I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 555 Another scandal

Chapter 555 Another scandal
Wen Lanlan woke up very early the next day.

Since giving birth to her daughter, she has gotten up early every morning.

There are a lot of things to do, and if you want to arrive at work at a normal time and go to work normally, you have to get up early and get everything done.

She is used to listening to the news while being busy.

She has followed several official accounts, and usually listens to these contents in voice playback mode.

This morning, Wen Lanlan heard a familiar name, Zhou Yun.

She was not surprised to hear Zhou Yun's name.

As a fashion editor of a fashion magazine, Wen Lanlan pays a lot of attention to the entertainment industry.

In the past few years, the most popular female star, Zhou Yun, was ranked second, and no one was ranked first.

In several key dimensions, Zhou Yun is too good at fighting, and no one can match him.

Wen Lanlan's personal relationship with Zhou Yun is also very good.

Zhou Yun gave her the opportunity to interview several times.

For a fashion editor like her, a big star like Zhou Yun is a very powerful network capital.

In many things, she can handle things that others cannot handle.

Wen Lanlan originally thought that today's news was just a boring gossip. She knew Zhou Yun's character, and she thought she knew her personality. .

But the content of the news made Wen Lanlan stunned for a moment.

Because... a little too fresh.

Zhou Yun posted a Weibo last night, declaring that he had dinner with a male friend and was photographed by the paparazzi, so he took the initiative to reveal the incident.

The author who wrote this tweet said: "Zhou Yun's behavior style is quite unique in the entertainment industry. We rarely see Zhou Yun using that kind of official language and clichés, saying something that is very correct but has no soul. If so, this Weibo post she posted last night is even more so. Many celebrities will be photographed by paparazzi. Everyone's reaction should be generous, laugh it off, or get upset, and directly change their faces and swear, and even directly spray on the Internet and Weibo. It’s not impossible, but Zhou Yun adopted a method that few people have done. She treated the matter of being photographed by the paparazzi with an indifferent and free and easy attitude, and even said openly that she would rather let the paparazzi tell everyone about it. It’s better to say it yourself. This matter falls on others. In order to make the big thing small and the small thing nothing, maybe other means will be adopted to suppress this matter and let the paparazzi not report it. But in In Zhou Yun, she is open-minded and doesn’t care, and it’s okay to let everyone know. I appreciate Zhou Yun’s open-mindedness, and also appreciate Zhou Yun’s free and easy, she has the demeanor of a real female star, and her gestures are free and easy. Full of charm, unmoved by others, every word and deed makes people pay attention, yearn for, and even want to emulate."

When Wen Lanlan heard this comment, she recognized it very much.

She forwarded this tweet to Zhou Yun.

She left a message to Zhou Yun: I read a post about you this morning, it was really well written.


Zhou Yun naturally didn't get up so early.

She opened her eyes at nine o'clock, yawned a long time, unplugged the phone's charging cable, looked at the messages, and saw Wen Lanlan's among them.

Zhou Yun lay on the bed, lazily finished reading the push content, and replied to Wen Lanlan: I am not so free and easy because I praised too much. Say what they say.

Wen Lanlan: Haha, I just like the way you like to complain about yourself.

Zhou Yun: Sister Lan Lan, are you at work?

Wen Lanlan: Yes, the workers are writing articles in the cubicles.

Zhou Yun: Thank you for your hard work, where is your baby?

Wen Lanlan said: My family is taking it.

Zhou Yun: When will I go to see the baby.

Wen Lanlan: Anytime.

Zhou Yun: How about I go today?I happen to be resting at home these days.

Wen Lanlan: Can you still rest at home?I thought you were too busy to touch the ground every day.

Zhou Yun: Most of the time it is like this, but I still need to take a good rest, or I will collapse. I am usually too tired, either filming or other work, and I am always in front of the camera. I am a little tired. When looking in the mirror, there is an illusion that you are not yourself.

Wen Lanlan: Then you can’t let yourself fall into this kind of mood for a long time. You also know that many celebrities are prone to depression because of being watched by people around them for a long time, becoming more and more anxious, and the pressure in their hearts Also getting bigger and bigger.

Zhou Yun: That should not be the case. I still pay attention to this aspect.

Wen Lanlan: It's fine if you don't have one, so how about it, you come to my house tonight, and I'll cook dinner for you at home.

Zhou Yun asked: Will you disturb me?How about the weekend?
Wen Lanlan: Don't bother me tonight. I will also go to the set to shoot on weekends. I don't have to rest, the same.

Zhou Yun: That's fine, I'll go to your house at night.

After getting up from the bed, Zhou Yun went to wash up.

One morning passed, Zhou Yun stayed at home peacefully, but there was a burst of excitement on the Internet.

It turned out that the paparazzi who took pictures of Zhou Yun and Wei Heyun posted the photos on the Internet last night, and at the same time said very bluntly: Miss Zhou Yun said it was just a male friend, but I would like to ask Miss Zhou Yun, what kind of male friend is it? You need to go to the hotel for a date.

A few photos came out.

The protagonists in the photos are all Zhou Yun and Wei Heyun, and the background is the hotel gate.

These photos immediately caused a splash on the Internet.

(End of this chapter)

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