Chapter 559 Untitled
Zhou Yun has been paying attention to the movie "The Female Killer", waiting for the day it will start.

She is looking forward to working with Wen Bing again.

Especially in an action world that is so far removed from real life.

Wen Bing said: "Actually, I have seen another script now, and I like it very much."

"What script?"

Wen Bing said: "A story with a bit of fantasy color, if you want to classify it, it is more inclined to the ancient ghosts."

"The book of Xindun?"

"No, it was another film and television company that handed me the script and wanted me to be the director." Wen Bing said.

Zhou Yun thought for a while and said, "If I remember correctly, you and Xindun should have signed a contract for several years, right?"

"Yeah, according to the agreement in the contract, I will give priority to making films for Xindun, and I can't be the director of that project." Wen Bing sighed, "I just think that script is very suitable for you."

"Huh?" Zhou Yun asked, "Suitable for me?"

"Well, I told the person in charge of that company the same way." Wen Bing said, "If they hand you the script, you can read the script carefully."

"However, there is a big difference between the director's ability to shoot and the director's inability to make this kind of fantasy-themed movie." Zhou Yun said, "Ah, the few movies that have been released recently have been scolded miserably by the audience. I also watched it myself, but either the story was told inconsistently, or the production was rough, or it was purely pursuing a visual beauty, but it was soulless, and to be honest, there are too few good directors now."

Wen Bing said: "Actually, I am very happy to make this movie, but the contract binds me. However, I can participate in this movie in another way. I can help as a producer, if you need it , you know, when I saw this script, I was thinking, our Chinese culture of mythology and ghosts is extensive and profound, if I can express the world of ghosts in my heart through a story, it would be particularly attractive to me.”

"Do you have any ideas?" Zhou Yun asked, "Which director do you think is suitable for filming?"

Wen Bing said: "The person I want to talk about may surprise you when you hear it."

"Huh?" Zhou Yun asked, "Why?"

Wen Bing said: "Because the works he shot in the past were mainly serious and upright, there are very few creations full of fantasy."


"Jiang Xin."

Zhou Yun's eyes widened.

"Director Jiang?" She never thought that Wen Bing would mention Jiang Xin's name.

Wen Bing said: "I have always felt that director Jiang Xin's works have a lot of genius strokes, for example, in "Questioning the Heart", the scene where you rescue Song Chi and live with him in the small courtyard is very well done. , just such a small courtyard, as if isolated from the outside world, only the fireworks that belong to you two, that bit of truth in the world, but leisurely that seems to exceed the limit of time, there is a saying that the mountains do not know how long the years are, but the world is a hundred years Cang, when I watched your scene, I felt a kind of beauty that the years were frozen, especially the night scene, it was pitch black, there was only one fire, and the starlight above the head. Under the eaves, you were sitting alone in the courtyard In the movie, one is standing under the eaves, talking, and the filming is so beautiful, I think that if director Jiang Xin’s lens aesthetics is put into a movie, it will be very romantic if put into a monster movie.”

Surprisingly, Zhou Yun found that he understood what Wen Bing was saying very quickly.

Moreover, after Jing Wenbing said this, Zhou Yun suddenly felt that director Jiang Xin might really be suitable.

Zhou Yun thought for a while and said, "Okay, why don't you help me bridge the gap, I'll contact them, and if possible, I'll chat with Director Jiang to see if we can make this cooperation happen. "

"Yeah." Wen Bing nodded.

Zhou Yun said again: "Apart from the female killer movie for Xindun, do you want to make other movies?"

"They want me to make the second part of "One Mountain Two Tigers". Of course, the premise is that "One Mountain Two Tigers" has a good box office performance." Wen Bing said, "When Yao Yuanfeng signed me, he felt that my directorial style made this film. An action movie would be nice."

"He didn't expect you to be good at making romantic films like "Days"." Zhou Yun smiled.

"Yeah, he still wanted me to make the second part of "Days", but I refused." Wen Bing shrugged, "But he seems to be looking for someone else to make the second part of "Days". A lot of box office."

"He's a dog-tailed sequel." Zhou Yun said, "It's not like any movie can make a sequel."

"He doesn't care if he has a bad reputation, as long as he can make money anyway." Wen Bing said, "Xindun is originally a company that mainly produces movies. By the way, I heard that Yao Yuanfeng deployed overseas Quite a few, he has already started to invest in films from other countries, but he still wants to take an international route and find ways to expand international release channels, especially the media and theaters.”

Zhou Yun said: "If he can do this, it will be very beneficial to Chinese-language films."

"Yes, we now have a market, a mature team, and stable film works, but because there are no channels, we can only rely on others. Good films can only face the situation of being bought and distributed by international distributors." Wen Bing Said, "Thinking about it now, if we have a mature pipeline like Hollywood, many of our films can actually achieve more box office and greater influence."

Zhou Yun: "Yes."

"It is very important to have a mature industry line."

The two chatted for a long time before Song Chi came out.

Putting on the suit, leather shoes and tie, Song Chi became that handsome man again.

Song Chi walked up to them and greeted Wen Bing first, "Director Wen, we meet again."

Wen Bing smiled at him and said, "If I had known that you would walk the red carpet with Zhou Yun today, I wouldn't be this light bulb."

Song Chi said: "There are always opportunities to walk the red carpet with Zhou Yun, but it is rare to be able to walk the red carpet with you. Don't always think of Zhou Yun because you have a script. I am also an actor."

Wen Bing laughed loudly and said, "Are you still short of a film contract?"

Song Chi: "Believe me, I very much hope to be able to make your movie."

A few people chatted for a while, and then set off to participate in the Lingjun Award.

The Lingjun Awards made a lot of noise this year, and the red carpet was more grandiose than similar events.

Zhou Yun and the others appeared on the red carpet, and the waves of sound rushed to their faces, creating a strong illusion for them, as if they could control the wind and rain in this world.

Zhou Yun and Song Chi walked onto the red carpet hand in hand, which naturally became the scene that everyone paid the most attention to.

Fans were screaming and chanting their names.

Wen Bing specially kept a half-body distance from them, and when taking pictures, he often moved to the side to facilitate the photographers' shooting.

Zhou Yun waved to everyone, in a very good mood.

Zhou Yun felt that no matter how many times he walked on the red carpet, he would never get tired of it.

That feeling of working hard to create a work and finally ushering in its own glory.

Walking the red carpet with glory, full of confidence.

Song Chi whispered to Zhou Yun: "So many people are calling your name, I feel a little delusional, maybe all the fans who came here today are your fans."

Zhou Yun raised the corner of his mouth and gave Song Chi a shy look.

In fact, the key is because Zhou Yun's achievements in movies this year are so outstanding, not all the people present may be fans of Zhou Yun, but they must have all watched Zhou Yun's movies.

After watching the movie, most of them admitted the fact that Zhou Yun's acting skills are really outstanding.

People who love movies may not like you as a person, but if your business level reaches a certain level, you will be respected.

This is the truth that will not change anywhere.

It's like Meryl Streep, she's not a box office hit, she's definitely not a pop star, but she's a certain representative of this industry, a certain mountain peak, so anyone who does this industry When seeing her, everyone must respect her.

Zhou Yun talked and conquered everyone present by relying on his acting skills.

Walking into the venue of the awards ceremony, Zhou Yun received even more exaggerated welcome and blessings.

Of course, Zhou Yun didn't think he could win the prize this time.

The three nominations are too exaggerated. The judges will definitely take various factors into consideration when voting, especially considering that she has already won the best actress in this year's Aoki Award, so they may not be willing to give her the best actress.

But Best Supporting Actress is a bit hopeful.

This is how Zhou Yun judged.

She also thinks that her performance in "Warm Little Pony" is different from other roles she usually plays, whether it is the breakthrough of character image or the effort in shaping it.

In this venue, Zhou Yun attracted everyone's attention, and inevitably, many people asked about Paimchi's Chinese samurai movie.

"Xiao Yun, can you act in that movie?" Almost everyone will ask this question.

Zhou Yun didn't let go of smoke bombs, and said directly: "I don't know how to act, and I still have a lot of scenes to shoot."

When everyone heard what Zhou Yun said, they understood that Zhou Yun really couldn't act.

"Sister Xiaoyun." Wang Jingshi came over and held hands with Zhou Yun, "Your look is so amazing today!"

Wang Jing's eyes showed real amazement.

Zhou Yun patted Wang Jing on the back and said, "I wish you good luck tonight."

Wang Jing is still very competitive in the best newcomer award.

She showed a shy smile and said gratefully, "Thank you Miss Xiaoyun for giving me this opportunity. Without you, I wouldn't be able to stand here today."

"But don't say that." Zhou Yun said, "Your own efforts are the most important. Continue to make good movies in the future. Let's nominate more together."

Wang Jing nodded, said yes with a smile.

Zhou Yun took Wang Jing to meet many producers, directors and senior actors.

Everyone also gave Wang Jing a very kind attitude.

This is the benefit of having representative works.

Although Wang Jing was introduced by Zhou Yun, she was also nominated today. This is her confidence.

(End of this chapter)

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