Chapter 552
Long time no see, Wei Heyun is still the same virtue as before.

Zhou Yun asked curiously, "What were you busy with a while ago?"

Wei Heyun said: "I made two online dramas, oh, I'm exhausted, I really didn't expect to do so much shit in one drama, damn it, especially when I met some idiots, I was so angry for a while Can't sleep well."

Zhou Yun smiled.

Wei Heyun said: "I really don't know if I don't do this thing. Only after I do it, I understand why everyone is so hostile towards your actors. Some people really don't have any skills. Not doing business, asking for leave for a while, being late for a while, not doing a good job on the set, and even answering the phone in the middle of filming, I really wanted to slap him at that time."

Zhou Yun asked: "The project you made, there are still people who dare to do it like this."

She originally thought that with Wei Heyun's identity and background, no one would dare to make mistakes.

But Wei Heyun said: "Don't mention it, everyone pretended to be good in front of me. As soon as I left, they immediately started to act like monsters, especially a group of people. They have a face, no culture, and a stupid brain."

When Zhou Yun heard Wei Heyun speak so seriously, he couldn't help being puzzled, and asked, "What kind of crew did you meet? Where did you find the actors?"

Wei Heyun: "I found it from various brokerage companies. You really can't believe it. A group of students who just graduated and don't know anything. Their eyes are higher than the sky, and their hearts are much higher than yours. They can't look down on this. I also think it's unprofessional, all in all, the crew is too low, not worthy of a future star like them."

Zhou Yun couldn't help laughing.

"You're still laughing!" Wei Heyun glared at Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun said: "The situations you mentioned are actually rare now, and I don't know why you have encountered so many strange things. Nowadays, most newcomers are very serious and hardworking, especially those who have just graduated from college. Those who come out of colleges, if they don’t become famous, they may be high-spirited, but they are definitely not unprofessional, I deeply suspect that you have found a very unreliable casting team, and the selected ones are all idiots.”

Wei Heyun fell into deep thought, and began to consider the possibility of what Zhou Yun said.

Could it be that he was really deceived?
Zhou Yun said: "Nowadays, if a crew is unreliable, they often rely on these things to get kickbacks. If they want to be on the show, they must first pay someone. After receiving the money, they can do things easily. If they don't pay money, their acting skills are good." Don’t care, the result is a group of water bags.”

Wei Heyun was dumbfounded.

"Fuck, you can still play tricks like this."

"Yeah, the casting director is like this, and there are other things, such as art, costumes, etc., shoddy, fake accounts, fooling around, saying that there is only such a small budget, and only so many things can be produced. Then they get their own pockets, it’s none of their business how well the show does, no matter how good the show is, they won’t get any benefits, of course they get what they can get first.”

Wei Heyun shook his head and sighed, "Anyway, I suffered a lot this time."

"It's fine if you don't lose money."

"A loss is not a loss." Wei Heyun said, "All the tricks have been sold."

"That's pretty lucky." Zhou Yun said, "This industry, especially online dramas, if you don't control the cost well, it will basically be a loss-making business."

"For a layman to see the excitement, they want to come in and get a share of the action, but if they just get in, they'll basically end up in ashes."

Wei Heyun felt helpless.

Zhou Yun said again: "However, if you suffer once, you will gain wisdom. These losses you have suffered will not be suffered again in the future."

Wei Heyun said: "I won't be too lazy to do this in the future. I only make so little money after spending so much effort."

Zhou Yun thought about it. For the film and television producers, it is possible that a web drama does not make much money.

With the same energy, with Wei Heyun's background and connections, he can earn more by doing individual things.

Zhou Yun said: "Why do you have to do a project yourself? You can use your advantages to make a deal more smoothly."


"Where are your advantages? Do you know?" Zhou Yun asked.

Wei Heyun thought for a while, and said seriously: "Because many people in my family are in the management department of this industry?"

"This is the source and the core reason. In fact, because of this, you have a more important advantage." Zhou Yun said, "You can see the stars that others can't see, and they have to give you the face." , the boss of the film and television company that others can’t see, you can sit and eat with others, this face film and television company boss also has to give you, you can get through the joints that others can’t get through on the government side, because you have the backing of your family , your identity is your greatest weapon. I am not saying that you should always do things with this identity, but if you can make good use of your advantages, you can actually accomplish more things and accumulate more belongings that belong to you. contacts and experience, until one day, your experience is rich enough, your ability is enough for you to save a project by yourself, at that time, you can fight alone even if you don’t rely on your family.”

Wei Heyun: "It sounds very troublesome."

"You are already luckier than many people. Do you know what it takes for a person to become a producer and manage a project under normal circumstances?" Zhou Yun said, "You start as soon as you get started Nine out of ten of those who work as producers and projects are doomed to failure. Many of them can’t even finish filming, and then find that the budget has been exhausted. They invested [-] million yuan. If you don’t give this five million, well, the first ten million is doomed to nothing, then you can only invest another five million to prevent the previous ten million from being spent. It’s a waste of time, five million was invested, and it didn’t take long to tell you that the five million has been used up, and it takes eight million to finish the show. At this time, do you want to add more? No more, the previous [-] Ten thousand is gone. Many times, at the beginning, you think that a project can be completed with only ten million. In the end, in order to keep this ten million, you invest another ten million in it. In the end, the project only earns one Fifteen million, you still lost five million, but pay attention, only you lost this money, and all other people who participated in this project have made money."

Wei Heyun: "I have experienced this before, and then I taught a few rampant ones a lesson, and the others also subsided."

Zhou Yun nodded: "There is no way, there will be such moths in any industry."

"Well, to put it bluntly, the film and television industry is no different from other industries, there are all kinds of people." Wei Heyun said with emotion.

The two chatted very speculatively.

Zhou Yun didn't expect that one day he would have such a lively chat with Wei Heyun about the film and television business.

"Then you don't plan to do it again?" Zhou Yun asked.

Wei Heyun thought for a while, and said: "Let me take a break first, I even opened a company for this, and now I am still sending the company to people. If I don't do it, I don't want to part with it. I'm angry, but what will happen next?" Do it, I really didn't think about it."

"The two dramas you are working on now are low-cost online dramas. It is better to continue to explore in this area. In fact, the risks of online dramas are relatively small now, and there are fewer people who follow them, so the difficulty of going online is much lower." Zhou Yun Said, "I only found out after communicating with Song Chi. It turns out that many online dramas whose names I have never even heard of are actually so profitable."

Wei Heyun: "This time I learned a lesson, if I do it in the future, I have to do it well."

"Of course." Zhou Yun nodded and said.

Wei Heyun suddenly remembered something and said, "By the way, are you going to film "Deep Sea" soon?"

"Yeah, what's the matter?" Zhou Yun didn't expect Wei Heyun to pay attention to what was filmed behind her.

Wei Heyun said: "I heard that your drama is trying to be broadcast simultaneously on Taiwan and the Internet, but there is a problem with going to the stars."

"Is it because of the subject matter?" Zhou Yun said, "But the subject matter is indeed a bit sensitive."

Wei Heyun nodded and said: "If you want to broadcast this kind of suspenseful themes on the TV station, the review will indeed be stricter. The people from Yue Hai even found my mother, and they want to ask her to help lead the line. Let the play go through trial."

Zhou Yun shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't care if I get a star or not. To be honest, it doesn't have that much impact on a TV series now. Pure webcasts can be a big hit, as long as this one The quality of the drama is hard enough, and the topic is high enough."

"Aren't many actors now taking star dramas as some kind of qualifications for themselves?"

"Those are people who have nothing else to brag about and just hold stardom as their sword. You can ask any actor, which one would they like to play, a big hit online drama or a TV drama without splash. "Zhou Yun said, "We are not fools, Shangxing can give you food."

Wei Heyun was overjoyed, "The Internet video platform should invite you to give a lecture to all the actors and scold those who pretend to be asleep."

"There's nothing to scold, I wish there would be more people with such ideas and fewer people to compete with those who really want to act." Zhou Yun said.

Wei Heyun nodded.

"As for me, I was not interested in film and television production at first, but seeing that you and Yu Sitian both like filming so much, I started to want to study it. I have studied it hard. How should I put it, I I really don’t have that sense of aesthetics about this thing, what’s good and what’s not, I don’t have that sense of judgment, the director is confused, the filming is a mess, I can’t see it, and at the end of the film, I’m blind.” Wei Heyun Said, "Actually, I can go to the TV station to talk more and contract their self-produced dramas. This can give full play to my advantages. It is much more convenient for me to go through the trial. You are right, but I am like this. People from the TV station may not appreciate my qualifications. Even if they do, they will definitely arrange two people for me to be co-producers with me. They will definitely not dare to hand over a project to me independently. But my temper is like that, and I am not happy to let others come to grab things from me and interfere with my actions. This is where the contradiction lies. If I can't lower my head, I just have a bad temper."

Zhou Yun: "You also know that you have a bad temper, and you still don't change it."

"Why do you want to change?" Wei Heyun said, "Even if I have a bad temper now, I can live a good life. Doesn't it affect your friendship with me?"


"I know, you must be scolding me in your heart, this shameless person who is talking nonsense with his family background."

"Then I really didn't scold you like that." Zhou Yun said, "I don't think it's a shameful thing to use my contacts and family background to accomplish something. I just can't accept that someone takes advantage of me. connections and family backgrounds to achieve their own goals by encroaching on the rights and interests of others.”

Wei Heyun let out a heck of joy.

"I said, why do I like talking to you so much?"

Zhou Yun gave him a white look.

"Do you still like Yu Sitian now?"

"I don't like it as much as before." Wei Heyun said suddenly.

"It's strange, why don't you like it so much all of a sudden? Didn't you like it to death before?" Zhou Yun joked.

Wei Heyun hesitated for a moment, and said: "I don't know what to say, let's put it this way, at first she heard that I was going to make a movie, and she contacted me every few days, just asking me what I was going to do. Is there an appointment for the heroine, but when the news came out that I was filming a low-budget online drama, she disappeared immediately, as if I was afraid that I would ask her to play the heroine. Of course, I know why she would do this , but I just feel uneasy, in fact, if you put the same thing on you, you can't act, but you certainly won't disappear suddenly."

Zhou Yun nodded: "I will reject you directly and tell you that you think well."

Wei Heyun smiled.

"Of course, if the script of the low-budget web drama you got me is really good, then I'm willing to act." Zhou Yun said, "Many low-budget web dramas turn out to be classics."

Wei Heyun: "Stop it, I don't have that ability."

Two people have a chat.

After dinner, leave the restaurant.

"Did you drive?" Wei Heyun asked.

Zhou Yun said: "I came by car, but I drank some alcohol and couldn't drive by myself. I have already called someone and they will come to pick me up."

Wei Heyun said: "I also have to find a substitute driver, oh, it was a pleasure chatting with you today."

"Of course, I don't even look at who I am." Zhou Yun smiled, thought for a while, and then said, "Wei Heyun, actually, if you think about it seriously, if you still want to continue doing this, You might as well chat with me and Song Chi more, although we can only communicate with you from the perspective of an actor, but in many cases, choose a path, walk a path, if you have a real companion by your side, this path You can walk more firmly. I think about it now. In the past two years, I have become more and more devoted to the film and television industry, and I have become more and more inseparable from it. To a large extent, it is because I have met many like-minded people. I think Seeing their love for this industry, their love, respect and dedication to acting, their attitude and spirit will infect me, and don't always think that low-cost online dramas are bad dramas. I choose scripts and never watch their investment. Big or small, good is good, bad is bad, one million can make a classic, one billion can make a bad movie, such examples abound in history, there must be many actors like me .”

Wei Heyun nodded, raised his right hand, clenched it into a fist, and touched Zhou Yun's shoulder.

"Let's talk later, I'm going to bed first."

It can be seen that Wei Heyun's mood has become much more comfortable and cheerful, and the unhappiness that was pent up in his heart before has disappeared a lot.

Suddenly, at this moment, Zhou Yun heard a scream.

"what are you doing--"

It was the scream of a young girl.

Zhou Yun turned his head to look.

Not far ahead, a blond girl was struggling while being grabbed by a man's arm.

Zhou Yun found out that the blonde girl was Luna whom she knew when she came back from America.

She said to Wei Heyun: "I need your help, I know this girl!"

The moment Zhou Yun opened his mouth, Wei Heyun stepped on her words and rushed over, startling Zhou Yun.

Wei Heyun rushed to the front, grabbed the man holding the girl's hand with one hand, held it tightly, and glared at him: "What are you doing!"

The man with obviously red cheeks on both sides, obviously drunk too much, frowned, glared at Wei Heyun, who was more fierce than him, and scolded: "Who the hell are you! What do you care about me? Let me tell you, stinky Boy, stop meddling in my business, if you don't want to cause trouble, just go away!"

Wei Heyun laughed angrily.

He scolded and said, "You're a rascal, you're coming in front of your master, it's crazy enough!"

He turned around and asked Luna, "Do you know this person?"

He spoke Chinese, which Luna couldn't understand at all.

She only looked at the man who suddenly rushed out to save her in horror, as if grabbing a life-saving straw.

"Help me!" She said "Help me..."

Wei Heyun understood.

With the other hand, he directly punched the man who was too drunk, and the man was punched, and the strength in his hand was exhausted.

Zhou Yun quickly grabbed Luna and pulled her to his side.

"Luna, are you alright? Is there any injury?"

When Luna turned her head and saw Zhou Yun, she was shocked.

"Zhou Yun!" Luna stared, surprised and delighted, and at the same time seemed relieved, "I, I was not injured, but just now that man rushed out to stop me, didn't prepare for me, and told me He said a lot of words that I didn't understand, I was very scared and wanted to leave, but he dragged me and refused to let me go..."

Zhou Yun nodded, pulled Luna to hide behind him, and said, "It's okay, don't worry, he can't hurt you."

Over there, Wei Heyun had already started fighting with that man.

Although it was said to be hands-on, the scene was almost Wei Heyun unilaterally teaching the man.

Seeing that it was almost done, Zhou Yun called to stop Wei Heyun, and said, "Forget it, don't really hurt him!"

It will be troublesome if it is corrupted.

Wei Heyun viciously punched the man in the stomach again, causing the man to groan in pain, and was still cursing: "Grandson, wait, see if I don't call someone over..."

Wei Heyun spat on his face and got up.

He said to Zhou Yun, "Let's go."

When he met Luna and this incident, Zhou Yun couldn't go home directly for a while.

She and Wei Heyun took Luna to a nearby cafe and sat down.

Zhou Yun first took Luna to the bathroom to clean up.

"Where's your father?" Zhou Yun asked.

Luna shook her head and said, "He's been working all the time. I wanted to go out for a walk by myself. I didn't expect to encounter such a thing."

She was so wronged that her eyes were still red.

Zhou Yun took Luna's hand back outside, sat down, and said, "Fortunately, nothing serious happened, otherwise you would have met such a drunk man, and the consequences would have been disastrous."

Luna suddenly raised her eyes secretly, and glanced at Wei Heyun.

The little girl's cheeks were slightly red.

When Zhou Yun saw it, his heart skipped a beat.

Too bad, could it be that Wei Heyun's heroic act of saving the beauty just now entered the little girl's heart?
Zhou Yun thought so, Wei Heyun suddenly said: "You should contact your father, this kind of thing happened, no matter how busy you are at work, you have to come here."

Luna shook her head and said, "He's too busy, I don't want to disturb him."

Wei Heyun frowned suspiciously: "No matter how busy you are, if your daughter encounters such a thing, you have to accompany her, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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