Chapter 546
The other party is a very famous female anchor.

Zhou Yun said hello: "Hi, Blanche."

The other party's name was Blanche, which she knew before.

Blanche is a beautiful blonde who speaks a little faster than normal.

She showed concern to Zhou Yun through the screen, and said, "I heard that you encountered a terrible thing last night, can you tell us all about what exactly happened?"

This is a question on the desk.

Zhou Yun described what happened last night according to what he had prepared in advance.

Blanche asked, "You mean, after you woke up in the middle of the night, that person was already in your room?"

"It should be. When I was about to close the window, he attacked from behind." Zhou Yun nodded and said, "At that time, he should have been in my room."

"It sounds really scary, and I think for all women who need to travel frequently, this incident will set off alarm bells for us." Blanche said to Zhou Yun, "Fortunately, you ran out and were able to ask , in such a situation of disparity in power, how did you get rid of that gangster? Is there anything you can share with us?"

Zhou Yun said: "Thanks to the fact that I happened to shoot two action movies before and received a lot of action training, so I know some fighting skills."

"Wow, so you subdued him?" Blanche asked in surprise.

"No, no, in fact, when you encounter a situation like this, don't try to subdue the other party, even if you always keep fit or do a lot of strength training." Zhou Yun said, "He almost put I was pinched out of breath. I seized an opportunity to break free by hitting his nose and eyes. When encountering such a thing, you must calm yourself down, look for opportunities, and fight for yourself to escape. time and space."

Blanche asked, "You are amazing."

"Thank you." Zhou Yun smiled.

Blanche said, "Did you get hurt last night? I noticed a bruise on your neck?"

"Yes, there was a moment when he strangled my neck with both hands, maybe trying to strangle me?" Zhou Yun showed the camera the bruises and red marks on his neck.

Blanche let out an exclamation.

"My God."

Zhou Yun said: "Looking back now, it is still a very frightening and frightening experience for me."

"I can understand." Blanche nodded empathetically, "As far as I know, the reason why you came to Los Angeles is because you are going to promote one of your movies tomorrow?"

"Yeah, I have a screening of my new movie 'Behind the Scenes' in Los Angeles tomorrow, so I was here yesterday and didn't expect something like this to happen."

"I hope this incident will not affect your mood tomorrow."

Zhou Yun asked: "Fortunately, I will try my best to adjust my mood."

Blanche: "You are so brave, thank you for accepting our interview, and look forward to your next visit to our live broadcast room."

Zhou Yun nodded with a smile.

The interview ends here.

And another live news program will be connected in ten minutes.

Zheng Xiaoju immediately helped Zhou Yun connect to another video call, and confirmed the sound picture with the other party's director.

Zhou Lan whispered in Zhou Yun's ear: "Now there are a lot of discussions about you on Twitter, and many people are wondering who you are."

(End of this chapter)

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