Chapter 560 The only way
Chen Wenjun is also here today.

The boss of Haichi Film and Television, Liu Qingqing's ex-boyfriend, had a relationship with Xu Siyao before.

Seeing him, Zhou Yun also felt a little embarrassed.

Chen Wenjun's attitude did not show any abnormality, and he was very enthusiastic towards Zhou Yun and Wang Jing.

Not only that, Chen Wenjun seemed to look at Wang Jing differently, and actively asked her a lot of things, his posture was like a peacock with its tail spread, Zhou Yun saw it in his eyes, and felt a little disgusted.

Zhou Yun didn't want Wang Jing to be pestered by Chen Wenjun.

This Chen Wenjun is also the same, before and after, the girlfriend around him is either an actor or a model, who is related to the entertainment industry.

Zhou Yun thought to himself, there are so many actresses in Haichi Film and Television, why does Chen Wenjun like to harm others so much outside?
"I have a play here and I really want to ask Ms. Wang to act in it." Chen Wenjun said, "I wonder if Ms. Wang has a schedule later?"

Wang Jing was not suitable for chatting directly with a boss like Chen Wenjun, so he shook his head shyly and said, "I don't know, I have to ask my manager about it."

Chen Wenjun said: "Then I will send someone to communicate with your company later."

Zhou Yun didn't want the two of them to continue, so he smiled, and said, "Mr. Chen, don't put the mirror on the brazier, okay? Who doesn't know that Xu Siyao still has an unforgettable love for you now?" , you are looking for Xiao Jing to film at this time, Xiao Jing and Xu Siyao belong to the same company, when the two meet, Xiao Jing must not be hated by Xu Siyao?"

Wang Jing suddenly realized.

This mature and attractive man in front of him is not a good man from heaven, Xu Siyao has even had a relationship with him.

It's like pouring a pot of cold water directly.

Wang Jing realized that he had been a little swayed by the congratulations of the people around him these two days, and even this kind of negligence appeared.

After that, Wang Jing's conversation with Chen Wenjun was not as enthusiastic as before.

Zhou Yun was actually reminding her that if she got too close to Chen Wenjun, it would make Xu Siyao feel unhappy.

If Wang Jing really provokes Xu Siyao, Xu Siyao has nothing to do with Zhou Yun now, but it is still not difficult to deal with Wang Jing.

At this time, Zhou Yun had already forgotten that they wanted to bring Wang Jing over in the first place, in fact, it was to make Xu Siyao unhappy.

At that time, they hoped that there was someone who could create trouble for Xu Siyao so that Xu Siyao would not have the energy to deal with Zhou Yun.

Who knew that Zhou Yun's ascent was so fast that Xu Siyao couldn't catch up, let alone cause trouble.

After exchanging greetings with everyone and saying hello, the host reminded that the awards ceremony is about to begin, please sit down.

Zhou Yun's seat is in the front, and Wang Jing's seat is two rows behind, not together.

Song Chi sat on Zhou Yun's left, and Wen Bing sat on his right.The seat of the organizing committee was arranged according to Zhou Yun's wishes.

Now that he has participated in many awards ceremonies, Zhou Yun has finally calmed down and can participate with a normal heart.

The Lingjun Award is an official award. Although the stars are shining tonight, the process is still relatively serious and serious.

Zhou Yun was sitting in the first row, and cameras were pointed at her from time to time to shoot.

In this environment, Zhou Yun must always pay attention to the management of her expressions, otherwise, perhaps accidentally, the camera will capture a certain "micro-expression" of her, and the person watching the live broadcast will take a screenshot and post it on the Internet to interpret various meanings , then if you really jump into the Yellow River, you won’t be able to wash it away.

By convention, technical awards are awarded first.

These awards are not so concerned by the audience.

But for the industry, the completion of a film is inseparable from the support of various technical departments.

Zhou Yun also wants to know talented people who do different technical jobs in this industry.

The fourth award, Best Supporting Actress, will be awarded soon.

At this time, enter a period of advertisement playing time.

The field also entered the break time.

Wen Bing said with a smile: "The next award will be yours. Do you have any ideas about winning the Best Supporting Actress this time?"

Zhou Yun said: "To be honest, I haven't seen the movies of other people who were shortlisted at the same time as me, and I don't know who is better."

"You didn't watch it?" Wen Bing was a little surprised.

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "I wanted to watch many movies at the time, but I was always busy and didn't have time to watch them."

Wen Bing said: "You have indeed filmed a lot of scenes this year, and you have been on the set all the time."

"What do you think?" Zhou Yun asked, "Do you think I can win this Best Supporting Actress?"

"We have a voting system for judges. Seven or eight judges vote. Whether you can win an award depends on how well your competitors perform and whether the judges want to give you the best award. Best Actress, if they want to give you the Best Actress, I don’t think the trophy of Best Supporting Actress will be given to you.” Wen Bing said, “The same award should not combine Best Actress and Best Actress. The best supporting actress is given to the same person, unless the other nominees are too hip, it’s too bad, but this time, I basically watched the performances of the people who were nominated with you, and I have to say one thing, especially Teacher Qin Zhong in "Twilight" and Yang Xi in "The Name of the River", both of them performed very well, just like your performance in "Warm Little Pony", they are very wonderful, the three of you have fight."

"Teacher Qin Zhong has never won the Lingjun Award. I think the judges will also consider this."

Before Song Chi wanted to find Qin Zhong to act in "The Beauty", but because Mr. Qin Zhong had a sudden fracture, he missed this opportunity to cooperate.

Yang Xi is a signed actor of Xindun, an actor who debuted around the same time as Wei Ruxue. He has good acting skills and has not won any awards, but he has acted in a lot of movies, especially supporting roles. There are many, and his popularity may not be high. Tall, but she is a well-known actress in the circle who can act.

Zhou Yun said: "I can accept it whether you give it to me or not. I have worked very hard to act in this drama."

"I think you can actually slow down a little bit." Wen Bing said again, "Now you don't have to fight for numbers anymore."

"I haven't put together numbers, but since I became popular, there have been a lot of dramas that come to me, and a lot of scripts I have come into contact with. Among them, I am interested in and want to act, and I don't want to Miss them." Zhou Yun said, "However, the judges probably have a headache."

"Of course, if I were the judge of this year, I would definitely worry. I am most afraid that there will be many people who are evenly matched in this year's works, and there will be disputes about who to choose." Wen Bing smiled.

"You're still laughing, you will compete with Shi Luoqi at the best director award this time, aren't you nervous?"

"Don't be nervous, I won't win the prize anyway." Wen Bing is not optimistic about his prospects of winning the award, "I know myself, "Days" is flawed in many aspects, and its biggest advantage is that you and I are in it There are too many true emotions, but technically, there are many flaws, the best director award will not be given to me, the nomination is already the greatest affirmation."

At this time, someone came to look for Song Chi.

It's Chen Wenjun.

"Song Chi, are you filming "Inaction" recently?" He asked.

Song Chi stood up, shook hands with him, nodded, and said, "We're still shooting."

"Is there a schedule from June to August next year?" Chen Wenjun said to him, "We haven't cooperated for a long time, and I happen to have a suspense-themed TV series in preparation, which is a script written by Mr. Zhiwei who wrote "Inaction". ,Are you interested?"

"The script written by Teacher Zhiwei?" Song Chi asked in surprise, "I didn't even know he wrote a TV drama script."

"I paid a lot of money to ask him to write it." Chen Wenjun said with a smile, "I know you like the script written by Teacher Zhiwei very much, so I came here to ask you, do you want to work together again?"

Song Chi and Chen Wenjun lowered their voices and chatted for a while.

Because Zhou Yun was somewhat resistant to Chen Wenjun, he ignored it and chatted with another actress sitting next to him.

This actress is called Tu Lu, and she was invited to be an award presenter today. She won the Best Actress shortly after her debut, and although she never won another important award, she never left the entertainment circle.

Tu Lu took her to take a selfie.

"I've wanted to know you for a long time, and today I finally have the chance." Tu Lu is about ten years older than Zhou Yun, and he is in the prime of life, and there is no difference from the appearance. In the entertainment industry, people in their twenties The appearance and the appearance of the thirties, with makeup on, there is basically no difference.

Tu Lu said: "I heard that Pai Mengqi is contacting Yin Linglin for the Chinese warrior movie. Don't you plan to fight for it? If I were five years younger, I would definitely not miss this opportunity."

"The main reason is that I have already taken on a lot of dramas, and the schedule is completely out of schedule." Zhou Yun said, "However, Sister Tu Lu, why do you want to fight for it when you are five years younger? You are so young, there is no problem at all, right?"

Tu Lu sighed with a smile, and said, "I still have self-knowledge, and I don't intend to compete with young girls like you for acting as girls."

"Sister Tu Lu, I think you can meet the people of Pimchi. Such a large production must not only have a main female role. This is a good opportunity. If your schedule is suitable, it is not bad to participate." Zhou Yun persuaded.

Tu Lu's current situation is a bit precarious.With the title of a movie queen, her acting skills are not bad, but after winning the award, she hasn't had any good works for many years. People didn't say that her acting skills have deteriorated or failed, but her reputation is indeed on the decline. The audience Don't pay much attention to her.When mentioning her, I only know that she is the actress, but I don't really pay attention to a work because of her.

Many young people don't know her anymore.

If Tu Lu can participate in the Chinese warrior movie, it will be a good opportunity for her to show her face.

Zhou Yun didn't know how Tu Lu would choose in the end, she just made a suggestion.

Halftime is over soon.

The moderator reminds everyone to return to their seats.

Song Chi is also back.

Zhou Yun asked Song Chi in a low voice, "What did Chen Wenjun ask you for?"

Song Chi said: "He has a script written by Teacher Zhiwei in his hand, and he wants to ask me to star in this play."

"Teacher Fingerwei? Isn't that the screenwriter of the "Inaction" you are filming now?" Of course Zhou Yun heard Song Chi say how much he admired and liked the script written by this teacher.

Now the film and television industry really lacks good screenwriters.

Song Chi nodded and said, "That's why I'm a little moved."

"Still suspenseful?" Zhou Yun asked.

Song Chi nodded again.

At this time, the background music sounded, and the award presenter Shen Yao had already stepped onto the stage.

Although Shen Yao didn't get nominated for Best Actor for "Warm Little Pony", because of his popularity and audience popularity, the Lingjun Award still invited him.

Zhou Yun applauded him, and at the same time continued to chat with Song Chi about Mr. Finger Wei's new script.

"I guess you want to act."

"I haven't read the script yet. I told Chen Wenjun that I have to read the script before making a decision, but I know that if nothing happens, I will act."

"Yeah." Zhou Yun nodded, "I was thinking about something just now."

"What's the matter?" Song Chi asked.

At this time, Shen Yao had already started to speak.

Zhou Yun said in a low voice: "I'm thinking about the movie Merandu asked me for. If you're interested, I want to fight with Merlando to let you play the leading role."

"You don't need to do this." Song Chi said softly, "In the movie Merandu, they definitely won't find another Asian to play the male lead."

Zhou Yun: "I want to fight for it."

"There's no need to do useless work." Song Chi said, "Hollywood will not allow such a big production to have two Asians as the male and female protagonists."

Song Chi's attitude seemed firm.

Zhou Yun glanced at him.

At this time, Shen Yao was on the stage: "The winner of the Lingjun Award for Best Supporting Actress this year is—"

The audience held their breath, waiting for the result.

Zhou Yun looked at the stage happily.

Shen Yao opened the envelope, and took out the piece of paper with the result written on it.

"Teacher Qin Zhong! "Twilight"!" After Shen Yao finished speaking, the audience burst into applause.

Zhou Yun applauded very devotedly, and was the first to stand up, facing Teacher Qin Zhong's direction, congratulating her.

Qin Zhong is an old senior. In the entertainment industry, he attaches great importance to the relationship between his predecessors and his seniors.

Everyone applauded enthusiastically, congratulating Qin Zhong for winning the award.

Qin Zhong thanked the people around him with some surprise, and walked to the stage.

She passed by Zhou Yun and smiled at Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun stepped forward and hugged her.

"Congratulations!" Zhou Yun said.

Qin Zhong smiled at her.

"I'll take it this time, and it will be yours next time," she said.

Zhou Yun nodded with a smile.

Qin Zhong stepped onto the stage, received the award, stood in front of the microphone, and everyone sat down one after another.

Qin Zhong happily glanced at the trophy in his hand, and said, "I thought I would never have the chance to win the Lingjun Award in my life, but who knows, at my age, I finally got hold of it once."

There was good-natured laughter from the audience.

"I have always thought of myself as a good actor and a dedicated actor. So, for a long time, I wondered why I couldn't get the Lingjun Award. What happened to these judges? They couldn't see it. Is it my outstanding performance? I have won the Aoki Award and the Feijing Award, why don’t you give it to me?”

Qin Zhong acted out the kind of inner drama that may appear in the hearts of everyone who has not won an award.

Everyone burst into laughter.

"Fortunately, I still got it." Qin Zhong said, "Actually, this time, the actresses who were nominated together with me are all so amazing. I watched each of their movies. I just sat on the stage. When I was downloading, I was thinking, if any of them won this award, I didn’t win it, it’s normal, after all, you see, Zhou Yun, who was nominated together with me, just won the Aoki Award for Best Actress , Yang Xi, the uncrowned king recognized by everyone, and Wang Jing who just won the jury award in Cannes, and..."

Everyone listened intently.

The nominees who were named all smiled politely at Qin Zhong.

"Do you believe it? It's no wonder!" Qin Zhong suddenly changed his face and smiled to himself, "I'm not that magnanimous. I'm sitting under the stage, and there's only one voice in my heart, I want to win the prize! Finally, husband, I I finally won the Lingjun Award, hahahaha—"

Qin Zhong actually let out a hearty laugh directly on the stage.

The audience burst into laughter again.

Zhou Yun was also amused by Qin Zhong's direct attitude.

She clapped enthusiastically and let out cheers.

"Teacher Qin, it's great!" she shouted.

Qin Zhong kissed Zhou Yunfei in the audience.

The results for Best Supporting Actress are out.

The interaction between Zhou Yun and Qin Zhong quickly gained the most discussion among live viewers.

Immediately afterwards, the best sound effect award will be presented, and the best newcomer award will be presented.

Although Wang Jing was disappointed that she didn't win the Best Supporting Actress just now, she was mentally prepared. After all, she didn't have much hope of winning the award from the beginning.

But for this award, the best newcomer award, Wang Jing has a lot of voices.

This is the first time she acted in a movie, and she played a very important role in "Behind the Scenes", and this movie won the Jury Prize at the Cannes Film Festival, screen protector.

Wang Jing's heartbeat accelerated all of a sudden.

Zhou Yun was also nervous about Wang Jing.

Tu Lu is in charge of the best newcomer award.

Tu Lu walked onto the stage gracefully, told about his mental journey when he was acting for the first time as a newcomer, and then introduced the finalists for this year's Best Newcomer Award, and then.

Tu Lu opened the envelope in his hand and took out the results inside.

"The winner of this year's Lingjun Award for Best Newcomer is—"

Zhou Yun grabbed Song Chi's hand nervously.

Song Chi squeezed Zhou Yun's palm.

It just so happened that Zhou Yun also cut the live footage.

The audience burst out laughing.

——This is a real senior sister, I was not so nervous when I was waiting for the result!

The corner of Tulu's mouth curled up.

"Wang Jing, "Behind the Scenes"!"

The moment Wang Jing heard his name sounded, his expression could no longer be controlled, and he covered his face with his hands.

Zhou Yun immediately turned around to look for Wang Jing, his face full of joy and excitement.

Zhou Lan and Zheng Xiaoju who were sitting in the back row also stood up in surprise.

Sitting next to Wang Jing are other people.

The camera is aimed at Wang Jing.

Wang Jing covered his face in his seat for two seconds before standing up, blushing and ecstatically walking towards the stage.

Zhou Yun was already standing on the only way, waiting for her.

She gave Wang Jing a warm hug, and then helped Wang Jing tidy up her bangs that were messed up by covering her face just now, and told her softly: "Take control, calm down, and you can be beautiful only when you are calm."

Wang Jing smiled and nodded, but she could no longer control her joy and excitement.

"Miss Xiaoyun, thank you!"

Zhou Yun said, "Hurry up and accept the award."

She smiled and pushed Wang Jing to the stage.

(End of this chapter)

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