I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 543 Arrival in Los Angeles

Chapter 543 Arrival in Los Angeles

The news of the screening of "Behind the Scenes" in Los Angeles, USA was published by some domestic film magazines and media, and also gained some attention.

The main reason is that in recent years, there have been basically no Chinese-language films that have shined internationally and received attention.

"Behind the Scenes" is in a class of its own.

In fact, this is mainly due to the fact that "Behind the Scenes" has a very well-connected and powerful producer, Shi Luoqi.

As Chen Zian's queen producer, Shi Luoqi has been dealing with filmmakers from various countries over the years, and has accumulated a terrifying network of contacts.

In addition, "Behind the Scenes" won an award in Cannes. It has an award itself, and it has a very bright emotional tone. Shang felt that this film seemed to have a good market, so it was a matter of course to hold a screening event for it.

According to the media reaction and audience reaction of this screening, they will decide how much publicity funds and public relations funds should be invested in "Behind the Scenes".

These are the clashes of production and behind-the-scenes links.

As an actress, Zhou Yun's job is to cooperate with the publicity work.

Of course, her job is actually far more than just publicity.

A star has always played an undoubted role in a movie.

Not only for the audience, but also for distributors, cinemas and other entities related to the film industry.

What to say?

Sometimes, everyone is not so confident in their own judgments. Can this movie be successful?Can it sell well at the box office?

We often see people saying on the Internet that the XX crew does not respect scripts and art. In fact, there is a problem that many people ignore. Good in art, even good in the market.Therefore, they will be superstitious about the kind of people who always get good results, or directors, or stars.The logic is also very simple. They think that since this person has good grades in the past, it means that this person's vision is accurate.

The reason why Zhou Yun has such appeal in the market now is her acting skills and awards. The most important thing is that since her debut, every drama she has chosen has been successful. Maybe it is like "The Eighth Heartbeat" and "The Storm" There are flaws in word of mouth, but at the commercial level, they all make a lot of money.

So, why did the producers come to give Zhou Yun a copy.

There is a logic mentioned just now, if Zhou Yun takes a fancy to this book, the speed of the production company's green light will be greatly accelerated.

Everyone believed in Zhou Yun's vision.

In the same way, "Behind the Scenes" will be released in the United States, and it will follow the path of the awards season. If Zhou Yun does not participate, others will not pay much attention to it.

A certain media once reported such a small incident: During the awards season of a certain year, there was a movie with a good momentum, but the leading actor never showed up, and he did not appear in various activities throughout the awards season. , the Oscar nomination came out, this film was nominated for many awards, but in the end the most popular nomination for Best Actor fell through, the media went to interview many voting judges, and they all said one thing, this actor is indeed He's very talented, and he's good at acting, but he hasn't appeared in various activities for the film, and he hasn't shown up during the entire awards season. They all think that this actor is not interested in winning an Oscar.

I don't know if this little thing is true or not, but in fact it does have some truth.

Every year during the awards season, public relations turmoil is raging everywhere. If you don't show up, people will naturally ignore you.

The protagonist of "Behind the Scenes" is Zhou Yun. If Zhou Yun does not participate in the awards season, everyone will naturally feel a little disappointed with this movie.

Hollywood has always been a place where star culture prevails.

Come on, why should we be interested in your films when your heroines don't show up?
Public relations is not to bribe the judges with money, but to let more judges with voting rights go to see this movie, and then tell the judges what is good about this movie, and do everything possible to increase the goodness of this movie in their hearts impression.

On the plane to Los Angeles, Zhou Yun and You Jiang were traveling together.

You Jiang said with a smile: "I really never thought that at this age, I would suddenly play a leading role and be able to play in Hollywood."

Zhou Yun said: "You will act more in the future. With such superb acting skills, you will definitely be able to conquer more audiences."

Compared with Zeng Lili, Zhou Yun and You Jiang are actually not that familiar.

The difference between genders is one thing, on the other hand, You Jiang himself is not like Zeng Lili, who is good at getting close to people.

You Jiang has superb acting skills and has been active on the stage of dramas. At the same time, he has participated in the shooting of many film and television dramas.There is no doubt that he has a very outstanding acting talent, and he is a very cultured actor.

When Zhou Yun chatted with You Jiang, he often heard him mention a certain point of view in a certain book, or quote a certain philosophical concept.

It's not showing off, it's just that he can use these to explain something he wants to express more vividly and concisely.

Deep down in his heart, Zhou Yun respected You Jiang very much.

After getting off the plane, the receptionist met them and took them to the hotel.

There is still a little advantage in coming to the United States. The number of people who know them suddenly decreases, and they can enjoy a little time of ordinary people.

This time, only Zhou Lan and Zheng Xiaoju were with Zhou Yun, and You Jiang didn't even have an assistant with him, so he was alone.

Zhou Yun felt very embarrassed when he saw it.

You Jiang didn't have the slightest opinion, he had an open-minded and cheerful temperament.

They made an appointment to have dinner together. Before that, the two of them went back to their rooms to rest.

But what Zhou Yun didn't expect was that soon after she entered the room, someone knocked on the door.

Zhou Yun thought it was strange, and looked outside through the cat's eyes, but he didn't expect it to be Christina.

I only met her in Cannes in May before, a Spanish actress.

Why is she here?

Zhou Yun opened the door in surprise, looked at the other party in surprise, and said in English: "Hi! How do you know I'm here?"

Christina laughed, gave her a warm hug, and said, "I'm shooting a movie here, and it's also produced by Paimuche. They invited me to a screening of "Behind the Scenes". I knew you would come, so I asked ahead of time." After a while, I have a surprise for you!"

She still held a bouquet of flowers in her hand, "This is for you."

Zhou Yun was overwhelmed with surprise, took the flowers and said thank you.

Christina smiled warmly and brightly, and said, "Would you like to have a drink together now?"

Zhou Yun said unexpectedly: "Now? I just arrived, and I haven't packed my things yet."

"Come back and clean up." Christina said, "I'm going back to continue filming in two hours. I haven't seen you for a long time. Let's have a drink together."

A big blonde beauty suddenly acted like a baby to her, and Zhou Yun's heart softened immediately.

"Okay, then wait for me." Zhou Yun beckoned to Christina, "Come in and wait for me."

Christina nodded.

Ten minutes later, the two left the hotel together.

Christina drove Zhou Yun to a nearby restaurant.

"I really like the burgers made by this restaurant. They are delicious. Would you like to try them?" Christina recommended.

Zhou Yun said yes.

The two ordered a glass of wine each and sat at a small table on the terrace.

A sun umbrella is propped above the head to block the grease-like sunlight.

The two beauties are sitting here, naturally attracting people's attention, and from time to time, their eyes will shoot over.

Christina didn't show any discomfort, and asked calmly, "Have you been filming in China recently?"

"Yeah." Zhou Yun nodded, "I just finished filming a TV series."

"TV series? Whoa, what story?" Christina asked curiously, "Is it from Netflix?"

"No, it was produced by our domestic film and television company." Zhou Yun explained.

Christina snorted and said, "I thought it was also owned by Netflix, and now it produces TV series in various countries."

Zhou Yun smiled and asked, "When did you come to America?"

"August, I'm working on a Bruhn movie, do you know him?" Christina asked.

Zhou Yun shook his head and said, "I have never been to America to film."

Christina reacted, nodded, and said, "That's right, your own market in China is already huge, and now Hollywood is reluctant to give up your market. Don't they ask you to make movies?"

Zhou Yun has actually received invitations from some Hollywood film companies, but those projects are very ordinary and did not impress Zhou Yun.

She smiled and said, "I haven't encountered a script I particularly like."

Christina nodded and said, "That's right, Hollywood scripts rarely have roles suitable for you Asians."

"Yes." Zhou Yun nodded.

Christina suddenly thought of something, and said, "Song Chi did the same before. There was also a company that asked him to make a movie, but he rejected it."

"Huh?" Zhou Yun asked in surprise, "When did it happen? Can you tell me in detail?"

Christina said: "So you didn't even know it. It's like this. There was a big-budget film by Paimonchi and Song Chi was asked to play the second male lead, the big villain. It's actually a good opportunity. You know, if If you can participate in this kind of big-budget movie, audiences all over the world will know you, but Song Chi is unwilling to play a villain, especially in a movie where everyone else is Caucasian. He doesn’t want people of yellow race to become symbols of villains. He also heard from others."

Hearing what Christina said, Zhou Yun felt that it was something Song Chi would do.

She said helplessly: "One thing to say, this is indeed not our home field. The characters we can get are very ordinary and very symbolic."

Christina shrugged, "But there are still many actors in your country who are willing to play these roles."

"Really? Who will play the villain that Song Chi didn't play in the end?" Zhou Yun asked curiously.

"The role was finally changed to a Russian." Christina said, "At that time, it was originally to persuade Song Chilai to play the role, so the role was set to be Chinese. For other Chinese actors, Pai Mengqi felt that their international They are not well-known enough, so I don’t want them to act.”

Zhou Yun couldn't help smiling.

"That's it."

She thought of the movie about Chinese warriors.

I don't know how far that movie is going now.

Suddenly, at this time, a handsome boy with a very prominent jaw line came over, smiled charmingly at them, and said, "Hi, are you waiting for someone here?"

Zhou Yun and Christina looked at each other.

Christina said to the boy, "We already have a date."

The boy showed a regretful expression and said, "It's a pity, I wanted to ask a beautiful girl like you to hang out with me."

Christina smiled brightly and said, "I don't have time today, but if you have time, you can contact me this Saturday."

Zhou Yun looked at Christina in surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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