Chapter 550

Zhou Yun didn't expect Qiao Anshan to come too.

This Chinese-American actor who looked down on Chinese-language movies and has always regarded himself as a Hollywood star, stood in front of Zhou Yun, still looking forward to him.

He has a deliberate star look about him.

Zhou Yun smiled politely at him and said, "So you're here too."

Joan Anshan said: "This is Los Angeles, of course I have to come."

His tone was self-satisfied, as if Los Angeles was his home field.

Zhou Yun endured the discomfort in his heart, and kept a gentle smile like social etiquette.

Qiao Anshan suddenly thought of something, rolled his eyes, and said, "By the way, I heard that Di Cage is preparing a hero movie with a Chinese warrior as the main character. Have you received the invitation?"

Zhou Yun said: "I've already accepted other dramas, so I don't have any schedule."

Joan Anshan looked at her in surprise.

"You turned down that movie?"

Zhou Yun shook his head and said, "That movie didn't find me, but even if it found me, I don't have a schedule to shoot it, so I won't make that movie."

Joan Anshan laughed immediately.

"I thought you had really refused."

"no difference."

"Believe me, if the invitation is really sent to you, you will definitely not be able to refuse." Joan Anshan said very seriously, "No actor can refuse this opportunity to become famous all over the world."

"Not all actors take being recognized by the world as their top priority in life."

"You just developed so smoothly in China. I've heard your story. You have become the top actress in China after only three years since your debut." Qiao Anshan said, "However, although China's film market is already The world's second largest market, but internationally, it is Hollywood that really rules the film industry."

"Is everyone in Hollywood as arrogant as you?"

"It's an accepted fact."

"That's just a fact based on your values ​​and judgment standards." Zhou Yun raised his chin lightly, not losing the slightest bit of wind.

Joan Shan laughed, and asked, "If that wasn't the case, then why did you come to Los Angeles to participate in the promotion of "Behind the Scenes"?"

Zhou Yun also laughed, and asked: "If Hollywood is the one that really rules the film industry, why did you come to China to find a movie?"

Joan Anshan's expression changed.

Qiao Anshan has indeed been in contact with Chinese film and television production companies during this time.

There is no other reason. He has never been able to get good opportunities in the United States, and basically appears in film and television works as a supporting role.

And no company is willing to give him a chance to star. In this place, basically no project is willing to use Asians as the protagonist.

The works starring Asians who have become popular in the past two years are basically projects that were not favored at the beginning.

And if it is a big production, if there are Asian characters, Hollywood companies will give priority to using actors who are more famous in Asian countries for the sake of the international market.

For example, when Qiao Anshan first heard the news about this movie about Chinese warriors, he thought his chance had finally come.

However, the producer didn't consider him at all, and went directly to China to cast a role.

That's the second largest market in the world, and no one can ignore it.

The conversation between Zhou Yun and Qiao Anshan was not pleasant.

Before Qiao Anshan came to talk to Zhou Yun, he never thought that Zhou Yun's attitude would be so tough.

In the past, Qiao Anshan met many Chinese stars in the United States.In front of them, he has more or less a sense of superiority.And this sense of superiority has never been pierced face to face like today.

Zhou Yun didn't save any face at all, which punctured his self-righteous pride.

In fact, there are not many Chinese like Joan Anshan.

Are they really unable to see the changes in China over the years?
not necessarily.

But they have already settled down in the United States and have jobs. They may not really live happily in the United States. Among other things, discrimination against Asians will not be reduced just because you are an actor.

Otherwise, why did Qiao Anshan come to China to look for acting opportunities?

However, they need this comparative vanity to prove how correct their choice to stay in the United States is.

Unfortunately, what he met was Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun is a real person without any inferiority complex.

Her confidence comes from her IQ, from every success she has had in the past, and from knowing that she doesn't need to rely on another market to continue her acting career.

The international route is a route. If she does not take the international route, she will still be the top female star in China, and she is the first Asian actor considered by these big Hollywood productions.

Because there is a huge market behind her.

Zhou Yun would not give Joan Anshan a bad foot.

He doesn't deserve it.

In terms of business and qualifications, he is not worthy.

Finally, when Zhou Yun was about to enter the arena.

She walked into a sea of ​​light composed of flashing lights, and showed herself in front of the camera with a generous posture and confidence.

Whether it's waving or smiling, don't hold back, don't flinch.

This gesture is attractive.

The media photographers present were all attracted by the girl they just met in front of them.

Any photographer prefers an elf who is as natural and generous as if entering no one's land in the lens, and Zhou Yun is the kind of elf they like.


"She's arrogant, and you trust me, you won't like her."

Qiao Anshan, who was the first to enter the venue, chatted with another guest who was invited to attend.

"Really? I think she is so beautiful, and I like her very much." The other party looked unmoved.

Joan Anshan shrugged and said, "You like her because you don't know what she really looks like. When you know, you'll understand why I said that."


Qiao Anshan suddenly looked forward, he immediately left the person who was chatting and walked forward.

"Hi, Xue Qin!" Qiao Anshan walked up to Xue Qin with a smile on his face, "Long time no see! Congratulations, your first movie has achieved such a remarkable result!"

Xue Qin had stayed in the United States for a long time before, and she also knew Qiao Anshan.

She nodded to Joan Anshan and said, "It's been a long time since I saw you. Are you filming recently?"

"Well, it's still not the same. No matter how hard we try, we won't be able to play the main role here." Qiao Anshan put on a helpless look, "We are always outsiders."

Xue Qin: "I heard that you want to develop in China, how is it going?"

"I have already contacted several Chinese film and television companies, but I haven't come across a suitable project for the time being." Qiao Anshan said, "Most of the plays are clichés, and I don't want to act."

Xue Qin said: "You can chat with Zhou Yun later. She knows a lot of people in China and can get in touch with many good projects. If she recommends it for you, you can save a lot of effort."

Joan Anshan was a little embarrassed.

He was also embarrassed to tell Xue Qin that he was a little unhappy with Zhou Yun just now.

"By the way, are you planning a new play? Is there a role suitable for me?" Qiao Anshan asked proactively, "You know, I have always admired you."

Xue Qin: "I'm still watching it, but my next film should be shot here in the United States, mainly with European and American characters."

"Ah? Why did you suddenly come back to the United States to make movies?" Joan Anshan said, "I thought you would make movies with Chinese protagonists again."

Xue Qin said: "I have made two Chinese films, and I want to try English films."

Qiao Anshan said: "English films can also have Asians. Don't many English films now have Asians? The United States is a multi-ethnic country."

"But don't you want to play the leading role?" Xue Qin said, "If it's just a supporting role, there should be a lot of dramas I want to ask you to do?"

Joan Anshan said: "If it's your movie, I would also like to play a supporting role."

Xue Qin smiled.

Joan Anshan was so entangled and refused to give up, naturally because he heard some news.

"Behind the Scenes" is very likely to compete for a round of awards season and Oscar.

Although the situation is still unclear, but with the award at the Cannes Film Festival and the big producer Shi Luoqi as the chassis, "Behind the Scenes" is still very optimistic about the awards.

As long as the reputation of "Behind the Scenes" is good today, it will at least win the best foreign language film award.

Of course, this also requires the official submission of "Behind the Scenes" to this award when submitting to the Oscars.

If Xue Qin can really bring "Behind the Scenes" to a round of awards season, then Xue Qin's next new film will definitely attract attention.

Hollywood is always very interested in the emergence of talented new directors.

At this time, Zhou Yun came in.

Xue Qin finished talking with Qiao Anshan and walked towards Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun smiled at her.

Xue Qin hugged her, "I heard about what happened to you, but luckily nothing happened."

"Yes." Zhou Yun nodded, "I'm so lucky too."

Xue Qin said: "I heard that you will be filming again in October."

"Well, I can't push back the drama I took before, and I have to leave the promotion to you later." Zhou Yun said with some apologies.

Xue Qin shook her head and said, "There's nothing you can do about it. Let's see the reaction today. Maybe we won't get used to it here."

Only the director of this movie dared to say that.

However, Xue Qin's thoughts are obviously overwhelmed. The theme of the movie "Behind the Scenes" does not involve differences in cultural backgrounds, it is about a person's self-destruction and the process of rebuilding himself.

After the screening, everyone stood up and applauded for a minute.

The reviews from the media and film critics were positive.

At the party after the screening, Zhou Yun was treated very differently than before.

Everyone took the initiative to talk to her with amazed and appreciative eyes.

Especially a film critic who Zhou Yun didn't know very warmly praised Zhou Yun's brilliant performance and expected her to appear in this year's Oscars ceremony.

Zhou Yun greeted and greeted everyone, and met many people, especially some celebrities whose names Zhou Yun had heard of before.

Several high-level executives from Pimchi were present at the party.

They heard their views on "Behind the Scenes" and their appreciation of "Behind the Scenes" from everyone, and communicated their hopes for winning awards after this movie.

This information can help them make subsequent decisions.

This has nothing to do with Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun only needs to intersperse in the crowd, chat with everyone, talk about his feelings about filming this movie, and talk about the danger he encountered the night before yesterday.

These topics are enough for her to chat with everyone.

And You Jiang also showed his wit and charm tonight.

His performance in "Behind the Scenes" is equally as impressive, especially when the other three are all female leads, he is the only male actor, and his performance is skillful and amazing.

Many producers were very interested in him and exchanged contact information.

You Jiang's advantage is that he can speak English and can communicate and communicate with everyone naturally.

Putting on a formal suit, he is like the big star in the movie. In this vanity fair, he is able to show the elegance and elegance of an oriental gentleman with ease.

Be different, so impress.

When the party was about to end, Zhou Lan came to Zhou Yun's ear, couldn't hide his surprise, and said, "Everyone's response is very good, Pai Mengqi should be planning to officially start public relations for this drama."

This is great news.

For Zhou Yun, "Behind the Scenes" will be her first calling card in the American film industry.

After the party, several high-level executives of Paimonchi invited Shi Luoqi, Xue Qin, You Jiang and Zhou Yun to have dinner together.

This dinner is about what goes on behind the scenes.

Pai Mengqi expressed the hope that Zhou Yun could participate in the whole process.

Now that Zhou Yun is very famous in the United States and attracts so much attention, Pai Mengqi certainly hopes that Zhou Yun can participate in the promotional activities of the awards season.

For everyone who wants to be nominated for an Oscar, the awards season is a long marathon, and they must persist until the end to have any hope of winning.

Especially for such a non-English film.

But Zhou Yun had no way to spare time, so he could only refuse.

Zhou Yun's attitude of refusal made Paimengqi's top management somewhat dissatisfied.

Some people also hinted that if Zhou Yun participated, Pai Mengqi would go all out to help Zhou Yun win the Oscar for Best Actress.

Zhou Yun didn't mean to be indifferent, nonsense, which actor dares to say that he doesn't want to win the Oscar for Best Actress?It's just that she really can't do anything about it.

There will be "Deep Sea" and director Jiang Xin's new film to be filmed later, people have been waiting for her time, she can't skip the filming there just for the sake of publicity here.

People have been preparing for so long, and they have already set the shooting time.

If she releases pigeons, the loss will be serious.

On the way back to the hotel, the car was quiet for a while before Zhou Lan asked, "If you miss this opportunity, you don't know when the next opportunity will come. Will you regret it?"

Zhou Yun said: "I will regret it, I regret it now, but no matter how I regret it, I can only make myself regret it."

Zhou Lan sighed.

"You know, if it's another person, another actor I bring, I will never allow her to miss such an opportunity. I won't let her miss this opportunity if I break the contract temporarily. This is an Oscar. Seriously. If you do some public relations, even if you don't get nominated, your popularity in the United States will usher in a wave of soaring, but I don't know if your stubbornness has affected you in the past two years. I'm used to it, so I can't tell A word of advice."

Zhou Lan smiled.

"That's it, it's good to be down-to-earth filming."

(End of this chapter)

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