Chapter 547 Unbelievable

Zhou Yun temporarily turned off the mic on his side, and asked, "Sister Lan, what are you talking about about me?"

If it's talking about what happened to her last night, that's all.

Zhou Lan said: "There are all kinds of discussions, but many people who have watched the movie "Days" said that they did not expect this female star to be the heroine of "Days", and many people praised you for being very good-looking. .”


Sure enough, it's all lackluster content, nothing new.

During the interview just now, Zhou Yun was actually a little nervous.

She was afraid that she would say the wrong thing and be caught by others.

Or, if you accidentally talk about it, someone screenshots it, and it becomes a meme on the Internet.

The most important thing is to worry about the contradictions and mutual incomprehension between the two parties due to cultural differences.

Fortunately, there was nothing out of the ordinary or unexpected in the interview just now, and it was completed very smoothly.

This will be followed by a live interview.

Zhou Yun took a sip of water, moistened his throat, and prepared for the next game.

Ten minutes later, Zhou Yun joined the live link of another news program.

"Wow, you are so beautiful!" The anchor of this show is a man in his early forties, with handsome features, and he looks like a mature and steady type. He praised and said, "Welcome to our program, Zhou Yun."

Zhou Yun said thank you.

This person came from another angle.

"Is this the first time you have encountered such a thing?" He asked suddenly.

Zhou Yun was taken aback.

There is no such question in the interview outline.

the first time?
For many people, they may never encounter such a thing in their lifetime, but for Zhou Yun, it is indeed not the first time she has encountered it.

She has met them before, in China and in hotels.

However, that person never really came in.

He noticed Zhou Yun's moment of hesitation, and asked, "Have you ever had such an experience before?"

"It's different from yesterday." Zhou Yun shook his head and said, "I did meet someone in the hotel before who wanted to enter my room in the middle of the night, but that person didn't succeed."

"Huh? Why didn't it work?" he asked.

Zhou Yun frowned suspiciously, and said, "Why didn't he succeed? Do you think I will know the reason? How would I know why he failed to enter my room?"

He was taken aback by Zhou Yun's rhetorical question.

"That's not what I mean, I actually want to ask, if there is any experience that can successfully prevent this kind of thing from happening, you can share it with our audience on the show."

"When encountering this kind of thing, there is no experience to share." Zhou Yun said, "Unless we train ourselves to be a boxer, otherwise, the natural difference in physical strength between men and women makes it impossible for us to reduce ourselves through experience." risks of."


Zhou Yun instinctively didn't like this anchor very much.

It has nothing to do with him being male.

The angle and the way he asked the question made her uncomfortable.

He asked again: "For a beautiful woman like you and a star, there should be many people pestering you, right?"

Zhou Yun: "There are many people who admire me, but they will pester me regardless of my feelings, basically very few, most men are very decent."

"I thought women like you were always full of prejudice against men."

"What prejudice do you mean?"

"For example, thinking that all the ways that men show affection are sexual harassment." He said, "Isn't it common to see such arguments on the Internet now?"

"Wait a minute, do you often see such arguments on the Internet? How many times have you seen it?" Zhou Yun asked.

He hesitated for a moment, not knowing how to answer.

He faltered and said: "Of course I haven't specifically remembered how many times this happened, but there are many times where it can be seen everywhere."

"How can you see it everywhere?" Zhou Yun asked again.

He suddenly became annoyed.

He didn't understand what was going on with this woman named Zhou Yun. Is this his program or hers?Why did she keep asking him back here?

Both of them don't know now that the conversation they had just now has been quickly spread on the Internet.

There is an undeniable fact that now is an era where gender antagonism is gradually becoming prominent.Of course, many of them are eating this bowl of traffic and deliberately causing war.But in fact, aside from these, there are also many exposed and deep-rooted problems.Some of these issues manifest themselves in terms of gender distinctions, and there are growing arguments and confrontations.

The conversation between Zhou Yun and the male anchor resonated with many women.

In other words, the content of the male anchor's question aroused the disgust of many women.

Ask Zhou Yun if this is the first time he has experienced such a thing.

Ask Zhou Yun why the gangster who tried to enter her room failed.

Ask Zhou Yun if there are many men pestering her.

These questions were filled with his personal prejudice and curiosity, and he was offending a woman who had just been frightened last night.

While the male anchor was scolded miserably, Zhou Yun's reaction was also praised by many people.

Neither humble nor overbearing, never soft-spoken when it is time to ask questions.

After the live interview was over, Zhou Yun went offline and heaved a sigh of relief.

As soon as he was offline, Zhou Lan excitedly said to Zhou Yun: "Xiaoyun, you are in the top ten trending in the United States on Twitter, and everyone is talking about you! You really have a hot search physique, come to the United States Being on a news program can also attract so much attention.”

Zhou Yun quickly said, "It's not because of any good things."

"That's right." Zhou Lan also realized that his reaction was a bit inappropriate, so he restrained himself quickly.

Zhou Yun: "I hope it can be helpful to "Behind the Scenes"."

"It's so helpful. Sister Luo Qi sent me a message, saying that she was also watching your live interview." Zhou Lan said, "Paimonchi was very happy. When they bought the film "Behind the Scenes", they couldn't I never thought that you would suddenly become popular in the United States."

At this moment, Zhou Yun's cell phone rang suddenly, and it was Song Chi calling.

Zhou Yun guessed at the first sight that Song Chi should have received the news.

As for why you called at this time?

Because of the time difference between China and the United States, her matter only slowly fermented at noon, and it was already early morning in China at that time.

Song Chi probably just woke up.

Zhou Yun answered the phone.

"Hello." Zhou Yun asked, "Did you see the news?"

Song Chi asked: "What's going on here? Why did I wake up after sleeping and saw the news that a stranger had sneaked into your hotel room?"

"Yeah." Zhou Yun said, "I didn't think of it either, I was taken aback, but fortunately I practiced a little martial arts before filming, so I wouldn't be powerless."

"Has that person been caught?" Song Chi asked.

Zhou Yun said: "I really don't think so, I haven't heard the news, but I'm fine, I'm not injured, don't worry."

"There are so many marks on the neck, and you still say it's okay?" Song Chi's tone was a little annoyed.

Zhou Yun was a little shocked.

Where did Song Chi see that there were many marks on her neck?

Could it be that the moment she showed to the camera during the live broadcast of the show just now was sent back to China?

Zhou Yun was a little shocked, he didn't expect it.

If so, the speed is too fast, right?
Zhou Yun said: "Looking scary, he is much worse than me, his nose must have been crooked by me, believe it or not?"

Song Chi: "Are you comparing who is more seriously injured?"

Zhou Yun could actually tell from Song Chi's tone that Song Chi was regretting that he didn't come here with her, that he couldn't protect her at that time.

But this kind of thing...

Zhou Yun comforted Song Chi: "Don't worry, I'm fine."

"When you go out to stay in a hotel in the future, you must put the safety chain on, and don't stay in that kind of small hotel." Song Chi said, "No, I have to tell Zhou Lan that such a problem has arisen, too It's not safe anymore."

"Oh, this hotel was booked by Pai Mengqi, and it has nothing to do with Sister Lan, but..." Zhou Yun paused suddenly.

"But what?" Song Chi asked.

Zhou Yun thought of the topic and enthusiasm that suddenly fermented on the Internet today, and thought that Bruce had found a styling team to do her styling, and tried to appear in the most beautiful image when he was with the news program...

A somewhat unbelievable conjecture suddenly emerged in Zhou Yun's mind.

This brown-haired man named Vinkto was there because of Christina, who was filming with Paimunch.

Too many coincidences.

Zhou Yun came back to his senses and said, "I suddenly wondered whether this matter was planned by Pai Mengqi behind the scenes."

"What?" Song Chi exclaimed.

Zhou Yun said: "I'm just guessing now, but I think about it now, the hotel was booked by Pai Mengqi, how did that Wen Kedo enter my room? Why can he enter my room silently? If Did Pai Munch help him fix the hotel? There's always something else going on with the forced entry, right? Also, he attacked me when I was waking up in the middle of the night to close the window, and if he wanted to do something to me, I Didn't I catch me off guard when I fell asleep? He was already in the room, and I didn't find him. Why did he suddenly appear to expose himself? Also, this matter suddenly became fermented on the Internet today, A lot of people talked about it, and then a TV news program contacted us to do a live interview. Now that I think about it, I find it even more strange that no media has exposed Wen Keduo's photo when this happened. But he hasn't been arrested yet..."

Zhou Yun spoke faster and faster, she was calculating the possibility of what she said.

While Zhou Lan and Zheng Xiaoju listened to Zhou Yun and Song Chi say these words, and understood what Zhou Yun was saying, they all stared in shock.

Zhou Yun's conjecture was something they had never thought about before.

But when Zhou Yun said this, it seemed that there was indeed such a possibility.

Zhou Lan and Zheng Xiaoju looked at each other.

 Thank you Tranquil Rain for tipping a lot.

  The past two days have been really tiring. I will update a little more and make up for it when I have time on the weekend.

  thank you all.

(End of this chapter)

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