou Yun's contract is about to expire, Zhou Yun is willing to introduce Yu Chu to Chengqian Entertainment, which shows that Zhou Yun has no intention of not cooperating with Chengqian at all.

This sent a signal to the entire entertainment industry.

He Yong is very happy.

As long as Zhou Yun doesn't plan to sign to another company, He Yong is satisfied.Now He Yong no longer extravagantly expects Zhou Yun to renew his contract with Chengqian Entertainment in the previous model. Changing the cooperation model is definitely unchangeable, the key lies in how to change it.

After Yu Chu officially signed the contract with Cheng Qian, Zhou Lan and Zhou Yun had a formal talk with He Yong.

Only then did He Yong know that not only Zhou Yun, but also Zhou Lan had to change the cooperation mode with Cheng Qian.

The two are going to start a studio together.

He Yong immediately asked: "Are you going to take away all the artists under your banner?"

This violated his inviolable bottom line.

Zhou Lan shook his head and said, "Mr. He, why would I make such an unreasonable request? Wang Jing and the others are still thousands of artists, but their managers are managers who cooperate with the company through the studio model. It’s me, you can understand it as an adjunct professor in the university, they are not full-time professors in the university, but they can also lead the master’s and doctoral students in the school.”

He Yong was stunned for a moment.

He had never heard of or seen this kind of cooperation model before, so he didn't realize for a moment what the pros and cons of this model were.

Zhou Lan and Zhou Yun kept quiet in due course and did not urge He Yong.

Zhou Lan's relationship must be independent from Chengqian Entertainment. Only in this way can many things behind them be realized.

Even the most important thing is that Zhou Lan should become independent and only form a cooperative relationship with Chengqian Entertainment.

In their next plan, the studio they set up is not only an artist broker, but also brokerage business in other fields.

Now in this era of big internet, tens of millions of fans are no longer the monopoly of celebrities, and even a food broadcaster may have tens of millions of fans.

If Zhou Lan's relationship is not independent from Chengqian Entertainment, it will be difficult to take this step forward.

As for He Yong, if Zhou Lan's business does not compete with Chengqian Entertainment's core business, He Yong can support it. kind of form.

The two sides reached a preliminary agreement on cooperation.

He Yong needs to take this to the superiors at the headquarters of the Qianqian Group to communicate with them about this matter.

He Yong must also be cautious about the question of whether people at Zhou Yun's level will go or stay.

After meeting with He Yong, Zhou Yun asked Zhou Lan: "Sister Lan, do you think He Yong and the others will agree to this cooperation model?"

Zhou Lan shook his head and said: "I can't say that well. After all, there has never been such a form before. Artists belong to their own company, but managers don't belong to their own company. In their opinion, this actually has a very important disadvantage. , Artists’ sense of belonging to the company will become very weak because of this. You also know that most of the artists’ feelings for the company come from their managers. Compared with a cold company, artists rely more psychologically on being with them day and night. On the other hand, the relationship between you and me is enough to make them sound the alarm, they probably don't want to see another manager like me, directly set up their own business, and poach the company's artists over."

Zhou Yun said: "But if we are willing to give part of the equity of this studio to Chengqian Entertainment, in fact, it is not completely independent, is it?"

"But we have requested the right to operate independently, and they have no way to intervene in any of our decisions." Zhou Lan shook his head, "For Chengqian, this is just a dividend, but you also know that in fact, there are many things about artist management that are not at the end. In terms of income, a lot of human relations can be exchanged for greater income than dividends."

Zhou Yun: "So, didn't I still leave my agency appointment in the studio? It means I also stayed in Chengqian Entertainment, and didn't go to other agency companies."

"This is the most important thing. If it weren't for this, He Yong would definitely not even think about it. What they value most now is you. If you don't leave Chengqian Entertainment, everything will be easy to talk about." Zhou Lan said, " But on the other hand, they probably don't want to see the relationship between the two of us getting closer."

Zhou Yun smiled, curled his lips, and said, "I will never get closer to He Yong."

The relationship between them and He Yong can be regarded as a friendly and cooperative relationship at best. The things that He Yong has done before doomed Zhou Yun to have a closer and more trusting relationship with He Yong in this life.

In the evening, Zhou Lan held a welcome party for Yu Chu and invited many people from the company to attend.

Almost no one in the company didn't know the relationship between Yu Chu and Zhou Yun, and it was a party organized by Zhou Lan himself, so naturally many people gave face.

Let's have fun together.

Wang Jing also came to participate.

Someone asked her maliciously: "Zhou Lan has signed another actress, won't it affect you?"

Wang Jing smiled and threw the question back: "What affects me?"

In fact, after the news that Yu Chu was going to sign the contract spread, many people discussed it in private.

Chengqian Entertainment doesn't know how many newcomers are envious and jealous of Wang Jing, because they were favored by Zhou Lan, they soared into the sky, not to mention the resources, and followed Zhou Yun to get nominated for the Best Supporting Actress in the Lingjun Award.

But now that Yu Chu, who has a closer relationship with Zhou Yun, is here, they can't help but watch the show.

Don't even think about it, Zhou Yun will definitely take better care of Yu Chu.

In this way, wouldn't Wang Jing be greatly affected?
Many people think so.

Wang Jing put his mentality in a very correct manner.On the one hand, Zhou Lan told her that Yu Chu would not have any influence on her. They currently have plenty of resources and they will not fight each other. After being nominated for Best Supporting Actress for the Lingjun Award, many dramas in the industry took the initiative to hand her scripts, and she was no longer the newcomer who had to audition everywhere.

Zhou Lan once said: "Xiao Jing, whether it's you or Yu Chu, both of you are actually on the rise now, and our market is big enough to not accommodate you two actresses who are still on the rise. Even if her arrival can give you a sense of crisis, I think it's a good thing. All in all, no matter what people outside tell you, you have to think clearly about one thing. The development of your career will be because of Yu Chu Are you affected by it? Think about how your sister Xiaoyun got to where she is today, only by making herself stronger, she never cares whoever competes with you."

Wang Jing has always regarded Zhou Lan as a bole, and it was Zhou Lan who took a fancy to her and signed her to his staff.

In the past two years, Wang Jing is also very satisfied with her development, and she is willing to believe in Zhou Lan.

In fact, there is no better choice than Zhoulan in the entire Chengqian Entertainment.

Therefore, even though people came to sow dissension from time to time, Wang Jing always came to block him with soldiers, covering him with water and soil, and keeping oil and salt from entering.

Even He Yong had mentioned to her in private that she could take the initiative to apply for another agent, but she thought about it repeatedly, but she didn't listen to He Yong's opinion.

What Zhou Lan could give her, He Yong couldn't.

In the past two years, Wang Jing has clearly understood this point.

So, seeing Yu Chu, Wang Jing tactfully called out "Sister Yu Chu".

Yu Chu hugged her affectionately and said, "Congratulations on being nominated for the Lingjun Award."

Wang Jing smiled and said, "Thank you, Sister Yu Chu, we will be a family from now on."

Yu Chu nodded, "Of course."

The two people's closeness is tacit, and it is deliberately done for everyone around them to see.

Those who want to see them fight each other, give up.


At this time, the American distributor of "Behind the Scenes" contacted Zhou Lan, wanting to invite Zhou Yun to participate in the screening of "Behind the Scenes".

Because "Days" sold a box office of 300 million US dollars in the United States before, and gained some attention on online order screenings and TV broadcasts, especially in the disc market, "Days" sold well and had a good reputation. Zhou Yun got Many American movie fans like and pay attention to it. "Behind the Scene" won the Cannes Grand Prix, which has a great appeal to fans of independent films. Therefore, the American distributor of "Behind the Scene" puts high hopes on "Behind the Scene". With a lot of hope, several rounds of internal film screenings were held, and film critics gave very high evaluations.

Shi Luoqi has been docking with the distributor for a long time, and finally decided that "Behind the Scenes" will be screened on a small scale first, and then gradually expanded.

In the end, the scale of "Behind the Scenes" depends on its box office performance.

In order to promote "Behind the Scenes", the publisher in the United States hoped that Zhou Yun could go to participate in the promotional activities.

Zhou Yun is going to shoot "Deep Sea" in October, and the time is very tight, and he has already arranged some work in September.

Zhou Lan said: "I will communicate with you about these tasks and coordinate the time. Going to the United States to promote "Behind the Scene" will be of great benefit to your future development. Sister Luo Qi told me that she wants "Behind the Scene" to go to the United States. This awards season, let’s see if we can win an Oscar.”

Zhou Yun's eyes widened in surprise.

She had heard about the awards season before, but she never expected that Shi Luoqi would actually want "Behind the Scenes" to win the Oscars.

"Of course, we don't go for this. The key is that you are already in a very top position in China. Your conditions are so good, and with the current trend of internationalization, you should take the international route." Zhou Lan said, "Your starting point is very high. "Days" has received very good responses in various countries. Don't let this momentum disappear. After all, the United States is still the top place in the film industry, gathering the best filmmakers in the world."

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "But if it's the awards season, I actually don't have time to cooperate at the end of the year. "Deep Sea" and the films directed by Jiang Xin are waiting for me to shoot. What will I do then?"

Zhou Lan said: "Let's talk about the future. Let's do what we can do now. It's a pity that Xiao Jing is filming "Youth Story". Otherwise, I will definitely bring her with such a good opportunity."

"Where's Teacher You Jiang?" Zhou Yun said, "Sister Lili probably won't be able to go there, but you should communicate with Sister Luo Qi, and try to let everyone participate in the propaganda work together."

This is a fantastic opportunity for every single actor.

When you go abroad, you will meet people from different industries in the film and television industry. No one knows what kind of opportunities a meeting will bring.

The point is, get people to see you first.

Zhou Yun hopes that everyone in the crew of "Behind the Scenes" can achieve better development.

There is nothing wrong with looking around.

In fact, Shi Luoqi also hopes that all four main actors can participate in publicity work.

"Behind the Scenes" was going to hold a screening in Los Angeles on September [-]nd. Shi Luoqi originally hoped that all four main actors would attend, but Zeng Lili had to take care of her husband, so she refused first.

Wang Jing is filming "Youth Story" again, and the shooting task is very stressful, and he really can't coordinate the time.

In the end, only Zhou Yun and You Jiang embarked on a trip to the United States.

(End of this chapter)

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