Chapter 554
Zhou Yun and Wei Heyun sent Luna to the hotel where she was staying.

Luna stood at the door of the hotel, refusing to go in for a long time.

She said: "I'm bored by myself, why don't you stay with me."

"You are so courageous, we only met you a few times? You dare to drag us to accompany you, are you not afraid that we are bad people?" Wei Heyun threatened.

"How come, I know Zhou Yun, she is a big star." Luna replied carelessly, "Besides, didn't you save me just now? Why are you bad guys?"

Listening to the conversation between the two, Zhou Yun felt particularly disillusioned and didn't know what to say.

She said to Luna: "Luna, although I can understand that you are bored alone, we all have our own things to do, and it is impossible to be with you all the time."

Luna asked aggrievedly, "Isn't it okay for thirty minutes?"

"No." Wei Heyun said directly, "Now I suggest you go up quickly, close the doors and windows, and wait for your father to come back."

Luna: "Then can I have your phone number?"

She looked at Wei Heyun, full of expectation.

Wei Heyun shook his head: "No."

"..." Luna reluctantly entered the hotel.

After Zhou Yun and Wei Heyun watched her enter the hotel, they each breathed a sigh of relief.

"Let's go." Zhou Yun said to Wei Heyun.

Suddenly, Zhou Yun caught a flash of light from the corner of his eye.

Like a flash when taking a photo.

Zhou Yun glanced in that direction, but saw nothing.

She wondered for a moment.

"It should have been photographed by the paparazzi just now." Zhou Yun said to Wei Heyun, "It is very likely that there will be a scandal."

Wei Heyun laughed twice and said, "Don't worry about them."

Zhou Yun said: "If Yu Sitian finds out, it won't be good."

Wei Heyun said, "Don't worry about her."

Hearing these three words, Zhou Yun realized that Wei Heyun had really lost all his thoughts on Sitian.

I used to like it so much, but now I just let it go.

Zhou Yun felt a little emotional for a while.

She thought about it, and felt that she still couldn't sit still.

She said, "Do you mind if I post a Weibo?"

Wei Heyun shrugged his shoulders and said, "What do you mind?"

Zhou Yun said: "The main reason is that people may be very curious about who you are."

Wei Heyun said: "Anyway, the paparazzi are out, so they won't be curious about who I am?"

Zhou Yun said: "Most people in the media still know you."

After all, when Wei Heyun pursued Yu Sitian before, the disturbance was quite vigorous.

Wei Heyun said: "Then it doesn't matter, anyway, I know who I am, so what's wrong with me?"

"I misunderstood that you liked me and pursued me."

"Haha." Wei Heyun said blankly, "I'm not that kind of person."

Zhou Yun said, "Others will think so."

"Then let others think it's going." Wei Heyun said, "Aren't there still many people who firmly believe that there is no pure friendship between men and women in this world?"

"That depends on how you define purity." Zhou Yun said, "I have reservations about this matter."


"I've always believed that almost all the men who try to approach me without other interests are attracted by my beauty."

"You're narcissistic enough."

"Aren't I pretty?"

"The same beautiful skin can't match the ever-changing and diverse aesthetics."

"I didn't expect that one day I could hear such words from your mouth."

Wei Heyun heheed twice.

The two exchanged a few words, and then they broke up.

Cao Jun came to pick up Zhou Yun and sent her back to the apartment.

When we arrived at the apartment, Zhou Yun talked to Zhou Lan and posted a Weibo, saying: In the past two days, some marketing account will post some news about my secret date with a mysterious man. After thinking about it, let me clarify first. I just had dinner tonight with a good friend of mine, not some mystery man, don't be misled, good night.

Zhou Yun's Weibo had thousands of comments in just a few minutes, all of them were "Okay, Miss Xiaoyun".

I don't know what's going on recently, fans have started calling her Miss Xiaoyun along with Zheng Xiaoju.

This incident also originated from the previous Lianmai. Zheng Xiaoju didn't know that she was in Lianmai. She had something to do with her. The loud "Sister Xiaoyun" was heard by tens of millions of people. The name spread and was widely spread. .

Zhou Yun smiled.

Everyone responded positively to her Weibo, which made her feel relieved.

(End of this chapter)

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