I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 544 Brown-haired man

Chapter 544 Brown-haired man
Zhou Yun mainly did not expect Christina to be so open.

Christina asked this boy to contact her on Saturday. Zhou Yun could not have guessed what it meant.

Just because I guessed it, I feel incredible.

It's just a one-sided relationship, do you just give me the contact information?
After the boy left, Christina looked at Zhou Yun again, winked at her, and said, "It's really handsome, isn't it?"

Zhou Yun did not deny it, nodded, and said, "Yes, very handsome."

Christina smiled brightly, "It's totally my thing."

Seeing the bright smile on Christina's face, Zhou Yun couldn't help laughing too.

Asking himself, Zhou Yun felt that he might never be able to confess his thoughts so frankly like Christina.

However, Zhou Yun will not belittle herself because of this. Everyone has their own way of life and thinking. She appreciates Christina's frankness and directness, but she does not doubt herself.

Christina will be leaving soon.

She drove Zhou Yunxian back to the hotel.

"Let's meet again later," Christina said. "I'll attend the screening the day after tomorrow."

Zhou Yun said yes, and hugged Christina.

Suddenly, at this moment, a tall figure suddenly rushed up, startling both of them, and backed away at the same time.

"Christina, why didn't you answer my call or reply to my message?" The man rushed to Christina and asked angrily.

This man was dressed in a suit and leather shoes, and he looked like an elite, but his facial features were completely distorted by the angry expression at this time, making him look scary.

Listening to what he said, Zhou Yun knew that he was coming for Christina.

The two should be old acquaintances, and what seems to be some emotional dispute?
Christina didn't seem to expect that she would be blocked by this man suddenly, she looked at him unexpectedly, and at the same time she was a little annoyed, as if she was annoyed because this matter was exposed to Zhou Yun, she looked at this man dissatisfied, Say, "Why are you here? Are you stalking me?"

The brown-haired elite man clenched his fists, still angry, and said, "You have been refusing to answer my calls. What can I do! I have to find you, so I can only find a way to track you!"

Christina was even angrier and said, "You are breaking the law!"

"Why on earth didn't you answer my call?"

"Why should I answer your call? I just slept with you once, and I have nothing to do with it." Christina said impatiently, "Don't pester me again, or I will call the police .”

This elite man with brown hair showed an angry and sad expression.

Zhou Yun was very embarrassed at the side.

It was indeed an emotional dispute.

The man finally left.

Christina shrugged her shoulders to Zhou Yun and said, "It's really annoying, I'm going to film first, bye, see you later."

Zhou Yun nodded to Christina and waved goodbye to her.

After watching Christina drive away, Zhou Yun turned back to the hotel, and before he entered the hotel gate, he heard shouts of "Miss" from behind.

Zhou Yun didn't think it was calling her at first, but the shouting didn't stop for a long time. She couldn't help but looked back curiously, and saw the brown-haired man running towards her and stopped in front of her. .

Zhou Yun looked at him suspiciously: "Did you call me? What's the matter?"

The man said, "Can I talk to you?"

Zhou Yun thought to himself, Christina's attitude just now was very obvious, she just regarded him as a one-night stand, and she didn't want to be involved in other people's entanglements.

"What do you want to talk to me about?" Zhou Yun hesitated, and said, "I don't know Christina well, I'm Chinese."

The man nodded and said, "I just wanted to ask you, is she dating other men now?"

The young boy who came to strike up a conversation with them while drinking just now appeared in Zhou Yun's mind.

She said: "I don't know, I just arrived in the United States today, and I don't know her situation."

The man looked disappointed.

Zhou Yun thought for a while, and then said: "Also, this gentleman, since Christina doesn't intend to continue with you, why bother her so much?"

The man suddenly gave her a fierce look and said, "What do you know!"

Zhou Yun: "..."

The man left angrily.

Zhou Yun told Christina about it.

About an hour later, Christina replied: You don't have to talk to him in the future, he is just crazy.

Zhou Yun didn't care about that man, anyway, she would return to China after attending the screening in Los Angeles, she just felt that the man's behavior was a bit dangerous, so she told Christina to remind her.

In the evening, Zhou Yun and You Jiang made an appointment to have dinner together.

There is no work today, but Zhou Lan is not with them.

Zhou Lan made an appointment with a producer who is currently in Los Angeles.

Therefore, Zhou Yun, Zheng Xiaoju and You Jiang were the only ones eating together.

"Are you Zhou Yun?"

Halfway through the meal, suddenly, a blond woman walked over and looked at her with a half expectant expression.

Zhou Yun looked at this woman in surprise and nodded, "I am, may I ask you?"

"I'm Davis. I just watched the movie you acted in last week. I didn't expect to meet you today. What a surprise!" The woman named Davis said in surprise.

It turned out to be a movie fan.

Zhou Yun laughed and thanked him.

Davis proposed to take a photo with Zhou Yun, and Zhou Yun had nothing to do. You Jiang took Davis's mobile phone and took a photo for them.

Davis said thank you excitedly.

Zhou Yun smiled and shook his head, saying no thanks.

When the female movie fan left, You Jiang said, "Xiao Yun, you have become popular across the ocean."

"Mr. You, don't make fun of me, I'm just a movie fan."

Having said that, it's really nice to meet a foreigner who doesn't know her and tell her that she likes her movies very much.

Zhou Yun drank an extra glass happily.

Slightly drunk.

That night, after returning to the hotel, Zhou Yun went to bed quickly.

Tomorrow I have to try on clothes, and there is another shoot, all of which are arranged by Zhou Lan.

She fell asleep happily. She didn't know how long it had been, and suddenly felt a little cold, as if the window in the room was opened.

Zhou Yun opened her eyes in a daze, and in the darkness, she found that the window of her room was really open.

The curtains danced in the night wind.

Zhou Yun was stunned. At this moment, she didn't know if she was dreaming or if she really witnessed the moonlight outside the window.

Didn't she close the window before falling asleep?
Zhou Yun thought about it carefully.

The drowsiness in her head gradually dissipated, she sat up from the bed, touched her arm, and got out of bed to close the window.

Suddenly, instinctively and crazily, a feeling came out of her body that made her hair stand on end.

It was almost an instant feeling, along the body, spine and meridians, straight to the top of the head.

A gust of wind came from behind.

Zhou Yun dodged suddenly, and a black figure tried to grab her neck with his arm from behind, but it missed.

There were actually other people in the room!
At this moment, Zhou Yun rolled forward with incomparable agility, first opened the distance between herself and this person, and then touched a cardboard box, she grabbed it in her hand, and quickly threw it on that person, at the same time, She got up from the ground without even thinking about fighting this man, but rushed towards the door.

run out!
The intuition in her mind reminded her so.

Zhou Yun received a lot of movement training when filming "One Mountain, Two Tigers" and "Four Killers".

Just because he has received this kind of movement training, Zhou Yun knows very well that there is a huge gap between the physical strength of women and men.

She had no intention of trying to wrestle that man with her airs.

The most sensible decision is to run.

Running out of this room, yelling or whatever, in the public area, that person dare not do whatever he wants like in this room.

On the way to the door, Zhou Yun did not forget to knock down the suitcase against the wall to create obstacles for those chasing after him. At the same time, he grabbed a teacup and threw it backward.

During the whole process, none of her movements affected her speed.

However, the man caught up with her the moment her hand touched the doorknob, and his two hands tightly held her neck, dragging her back.

Zhou Yun suddenly felt that he had difficulty breathing and his brain was congested.

It took her two seconds to regain her composure, and then she elbowed the man behind her.

The elbow hit the man's abdomen, Zhou Yun heard the man's cry of pain, and the strength of his arms also relaxed a bit.

Zhou Yun used the set of movements he had learned before to quickly free himself from being restrained. At the same time, he lifted his foot and kicked the man's abdomen directly.

But she lacked strength, kicked it away, and the man just took a step back.

Zhou Yun made a decision between turning around and running away or continuing to attack in a thousandth of a second.

Such a short distance is not enough for her to successfully open the door, and she will fall into the situation just now again.

When she was receiving action training, she learned a very important message, that is, once she makes a move, don't hesitate, and rush forward desperately. In the fast-paced action, the opponent will be suppressed by three points.

Zhou Yun didn't dare to think about directly defeating the opponent, but only wanted to knock him down and buy himself time to escape.

She kicked out one after another, on the one hand because the strength of her feet was stronger than that of her hands, and on the other hand, Zhou Yun didn't dare to get too close to him.

She wasn't confident enough to keep herself from being caught with the opportunity to grab her hands at that close distance.

The man blocked it several times, but was finally repelled by Zhou Yun's swift and fierce attack, and he dared not go forward.

Zhou Yun could only see the silhouette of this person with the help of the moonlight outside the window.

It looks vaguely familiar, but it's not clear.

Zhou Yun's body was in a state of blocking and attacking at any time, staring at the opponent vigilantly.

At this moment, the two sides were somewhat deadlocked.

Zhou Yun suddenly realized that he couldn't give him time to breathe, otherwise, when he came to his senses, his strength would be even greater.

So, Zhou Yun burst out again and rushed forward.

At this moment, the man caught Zhou Yun's kicked foot with quick eyesight and quick hands.

Zhou Yun thought in his heart that something was broken.

Sure enough, in the next second, Zhou Yun was grabbed by his ankle and fell to the side. Zhou Yun's center of gravity was out of control, and he fell to the ground.

Zhou Yun kicked his caught foot vigorously, trying to break free, but the person had already rushed up and pressed on her body, his voice was still full of excitement, he let go of her foot, but with one hand strangled her neck.

Zhou Yun fell into suffocation again.

She struggled desperately, but the man's body was as heavy as a lump of iron, pressing tightly on her body, and she couldn't move.

She wanted to push away his hand that was strangling her neck, but she couldn't.

Zhou Yun realized that if she didn't try to break free again, she might be strangled to death in this foreign hotel tonight.

Now his hands are on her neck.

Zhou Yun clenched his right fist and suddenly slammed it towards his face.

"Bang", Zhou Yun punched him directly on the nose after practice.

The nose is actually the most vulnerable part of the face. If you punch it hard, you will feel dizzy.

Zhou Yun remembered what his martial arts master had said, and after finishing one punch, he followed up with another fist with his left hand.

Sure enough, the man immediately let go of his hand and covered his nose.

Zhou Yun didn't dare to miss this opportunity. While her legs were unable to move because of him sitting on her, she used her core strength to lift her upper body, and punched him in the face again. his right eye.

He covered his nose with his hands and screamed in pain, which exposed another weakness of his.

At the moment he screamed, Zhou Yun changed the route of another punch and hit him directly in the crotch.

Finally, with a roar, the force pressing on her finally tilted.

Zhou Yun pushed the man away, almost exhausting all his strength, and kicked him desperately on his body, stomach, and waist to ensure that he would not be able to get up in a short time, took a deep breath, turned and ran towards the door.

She glanced back, the man was still trembling and trying to get up from the ground.

But this time, he didn't catch up with her.

Zhou Yun opened the door and rushed out.

She yelled "Help!" desperately, instead of taking the elevator, she rushed into the fire escape and kept stumbling downstairs to the front desk.

The people at the front desk were shocked when they saw her like this.

Zhou Yun was still shaking and shouted: "Call the police for me, someone broke into my room!"

Under the well-lit lights of the hotel lobby, she had lingering fears, her lips were pale, like a person who had just recovered from drowning.

It wasn't until this moment that she began to recall, who was that man just now?what does he look like
An hour later, she saw the man's face on the surveillance camera. It turned out to be the brown-haired man who pestered Christina in the afternoon.

(End of this chapter)

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