Chapter 551 Returning to China
"Behind the Scenes" gained a good reputation at the screening and was also reported by many mainstream film media in the United States.

After the screening, Zhou Yun followed up with a lot of interviews from the media, and at the same time, he also recorded two interview programs according to Paimonchi's arrangement.

After recording the second interview program, Zhou Yun is ready to return to China.

She returned to the lounge prepared for her by the TV station, opened the door and went in.

Song Chi was sitting on the sofa reading an English magazine.

Zhou Yun said: "The recording is finally over, and we can go back."

Song Chi put down the magazine, raised his head and smiled at her, and said, "Do we have to hold a celebration party when we go back?"

Zhou Yun: "Do you want to be so high-profile?"

Song Chi smiled and said, "What kind of high-profile is this? Is it normal to hold a celebration party after getting good grades?"

Zhou Yun shook his head and said, "Let's forget it, it's too eye-catching, as if I'm afraid that others won't know that "Behind the Scenes" has won good reviews in the United States."

Song Chi said: "If you don't want to do it, Sister Luo Qi and the others will do it, especially the people from the Film Association and the film department must also want to do it. Our country has been producing Chinese-language films that have been widely praised by the international community for the past few years. Ministry, they must want to promote it."

"It's their job to do it, and I can't let me do it on my own initiative." Zhou Yun picked up the bag and said, "You have asked for leave for two days, is there really no problem with the crew?"

"It's okay, I've already coordinated with them." Song Chi said, "I don't worry about you being alone in the United States."

"I'm not alone, so many people are here." Zhou Yun said, "It's been three or four days, and they haven't found Wen Keduo yet. It's really hard to catch."

Song Chi frowned when he heard this.

"It's just an ordinary person. How could you not be able to catch it for so long." Song Chi said, "The more this is the case, the more I think your previous guess may be true."

The two left the TV station and went back to the hotel.

Pack up your things and get ready to go home.

They packed their luggage, and when they went downstairs, suddenly, Bruce from Paimonchi strode towards him.

Zhou Yun looked at him in surprise, he didn't expect him to appear here.

Bruce showed a bright smile to Zhou Yun and said, "Fortunately, we caught up."

"Mr. Bruce, what's the matter with you looking for me so anxiously?" Zhou Yun asked.

Bruce nodded and said, "You're going back to China soon. I'm here to express my thanks on behalf of Paimonchi. You've worked hard on this trip, and you've made great contributions to the promotion of "Behind the Scenes."

Zhou Yun felt a little complicated when he heard Bruce say this.

Although he knew that Bruce probably didn't mean that, but to Zhou Yun's ears, Bruce's words seemed to be thanking for what happened before, which made Zhou Yun and the movie "Behind the Scenes" receive unprecedented attention.

"You have worked hard too, you have been so busy back and forth."

Bruce said: "The movie has a good reputation, and many movie theaters have changed their minds and are willing to show it. We are also planning to directly expand the scale of the show."

Zhou Yun said: "This is a good thing."

In fact, Zhou Yun guessed that Pai Mengqi didn't want to miss the popularity this time, and wanted "Behind the Scenes" to attract more people to the cinema while it was still hot.

Bruce nodded, quite excited about a happy event.

He said: "I heard that all the movies you acted in have achieved good box office results in China. It seems that this luck will continue to us in the United States this time."

Zhou Yun smiled.

"Actually, the box office of the film "Days" in the United States is not bad. It can get more than [-] million box office, which is very rare for a non-English literary film. The film and rental market are very popular, and the results of online screenings are also good, and the audience has a high reputation." Bruce said, "It's a pity now that I think about it. If we had sent Monchi to be responsible for distributing this movie, the box office would definitely be better. High."

Zhou Yun didn't answer this question.

At this time, Song Chi suddenly said, "We have to leave, otherwise the flight will not be able to catch up."

Zhou Yun nodded and said to Bruce: "Mr. Bruce, thank you for coming to see me off today, but I'm in a hurry here and have to go to the airport."

Bruce escorted them to the car before leaving.

After Zhou Yun and Song Chi got into the car, they looked at each other and smiled.

Zheng Xiaoju sat in the back and said, "Sister Xiaoyun, Sister Lan said that she is also leaving and will meet us at the airport."

Zhou Lan went to visit Di Kaiqi today and met with the other party's high-level executives in charge of film and television production.

Zhou Yun: "Let's go too."

Zheng Xiaoju hummed and said to the driver, "We can start now."

She said this to the driver in English.

It sounded a little embarrassed to speak.

Song Chi let out a sigh, and said, "Xiaoju's English is pretty good."

Zheng Xiaoju's cheeks turned red instantly, Na Na said, "No."

Zhou Yun: "The more you talk, the better. You have been studying hard during this time."

Song Chi said, "Your assistant is more diligent than mine. I asked him to learn English, but he hasn't learned it for two years."

"You have to create opportunities to let him talk more." Zhou Yun said, "Otherwise you won't be able to use it normally, so how can you learn it well?"

Song Chi: "In the past two years, my work was mainly in China, and I didn't have this opportunity."

"Don't you often have filming and work abroad? At that time, let him coordinate the overseas itinerary." Zhou Yun said, "The docking of these specific affairs is all done by small sentences."

Song Chi glanced at Zheng Xiaoju in surprise, and said, "So capable."

"That is." Zhou Yun nodded proudly.

Zheng Xiaoju blushed from the praise, and lowered her head in embarrassment.

Arrive at the airport.

Zhou Yun got out of the car, took two of his suitcases, and waited for Song Chi, Zheng Xiaoju and the others.

Suddenly someone ran up to her and asked excitedly, "Are you Zhou Yun?"

The other party was a girl who looked only fifteen or sixteen years old.

Zhou Yun smiled softly and nodded to her.

"You are more beautiful in real life than on TV!"

Zhou Yun said thank you.

The girl asked, "Did you catch the guy who entered your room?"

Zhou Yun shook his head and said, "Not yet."

A look of surprise appeared on the girl's face, "Huh?"

Zhou Yun smiled and said, "Are you flying alone?"

"No, there's my dad." The girl looked back, pointed to a man who was standing in front of him on the phone, and said, "He's over there."

Zhou Yun glanced at it.

The other party was wearing jeans, a shirt, a shoulder bag, and a suitcase at hand.

"Where are you going?"

"Back to New York," the girl said. "By the way, I haven't told you my name yet. My name is Luna."

"Luna, hello." Zhou Yun called out her name with a smile.

The girl named Luna was really useful and smiled happily.

"I'll go first." Zhou Yun said to Luna, "Bye."

Luna nodded.


Go through the check-in formalities and go through the security check.

Zhou Yun and Song Chi talked about the unhappiness they had with Qiao Anshan at the "Behind the Scenes" screening.

After Song Chi listened, he said: "Joe Anshan is such a person, but don't worry about him. His development in Hollywood is just like this. Now he is looking for opportunities in China, but now the era of foreign stars' superiority has passed. Big productions will not consider him at all, everyone must consider the domestic market, someone like him who wants to play the leading role is as high as the sky, unless he is acting in an online drama."

Zhou Yun asked: "Do you think Qiao Anshan will act in a web drama?"

"If he doesn't have any movies to make in Hollywood, he will probably act. Now, I guess he thinks online dramas are too low." Song Chi said.

Zhou Yun and Song Chi were talking.

Zhou Lan is here.

She rushed over in a hurry, her eyes were as bright as a light bulb turned on, and the joy and excitement of "I brought good news" were written all over her face.

Seeing this, Zhou Yun asked, "Sister Lan, do you have any good news to tell us today?"

Zhou Lan said: "Di Cage wants to make a TV series with ancient Chinese themes, and he is secretly casting actors. I went to communicate with them today, and they gave me the letter. I know you may not like it, but they I plan to select a new lineup, I gave them the information of Huang Zicheng and Lu Zhongting, and they expressed their willingness to give them a chance to audition."

Zhou Yun was a little surprised.

"The new lineup? The protagonist?"

Zhou Lan nodded and said, "Yes, the specific subject matter and project are still in the confidential stage."

"Then why are they willing to tell you?" Zhou Yun asked curiously.

Zhou Lan said proudly, "Because I came to visit under the banner of the artist director of the largest actor management company in China."

Zhou Yun showed surprise.

She really didn't know about it.

Zhou Lan said: "They were going to choose actors in the first place, and they couldn't avoid people like us. Of course, I wanted to get the moon first."

Zhou Yun laughed.

"That's bad."

"Ah? What's wrong?" Zhou Lan asked.

Zhou Yun smiled and said, "Because Song Chi knows the news now, isn't his company also signed an actor?"

Song Chi smiled.

Zhou Lan suddenly reacted, his eyes widened, "Wait, Brother Chi, you can't be so unkind!"

Song Chi said: "Whoever sees it has a share, let's compete in a healthy way."

Zhou Lan suddenly sighed.

Suddenly, at this time, the girl named Luna whom Zhou Yun had just met outside the airport also walked into the VIP lounge.

"Zhou Yun!" Luna also had sharp eyes, saw Zhou Yun at a glance, and shouted with a surprised expression.

Zhou Yun greeted her: "Hey, we met again, what a coincidence."

Luna said happily: "Are you going back to China? We are going to China too."

Zhou Yun nodded, a little surprised, "Are you going to China? Welcome."

Luna was as excited as a bird just released from its cage.

"Luna, don't disturb others." At this moment, a tall man behind her spoke.

This is her father.

Zhou Yun saw it just now.

"It's okay." Zhou Yun said with a smile.

The other party nodded slightly to Zhou Yun and smiled.

The other party took Luna to sit on the other side.

However, something even more coincidental happened.

Their seats were all next to each other.

Luna sat right in front of her.

Zhou Lan whispered in Zhou Yun's ear: "This father and daughter look very ordinary, they are quite rich."

Zhou Yun rolled his eyelids at her with a smile, and said, "Don't worry about it."

"I don't know what they are going to China for."

"That's their business too." Zhou Yun didn't like to inquire about other people's affairs.

Another long flight.

Zhou Yun was halfway through reading and felt sleepy, so he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

When he woke up, he saw Song Chi watching a movie.

The light was dim, and his facial features were constantly changing under the light of the screen.

very handsome.

Zhou Yun looked at it carefully for a while, but Song Chi didn't notice the whole process.

Although she said "you don't have to do this", the moment she saw Song Chi really appear in front of her, the moment of emotion and elation in her heart could not be deceived.

Back home, the plane landed.

Song Chi was about to say goodbye to Zhou Yun at the airport.

He wanted to rush directly to the set and transfer directly at the airport.

Zhou Yun hugged Song Chi, and said, "Take a good rest after you go back. You must not have had a good rest on the plane."

"Yeah." Song Chi nodded, he held Zhou Yun in his arms, and the two looked at each other, "You should also take a good rest after you go back, you understand?"

"I will."

Zhou Yun laughed.

After parting from Song Chi, Zhou Yun, Zhou Lan, and Zheng Xiaoju walked out of the airport with their things.

Cao Jun drove over, picked them up, and sent them home.

"Tomorrow, I have an appointment with director Jiang Xin. I want to talk to him about the upcoming filming and try on makeup." Zhou Lan said, "I arranged the time for ten o'clock in the morning, is that okay?"

"En." Zhou Yun nodded, "Sister Lan, help me prepare a gift for Director Jiang and his wife, and I will bring it there tomorrow."

Zhou Lan said yes.

Zhou Yun added: "Everyone has worked hard, this trip to the United States is exhausting."

Zhou Lan: "But I have gained a lot. I have to go to Lu Zhongting and Huang Zicheng quickly and explain to them clearly that this opportunity must be seized."

Zhou Yun couldn't help smiling.

"Sister Lan, take it easy, don't make them more nervous."

"Then I will pay attention."

Zhou Yun was the first to get out of the car.

Zheng Xiaoju and Cao Jun helped carry her luggage upstairs before leaving.

Zhou Yun didn't want to organize things for a while, so he put the suitcase aside, lay down on the sofa, and took a rest for a while.

The phone rang.

Zhou Yun took it in his hand and looked at it.

It turned out to be Wei Heyun who hadn't contacted for a long time.

At the beginning, because he liked Yu Sitian, he went out of his mind to ask Zhou Yun how to pursue Yu Sitian, the eldest son of Wei. He didn't know what he was doing before. He hadn't seen anyone for a long time, but today he suddenly appeared again.

Zhou Yun answered the phone.


"Hello, where are you now?" Wei Heyun's voice came.

His tone was as familiar as if the two of them met every day, and there were no pleasantries that should have occurred since they hadn't contacted for a long time.

But Wei Heyun's attitude made Zhou Yun feel comfortable.

Zhou Yun said, "I just got home."

"Come back?" Wei Heyun's voice sounded happy all of a sudden, "It seems that my luck is good, as soon as I called you, you have already returned, are you free tonight? I treat you to dinner dinner."

"You invited me to dinner? Why did you invite me to dinner suddenly?" Zhou Yun asked suspiciously.

Wei Heyun said: "It's nothing. I just finished my work. I'm in Shanghai right now, so I'm here to ask you to meet. I haven't seen you for a long time."

Zhou Yun said: "It is possible..."

Zhou Yun was about to say that she was a little tired, and if it was another day, Wei Heyun immediately said: "Since it's possible, then it's settled. I'll send you the place later."

After Wei Heyun finished speaking, he immediately hung up the phone involuntarily.

Zhou Yun: "..."

Very speechless.

In the evening, Zhou Yun and Wei Heyun made an appointment to meet at a Sichuan restaurant.

Although it is a Sichuan restaurant, it is not the kind of restaurant with a lot of people.

Wei Heyun didn't know where to find such a place, but there was no lobby, all were private rooms.

Zhou Yun entered the box, and Wei Heyun sat in it alone.

"You're finally here." Wei Heyun thought Zhou Yun was late, "Sit down. The food can be served."

The last sentence is to the waiter.

"Okay, sir."

When the dishes were ready, Zhou Yun said, "You order so many dishes, can you finish them?"

"It's okay, if you can't finish eating, you can pack it and take it home." Wei Heyun said.

"..." Zhou Yun rolled his eyes at him very speechlessly.

(End of this chapter)

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