I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 549 Screening Activities

Chapter 549 Screening Activities
The day of the "Behind the Scenes" screening.

This was originally a screening event that did not attract much media attention. After all, this is not an English-language feature film, but a Chinese-language film that is completely cast by Chinese.

Even if it won the Grand Prix at the Cannes Film Festival, even if it was praised by many film critics.

However, Zhou Yun's news suddenly attracted the attention of almost all media, large and small, to the screening.

Because everyone wants to know about Zhou Yun.

Especially...the latest news about Zhou Yun after that incident happened.

Zhou Yun got dressed in the hotel and was ready to go.

Shi Luoqi was late.

She was very busy during this time, and she didn't even watch the screenings here in Los Angeles, so she didn't know what she was busy with.

Of course, this screening event was originally also in charge of the people from Pai Munch.

Because of the shape of the video connection, Zhou Yun had a dispute with Bruce, who was in charge of connecting them with Pimchi.

Bruce also accused them of not understanding what Americans really like.

As a result, the video connection made Zhou Yun popular in the United States, which completely slapped Bruce in the face.

Zhou Yun thought that Bruce would change someone to meet them because of the previous disputes and displeasure. Who knows, Bruce came to the hotel early in the morning and praised her for being very beautiful today with a smile on his face, without mentioning what happened yesterday.

How concerned is Zhou Yun now?

When she set off from the hotel, many people were waiting for her to appear.

Video cameras, camcorders, cell phones, etc.

For a moment, she thought that she was not in a foreign country, but in her home field, her own country.

Many people called "Yun" in poor English, and the pronunciation was very strange, but Zhou Yun knew that it meant calling her.

Fortunately, Pai Mengqi seemed to have expected such a situation today, and arranged bodyguards in advance.

Otherwise, I don't even know if I can get out of the hotel door.

Zhou Yun sat in the car and looked out the window at the crowds who were still crowding and shouting at her for filming. She didn't feel bothered. She was just thinking about one thing, whether one day she would gain such fame because of the movie, not because of news?
But it is too difficult.She herself knows how difficult it is.When she was in college, she also heard about some things in the academic circle.Not just the entertainment industry, but almost all walks of life. China is facing some kind of suppression all over the world, whether it is obvious or not.Many scholars who have achieved TOP3 in other countries seem to enjoy a high reputation and respected status in the academic circle. In fact, they are still subject to discrimination and restrictions in many places.The resources of the university will not give you the treatment you deserve, and the academic circle also engages in party and dissent.

Just because he knew it, Zhou Yun understood that in this kind of Vanity Fair, unless the general environment changes, no one can break through the restriction of discrimination and be alone.

Just like in the environment back then, Zhang Ziyi has reached the highest position that a Chinese actor can reach. Whether it is called "China's gift to Hollywood", it may be a good time to go through the awards season for two consecutive years. Going to the Oscars to present awards, etc., none of these will bring her better film contracts and better career development resources.

This is why Zhou Yun approved of Song Chi's film and television company.

An actor, no matter how successful he is, is still in the position of being selected.

Only by truly mastering the ability and resources to make a project can we really have a way to change the environment.

Speech is not as powerful as action, and an actor's attitude is not as powerful as a producer's.

For the industry, it is only the empowerment of the market and capital that the stars have the right to speak for a period of time. If you think about it carefully, you know that this cannot really last long.

Zhou Lan sat beside Zhou Yun. Seeing Zhou Yun meditating for a long time, he couldn't help asking, "What are you thinking?"

Zhou Yun came back to his senses, shook his head, and said with a smile: "I'm not thinking about anything, I'm a little dazed, Sister Lan, have you ever thought about starting your own company?"

"Start your own company?" Zhou Lan seemed a little surprised why Zhou Yun would suddenly ask such a question, but she still answered seriously: "I have thought about it, but starting a company by yourself requires a lot of strength, and there are also big challenges. If I hadn't weighed the pros and cons, I wouldn't have discussed the terms of cooperation with He Yong, no matter how good the terms of cooperation are, it's still under the banner of others, and it's not as good as being independent."

Zhou Yun nodded.

"Do our domestic film companies invest more in foreign films now?" Zhou Yun asked.

"The number has slowly increased over the past few years." Zhou Lan said, "What's the matter? Are you interested too?"

Zhou Yun shook his head and said, "I think I've made some money in the past few years. If I come across good books, if they can't find investors and the cost is not high, I actually want to try investing."

Hearing this, Zhou Lan said, "If you have this idea, let me help you find out. In fact, there are indeed many individual investors who invest in movies. Of course, the first purpose of independent investors who invest in movies is It’s not for making money, they make more money than investing in movies, and it’s much safer.”

In the field of film, investment is in a state of drought and drought, flood and flood.

Movies with good prospects for making money, even if you are rich, people will not take you to play, and the share will not be distributed like pork.

If you have money, you don’t dare to invest in projects that don’t see any potential for profit. No one’s money comes from strong winds. There may be a heart to support art, but people can’t make losses.

Zhou Lan reminded: "But I suggest that you should try first and try the water. The water here is too deep."

Zhou Yun nodded, "I just had an idea suddenly."

"Has Wendock not been found yet?" Zhou Yun asked Zhou Lan, "The police in Los Angeles are so inefficient?"

"Yeah, I didn't find it. People from the embassy also stepped in to help us connect with Los Angeles. But now that the United States is paying so much attention to this matter, the police should not dare to slack off."

Zhou Yun: "Christina should have his contact information."

Zhou Lan: "It's useless, Wendock's cell phone has been turned off, otherwise he would have located his cell phone and found someone else."

This is the United States, and they can only rely on the police here to catch Wendock.

"Ah!" Zhou Lan suddenly exclaimed holding the phone.

"What's wrong?" Zhou Yun asked.

Zhou Lan said: "I was looking at Weibo and saw someone photographed Song Chi at the airport. The boarding gate he was at was an outbound flight. Many people said that he came to see you. He told you Are you coming to America?"

Zhou Yun shook his head and said, "No, it's impossible, he's filming a movie now, how could he come here?"

"Then do you want to confirm with him? In case he saw the news and was worried about you, so he ran over, it's not impossible." Zhou Lan said, "I think what the netizens said is serious, it's not Made it up."

Zhou Yun thought about it, and decided that he should call Song Chi.

She picked up her phone and called Song Chi.

But it reminded that Song Chi's phone could not be connected temporarily.

"Huh?" Zhou Yun heard the notification sound from the machine and said, "It seems that he really came, but he didn't get through. He should have turned on the flight mode."

Zhou Lan sighed happily, and said, "Then there's nothing you can do. If you've already boarded the plane, it won't help if you ask him not to come."

Zhou Yun frowned worriedly, and said, "He won't cause trouble to the crew, right?"

"He debuted much earlier than you, and I've never heard of him being irresponsible and irresponsible. Even if he really came, he must have already coordinated with the crew, so don't worry about it." Zhou Lan said , "I have seen so many hypocritical faces in the entertainment industry, Song Chi is really a good person."

"Sister Lan, you have always admired Song Chi so much, did he give you a red envelope?"

Zhou Lan said with a smile: "Then you really should give me a red envelope. How nice I am. I haven't stopped you from falling in love from the very beginning. You see, some managers beat mandarin ducks."

"That's not because I fell in love with him, I took advantage." Zhou Yun knew this well, and never denied it.

Zhou Lan: "Before we had to admit that we took advantage of it, but we didn't take advantage of it. If you lose a piece of gold in front of you, why don't you pick it up? The key is that you are also fighting for it now, no one can say Who is taking advantage? Listening to the nonsense of those people outside, people who don't get benefits are naturally bitter, but two people help each other and help each other, which is a great thing."

Zhou Yun smiled.

finally reached.

There are huge crowds of people outside.

so many people.

Zhou Yun was startled.

She did not expect that a movie screening would attract the attention of so many people in a foreign country.

These people are ordinary people, not media reporters, nor guests participating in the event, so they can only stand outside the venue, and during the short time when the guests enter the venue, they can catch a glimpse of their idols.

Zhou Yun's car was parked at the entrance, and there was a distance of about four or five meters from the place where he got off the car to entering the venue.

The staff has cleared a passage, and the crowds are surging on both sides.

The guests who were invited to attend were greeting and waving to the people on both sides, and everyone shouted like waves.

The moment Zhou Yun got out of the car to make his debut, the shouts rang out even more intensely.

But most of their chants were indeed "come on" or "we've got your back".

Zhou Yun nodded to them, waved his hand, and entered the venue under the escort of bodyguards.

There is a red carpet shooting area inside.

After Zhou Yun entered the venue, there was a waiting room. At this time, there were many people in the waiting room, and there were many guests invited by Pai Mengqi. They were talking and laughing.

After she came in, many people's eyes fell on her.

Many of them showed kind eyes and greeted her from a distance, but no one came forward to say hello to her for a while.

Zhou Yun kept smiling.

Bruce came over after a while and said, "Zhou Yun, you have to wait a little longer. The original plan of our process here is to wait for everyone to go in before you go in."

Zhou Yun nodded.

This wait is half an hour.

Zhou Lan complained angrily: "Since it has been decided that we will be the last to enter, why is the departure time set so early?"

Zhou Yun said: "It's okay, sister Lan, I'm new here, let's wait."

Here and there, people came to greet her.

Zhou Yun communicated with the person who came to say hello, but he didn't see Christina.

"Has Christina gone in yet?" she asked.

Zhou Lan went to find out for her.

"Christina can't come because of the temporary adjustment of the shooting." Zhou Lan brought back the news.

Zhou Yun frowned in surprise.

She thought she could see Christina today and talk to her about Wendock.

Unexpectedly, she couldn't come temporarily.

At this time, someone suddenly came up to her and said, "Hi, Zhou Yun, we meet again!"

Zhou Yun raised his eyes.

He is Joan Shan.

(End of this chapter)

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