Chapter 545 A Dispute

His name is Wendock.

The police seemed to think that he had a relationship dispute with Zhou Yun, and they kept asking questions about their relationship.

Zhou Yun helplessly explained his acquaintance with this man. At the same time, he also stated that he just arrived in Los Angeles today, and he had never been to this city before. After talking a lot, the police finally figured out that this sudden The intruder did not break into her room in the middle of the night because of a personal grudge with Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun said: "I don't know what's going on with this person, but he also pestered my friend Christina this afternoon, and there was a little verbal conflict between me and him. If you are looking for conflicts between them, that's it, but this contradiction won't make him do such a thing, right?"

She has recovered from the shock and fright and is no longer so frightened.

The police record has been made for a long time.

On the other side, Wendock didn't know where to go.

Zheng Xiaoju accompanied Zhou Yun to another room, and she had to sleep with Zhou Yun that night.

Although Zhou Yun said no, but Zheng Xiaoju confessed without a doubt: "You have to listen to me tonight."

The young Zheng Xiaoju sometimes has the unquestionable expression that often appears on the faces of elders.

Zheng Xiaoju's words were so decisive that Zhou Yun was momentarily speechless.

In the second half of the night, Zhou Yun didn't have a good rest. He lay on the bed for a long time without falling asleep. After finally falling asleep, he woke up again from a nightmare.

But there is no time to catch up on sleep the next day. She has to try on the dresses to be worn on the red carpet at the preview tomorrow, prepare for styling, and have other tasks at the same time.

Early in the morning, the colleague in charge of shooting the VLOG knocked on the door and came in.

This is a shooting event that I promised to go out before, and it will be published on the official Weibo of MK magazine.

What happened last night caused such a big commotion, and everyone already knows it.

However, the work that should be completed must be completed according to the original plan, otherwise, many plans and many people's early efforts will be in vain.

This is the reason why Zhou Yun dared not let go of any work pigeon easily.

This VLOG is to film Zhou Yun's modeling process. During this process, Zhou Yun and the makeup artist will share with you some of their usual makeup tips.

This type of video is very popular with young girls.

Halfway through the filming, Zhou Lan suddenly came in.

She said hello to the people who were filming, and the filming was suspended.

Zhou Lan said to Zhou Yun: "Bruce from Paimonchi is here. He came to express his condolences to you after hearing what happened to you last night."

Zhou Yun felt strange, "Send someone from Mengqi to comfort me?"

"Well, I don't know where they heard the news. I didn't tell them." Zhou Lan said, "Even Shi Luoqi doesn't know yet."

Zhou Lan brought Bruce in.

Bruce is tall, he should be nearly [-] meters tall, with suits and leather shoes, handsome features, and a good image.

When he saw Zhou Yun, he stretched out his hand, shook hands with Zhou Yun, and said in a concerned voice: "It's a pity that you came to Los Angeles and encountered this. Fortunately, you didn't have any accident."

Zhou Yun met Bruce for the first time.

She said, "Yeah, luckily nothing happened. I thought I was going to die last night."

Bruce didn't seem to expect that Zhou Yun would directly mention the word death, he opened his mouth in surprise, and then smiled.

"How did Mr. Bruce know that I was attacked last night?" Zhou Yun asked.

Bruce said: "The staff at the hotel told us that the hotel you stayed in was booked by our company for you. I am very sorry that this kind of thing happened here. We will help you change to a safer hotel. "

It is indeed not safe enough for a strange man to sneak in at night.

However, neither Zhou Yun nor Zhou Lan expected that this incident would be reported by many TV stations and online media in the United States.

While eating lunch at noon, Zhou Lan's cell phone rang suddenly. After she answered the phone, she was about to talk to Zhou Yun when another call came.

Seven or eight calls came in from Zhou Lan's cell phone without stopping.

Zhou Yun thought it was some kind of news about her. She thought to herself, could it be that the news about her attack spread to the country and made it into the hot searches in the country?

But it shouldn't be... It's already early morning in China, even if the news is sent back, it's unlikely that there will be such a big commotion at this time, making Zhou Lan's phone calls one after another.

At this moment, Zheng Xiaoju suddenly took a deep breath and shouted, "Sister Xiaoyun!"

Zhou Yun looked at her suspiciously, but she showed Zhou Yun her mobile phone.

On the screen was a large group of Zhou Yun's entire team. The colleague in charge of monitoring online public opinion posted a screenshot in the group. On the screenshot were keywords searched in real time on Twitter, and Zhou Yun's English name unexpectedly appeared in it.

At this time, Zhou Lan finally ended another phone call, and she said to Zhou Yun: "You were attacked in the hotel last night, which was reported by the noon news of CBS and ABC, and now it has attracted the attention of many Americans. , These two TV stations have also contacted me and want to interview you."

Zhou Yun frowned immediately when he heard this.

"What? I'm on the news?"

Zhou Lan nodded, "You are a little famous in the United States now. Not long after "Days" was released, some people knew you. After being reported by these two TV stations, more people paid attention to this matter."

Zheng Xiaoju said: "Sister Lan, Sister Xiaoyun is also on Twitter's real-time trending searches."

Zhou Lan asked in surprise, "Really?"

Zheng Xiaoju found a video on the Internet where the TV station broadcast Zhou Yun being attacked. The anchor described that China's top actress Zhou Yun was sneaked into and attacked a hotel in Los Angeles last night, but managed to escape by fighting with the gangster's wit.

When the heroine broadcast the news, it was accompanied by a photo of Zhou Yun attending the red carpet of the Cannes Film Festival in May this year. Zhou Yun in the photo was beautiful and moving.

This incident was retweeted and discussed a lot on Twitter.

The main reason is that the incident of being sneaked into and attacked by gangsters while staying in a hotel made many people feel scared, and it was even more creepy to substitute themselves.

Zhou Lan said: "These two TV stations want to connect tonight and broadcast live interviews, what do you think?"

Zhou Yun wanted to refuse.

It's just that Zhou Lan's eyes showed hope that she would agree.

Zhou Yun could also understand why Zhou Lan wanted her to agree.

It is actually very difficult for a Chinese actress to gain fame in the United States.

This time Zhou Yun thought that last night's attack suddenly attracted so much attention from the United States. In Zhou Lan's view, it was not an opportunity, a chance for Americans to know Zhou Yun.

Although what happened last night must have made Zhou Yun feel uncomfortable and unwilling to recall it—now Zhou Yun still has a serious pinch mark on his neck.

At this time, Bruce contacted Zhou Lan again.

After talking on the phone with someone, Zhou Lan said to Zhou Yun: "Pai Mengqi also hopes that we can accept interviews here. They think that everyone's attention to you can be used well. In the interview, mention "Behind the Scenes" and mention it. Check out tomorrow's screening to let everyone know about the movie "Behind the Scenes."

Zhou Yun was a little worried, and said, "Sister Lan, Wendock hasn't been caught yet, but I'm going to be interviewed, okay?"

Zhou Lan said sincerely: "Xiaoyun, from the perspective of a friend, I support any decision you make, but from the perspective of a manager, this is an opportunity that can be used, which is a very bad thing. But this bad thing also brought us an opportunity to take advantage of. If I were you, I would take advantage of this opportunity to let everyone know the movie "Behind the Scenes" and let everyone know why you came here Los Angeles, got hurt by this one."

Zhou Yun understood.

She thought about it and agreed to the interview.

Indeed, it had already happened, and if there was a chance that this bad thing could bring her a little gain, why didn't she take advantage of it?

Pai Mengqi communicated with the director of the TV station about the outline and content of the interview, and also sent a copy to Zhou Lan.

Zheng Xiaoju asked Zhou Yun: "If you need a video connection later, sister Xiaoyun, would you like to change your clothes and put on some makeup?"

Zhou Lan shook his head directly, and said, "Xiaoyun is accepting the video interview as a victim, there is no need, and Xiaoyun is already pretty enough in this way."

Zhou Yun listened to Zhou Lan.

Zhou Lan also specially found a shirt with a collar for Zhou Yun, and the pinch marks on his neck were faintly visible.

Zhou Lan and Zhou Yun talked about the outline of the interview and asked, "Although they have drawn up the outline, you must be prepared. In case they suddenly ask questions that do not conform to the outline, you have to have a countermeasure, especially for those who are sensitive. Now the media in the United States likes to make this trap, this is a live broadcast, so don’t talk about it and say the wrong thing.”

This opportunity is a double-edged sword.

Zhou Yun understood and nodded.

"I really don't know how to answer, I'll just pretend the signal here is not good." Zhou Yun said.

Zhou Lan nodded, "This method is good."

What Zhou Yun didn't expect was that one hour before the video connection, Bruce came suddenly and brought a modeling team with him.

Bruce said: "The two programs you want to video link later have millions of viewers. This is a good opportunity for everyone to get to know you. We will wait for you to appear beautifully."

Zhou Kan heard this, stood up immediately, and said to Bruce, "No, Xiaoyun doesn't need makeup."

Her English is not that good, and she is not as fast as Zhou Yun, but her tone is very firm.

Confused, Bruce asked why.

Zhou Lan then explained to him: "Xiao Yun has to appear on the show in the most authentic way, otherwise everyone will think it's just a show."

Bruce's attitude is also very tough, saying: "This is America, and we know what kind of image American audiences prefer."

Zhou Lan argued hard, but the two sides couldn't reach an agreement.

Of course Zhou Yun believed in Zhou Lan's judgment.

She believes that there are some things that are the same no matter which country you are in.

If a victim appears on a TV show in good looks and with delicate makeup, the audience will feel less "victim".

Zhou Yun said to Bruce: "Mr. Bruce, thank you for your kindness, but we have our own judgment, I hope you can respect our judgment."

Bruce froze.

Zhou Yun said: "We are just here to cooperate with Pai Mengqi to promote "Behind the Scenes", but tonight's video connection is not within the scope of the movie's promotional work, right?"

This is really accusing Bruce of overreaching.

Brusu should not have interfered with this matter tonight.

Bruce was a little annoyed, and said, "Miss Zhou, if you appear on the show like this, you will miss an opportunity to become famous!"

Zhou Yun was a little annoyed, and said without giving in, "If you want me to use the incident of being attacked last night to make me famous, then I can tell you my answer, there is no need for it!"

Bruce asked: "Don't you want to be known by more people?"

Zhou Yun: "I am an actor, the movie will make me known by more people!"

Bruce: "You're so naive!"

"This has nothing to do with you." Zhou Yun finished with a cold face, "This is my room. If you have nothing else to do, please go out first."

Bruce was pissed off.

As soon as the person left, Zheng Xiaoju cheered: "Sister Xiaoyun, you are too cool! Cool!"

Zhou Yun said: "I really don't like his condescending face, as if his every move is correct."

"He's all about making this movie "Behind the Scene" a hit." Zhou Lan said bluntly, "I don't care about your image at all."

"After all, he is only responsible for the distribution of "Behind the Scenes", not my work." Zhou Yun shrugged.

Zheng Xiaoju: "The point is, Sister Xiaoyun, your English is too good. You can fight without stuttering a word. I admire you so much! I really want to go back, but I can't keep up with your speed. , can only understand, but can't speak."

Zhou Yun laughed and said, "That's because your oral English practice is too little, you should practice your oral English more."

Zheng Xiaoju nodded and said earnestly: "I will definitely practice hard. When I quarrel in English in the future, I must be able to speak back fluently."

Zhou Lan laughed.

She said: "Xiaoyun, you should make some preparations first. I'll call Sister Luo Qi, but don't let that fellow Bruce speak ill of us behind our backs because of this incident, saying that we don't cooperate with our work."

"Yeah." Zhou Yun nodded.

When the live news broadcast started, the staff on the TV station who was in charge of communicating with her tried the video connection with her, and confirmed that there was no problem with the picture and sound, and all she had to do was wait for the anchor's Cue to reach her segment and enter the show The screen is live.

Zhou Lan and Zheng Xiaoju sat behind the camera, their phones were muted, squatting on Twitter in real time, preparing to watch real-time comments, while waiting for Zhou Yun to enter the interview.

After about ten minutes, the director contacted them, and they will contact her in the next session.

Zhou Yun has already connected with the program group in the video. After the anchor introduced Zhou Yun, and then asked the director to connect with Zhou Yun, the video screen switched to the screen in the studio.

Zhou Yun could also see the anchor's face.

"Hi, Zhou Yun!" The host greeted her with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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