Chapter 548
After Zhou Yun and Song Chi finished calling, Zhou Lan looked at Zhou Yun hesitantly, and asked, "Xiao Yun, are you serious about what you just said?"

Zhou Yun said: "I don't know either, but for this kind of thing, I can only believe it. Before the police catch Wendock and figure out why he came to attack me, I can only put all the bad possibilities Sexual thinking, try my best to protect myself, I don't want this kind of thing to happen again."

Zhou Lan nodded and said: "Actually, I have arranged bodyguards for you before, but the bodyguards are just telling us about the itinerary. This is also a wake-up call for us. This is different from the past. Even if you live in a hotel, you have to do it before you check in." Check, I will find a professional person, the best female bodyguard as possible."

Zhou Yun said, "This must be hard to find."

"Let me go find it first. Before that, Xiaoyu, you will remind you every day, Miss Xiaoyun, whether you have put on the safety chain, whether you have closed the doors and windows." Zhou Lan said, "Also, there is one more thing that is actually It was also our negligence. When you go to a new place, you must check it before moving in, in case there are any hidden cameras or recording equipment.”

When Zheng Xiaoju heard Zhou Lan say this, he was a little surprised and surprised, and said, "Sister Lan, when you say that, I suddenly feel so creepy."

Zhou Lan shook his head, "It's too dangerous now, because we are not professional enough. We have already mastered the routine in China, but I think Xiaoyun will have more and more overseas trips in the future. How to deal with partners, everyone's English level How to do it, ranging from the working habits of partners in different countries to small itinerary arrangements, these are areas where we lack experience, and we need to learn more and summarize more.”

Zheng Xiaoju nodded.

Zhou Lan suddenly remembered something and asked, "Didn't you always learn English before? How are you doing now?"

"Still working hard." Zheng Xiaoju blushed.She was a little embarrassed.

In fact, she is studying hard, but she is lacking in oral English and cannot communicate with everyone smoothly.

This is also a common problem of many people who learn foreign languages.

If you are not able to say yes [-]%, you will not dare to speak, and the less you dare to speak, the worse your speech will be.

Zhou Yun said: "Little sentences, you have to say more by yourself, and when you go abroad, you will talk to those foreigners more, and you will become familiar with it after using it a lot."

Zheng Xiaoju nodded.

"Don't just nod your head."

Zhou Lan was typing on his mobile phone, assigning work to the team.

Zhou Yun is currently experiencing such a thing here in Los Angeles, USA, and it has spread to China.

On the one hand, we must do a good job of explaining this matter, and we must not make any misunderstandings during the dissemination process.

On the other hand, Zhou Lan also made people take advantage of this opportunity to build Zhou Yun's "international" image in China.

Maybe this kind of thing looks vulgar and utilitarian in the eyes of others.But for her, if this approach is beneficial to the artist herself, whether it is shaping her personal image or advancing her career, as long as it is beneficial, she is willing to do it.

The "international" image itself is a very beneficial factor for an actor.

If Chinese films want to go global, they will naturally be more willing to use actors with a higher degree of internationalization and higher reputation.

Foreign films have their eyes on the Chinese market, but they are still released globally. After comprehensive consideration, they are naturally more willing to use Chinese actors with a higher degree of internationalization and higher reputation.

Why did "Memoirs of a Geisha" use three Chinese film actresses to play three Japanese geisha?Because this is an A-level Hollywood production, they are targeting the global market, and they are looking for internationally renowned actresses. There are no Japanese actresses who meet this requirement, so they can only be found among Chinese film actresses.

And "Memoirs of a Geisha" brought Zhang Ziyi more than just an increase in international popularity. The nomination for Best Actress at the Golden Globe Award is still a brilliant stroke in her acting resume.

Therefore, although film is an art, those who make films should not only consider art.

Zhou Lan must keep Zhou Yun in front of the viewers and producers from time to time, so as not to give people the illusion that she has been away for a long time.

Zhou Yun got ready for bed after taking a bath.

There is a very important screening tomorrow.

According to Zhou Lan, Pai Mengqi invited many celebrities to participate in order to create momentum for "Behind the Scenes", but it is still uncertain how many people will come.

But what is certain is that the attention of tomorrow's screening will definitely not be low.

Now everyone is paying attention to Zhou Yun's latest developments.

Zhou Yunzai carefully locked the doors and windows, making sure no one could come in from the outside before she let herself sleep.

But bad enough, she still had a nightmare in the middle of the night and woke up with a start.

After waking up, she sat on the bed, looked around the room for a long time, then turned on the light, checked every corner, confirmed that the doors and windows were still locked, and that there was no one else in the room, she was relieved.

It took so long for what happened last night that a certain sense of fear emerged in her heart.

This kind of fear didn't knock her down all of a sudden and make her tremble, but it made her feel a chill down her spine from time to time, and she had the illusion that someone was watching from the dark.

Zhou Yun washed his face and let himself relax.

It took an hour for Zhou Yun to fall asleep again.

(End of this chapter)

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