Chapter 562
After Wang Jing stepped down, he didn't go back to the auditorium directly, but went to the backstage media room for an interview.

Zhou Yun calmed down a little following his excited mood.

Song Chi smiled and said, "You are really more excited than the client."

Zhou Yun said: "This is also normal."

"When the best actress is awarded later, you must be more nervous than me." Zhou Yun said to Song Chi.

Song Chi smiled.

People may be like this, sometimes they care more about the things of the people they care about than their own.

Afraid of problems, afraid of disappointment, afraid of not being able to imagine.

Zhou Yun said: "However, to tell you the truth, maybe my mood will change when the award is presented, but I really don't want this award that much now. I also think it's strange that I am like this now. I will It’s not normal to think so, is it?”

She smiled helplessly at Song Chi.

"I even feel that winning an award is a burden now."

Song Chi didn't say anything to express his incomprehension.

"I know, you are too tired now."


"Everyone around you looks at you with the eyes of a movie queen, and when talking to you, they will use a different tone and posture from usual. Yes, you are a movie queen, and you are destined to be different from others. You have to Better than others." Song Chi said these words softly, "They don't think there is any problem with what they do, in fact, from an objective point of view, there is really nothing wrong with it, it's just that when the people around them When the attitude becomes like this, an invisible pressure will envelop you, surround you from all directions in life and work, and you will feel a dilemma from which there is nowhere to escape.”

Zhou Yun looked at Song Chi in surprise.

It didn't occur to her that he knew everything.

Song Chi said, "If I said, I have experienced what you are going through now, would it seem pretentious?"

Zhou Yun shook his head, "You also have a similar experience, which makes me feel better."

"Are you sick and sympathetic?"

"No, I think it's okay that I feel like this, and it's not my special feeling." Zhou Yun said, "So, you said that you have also had such an experience, I feel a kind of comfort, I am not alone .”

Song Chi kept smiling, turned his head to look at Zhou Yun, lowered his eyes, stretched out his hand, and took Zhou Yun's hand.

"In the future, if there is no one to share these feelings with, just come to me." Song Chi said, "Anyway, we are in the same profession, and you can tell me about many situations that others cannot understand."


"I've always felt that the two of us are very busy, and I'm also worried that we will slowly embark on the road of breaking up when we get together less and leave more." Song Chi said, "But so far, there is still Well, none of the things I was worried about happened."

"I have full confidence in you."

"I love you."

The two looked at each other and smiled at the same time.

Wen Bing was sitting next to the two of them. Although he didn't want to hear it (of course it was impossible), he heard the whole conversation between the two of them.

He suddenly felt that Zhou Yun and Song Chi were really suitable.

He thought of himself, of Windsor.

When two people are together and fall in love, it is always sweet at the beginning, but it is always difficult to end with the same sweetness.

After he had been with Windsor for a long time, he found that Windsor was completely different from the girl he first met.

When we first met, she was gentle, considerate, had her own little temper, and never relied on him.

He likes her like this.

But since Windsor resigned from the law firm and began to join his filming team to take charge of some coordinating work, she gradually changed.

Several people have come to him to imply that Windsor is prone to extreme personality, and some eyes are high above the top, so it is very difficult to cooperate. If there is a disagreement, they will ask whether the other party looks down on her.

At first, Wen Bing felt that Windsor had low face and strong self-esteem, so she was a little sensitive when she started doing jobs she was not familiar with.

However, this situation did not decrease as Windsor became more familiar with the work, but intensified.Windsor became more and more dissatisfied with the little things she managed, and stretched her hands to more areas that did not belong to her.Because of her relationship with him, the other people in charge couldn't refute her directly, but the contradictions became more and more serious.

During this period of time, Wen Bing and Windsor had quarreled several times over these things, and this relationship brought him more and more pain.

Wen Bing has already begun to regret why he asked her to leave the law firm and work by his side.

At the beginning, he wanted to let her have access to a job with more room for advancement, but who knew, it caused him so much trouble.

That's why the conversation between Song Chi and Zhou Yun moved him so much.

For those who are compatible, the topic will be consistent, and the spirit will be mutual sympathy.

For those who are not compatible, the sweet relationship will only turn into a mess in life, and even quarrels will make you feel tired.

Wen Bing was a little envious of them.

(End of this chapter)

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