I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 553 Depressed Love

Chapter 553 Depressed Love
But no matter what Wei Heyun said, Luna refused to contact her father.

"Can't you stay with me?" Luna asked.

When Zhou Yun heard Luna's question, the alarm bell in his heart rang even louder.

Seeing Luna's expression, the girl's eyes were all on Wei Heyun.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Yun could no longer tell himself that it was her illusion before, and she was thinking too much.

"Luna, we can't stay here with you all night, you should contact your father to pick you up." Zhou Yun said.

Luna showed pleading eyes and said, "Sister, why don't you stay with me."

Zhou Yun couldn't help sighing.

Wei Heyun glanced at the time and said: "It's getting late, how about this, you tell us where you live, and we will send you back."

Zhou Yun nodded, "That's fine."

Seeing that the two of them had no intention of letting go, Luna had no choice but to agree first.

Luna's ability to adjust is very strong. After a while, she couldn't tell what she had just experienced, and she became lively and cheerful again.

She has been actively and curiously talking to Wei Heyun and Zhou Yun.

"What's your name? My name is Luna." Luna took the initiative to ask Wei Heyun, "Do you have a girlfriend?"

Wei Heyun gave the little girl a sideways look, and said directly: "First, I don't fall in love with minors, and second, I don't fall in love with foreigners."

His spoken English is surprisingly good.This surprised Zhou Yun a little.She thought Wei Heyun was an idiot everywhere.

Luna was immediately depressed.

She lowered her head, sighed, and said, "Well, I wanted to ask you if you could be my boyfriend."

Wei Heyun let out a sigh, and said in Chinese, "What a terrifying dream!"

Luna blinked suspiciously and asked, "What are you talking about? I don't understand."

Wei Heyun smiled soullessly and said, "I say, NO."

Luna: "..."

Zhou Yun gave Wei Heyun a white look, and said, "Take care of your attitude towards the little girl, why are you so irritable?"

Wei Heyun said: "It's not violent, it's just telling the truth, let her not have unrealistic fantasies."

Zhou Yun: "I can see how much you have gone too far."

Wei Heyun said: "Don't say I'm too much, how did you meet her?"

Zhou Yun simply explained to him.

Wei Heyun asked in shock: "Is it just a one-sided relationship? That's it?"

Zhou Yun said: "Isn't meeting once enough? I really like her, she's so passionate."

Wei Heyun laughed twice, "There are never many enthusiastic fans around you. If you need enthusiasm, they can sing you one night in Beijing one by one."

Zhou Yun: "Shut up for me."

Seeing that they had been speaking Chinese, Luna understood some of the English words in between. She was a little anxious and asked, "Can you speak English? I can't even understand what you are talking about."

Only then did Zhou Yun switch to English again: "What are you and your father coming to China for?"

"My father came to work, so I came with him. I always wanted to come to China to have fun. This time, I pestered him for a long time before he agreed, so I must not tell him what happened to me." Luna Said, "Otherwise, he will never take me out again in the future."

When Zhou Yun heard this, she thought to herself, it turned out that it was because of this reason that she refused to call her father over.

She said: "But you should also pay attention to yourself. If you are alone outside, if you encounter such a drunk person, you must stay away."

"I see." Luna said a little dejectedly.

She glanced at Wei Heyun, seeing that the latter's attention was not on her at all, and his expression was even more depressed.

(End of this chapter)

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